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Assalamualaikum Brother, what is the development of Covid 19 case there ?

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته


Almost 150.000 tests conducted in KSA so far.

Around 5.000 infected and 65 casualties.


So overall the situation is quite good, among the best in the world actually.

This is due to 4 main reasons

1) A strong healthcare system and leading hospitals in the region (alongside Israel).

2) Previous experience with the MERS virus.

3) The government acting fairly quickly and doing what is necessary.

4) People following the rules.

Looks like the situation is under control in Indonesia as well.

The main worry, as I see it, will be economical as I firmly belief that a vaccine will be found eventually within the next 6-12 months. My experience as a chemical engineer tells me that whenever a pandemic of this sort, that manages to paralyze the world and the global economy, money, attention, cross-border/institutional/scientific cooperation to find a cure, will take precedence before anything else.

The trouble might be the nature of the virus (various mutations) and whether or not a vaccine will be effective for every strain, thus rendering the need to make separate vaccines for each type unnecessary.

Hello brother, in West Bank they have a little over 100 cases last I heard and in Gaza a dozen confirmed cases. There aren't many test kits in either territories and they will need to rely on Israel for assistance in that regard. I would say there are more cases than known in Gaza since quite a number of people are under quarantine. But, in both West Bank and Gaza they have reacted pretty quickly and took measures early on. Since they can't afford to comfortable in this regard.

This is a nasty virus that will put life on hold for awhile and most people should be able to adapt in the meantime. But too many people in the US for example do panic shopping when it isn't necessary. Or they go out and shop out of boredom which increases likelihood of virus spreading. Some people also want to walk out to get fresh air especially since it is spring and summer is around the corner. Where I live it's cold most of the year and everybody wants to enjoy the summer weather but the virus is making things complicated.

First of all, how are you doing brother? It's been a long time. I have limited my participation on PDF as well. Don't like the current state of this forum (infested with trolls, very few academic/serious discussions) and most importantly the already dying Arab community has almost completely disappeared. Many Arab-obsessed individuals. This is not the PDF of old, I am afraid, so I am thinking about following you and only participating rarely. Real life obligations don't allow it anymore either.
Similarly the condition of Yemen, Libya, Syria etc. is far from ideal and the Palestinian question is not yet resolved. A lot of political fraction among the regimes and a lot of mostly hostile/negative foreign meddling. All this can only be solved by greater political, economic, military Arab integration as I have always been saying.

That is encouraging to hear, I hope that this coronavirus pandemic will have as little harm as possible in the Arab world (and the world for that matter) but in particular the unstable regions in the Arab world as people have already been suffering enough in recent years.

Looks like the situation in the US is the most serious one given the healthcare system not being universal and the many federal states using different approaches. What is the situation where you are at? Stay safe bro.


Assalamualaikum Brother, what is the development of Covid 19 case there ?

BTW, what are the economic prospects for Indonesia after this coronavirus pandemic? Are you well prepared for a decrease of the economic growth? How is the business sector reacting?

Great to have you all back here! Stay safe!


Bro, can you do some of the few remaining Arab users a favor and ban the few loudmouth Arab-obsessed trolls/individuals that are hell-bent on derailing and engaging in trolling on the otherwise peaceful Arab section of PDF (which you moderators can attest to)?
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته


Almost 150.000 tests conducted in KSA so far.

Around 5.000 infected and 65 casualties.


So overall the situation is quite good, among the best in the world actually.

This is due to 4 main reasons

1) A strong healthcare system and leading hospitals in the region (alongside Israel).

2) Previous experience with the MERS virus.

3) The government acting fairly quickly and doing what is necessary.

4) People following the rules.

Looks like the situation is under control in Indonesia as well.

The main worry, as I see it, will be economical as I firmly belief that a vaccine will be found eventually within the next 6-12 months. My experience as a chemical engineer tells me that whenever a pandemic of this sort, that manages to paralyze the world and the global economy, money, attention, cross-border/institutional/scientific cooperation to find a cure, will take precedence before anything else.

The trouble might be the nature of the virus (various mutations) and whether or not a vaccine will be effective for every strain, thus rendering the need to make separate vaccines for each type unnecessary.

Glad to hear that. Yup, Alhamdulillah almost all Muslim Nations are still relatively having mild outbreak, maybe due to climate and particularly the protection of Allah SWT. Are you now in Saudi?

