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Beautiful India

It is not to troll, I feel sorry if you think so rather it is aimed at highlighting an issue that must be solved if Hinduism has to exist as a religion in the modern times. Such practices tarnish the face of the religion. Are these the core teachings of the Hinduism or were added later has to be answered but in any case these practices have to abandoned.

This is not about religion, less priviliged people live in every region.

You need to check Indian constitution and the previliges it gives to these people before coming to conclusion.
Irony a Pakistani putting fingers.
India is still best for us & coming from a Dalit Scheduled tribe minority..
This think tank forgot to talk about land of pure where Christians Shias Hindus are bombed just for being minority..

It's not Irony, it's pure jealousy. When one can't do anything to improve the image of oneself positively people try to degrade the ones doing better than you. It's crab mentality.
This is not about religion, less priviliged people live in every region.

You need to check Indian constitution and the previliges it gives to these people before coming to conclusion.
You are contradicting yourself and deliberately lying. Caste system, every one knows, is a part and parcel of Hinduism and that also a lie that exists in every region..not at all this only exists in India and among Hindus only period so no need for lies but you are as usual in denial so whatever logic and facts and we present you will deny because you are simply trolling and denying right now.
Indian constitution is secular and India is known as a secular state so again you contradicted yourself within the same post.
You are contradicting yourself and deliberately lying. Caste system, every one knows, is a part and parcel of Hinduism and that also a lie that exists in every region..not at all this only exists in India and among Hindus only period so no need for lies but you are as usual in denial so whatever logic and facts and we present you will deny because you are simply trolling and denying right now.
Indian constitution is secular and India is known as a secular state so again you contradicted yourself within the same post.
yeah ! cast-ism does not exist in other religion of subcontinent ! well done ostrich !
Same old,,same old pdf
If your intent is to prove that Pakistan should be happy for being liberated from us, then it is upto you...But for me like Indian member, I would say, India would have been another Somalia or Sudan if India would not have been separated.

Do not want to focus too much on history. But it is good for both nations to be born where each will choose their destiny.
Thts the irony dear,,,even after leaving the bad bad pagan way n embracing the true light,,getting a new country,away frm all the bad jahilya ways,,,inki halat dekh lo.
Frm the jahilyaa pagan harrappa mohenjodaro to todays glorius pakistan,,sweet progress
But but but,,thank u jinnah,,albeit his own daughter wasnt too sure
Same old,,same old pdf

Thts the irony dear,,,even after leaving the bad bad pagan way n embracing the true light,,getting a new country,away frm all the bad jahilya ways,,,inki halat dekh lo.
Frm the jahilyaa pagan harrappa mohenjodaro to todays glorius pakistan,,sweet progress
But but but,,thank u jinnah,,albeit his own daughter wasnt too sure

Rather than Mr Jinah, I always get upset on that Stupid Congress who was protesting for the division of India..How moronic and short sighted are our leaders at that time...At least Jinah was visionary and he took care of his people where as Gandhi and Neheru are selfish that even they do not think about us...
You are contradicting yourself and deliberately lying. Caste system, every one knows, is a part and parcel of Hinduism and that also a lie that exists in every region..not at all this only exists in India and among Hindus only period so no need for lies but you are as usual in denial so whatever logic and facts and we present you will deny because you are simply trolling and denying right now.
Indian constitution is secular and India is known as a secular state so again you contradicted yourself within the same post.

No need to get emotional and write what ever you think based on the propaganda done by other faiths on Hinduism.

Like I said before you have no idea what these people are provided based on Indian constitution.

There are less priviliged people in every region and in India they are called in the name of caste.
You are contradicting yourself and deliberately lying. Caste system, every one knows, is a part and parcel of Hinduism and that also a lie that exists in every region..not at all this only exists in India and among Hindus only period so no need for lies but you are as usual in denial so whatever logic and facts and we present you will deny because you are simply trolling and denying right now.
Indian constitution is secular and India is known as a secular state so again you contradicted yourself within the same post.

