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Muslim pupils tell Hindu classmates to convert to Islam to avoid bullying

In one aspect, this report is total bullsh*t as it’s throwing all the blame on Muslims and whitewashing what the whites do — though they add a little line in there.

Through my years in the U.S., 99% of the abuse Indians got was from whites. The Muslims didn’t give two shits for the Hindus. Matter of fact we got labeled Hindus, Gandhi’s and penny pinchers cause of Indians.
Like I've always stated, the difference b/w an Indian and a Pakistani starts right at childhood 🤝
Yup, an Indian is taught how to become an efficient call center scam artist, learn the proper technique to gang rape girls, the finer art of lynching minorities while fake crying claiming to be victim, and my favorite - how to become obsess about Pakistan and it’s women. Yeha there is a sea of differences on how we’re raised at childhood, dothead motherfu*ker!

I understand what you mean. :D

@-=virus=- , I am afraid Zernal Bazwa ka ghussa indians pe na nikal jaye.

Nah, it’s not about Bajwa but the motivation to hurt these ugly pajeet to no level known to men. Street brawls is possibly the only way to exponentially f them up and escape without getting caught. Indians were Sexually harassing our women, picking on youths, throwing trash at Masjids etc. I know I can and have - can take 5 of them on. It will be a world of hurt.
I've been in the company of Hindus in the UK all my life and they are the ones who abuse Muslims openly when drunk...behind their back when sober.

After disaster of the RSS parade in Leicester, not only was Leicester Hindus scared and terrified to walk out of their homes, the whole episode has educated Muslims from all backgrounds.

In addition, the Hindu home secretary is promoting the demise of the RSS gangsters in UK. Every British Muslims is angry with Braverman bring RSS politics to the UK. At the end of the day, we will find them and deal with them with very firm hands like we did in Leicester.

Now it's time to dominate RSS goons across the UK.

I encourage every British Muslim to teach their kids how to deal with RSS fans. Only then maybe we can see this RSS anti islamic bigotry die a cow's death in the UK.
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Another reason to leave the UK and find a place where there are no pajeets and muslims.
These Brits are strange people.

They let Muslims into their country when they knew that Muslims were never going to assimilate.

Then they blame Muslims for being Muslims.

You can leave UK if you don’t like it

A few false narratives in the article to construct the arguments.

Firstly it's proven that religious tensions have been stirred up by a recent influx of hindutva extremists from India. Channel 4 did a good documentary on it.

Muslims and Hindus got along fine in the UK. This tension only started recently....above news clip gives a balanced approach.

Sikh people also joined the Muslims against the Hindu extremists. I'm not sure why this article calls it a false narrative. I think this alone is sufficient to discount the article.

Some additional insight into hindutva extremist influx into the UK

That is not a good translation.

A kafir is an individual who covers up truth with falsehood.

I.e. you can only be a kafir if you know know the Truth in your heart yet persist to reject it.

Well said

Hendoooo rss create trouble where ever they are …. And then cries victim
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What these stupid "muslim" radicals don't realize if the world converts to Islam, everyone will just divide into sects and subsects. Humans are tribal by nature.

Modern Islam is based on man made Hadiths which had nothing to do with Muhammed.
Indians don’t want to hear this but it’s Pakistanis who protect these Hindus from being bullied in schools for being brown skinned from racists .


Expecting gratitude from these folks is going a bit far.............
Another reason to leave the UK and find a place where there are no pajeets and muslims.

Are you suggesting that there are no go areas in Britain? Do you think the ghettofication of minorities in England during the 80s and 90s were systematic? What are the chances that far right extremists in Britain outnumber the government figures?
Parents should sue the school for an hefty amount for making the environment unconducive for education and safety, only financial damages can put some discipline in western entities.
Parents should sue the school for an hefty amount for making the environment unconducive for education and safety, only financial damages can put some discipline in western entities.
If they were telling the truth, they would have gone to the courts already.

In one aspect, this report is total bullsh*t as it’s throwing all the blame on Muslims and whitewashing what the whites do — though they add a little line in there.

Through my years in the U.S., 99% of the abuse Indians got was from whites. The Muslims didn’t give two shits for the Hindus. Matter of fact we got labeled Hindus, Gandhi’s and penny pinchers cause of Indians.
My experience with every pajeet expat has that they end up crawling to us Hinduphobic Pakis for support and validation. All that talk about the intergenerational trauma (originally started with a forced bath inflicted on their poojari ancestor 500 years ago) by Mujlimj disappears when they're in a room of White people.
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