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Arabic Coffee shop

Joking/trolling aside, it is actually a great shame that most Arab users have left PDF. Most recently @HannibalBarca . Once we had a vibrant Arab community with many users from numerous Arab countries (which made the discussions, views, interactions between us and other Muslims and non-Muslims) greater. We were once almost 50 active users if not more as I recall. Many Arab countries were represented (of course far from all).

Since our countries are attacked a lot lately from certain vocal users, even though those that attack them mostly (if they are not trolls) attack the leaders/governments (often not the case though), it is still a unpleasant environment to be in when everything is being reduced to trolling, ignorance, insults etc. aimed at 20 + Arab countries and almost 500 million Arabs worldwide. This in return makes some of us use a similar language and we have a troll feast.

In the real world, Arabs do not have any ill wishes for anyone that is not hostile or hateful. We are incredibly welcoming people and Arab hospitality is well known. Sadly this is the virtual world so a lot of nonsense is being written.

Brother @Slav Defence has been courageous enough to reach out to the few remaining Arab users and try to help us with our complaints (if they are fair) and I hope, if I eventually leave PDF due to personal life/time constraints, after this covid-19 nonsense is over, Ramadan and everything returns to "normalcy" that future Arab users on PDF will feel welcome and engage with users on PDF to help foster a bond between the Arab world and Pakistan, a bond that is deep on numerous fronts since ancient times and to this day (people to people).

I refuse to shape my view of Pakistanis and Pakistanis based off a bunch of hateful anti-Arab Pakistanis (a tiny minority overall) when in the real world, Arabs and Pakistanis are very close people and have excellent people to people relations. Having known many Pakistanis in person (Arab world and West), I can safely say the above.
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Joking/trolling aside, it is actually a great shame that most Arab users have left PDF. Most recently @HannibalBarca . Once we had a vibrant Arab community with many users from numerous Arab countries (which made the discussions, views, interactions between us and other Muslims and non-Muslims) greater. We were once almost 50 active users if not more as I recall. Many Arab countries were represented (of course far from all).

Since our countries are attacked a lot lately from certain vocal users, even though those that attack them mostly (if they are not trolls) attack the leaders/governments (often not the case though), it is still a unpleasant environment to be in when everything is being reduced to trolling, ignorance, insults etc. aimed at 20 + Arab countries and almost 500 million Arabs worldwide. This in return makes some of us use a similar language and we have a troll feast.

In the real world, Arabs do not have any ill wishes for anyone that is not hostile or hateful. We are incredibly welcoming people and Arab hospitality is well known. Sadly this is the virtual world so a lot of nonsense is being written.

Brother @Slav Defence has been courageous enough to reach out to the few remaining Arab users and try to help us with our complaints (if they are fair) and I hope, if I eventually leave PDF due to personal life/time constraints, after this covid-19 nonsense is over, Ramadan and everything returns to "normalcy" that future Arab users on PDF will feel welcome and engage with users on PDF to help foster a bond between the Arab world and Pakistan, a bond that is deep on numerous fronts since ancient times and to this day (people to people).

I refuse to shape my view of Pakistanis and Pakistanis based off a bunch of hateful anti-Arab Pakistanis (a tiny minority overall) when in the real world, Arabs and Pakistanis are very close people and have excellent people to people relations. Having known many Pakistanis in person (Arab world and West), I can safely say the above.
Not just in here back in 2012-2013 I used to enjoy a lot of websites but
Any were taken down like anthrocivitas, militaryphotos, Arab aviation forum and many others I can’t find
Forums/bulletiin boards are an 2000's era thing, late 2010's it has been overtaken by Reddit, Twitter. We're stuck with old technology, we're boomers.
Apparently there was a thread to vote in new moderators. And a few days later new moderators were announced. Hannibal won the vote for international mods, meaning he got highest amount of votes against other potential international mods but he was not given international mod title when they announced new mods. He would have been our Arab mod I believe. That may not be the sole reason though, he wrote that he didn't like childish discussions(ME section trolls) too.

Hannibal won the vote for all type of moderators, both for international and Pakistani candidates. That Guy (Pakistani) also dont get elected despite getting the second place after Hannibal. These two guys are also known to be critical with Chinese members. I think PDF need to put non Pakistani as Senior Moderator too in order to keep the discussion more civil.

Only @Dubious is quite neutral despite some Turkish even accuse him/her has pro China attitude.
Apparently there was a thread to vote in new moderators. And a few days later new moderators were announced. Hannibal won the vote for international mods, meaning he got highest amount of votes against other potential international mods but he was not given international mod title when they announced new mods. He would have been our Arab mod I believe. That may not be the sole reason though, he wrote that he didn't like childish discussions(ME section trolls) too.

Ah, that's too bad. He was a pretty good member and participated in many different topics and wasn't shy about giving his opinion while always keeping a cool demeanor about himself. Which is a needed attribute to being a good moderator. So he got elected by the voters yet wasn't made a moderator? lol! How come I'm not surprised?


I can only say the same thing, brother. How are you doing after this long time? I did not see you around for a very long time but I had a long break on PDF at the time that you disappeared on PDF. Don't blame you.:enjoy:

Fortunately I have many other interests in life and can only spend so much time devoted to one type. So I participate in a couple of boating and fishing forums and since I had a pretty complex modification I did on our boat and documented the entire thing, it took up a lot of my time as well as running a business does take up the other half of one's time. If it wasn't for this stay at home order, I might not have made this quick stop by here to be perfectly honest with you. But it's always good to check in on things every once in a while, especially when there's big news in one's country like the recent acquisition of the 26 Su-35s for the EAF. That's usually worth a quick visit to see the reaction, especially by the haters loooool. That's always a fun thing to do. :enjoy:

Who said anything about kicking India out of international community or making Armenian sit in the cold? Where do you come up with this stuff?

You turn blind eye to chemical weapons use against Syrians but trying to present yourself as morally superior. This is two faced- justice of yours. If you are proclaimed just people then it needs to show everywhere. Not one just act for every 100 unjust ones.

Anyhow is everyone's Ramadan going so far? How are you doing brother @Indos ?

You turn blind eye to chemical weapons use against Syrians but trying to present yourself as morally superior. This is two faced- justice of yours. If you are proclaimed just people then it needs to show everywhere. Not one just act for every 100

Who said anything about kicking India out of international community or making Armenian sit in the cold? Where do you come up with this stuff?
unjust ones.

Anyhow is everyone's Ramadan going so far? How are you doing brother @Indos ?
you knew I never been to an Arabic coffee shop, I prefer Turkish coffee over Arabic one:coffee:. but as you asked
you said about Iran helping non-Muslim attacking Muslims and those two was what It came to my mind . one Iran prevented OIC move against India . that would only served by radicalizing Indian more toward Muslims and seriously harmed Indian Muslims.
the other was making Azerbaijan and Turkey plan to put siege on Armenia in middle of the winter futile by shipping fuel and Food there as the plan was a certain recipe for hundred of thousands of death from cold , starvation and disease .

About Syria , well first we don't agree on several cases of those attacks mentioned and we have problem with the fact that they always occurs when Syrian government is under wining strike
and advance and have no need for such tactics. also the fact you guys never say anything about terrorist use of chemical weapons.

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