Google the term "Casta" and you will learn a little more.
Rather than Mr Jinah, I always get upset on that Stupid Congress who was protesting for the division of India..How moronic and short sighted are our leaders at that time...At least Jinah was visionary and he took care of his people where as Gandhi and Neheru are selfish that even they do not think about us...
Jinnah a visionary,,meh,,if he was nethng like tht,,pakistanis wudnt be arguing "pakistan ka matlab kya",even after decades.just anothr desi politician,,who used religion n xenophobic hysteria to forward his own agenda,BUT just in right place at the right time.
N Congress is congress,,everyone knows
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No need to get emotional and write what ever you think based on the propaganda done by other faiths on Hinduism.

Like I said before you have no idea what these people are provided based on Indian constitution.

There are less priviliged people in every region and in India they are called in the name of caste.
I don't know why are you denying and how are denying that is is fact known to all and here it is with reference and from your own hinduwebsite

What is the Caste System ?
The Hindu caste system is unique in the world, but resembles in some ways Plato's ideal society of philosophers, warriors and commoners. A caste is a division of society based on occupation and family lineage. Hindu caste system recognized four distinct classes or divisions among people based on these criteria and enforced it through a rigid code of conduct that was specific to each class and rooted in the dharmashastras (law books) of the later Vedic period. The four main castes recognized by traditional Hindu society based primarily on hereditary occupation are mentioned below.

  • Brahmins. They are the priestly class, who are entitled to study the Vedas, perform rites and rituals for themselves and for others and obliged to observe the sacraments. They are the middle men between gods and men. The act as temple priests and invoke gods on behalf of others. They are expected to show exemplary behavior and spend their lives in the pursuit of divine knowledge and preservation of the traditions. According to Manu, the law maker, a Brahmin was an incarnation of dharma (sacred tradition), born to serve and protect the dharma. He belonged to the excellent of the human race, endowed with intelligence and knowledge to attain Brahman. He was the highest on earth, the lord of all created beings. Whatever that existed in the world was the property of a Brahmana and he was entitled to all.
  • Kshatriyas. They are the warrior class, who are commanded (by tradition) to protect the people, bestow gifts to the Brahmins, offer sacrifices to gods and ancestors, study the Vedas, dispense justice, and, according to Manusmriti, abstain themselves from sensual pleasures. Manu laid down that it was a king's duty to protect his kingdom and his people. He had something in himself of the gods such Indra, Vayu, Yama, Surya, Varuna, Moon and Kubera. A king should not be despised even if he was an infant. His authority should not be questioned except when he ignored his duties in supporting and protecting Brahmins. The king had the right to punish, but he must be fair in his punishment. It was king's responsibility to protect the caste system and the social order and lavish the priests with generous gifts at every opportunity.
  • Vaisyas: They are the merchant and peasant classes, who are expected to tend cattle, offer sacrifices, study the Vedas, trade, lend money and cultivate the land. They had the right to perform and participate in certain Vedic rituals but they were not allowed to marry women of higher castes.
  • Shudras: The are the labor class, whose only duty is to serve the other three castes. They were not required to observe any Vedic rituals or samskaras except a few. They were not allowed to study the Vedas or even hear the sacred chants. They were not allowed to eat food in the company of higher castes or marry their women.
  • Chandalas: The lowest of the Shudras were called chandalas or the impure ones. They were treated as untouchables because of their gory religious practices, penchant for sacrifices, magical rites and unclean habits. In ancient times they were not allowed to enter a village or city during day time or walk in the same street where men of other castes walked. Even their shadow was considered impure and their very sight as a bad omen. So they lived mostly on the fringes of society, unknown and uncared for, following some esoteric religion of their own and working mostly in the graveyards and cremation grounds or as hunters, butchers and professional cleaners of human waste.14Vedas, practice of rituals and leading a pure and austere life were a must. Otherwise he was considered to be equal to a sudra in the eyes of his fellow caste members. 1 Women were expected to assist their husbands in observing the caste rules. Purification ceremonies, fines and minor punishments were prescribed to annul the negative effect of violating caste rules.
  • Marriage. The caste system prohibited marriages outside one's caste to avoid inter mixture of the castes (varna samkaram), which was considered to be a sign of decline of dharma and the very reason why the caste system was devised. The law books allowed certain types of inter-caste marriages as an exception rather than rule. Marriages between a higher caste men and lower caste women were less objectionable than Marriages between sudra males and higher caste females and marriages between men of upper castes and sudra women. 2
  • Preferential treatment: The three upper castes enjoyed distinct advantages in society compared to the sudras whose job was to serve the three upper castes and live like fourth class citizens.3 People born in the three upper castes were given initiation into the study of the Vedas and treated as twice born, while sudras were not allowed to study or even hear the Vedas. They were treated on par with animals and considered once borne. The Brahmins enjoyed the highest status and privileges followed by the Kshatriyas, the Vaisyas and the sudras in the same order. The laws were discriminatory in matters of rewards and punishments. They prescribed lighter punishments for higher castes than the lower castes who had technically little recourse against the former in criminal cases. For the same offence committed, a lower caste person might attract physical torture, slavery or death penalty while a higher caste person might get away with a simple fine or chastisement or purification ceremony. The lower caste persons were also not allowed to act as witnesses or sit in judgment against higher castes.
  • Royal Support: The caste system was preserved and enforced mostly through royal support. The relationship between the priestly class and the warrior class was one of convenience. The kings took upon themselves the tasks of protecting the caste system and preventing caste intermixture while the priests performed sacrificial ceremonies and purifications ceremonies seeking the welfare of the king and a place for him in heavens. The scriptures proclaimed the king as a god in human form and protector and preserver of castes and caste order 4. The very notion of punishment was a created by God and given to the kings upon earth to help them destroy evil and keep men on the path of dharma 5. The scriptures suggested that a king should start his day by worshipping three Brahmins on waking up and follow their advice with humility and modesty. He should also appoint a Brahman to the position of a chief minister with and deliberate with him on the most important affairs concerning royal policy.

