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Afghan-American Senator faces DEATH THREATS for CASTE Bill

Some liberal Sikhni on cnn wrote an article about caste discrimination and she titled it “South Asian” in the headline. I confronted her on Twitter that it’s strictly an Indian issue since 100% of known cases involves Indian on Indian hate (brown on brown). She blocked me. Then I hash-tagged CNN on the same tweet.

It’s a problem across America. Indians in IT would rather hire other Indians from similar background.

I literally had a older White guy tell me in private that if a team has 8 Indians and 2 Whites or Asians on it, they will find ways to get rid of the non Indians and bring on two more Indians.

This older guy is my mentor. Has worked in my field for over 35 years now.

We work on an advanced analytics team and I had to reach out to another team on the same project to determine where a specific set of data sat. The head Indian refused to share this information. I told him we work on the same project and company like wtf?

They’re not good team workers. Some are very professional but most are piece of sh*ts.

Bhartis don’t even share excel scripts… :rofl:
The caste system was a method preserving identity rather than create a master-slave relationship. That probably devolved into one later.

Still, really funny to see someone threatening their age old Afghan allies. Although he just might happen to be differentiated from other Afghans.
You're right, but to get things done you are going to have to rely on non-practicing Muslims.
That's a general trend the West. That's the fundamental difference. Even those who profess belonging to a religion, think religion is a inconsequential choice. Like how you like your coffee, with or without sugar. That's why they can't understand why blasphemy is offensive. To us, religion is literally the most important thing.

A non-practicing non-Orthodox Muslim helped create Pakistan. The orthodox more practicing elements opposed it.
There were definitely orthodox muslims supporting the creation of Pakistan. And the single biggest driver behind ending Quaid's exile and his renewed struggle was Iqbal. He said so himself. And you notice the islamic touch :D in Quaid's politics after his friendship with Iqbal, that wasn't there before.
That's woke religion for you. Wonder if State sen. Aisha Wahab thinks this answer will work with Munkar Nakeer. smh



Imagine saying this in akhira
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