My relatives in Saudi mostly live in Riyad. There is also one relative living in Madinah. They are branch from my grandmother from father side. My grandmother used to live in Saudi, following her mother stay in Saudi. My grandmother brother stay in Saudi and become Saudi citizen while my grandmother come back to Indonesia. From him, I got two uncle who work in university in Riyad as professors and also 3 aunts who work as lecturer in university in Saudi

My uncle who live in Indonesia also marry a women who have family living in Saudi as citizen since old time. They are also West Sumatran stock just like my family. West Sumatran have been seen as a quite success tribe, many Indonesian founding father are West Sumatran (Minang tribe) including one of our Proclamators, Bung Hatta, also has become king in Malaysia (Negeri Sambilan state) and first President of Singapore.

There is history that Minang tribe in West Sumatra has blood link from Prophet Muhammad descent. Not every one, but some from ancient migration.

Yup, for our brother @Falcon29 condition is not well in USA. I hope he and his family can still stay healthy during this outbreak. I also have relatives in USA, living in Utah. My mother sister and two of my cousins. Financially both her husband and my aunt are find economically as both of them work in Hospital and School, two institution which are not getting effected financially by the outbreak.
Glad to hear that. Yup, Alhamdulillah almost all Muslim Nations are still relatively having mild outbreak, maybe due to climate and particularly the protection of Allah SWT. Are you now in Saudi?

My relatives in Saudi mostly live in Riyad. There is also one relative living in Madinah. They are branch from my grandmother from father side. My grandmother used to live in Saudi, following her mother stay in Saudi. My grandmother brother stay in Saudi and become Saudi citizen while my grandmother come back to Indonesia. From him, I got two uncle who work in university in Riyad as professors and also 3 aunts who work as lecturer in university in Saudi

My uncle who live in Indonesia also marry a women who have family living in Saudi as citizen since old time. They are also West Sumatran stock just like my family. West Sumatran have been seen as a quite success tribe, many Indonesian founding father are West Sumatran (Minang tribe) including one of our Proclamators, Bung Hatta, also has become king in Malaysia (Negeri Sambilan state) and first President of Singapore.

There is history that Minang tribe in West Sumatra has blood link from Prophet Muhammad descent. Not every one, but some from ancient migration.

Yup, for our brother @Falcon29 condition is not well in USA. I hope he and his family can still stay healthy during this outbreak. I also have relatives in USA, living in Utah. My mother sister and two of my cousins. Financially both her husband and my aunt are find economically as both of them work in Hospital and School, two institution which are not getting effected financially by the outbreak.

I think that warm weather, at least from what I have read, acts as a deterrent of the virus, in particular in terms of spread from surfaces to people.

Since the weather is now getting warm/hot in most of KSA, this might have helped reduce the spread. Sunlight and warmer temperatures.

No, I am currently in Europe due to work/business obligations. With extended family luckily, many which are scattered across a few European countries.

That is good to hear. I hope that they are safe and well. They are now sons and daughters of the soil.

Yes, Minang people are prominent even among the Indonesian community in KSA and in other GCC states.

Ties (people to people) are very old and it is something that ordinary Saudi Arabians and Indonesians should build on irrespective of regimes/politicians in power.

Next time around I will hopefully visit Sumatra. I believe it is more beautiful than Java.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
BTW, what are the economic prospects for Indonesia after this coronavirus pandemic? Are you well prepared for a decrease of the economic growth? How is the business sector reacting?

Well, I will try my best to answer this.

Current situation

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted our economy badly and recent estimation from World Bank said that Indonesian economic growth will decrease from 5.02 percent (2019) into 2.4 percent this year. With assumption the pandemic can be eliminated in July. The figure will be worst if the outbreak cannot be contained after that month.

Our currency value is also falling and lost 15 % of its value since at the start of pandemic in our country in early March. It is due to many foreign investor in our financial market sell our stock and buy US dollar instead as save heaven investment during any crisis.

Thanks God we can bring back market confident on Rupiah after Central Bank make many actions, like currency swap and Repo line with several countries. Particularly the most significant thing is Repo line for about 60 billion dollar has been given by The Fed that can make our central bank use the money for possible market intervention. This action has made Rupiah become the strongest Asian currency last Week and even Today the strengthening is still happening.

Talking about real sector, I think so far the real sector is still going on despite partial lockdown on several important cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, and Tanggerang where many business are located. Our business have implement work from home system to keep their operation going on amid partial lockdown. Despite that some business shops are still open and some people still work in the office. It is because we are not implementing strict lock down procedure just like happening in China cities like Wuhan and Beijing.

This can be seen on this news about condition in Jakarta street after fifth days of partial lock down.

Are you well prepared for the decreased of economic growth ?

