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Muslim pupils tell Hindu classmates to convert to Islam to avoid bullying


Sep 20, 2014
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Muslim pupils are telling their Hindu classmates to change their religion to avoid bullying and make their lives easier, a think tank has found.

The study by the Henry Jackson Society found that Hindu pupils are being “held responsible” for the actions of India and facing xenophobic slurs from white pupils.

It comes after disorder broke out in Leicester between the Hindu and Muslim communities, which the report warned the same tensions are fuelling discrimination in schools.

Half of Hindu parents said their children had suffered hatred in schools with incidents including a pupil having beef thrown at her by classmates, the report found.

Hinduism is the third most common religion in the UK, with around one million people identifying as Hindu.

Links to Leicester unrest​

The document, authored by Charlotte Littlewood, a research fellow and former Prevent counter-extremism co-ordinator, spoke to 988 Hindu parents and surveyed more than 1,000 schools around the country.

Police in Leicester made 55 arrests last September after weeks of disorder which included vandalism of property, assaults, stabbings and attacks on places of worship. The think tank previously found that the tensions were linked to conflict between young people from Muslim and Hindu communities and false narratives claiming there was Hindu extremism in Leicester.

The report found that Hindus faced discrimination from pupils from varying backgrounds but there were clear similarities between incidents in the classroom and the disorder in the Midlands.

“Some of the discrimination exhibited in the classroom showed similarities to the manifestations of hate witnessed during the unrest in Leicester between Hindus and Muslims,” it noted.

“There were numerous instances of derogatory references made towards Hindus, such as mocking their vegetarianism and belittling their deities, which were also made by Islamist extremists rallying against the Hindu community in Leicester.”

The reports said Hindu pupils were being “held responsible for politics and social issues in India reminiscent of the treatment of Jews with regard to Israel and of Muslims in the post-9/11 climate”.

'We will eat you up'​

It found that Muslim pupils called for Hindus to convert or face “threats of hell for disbelievers” using terms such as “kaffir”.

In one example a child “was harassed and told that if they convert to Islam, their life will become so much easier” and in another told: “You aren’t going to survive very long... If you want to go to paradise, you’ll have to come to Islam... Hindus are the herbivores at the bottom of the food chain, we will eat you up.”

Another parent said children were told to watch videos of an Islamic preacher and to “convert because Hinduism makes no sense”.

Researchers also found evidence of xenophobia including from Christian pupils, with one child told: “Jesus will send your Gods to hell.”

'Religious education fostering discrimination'​

The report found that religious education was “fostering discrimination” against Hindus with inappropriate references to the Indian caste system and misconceptions over the worship of deities which students felt made “a mockery of them”.

While other religions were given days off for celebrations, Hindu pupils were often not given a holiday for Diwali.

The study noted that anti-Hindu hate was poorly reported, with only one per cent of schools recording incidents while only 15 per cent of parents surveyed believed schools adequately address anti-Hindu related incidents.

Ben Everitt MP, said the findings were “damning” and called for urgent improvements to religious education.

“The findings in this report are damning and shed light on the varying themes and forms which anti-Hindu discrimination materialises in the classroom,” he said.

He said that as well as discrimination taking the form of anti-Hindu slurs there was “a problematic approach to teaching Hinduism which may be feeding into prejudice, and whether incidents of bullying and discrimination are being adequately dealt with by each individual school”.

He added: “If we want to make real, sustained, long-term progress in reducing discrimination towards those of minority faiths in our schools, then we need to make sure that young people are receiving the best possible education about the many faiths which are woven into the fabric of our diverse United Kingdom.”

The reports said Hindu pupils were being “held responsible for politics and social issues in India reminiscent of the treatment of Jews with regard to Israel and of Muslims in the post-9/11 climate”.
Khel liya card? Hinduphobic, my ***.
You ain't seen nothing yet.