Why grind on Caste when Muslims themselves busy fighting killing each other whether Shia Sunni Ahamadia..What about Pakii moral high ground?
Stay on topic or GTFO. There are plenty of threads about those topic and have often been discussed to death and we are very open to discuss them here...Why your tail has come under the elephant's foot over this issue..

i think PDF admins gave away think tank title to OP out of pity ....
Don't indulge in personal attacks
Stay on topic or GTFO. There are plenty of threads about those topic and have often been discussed to death and we are very open to discuss them here...Why your tail has come under the elephant's foot over this issue..

Don't indulge in personal attacks
Oh man GTFO when told fact..!This is merely a discussion but hollow d!ck measuring.
May be Allah will give you cure to obsession & moral apex...
We didn't miss anything, I mean one would understand if India was south korea and pakistan north korea as many delusional bharatis and retarded pak liberals want us to believe, but ground reality.... Not even FATA is as poor as many regions of India.

UN MPI report Pakistan 0.19 vs India's 0.29.


LOL this is like the 1000th time this forum has posted MPI without realising the data used for India is like 7 years older (or even more given the time lapse between collection and reporting) than Pakistan's:


Download and check yourself.

Their own FAQ:


Why does national data for the MPI date from so many different years? Isn’t it unfair to compare countries if the statistics in one case are five years older than in another? The MPI relies on the most recent and reliable data available since 2005. However surveys are taken in different years, and some countries do not have recent data. In order to facilitate the analysis, the year of the survey is reported in the MPI tables. The difference in dates limits direct cross country comparisons, as circumstances may have improved, or deteriorated, in the intervening years. Naturally, this is a stimulus for country government to collect new surveys that reflect more recent progress better. A significant number of DHS and MICS household surveys are currently underway and it is expected that more recent data will be available soon for a number of countries.

Let me just tag those that gave you thumbs up so they get this in their heads too.

@Kaptaan @friendly_troll96 @member.exe

If MPI is indeed so much better than India's, why is Pakistans infant mortality rate and hunger index abhorrently bad compared to India (15 years behind in the case of IMR)?


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