Many informal sector worker and small business owners are not prepared for this, particularly if the partial lock down policy continues until the end of May. Not enough savings available for such long lock down period, particularly for informal sector workers. Small and medium size businesses will also get huge impact particularly to pay their worker salaries in the condition their shop are closed and their operation are stopped.

Central Government and Local government have promised to give cash for 3 million Jakartan who get the most impact but for some they may not get the money, just like one of street food seller who always passes my house selling meatballs (Bakso). He rely much on workers working in many offices scattered in my neighborhood. With this situation he just said to me that he is fighting for survival in daily basis.

BTW, what are the economic prospects for Indonesia after this coronavirus pandemic?

I can say we have good prospect since this pandemic is not hitting us as severe as happening in China/USA/Italia/France/Iran/Spain/Germany AlhamduliLLAH. And if the death rate and infection rate can still be controlled and not more than current figure, I believe Indonesia economy can still survive this year. And if the outbreak can even be contained and stopped within 2-3 months from now, our economy will likely to grow at 2.4 % this year as World Bank had estimated.
First of all, how are you doing brother? It's been a long time. I have limited my participation on PDF as well. Don't like the current state of this forum (infested with trolls, very few academic/serious discussions) and most importantly the already dying Arab community has almost completely disappeared. Many Arab-obsessed individuals. This is not the PDF of old, I am afraid, so I am thinking about following you and only participating rarely. Real life obligations don't allow it anymore either.
Similarly the condition of Yemen, Libya, Syria etc. is far from ideal and the Palestinian question is not yet resolved. A lot of political fraction among the regimes and a lot of mostly hostile/negative foreign meddling. All this can only be solved by greater political, economic, military Arab integration as I have always been saying.

That is encouraging to hear, I hope that this coronavirus pandemic will have as little harm as possible in the Arab world (and the world for that matter) but in particular the unstable regions in the Arab world as people have already been suffering enough in recent years.

Looks like the situation in the US is the most serious one given the healthcare system not being universal and the many federal states using different approaches. What is the situation where you are at? Stay safe bro.

It's been awhile man, I've been busy with personal life/school, was all disrupted by this virus since they cancelled classes as soon as one case in one our Universities was found. Our state, Michigan, has been hit pretty hard and we rank in third place after New Jersey and New York. Sort of not surprising since the automotive companies are based here and we have lots of people who travel to California/Florida/New York/etc.... Although it looks worse from the outside. If you or brother @Indos lived here it still feels relatively normal. It only feels off when you go shopping for essentials like groceries or technology, everyone with masks and they limit each family to 3 members only.

I had to get a computer for school and there was no in store shopping where I got it from. You had to wait in a line then be admitted to parking lot then wait to get your order brought to you.

However, the good news is our cases are starting to flatten and decrease on a daily basis. Our death toll is going up because those who were admitted into hospitals weeks ago are no longer able to fight off the virus unfortunately. People are walking/jogging/biking more than usual since they're so bored indoors.

Otherwise the biggest worry is economy wise it is hitting many businesses badly and people are hoping they can get back to work soon. I also do know some people who got the virus and I believe they have fully recovered by now. They aren't young either. I do know relatives of people that have died from it. I hope you are safe, are you in Europe still or Saudi Arabia? My only worry for Arab nations is if people go splurging for groceries one day before Ramadan and contribute to a big spark of cases that way. I'm hoping they have a plan for all Muslim nations too, I haven't seen anything yet.

I will be doing my family's Ramadan shopping early on probably later this weekend. Also @Indos and @Slav Defence hope you guys are doing well.

And everyone else in this section @bruszm , @camelguy, @HannibalBarca

Yup, for our brother @Falcon29 condition is not well in USA. I hope he and his family can still stay healthy during this outbreak. I also have relatives in USA, living in Utah. My mother sister and two of my cousins. Financially both her husband and my aunt are find economically as both of them work in Hospital and School, two institution which are not getting effected financially by the outbreak.

Hope your relatives are doing well brother, thankfully Utah has been spared so far of a big outbreak, hopefully it remains that way. Yes that is true as well, those jobs have good job security going for them. People mostly being hit are those with small businesses that aren't considered essential for consumers and people with more standard minimum wage jobs.

First of all thank you for the long and detailed post. Learned a lot.

Indonesia's huge population (fourth most populous nation in the world) along with political stability and a pragmatic economic policy and a neutral political stand (not a part of any political blocs) is what is in Indonesia's favor in terms of economic growth. As the economy improves and the average Indonesia gets richer a domino effect takes place and helps Indonesia emerge as a developed nation sometime in the future.