The study by the Henry Jackson Society found that Hindu pupils are being “held responsible” for the actions of India and
Idk see what's new here. You lot literally started worshipping trump and his ilk who called muslims terrorists, a trend started since 9/11. You must have thanked the Gods for 9/11 like the brits did for Pearl harbor.

facing xenophobic slurs from white pupils.
Muslim pupils are telling their Hindu classmates to change their religion to avoid bullying and make their lives easier, a think tank has found.

The study by the Henry Jackson Society found that Hindu pupils are being “held responsible” for the actions of India and facing xenophobic slurs from white pupils.

It comes after disorder broke out in Leicester between the Hindu and Muslim communities, which the report warned the same tensions are fuelling discrimination in schools.

Half of Hindu parents said their children had suffered hatred in schools with incidents including a pupil having beef thrown at her by classmates, the report found.

Hinduism is the third most common religion in the UK, with around one million people identifying as Hindu.

Links to Leicester unrest​

The document, authored by Charlotte Littlewood, a research fellow and former Prevent counter-extremism co-ordinator, spoke to 988 Hindu parents and surveyed more than 1,000 schools around the country.

Police in Leicester made 55 arrests last September after weeks of disorder which included vandalism of property, assaults, stabbings and attacks on places of worship. The think tank previously found that the tensions were linked to conflict between young people from Muslim and Hindu communities and false narratives claiming there was Hindu extremism in Leicester.

The report found that Hindus faced discrimination from pupils from varying backgrounds but there were clear similarities between incidents in the classroom and the disorder in the Midlands.

“Some of the discrimination exhibited in the classroom showed similarities to the manifestations of hate witnessed during the unrest in Leicester between Hindus and Muslims,” it noted.

“There were numerous instances of derogatory references made towards Hindus, such as mocking their vegetarianism and belittling their deities, which were also made by Islamist extremists rallying against the Hindu community in Leicester.”

The reports said Hindu pupils were being “held responsible for politics and social issues in India reminiscent of the treatment of Jews with regard to Israel and of Muslims in the post-9/11 climate”.

'We will eat you up'​

It found that Muslim pupils called for Hindus to convert or face “threats of hell for disbelievers” using terms such as “kaffir”.

In one example a child “was harassed and told that if they convert to Islam, their life will become so much easier” and in another told: “You aren’t going to survive very long... If you want to go to paradise, you’ll have to come to Islam... Hindus are the herbivores at the bottom of the food chain, we will eat you up.”

Another parent said children were told to watch videos of an Islamic preacher and to “convert because Hinduism makes no sense”.

Researchers also found evidence of xenophobia including from Christian pupils, with one child told: “Jesus will send your Gods to hell.”

'Religious education fostering discrimination'​

The report found that religious education was “fostering discrimination” against Hindus with inappropriate references to the Indian caste system and misconceptions over the worship of deities which students felt made “a mockery of them”.

While other religions were given days off for celebrations, Hindu pupils were often not given a holiday for Diwali.

The study noted that anti-Hindu hate was poorly reported, with only one per cent of schools recording incidents while only 15 per cent of parents surveyed believed schools adequately address anti-Hindu related incidents.

Ben Everitt MP, said the findings were “damning” and called for urgent improvements to religious education.

“The findings in this report are damning and shed light on the varying themes and forms which anti-Hindu discrimination materialises in the classroom,” he said.

He said that as well as discrimination taking the form of anti-Hindu slurs there was “a problematic approach to teaching Hinduism which may be feeding into prejudice, and whether incidents of bullying and discrimination are being adequately dealt with by each individual school”.

He added: “If we want to make real, sustained, long-term progress in reducing discrimination towards those of minority faiths in our schools, then we need to make sure that young people are receiving the best possible education about the many faiths which are woven into the fabric of our diverse United Kingdom.”

These kind of Muslims are so stupid, they are forcing Islam on people... this must not be tolerated.
It found that Muslim pupils called for Hindus to convert or face “threats of hell for disbelievers” using terms such as “kaffir”.
Kaafir means unbeliever i.e. non-muslim. Shouldn't you be proud of being non-muslim? In any case, call them kaafir back if that helps :lol:

These kind of Muslims are so stupid, they are forcing Islam on people... this must not be tolerated.
You would be right but this news is about school kids.

