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LOL this is like the 1000th time this forum has posted MPI without realising the data used for India is like 7 years older than Pakistan's:


Download and check yourself.

Their own FAQ:


Why does national data for the MPI date from so many different years? Isn’t it unfair to compare countries if the statistics in one case are five years older than in another? The MPI relies on the most recent and reliable data available since 2005. However surveys are taken in different years, and some countries do not have recent data. In order to facilitate the analysis, the year of the survey is reported in the MPI tables. The difference in dates limits direct cross country comparisons, as circumstances may have improved, or deteriorated, in the intervening years. Naturally, this is a stimulus for country government to collect new surveys that reflect more recent progress better. A significant number of DHS and MICS household surveys are currently underway and it is expected that more recent data will be available soon for a number of countries.

Let me just tag those that gave you thumbs up so they get this in their heads too.

@Kaptaan @friendly_troll96 @member.exe

If MPI is indeed so much better than India's, why is Pakistans infant mortality rate and hunger index abhorrently bad compared to India (15 years behind in the case of IMR)?



If data is old then why India's 2016 MPI figures are changed? They are taking in to account new developments. Indian own government poverty line on the other hand can't be taken seriously to compare it with any country. Next you will say World Bank poverty rank is also from old data.
Somewhere out there, there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen so you can breathe. I think you owe it an apology - House.
If data is old then why India's 2016 MPI figures are changed? They are taking in to account new developments. Indian own government poverty line on the other hand can't be taken seriously to compare it with any country. Next you will say World Bank poverty rank is also from old data.

What are you talking about? The MPI data has only one set of data for India from 2005/06.

Thats why India for example is not in this list of MPI change over time:


Whereas Pakistan has its data from 2012/13 survey and has an older set of data from 06/07 (still a year newer than India's too). It is also concerning that Pakistan has gotten worse in its MPI from 06/07 to 2012/13.

Now explain to me why do twice as many babies per capita die in Pakistan compared to India if it has so much lower poverty rate? Why are there more hungry people in Pakistan and higher child malnourishment and stunting per capita? Why the lower life expectancy?

Shouldn't the lower poverty rate convert into these physical health and wellbeing indices? If it doesn't something seems way off. World Bank itself is going through a massive change in its poverty measurement methodology, I suggest you wait and see for the future reports first.
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If your intent is to prove that Pakistan should be happy for being liberated from us, then it is upto you...But for me like Indian member, I would say, India would have been another Somalia or Sudan if India would not have been separated.

But India was pretty much on par with Somalia for many years after partition. Mass poverty, rape, corruption, forced sterilization, massive religious and sectarian riots, caste bigotry, etc.
For beginners , Tribals don't form the part of Cast Hindus but by no means they are untouchable . Many Hindu Gods have Tribal Backgrounds .

And all religions that came after us were against Caste but ended up having the same stuff in their faiths .
Christians don't believe in caste but the members call them Christian Dalits and have been subjected to oppression and exploitation even accepted by Indian Church .
Islam has no concept of castes but they exist in Muslims of Sub continent .

Sikhs and Buddhists too have spoken against Castes but Converts who come from Dalit background have in some ways undergone the same fate .

Caste is a social reality in India and Hinduism acknowledges that . Why out castes came into existence is still a mystery .
A brahmin who ate Cow meat in Past would have been out casted by his fellow Brahmins as a Punishment .
For beginners , Tribals don't form the part of Cast Hindus but by no means they are untouchable . Many Hindu Gods have Tribal Backgrounds .

And all religions that came after us were against Caste but ended up having the same stuff in their faiths .
Christians don't believe in caste but the members call them Christian Dalits and have been subjected to oppression and exploitation even accepted by Indian Church .
Islam has no concept of castes but they exist in Muslims of Sub continent .

Sikhs and Buddhists too have spoken against Castes but Converts who come from Dalit background have in some ways undergone the same fate .

Caste is a social reality in India and Hinduism acknowledges that . Why out castes came into existence is still a mystery .
A brahmin who ate Cow meat in Past would have been out casted by his fellow Brahmins as a Punishment .

It's because of Hindu culture. As long as nude Hindu Brahmins continue lording over India, Dalits will continue to suffer for being the descendants of the Dravidian natives of the subcontinent.
It's because of Hindu culture. As long as nude Hindu Brahmins continue lording over India, Dalits will continue to suffer for being the descendants of the Dravidian natives of the subcontinent.

Seems like , you didn't get my message .
One can understand citizens of countries like North Korea virtually cut off from the rest of the world but some Indians also give impression as if this forum is their first contact with civilisation. Forget others pointing fingers at them, sometimes their own system, methods and ways even puts sub Saharan states in the shade. I mean even in countries like Ethiopia and Somalia, the citizens wouldn't need such reminders or advise as one finds on Indian airports.

View attachment 368495

Didnt knew you kept a whole folder of fake/photo shopped pictures to massage you fragile ego.

What does the image say in Hindi? Obviously it is a meme
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