But what is your real assets is the huge population, mostly youth/young, due to the quick population growth. If you notice only (generally speaking and throughout history) populous nations/entities were economically powerful. Take the future top 3 economies in terms of size. China, USA and India. The 3 most populous nations, not a coincidence if you ask me.

Yes, medium-sized businesses are particularly vulnerable. The government will have a harder time bailing them out compared to the large businesses.

As long as you won't face any recession and the annual growth continues you are in safe hands. Worst case scenario, the journey towards becoming a developed country will just take a bit longer.

Well, I will try my best to answer this.

Current situation

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted our economy badly and recent estimation from World Bank said that Indonesian economic growth will decrease from 5.02 percent (2019) into 2.4 percent this year. With assumption the pandemic can be eliminated in July. The figure will be worst if the outbreak cannot be contained after that month.

Our currency value is also falling and lost 15 % of its value since at the start of pandemic in our country in early March. It is due to many foreign investor in our financial market sell our stock and buy US dollar instead as save heaven investment during any crisis.

Thanks God we can bring back market confident on Rupiah after Central Bank make many actions, like currency swap and Repo line with several countries. Particularly the most significant thing is Repo line for about 60 billion dollar has been given by The Fed that can make our central bank use the money for possible market intervention. This action has made Rupiah become the strongest Asian currency last Week and even Today the strengthening is still happening.

Talking about real sector, I think so far the real sector is still going on despite partial lockdown on several important cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, and Tanggerang where many business are located. Our business have implement work from home system to keep their operation going on amid partial lockdown. Despite that some business shops are still open and some people still work in the office. It is because we are not implementing strict lock down procedure just like happening in China cities like Wuhan and Beijing.

This can be seen on this news about condition in Jakarta street after fifth days of partial lock down.

Are you well prepared for the decreased of economic growth ?

Many informal sector worker and small business owners are not prepared for this, particularly if the partial lock down policy continues until the end of May. Not enough savings available for such long lock down period, particularly for informal sector workers. Small and medium size businesses will also get huge impact particularly to pay their worker salaries in the condition their shop are closed and their operation are stopped.

Central Government and Local government have promised to give cash for 3 million Jakartan who get the most impact but for some they may not get the money, just like one of street food seller who always passes my house selling meatballs (Bakso). He rely much on workers working in many offices scattered in my neighborhood. With this situation he just said to me that he is fighting for survival in daily basis.

BTW, what are the economic prospects for Indonesia after this coronavirus pandemic?

I can say we have good prospect since this pandemic is not hitting us as severe as happening in China/USA/Italia/France/Iran/Spain/Germany AlhamduliLLAH. And if the death rate and infection rate can still be controlled and not more than current figure, I believe Indonesia economy can still survive this year. And if the outbreak can even be contained and stopped within 2-3 months from now, our economy will likely to grow at 2.4 % this year as World Bank had estimated.

It's been awhile man, I've been busy with personal life/school, was all disrupted by this virus since they cancelled classes as soon as one case in one our Universities was found. Our state, Michigan, has been hit pretty hard and we rank in third place after New Jersey and New York. Sort of not surprising since the automotive companies are based here and we have lots of people who travel to California/Florida/New York/etc.... Although it looks worse from the outside. If you or brother @Indos lived here it still feels relatively normal. It only feels off when you go shopping for essentials like groceries or technology, everyone with masks and they limit each family to 3 members only.

I had to get a computer for school and there was no in store shopping where I got it from. You had to wait in a line then be admitted to parking lot then wait to get your order brought to you.

However, the good news is our cases are starting to flatten and decrease on a daily basis. Our death toll is going up because those who were admitted into hospitals weeks ago are no longer able to fight off the virus unfortunately. People are walking/jogging/biking more than usual since they're so bored indoors.

Otherwise the biggest worry is economy wise it is hitting many businesses badly and people are hoping they can get back to work soon. I also do know some people who got the virus and I believe they have fully recovered by now. They aren't young either. I do know relatives of people that have died from it. I hope you are safe, are you in Europe still or Saudi Arabia? My only worry for Arab nations is if people go splurging for groceries one day before Ramadan and contribute to a big spark of cases that way. I'm hoping they have a plan for all Muslim nations too, I haven't seen anything yet.

I will be doing my family's Ramadan shopping early on probably later this weekend. Also @Indos and @Slav Defence hope you guys are doing well.

And everyone else in this section @bruszm , @camelguy, @HannibalBarca

Hope your relatives are doing well brother, thankfully Utah has been spared so far of a big outbreak, hopefully it remains that way. Yes that is true as well, those jobs have good job security going for them. People mostly being hit are those with small businesses that aren't considered essential for consumers and people with more standard minimum wage jobs.