Gangus just like to be victims so they can hide behind hinduphobia when someone points to the shit they are doing back home.
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A few false narratives in the article to construct the arguments.

Firstly it's proven that religious tensions have been stirred up by a recent influx of hindutva extremists from India. Channel 4 did a good documentary on it.

Muslims and Hindus got along fine in the UK. This tension only started recently....above news clip gives a balanced approach.

Sikh people also joined the Muslims against the Hindu extremists. I'm not sure why this article calls it a false narrative. I think this alone is sufficient to discount the article.

Some additional insight into hindutva extremist influx into the UK

Kaafir means unbeliever i.e. non-muslim.
That is not a good translation.

A kafir is an individual who covers up truth with falsehood.

I.e. you can only be a kafir if you know know the Truth in your heart yet persist to reject it.
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Kaffir in Arabic means covered. Not a slur words like bastard and others.

In this case, the hearth is covered by their ego, lush, etc so they dont have open mind and hearth that can accept the truth that maybe opposite of what they are used to believe.
It’s the Henry Jackson society the islamaphobes
Here’s an example piece from one daily British newspaper

Bit too long for slum dog Indian Op whatsapp youtube educated no life motherfucker to understand but for rest of yous :

Why are Labour MPs working with the Henry Jackson Society?​

SOLOMON HUGHES shines a light on the politicians joining conferences held by the notorious neocon think tank​


Labour MP John Spellar

SOME Labour MPs are still working with the neoconservative Henry Jackson Society (HJS), even as the right-wing think tank has turned itself into a platform for Boris Johnson.
Anti-Corbyn MP John Spellar joined four Tory MPs and one from the DUP on the Henry Jackson Society “UK-US Legislators’ Conference” in Oxford before Christmas.
It was a weekend away organised by the HJS to mix up British and US politicians to hear a series of right-wing talks.
It’s not really a surprise that Labour right figures like Spellar are happy to work with the HJS. But I got hold of the timetable for the trip which showed Labour’s Yvette Cooper and shadow defence secretary Nia Griffith also helped the event — although to a much lesser extent.
The HJS is a foreign policy think tank that was founded in 2005. It is typically described as “neoconservative” and “right-wing.” It has been solidly pro-military intervention and associated with inflammatory anti-Muslim statements.
One of its best-known figures, Douglas Murray, became an “associate director” in 2011. In 2017 Murray told the BBC that “less Islam in general is obviously a good thing,” because of terrorism.
This echoed Murray’s demand in a notorious 2006 speech that “conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board” and “immigration into Europe from Muslim countries must stop” before “a number of our largest cities fall to Muslim majorities.”
Murray was still listed as HJS staff in 2018, though he now seems to have disappeared off its website.
US Republican politician Bobby Jindal also created a scandal in 2015 when he said immigrants were trying to “colonise western countries” by setting up “no-go zones” in European cities in a speech at an HJS event.
Last year the HJS also tried to promote Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman as a “man with vision” and “the ally Britain needs,” although it has been quieter since his Saudi government had dissident Jamal Khashoggi murdered and dismembered in its Istanbul consulate.

