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Brother, I just saw (I was busy with life and the Ramadan) that you have left PDF and the thread that you created to announce it in, has been closed. I understand your decision fully and I should have done the same thing ages ago, however that decision diminishes the already dying/incredibly small Arab community on PDF. I can probably guess/imagine the reasons for you leaving, I understand them. Nevertheless it was a pleasure to interact with you on this forum and I wanted to write a PM to you with the help of a moderator but now that has become irrelevant. If you ever log in here or see this, kindly give a reply and we might keep in touch outside of this forum one way or another.

Take care brother and best wishes to your family and loved ones as well.

Bro, good to see you here anyway. I missed the Barca farewell, but could you summarize it for me or link that thread? Just curious what happened but don't want to make it a big deal on this thread. Thanks, maman.
They can vote him out in Turkey, I feel sorry for Emirati people. I often visit UAE.

You should not feel sorry, the average Emirati lives a life that the average Turk can only dream about. I don't mean this as an insult but as a factual statement based on GDP per capita, HDI, safety, benefits, the UAE being an extended family among locals etc.

As for political system, ask the average Indian whether he would prefer to live in the "democracy" that is India or the "dictatorship" that is China. Or the "democracy" that is Iraq and the "dictatorship" that is UAE.

You don't understand the society of UAE, the dynamics, inner-workings, relations between citizens and rulers etc. It is like one small extended family in those small UAE states such as UAE, your beloved Qatar, Bahrain etc. When native populations are this small (relatively) and intermarried, this is the result.

Anyway I know that this makes you frustrated but UAE is a success story in whatever way you look at it. World class infrastructure, huge and diversified economy compared to its size (top 25 in the world, for such a small nation that is amazing), big political clout in the region, great healthcare and educational system, 100% literacy rate, educated population, pragmatic ties with all world powers, giant in the aviation sector, one of the most visited areas of the world etc. They have done very well.

They can vote him out in Turkey, I feel sorry for Emirati people. I often visit UAE.

You visit UAE often? I thought that you wanted to "deal with the UAE" and kill them in some other thread?:lol:

Anyway you can hate Arabs all that you want to, I have no problem with you. You are a funny person, much better than some of your compatriots here:D

He's just enjoying the reactions he's not serious about his posts.

I enjoy it too, lol.
You should not feel sorry, the average Emirati lives a life that the average Turk can only dream about. I don't mean this as an insult but as a factual st
Money can be earned, may Allah keep the average Turk healthy. I didn't bother to read the rest of your post.

You visit UAE often? I thought that you wanted to "deal with the UAE" and kill them in some other thread?:lol:
I still visit, last year was my last visit.
Bro, good to see you here anyway. I missed the Barca farewell, but could you summarize it for me or link that thread? Just curious what happened but don't want to make it a big deal on this thread. Thanks, maman.


I can only say the same thing, brother. How are you doing after this long time? I did not see you around for a very long time but I had a long break on PDF at the time that you disappeared on PDF. Don't blame you.:enjoy:

Well, same old story about all the other brothers (99.99% - I am exaggerating but we have literally lost almost all active Arab users compared to a few years ago which is sad) but obviously he could not write it openly. I was offline or 2 + weeks so I missed that thread completely. Was just tagged in it and this is how I discovered it. So I decided to write a post to him here out of courtesy.


Money can be earned, may Allah keep the average Turk healthy.

I still visit, last year was my last visit

It can and it can be lost as well. My point was another. 99.99% of all people are chasing money and a comfortable life for themselves and their families. The entire world gravitates towards that in every walk of life that you can think of. Some say that it was always like that.

I wish good luck to all the friendly Turks whether they be of Arab origin or other origins. However I am afraid that I don't see much honor from Erdogan's foreign policy in recent years.

Ok, how did "dealing with UAE" go for you when visiting? Shall the UAE be afraid of a possible attack from you the next time you visit or what is going on based on your other posts here on PDF? Be careful as UAE is not the place for such plans, lol.
Ok, how did "dealing with UAE" go for you when visiting? Shall the UAE be afraid of a possible attack from you the next time you visit or what is going on based on your other posts here on PDF? Be careful as UAE is not the place for such plans, lol.
I am neither a spy nor a terrorist lol I said my honest opinion, I hope Emirati personnel is targeted by Turkish forces anywhere in ME.
I am neither a spy nor a terrorist lol I said my honest opinion, I hope Emirati personnel is targeted by Turkish forces anywhere in ME.

You sound like a terrorist. I am sure that Emiratis seeing such comments think likewise the other way around. Anyway I wish you good luck in your keyboard war.
You sound like a terrorist. I am sure that Emiratis seeing such comments think likewise the other way around. Anyway I wish you good luck in your keyboard war.
You think you won't pay a price when you fight the Turks with countries lile Greece, France, etc? I will post details of my next visit here :D
Bro, good to see you here anyway. I missed the Barca farewell, but could you summarize it for me or link that thread? Just curious what happened but don't want to make it a big deal on this thread. Thanks, maman.

Apparently there was a thread to vote in new moderators. And a few days later new moderators were announced. Hannibal won the vote for international mods, meaning he got highest amount of votes against other potential international mods but he was not given international mod title when they announced new mods. He would have been our Arab mod I believe. That may not be the sole reason though, he wrote that he didn't like childish discussions(ME section trolls) too.

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