Not been very busy on PDF either outside of "writing sprees" in the span of 24-48 hours like my recent one, lol.

Great to see you around here again, brother. Even if I am gone from PDF, I would fine solace in you representing the Arab perspective here from time to time, lol. We are short on numbers after all.

That is good to hear. Europe seems to have been hit far worse than the US compared to per capita deaths and number of infected people per capita as can be seen by the statistics.

Yes, it seems that the curve is flattening itself. I think that the worst will be our in late May if people and governments continue where they left. A vaccine will probably not occur before next year, is my guess at least. Some rumors about September being the month and let us hope that.

Actually such economic crisis, are often great opportunities for investments and it is often a positive thing for the youth who is about to establish himself/herself economically as housing prices etc. are skydiving. If you have a relatively high-paying job, you can check advantage of the "chaos".

As you write, the crisis is a curse for established businesses and people with large assets.

I am currently in Europe due to work obligations with extended family. KSA has imposed more strict measures than most European nations and so far there are some 5000 cases (with over 120.000 tested) and less than 80 deaths (last time I checked).

I do worry about a second wave and for Ramadan and Umrah pilgrims. By then I do hope/pray that things have calmed down. The problem with KSA is that it is a transportation/transit hub and home to people from literally every country. We have many African citizens as well (expats and illegal workers too) who might be trying to reach KSA long after the virus calms down and as we know, African nations might be particularly hard hit due to the bad/lacking health care infrastructure.

My advice is to take it calm, spend time with family and loved ones, call family in Palestine and elsewhere (I have been talking a lot on the phone with relatives, almost on a daily basis, lol, which is a very good thing in such unusual times) and to focus on your university studies/college as well as prayers and things that you wanted to do but never got time for.
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How do we depart this highly addictive forum, all my attempts have failed for years


Even brother @Falcon29 has returned.:pdf:

Not been very active for long. Just return a few times each month where I have my writing sprees.

Now with the coronavirus pandemic around, which has paralyzed almost everything, you have a bit more time on your hand to waste on PDF. However there are some very good and knowledgable people on PDF as well.

What annoys me and probably what ends up making me leave permanently, is that there are hardly any of us Arab users left. It gets really boring at times and it is hopeless/a waste of time to engage with the anti-Arab/Arab-obsessed trolls on PDF alone and engaging in topics with no Arab representation. I liked when we had relatively big communities for each Arab country participating here. Arabs in the diaspora included and locals. It created a lot of different perspectives and interesting discussions. Often those topics are Arab topics but with 0 Arab participants nowadays.:disagree: Anyway as you grow older, it is natural that forum/online/social media participation diminishes.

Anyway what is the situation in Netherlands? I imagine that everything is paralyzed as well. We need to stay safe.
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Even brother @Falcon29 has returned.:pdf:

Not been very active for long. Just return a few times each month where I have my writing sprees.

Now with the coronavirus pandemic around, which has paralyzed almost everything, you have a bit more time on your hand to waste on PDF. However there are some very good and knowledgable people on PDF as well.

What annoys me and probably what ends making me leave permanently, is that there are hardly any of us Arab users left. It gets really boring at times and it is hopeless/a waste of time to engage with the anti-Arab/Arab-obsessed trolls on PDF alone and engaging in topics with no Arab representation. Often those topics are Arab topics but with 0 Arab participants.:disagree: Anyway as you grow older, it is natural that forum/online/social media participation diminishes.

Anyway what is the situation in Netherlands? I imagine that everything is paralyzed as well. We need to stay safe.

Netherlands is empty and there's little to do in Amsterdam as everything is closed. Missing the good old days in Copenhagen however, very interesting it was.

I realized i've been here since 2013, time flies.
Netherlands is empty and there's little to do in Amsterdam as everything is closed. Missing the good old days in Copenhagen however, very interesting it was.

I realized i've been here since 2013, time flies.

It is a very surreal situation with almost the entire world being paralyzed.

Yes, it has been ages when you think about it and there have been some rather extreme and unpredictable changes occurring in that time in our part of the world. It should gives us hope of things improving in the Arab world quicker than we might think.

However if I am to be honest with you, I have been rather apathetic in recent months/years. Felt similarly about the situation in Iraq. Yet it is important not to forget the perspective and remember that the potential is enormous and that things are bound to change. As individuals we have changed as well during that time.

Anyway I hope that everything is well with you and the family. We need to stick together as a family in times like those. Maybe this whole coronavirus pandemic will have some positive benefits as well for the societies.
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