HJS runs on £1.3 million a year from secret donors
and has worked hard to be influential in Parliament. In the past some Labour MPs, like Gisela Stuart, have served on its board. So have Tories like Michael Gove. But there has also been pushback.
Around 2010 Murray claimed he had been “blackballed by Cameron” — the Tory front bench “broke off relations” with Murray because of his anti-Islam speech, so the Conservative leadership kept HJS at a distance. There have been persistent arguments about Labour MPs being close to HJS.
The HJS now seems to be making a play for the most Brexity Tories: Boris Johnson launched its latest report on “Global Britain” at an HJS event where he suggested Britain could “turbo charge” as it left the EU by getting closer to the US and cutting aid.
The Register of MPs’ Interests shows the HJS held its British-US Legislators’ Conference in December — a £450 a head weekend conference in Oxford, “for UK and USA delegates, on Brexit, international affairs and terrorism.”
The Tory MPs attending were the Brexity quartet Andrea Jenkyns, Matthew Offord, Tim Loughton and Julian Lewis, along with the DUP’s Emma Little-Pengelly.
US politicians have to give much more detail about their foreign trips than British MPs, so I used US records to get hold of the timetable for the Legislators Conference.
They showed it was a joint event held by the British HJS and the US Hudson Institute, which is a big, well-funded think tank.
The Hudson Institute is variously viewed as “neoconservative” or just plain “conservative” — veteran “neocons” who helped George W Bush run the Iraq war like Doug Feith and Scooter Libby work at the Hudson Institute.
The Hudson Institute has also hosted events with Steve Bannon, although it has also been critical of Bannon and Donald Trump.
The Hudson Institute arranged for seven US Congressmen and Congresswomen to join the British MPs — Republicans Mike Turner, Debbie Lesko, Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon and Jim Sensenbrenner and Democrats Jared Huffman, Linda Sanchez and Joe Courtney.
While in Oxford, the MPs and US politicians were treated to talks by HJS and Hudson Institute staff and, for a special treat, a “reception and dinner” in Oxford’s Bodleian Library with Isabel Oakeshott as guest speaker.
Oakeshott is a journalist who works for Tory Lord Ashcroft, co-writing the billionaire’s books. As well as being Ashcroft’s aide, Oakeshott has worked with Brexiteer businessman Arron Banks, and is currently one of the leading spokespeople for a Tory Brexit.
Having Oakeshott as guest speaker shows the weekend really had elements of a right-wing rally rather than a “study weekend.”
Labour MP Gisela Stuart — both a long-term pal of the HJS and like Oakeshott, very Brexity, also addressed the event.
At the end of the weekend, the British MPs went home, but the US politicians were then shepherded to the Park Plaza Riverbank Hotel for a series of events in Westminster.
The HJS/Hudson Institute got International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt, Foreign Office Minister Alan Duncan and Dominic Grieve to address the visiting senators.
They also had a meeting timetabled with Yvette Cooper, in her role as chair of the home affairs select committee on “UK-US and European policing and security co-operation in a changing world.”
And another meeting was with Nia Griffith on “The Opposition’s views on UK-US Defence & Security Relations.” I asked Cooper and Griffith if the meetings actually took place,but got no response.
Cooper and Griffith were much less involved with the trip than Spellar. They may have perceived the trip as more of a Hudson Institute tour by US politicians than an HJS event, as the British members of the trip were not involved.
They were also both giving the visiting US politicians their point of view rather than listening to HJS spiel. But if Labour politicians want to meet US legislators, there is surely a better host than either HJS or the Hudson Institute.

😂🤣 love it Indians promoting the racist far right .
Kaafir means unbeliever i.e. non-muslim. Should you be proud of being non-muslim? In any case, call them kaafir back if that helps :lol:
If you read enough Quran verses, you will understand Muslim can be regarded as kaffir as well, especially Muslim who still commit major sins like stealing, killing, Zinah, doing Corruption, etc
If you read enough Quran verses, you will understand Muslim can be regarded as kaffir as well, especially Muslim who still commit major sins like stealing, killing, Zinah, doing Corruption, etc
Count 99.99% of muslims from the Subcontinent. Who will not be Muslims in that case
Kaafir means unbeliever i.e. non-muslim. Should you be proud of being non-muslim? In any case, call them kaafir back if that helps :lol:

I didn't get you. Why would Hindus call Muslim students kaafir?
A few false narratives in the article to construct the arguments.

Firstly it's proven that religious tensions have been stirred up by a recent influx of hindutva extremists from India. Channel 4 did a good documentary on it.

Muslims and Hindus got along fine in the UK. This tension only started recently....above news clip gives a balanced approach.

Sikh people also joined the Muslims against the Hindu extremists. I'm not sure why this article calls it a false narrative. I think this alone is sufficient to discount the article.

Some additional insight into hindutva extremist influx into the UK

That is not a good translation.

A kafir is an individual who covers up truth with falsehood.

I.e. you can only be a kafir if you know know the Truth in your heart yet persist to reject it.

Indians don’t want to hear this but it’s Pakistanis who protect these Hindus from being bullied in schools for being brown skinned from racists .

Another parent said children were told to watch videos of an Islamic preacher and to “convert because Hinduism makes no sense”.
If I had a hindu classmate who told me to watch videos of some pandit. I'd tell him to go eat a dick. I don't even watch videos of muslim preachers, but that's another thing. :lol:

What so special about it if it's not teachers forcing kids to watch them or teachers mistreating hindu kids (like they do muslim kids in, you guessed it, INDIA. one muslim kid committed suicide recently due to that)

Kids do it to each other all the time. It's bullying. There's no hinduphobia. If it wasn't for their color, then it would be have for something else. That's bullying.

If you read enough Quran verses, you will understand Muslim can be regarded as kaffir as well, especially Muslim who still commit major sins like stealing, killing, Zinah, doing Corruption, etc
I think Kaafir means one who denies the truth. So, you could stretch the definition to include thieves (the hadith where the Prophet PBUH said a Muslim can never be a thief).

Similarly, when you do any sin, you are denying/disregarding the truth, but I think that would be stretching it too far.

Most people understand kaafir as being someone who doesn't have imaan. And a person with imaan can be a sinner as well.

I didn't get you. Why would Hindus call Muslim students kaafir?
Because they don't believe in hindu gods. Kaafir just means "one who denies the truth"

Give them a taste of their own medicine. The word will soon lose it's meaning.
As OP is youtube educated big words may confuse him but let’s show him a mirror from he’s own university

Seeker of Hidayah4 weeks ago
I am also a Convert from Hinduism to Islam. The story of early Islam inspired me. I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah☝

Sulayman Responds4 weeks ago
I’m also a former Hindu RSS supporting. But I reverted to Islam 15 days ago. Allah Hu Akbar ❤. Alhamdulillah for Islam .

Samuel Williams4 weeks ago
Alhumdulillah Muslim and ex Christian from UK. Preaching Islam and inviting people to the truth ☝️😇

R.A.J.3 weeks ago
I used to be a Hindu nationalist. Alhamdullilah for Islam, ‏لا اله الا الله

Jin Sakai4 weeks ago
I am also ex hindu God loves me it's why he guided me to correct path ☪️🇮🇳☪️

Krinal Shrivastav4 weeks ago
I am also a revert allahamdullah may allah guide them who seeks his guidance 😊

Hasan Ansari3 weeks ago
I am ex hindu. Now i am muslim..come to right path my hindus brothers

Prateek2 weeks ago
I reverted 3 years ago when i was 17 years old and alhamdulillah for everything ❤

Adarsh Singh4 weeks ago
From Hinduism to Islam after watching Sam Stallone and awaz e haqq official. May Allah protect them and guide hindus through them Ameen

nihaar Tiger3 weeks ago (edited)
Alhamdulillah I am a Ex-Hindu revert to Islam and used to be an extremist. Over the years I gave Dawah and 3 Hindus and 2 Christians accepted Islam from me. A cousin of mine also accepted Islam later as well Alhamdulillah.

Maheswaran3 weeks ago
Im also reverted muslim, allah allah guide us

Ageel Shatry4 weeks ago
Just watched the shahada of ‘Bobby’s Perspective’. Brother CJ Werleman’s open mindedness reminds me that of Bobby’s. My sincerest prayer is for brother CJ to join the brotherhood of Islam. May Allah guide him to this beautiful religion. I am humbled by his positive accounts of Islam and Muslims, his fair and balanced news reporting and for his love for justice. Wishing him all the best. May the Almighty ease the sufferings of all those who are oppressed and may He guide the oppressors to the path of righteousness. Peace, Shalom, Asalaamu aleikum. 🙏

Op there are hundreds more similar replies on just this one video from your YouTube university but I have a life unlike yourself so you can reply to this video your anti Islam reply .

Cheers have a good day .
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