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Lebanese and Iraqis should use ballots to solve their problem instead of doing prolong demonstration that can ruin the nation just like happening in Thailand and Egypt.
Lebanese and Iraqis should use ballots to solve their problem instead of doing prolong demonstration that can ruin the nation just like happening in Thailand and Egypt.
it doesn't work... since the "System" is at fault, not the process.
And added to it the unwillingness of those in "Power" to let down their "Position"... and you have it... ME current problem...

Unfortunately... You need it to crumble and then rebuild. As for whatever the nation will or will not be ruined... Well the Nation was "Already" on it's dying bed... People death was and is equal to numbers... Corruption was and is the Heart of the Syst... Inequality was and is the Constitution... and so on...

If blood is the only available currency for a better future...then so be it... We can pay.
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Coup like Egypt would be a dream for Iraq.

So you mean you want to be ruled by another dictator once again ? That reflect very low expectation on your own people ability to exercise democracy system.
it doesn't work... since the "System" is at fault, not the process.
And added to it the unwillingness of those in "Power" to let down their "Position"... and you have it... ME current problem...

Unfortunately... You need it to crumble and then rebuild. As for whatever the nation will or will not be ruined... Well the Nation was "Already" on it's dying bed... People death was and is equal to numbers... Corruption was and is the Heart of the Syst... Inequality was and is the Constitution... and so on...

If blood is the only available currency for a better future...then so be it... We can pay.

Democracy is the opposite of authoritarian ruling. Do you prefer authoritarian ruling then democracy ? The most stable authoritarian ruling is a kingdom so the succession is clear like in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain. Do you want to be ruled by the same family for the rest of your life ?

Other type of authoritarian ruling is living under a dictator where the succession is unclear, thus can create possible chaos and blood shed when the strong man is died. Or you prefer system like China and Vietnam where there are politbiro and single political party (not elected). Both nation is unfortunate being ruled by a Communist party, and since it is an authoritarian ruling their people dont have any chance to change the leadership unless they make a successful revolution that could possibly create many death just like happening in Syria or split the nation into two like Libya.

Or do you prefer Caliphate system like Khulafaur Rashidin system where the system is actually like democracy in nature where the next Caliphate will be elected and picked but the system itself is still primitive particularly in term of the succession system (there is no modern election system and since the election is indirect (elected by the respected elder/tribal leader), there is no formal parliament either). With primitive governing system that they use, civil war happens, this war then weaken the last Caliphate that is then replaced by Kingdom under Muawiyah family.

There is no fixed democracy system as well, each nation has their own democracy system. Indonesia for instant use Presidential system like USA where the President will be voted directly but in Indonesia we have multiple political parties, unlike USA which only have two. USA has senators but in Indonesia we only have parliament. USA is a federation where each state has freedom to have their own rule, but not in Indonesia.

On the other hand England and Pakistan use Parliament system where the people only vote the parliament and the parliament that will choose the President.
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Democracy is the opposite of authoritarian ruling. Do you prefer authoritarian ruling then democracy ? The most stable authoritarian ruling is a kingdom so the succession is clear like in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, and Bahrain. Other type of authoritarian ruling is living under a dictator where the succession is unclear, thus can create possible chaos and blood shed when the strong man is died.

Or do you prefer Caliphate system like Khulafaur Rashidin system where the system is actually like democracy in nature where the next Caliphate will be elected and picked but the system itself is still primitive particularly in term of the succession system (there is no modern election system and since the election is indirect (elected by the respected elder/tribal leader), there is no formal parliament either.

There is no fixed democracy system as well, each nation has their own democracy system. Indonesia for instant use Presidential system like USA where the President will be voted directly but in Indonesia we have multiple political parties, unlike USA which only have two. On the other hand England and Pakistan use Parliament system where the people only vote the parliament and the parliament that will choose the President.

The System doesn't matter at the end of the day... if the Root is rotten, the Tree is dying... Even if that Tree is the most Beautiful one around...
Yes, a Syt were "People" have a choice is the one to hope and fight for, But the fight is not to have X or Y type of Syst... the Real fight is a Social one... Where the population have to "Re-Educate" themselves in separating/rejecting the good from the bad.
Many think around there that getting a "Democracy" will solve the problem... But meanwhile those same people are paying the cop when they get caught at the red light... or bribe that guy to let his son pass the year and so on... and those same ppl are protesting outside for the "corrupt" to leave...

An Healthy base/root will most of time give a good fruit... whatever may be the fruit... So, I believe the right Q is not "What Regime you should get"... but "What need to be done for us to change"
The System doesn't matter at the end of the day... if the Root is rotten, the Tree is dying... Even if that Tree is the most Beautiful one around...
Yes, a Syt were "People" have a choice is the one to hope and fight for, But the fight is not to have X or Y type of Syst... the Real fight is a Social one... Where the population have to "Re-Educate" themselves in separating/rejecting the good from the bad.
Many think around there that getting a "Democracy" will solve the problem... But meanwhile those same people are paying the cop when they get caught at the red light... or bribe that guy to let his son pass the year and so on... and those same ppl are protesting outside for the "corrupt" to leave...

An Healthy base/root will most of time give a good fruit... whatever may be the fruit... So, I believe the right Q is not "What Regime you should get"... but "What need to be done for us to change"

We are talking about political system here bro. If we talk about the force to change people from bad to good, from weak to strong, from lazy into motivated, I believe the answer is Islam. That is fixed already. Islamization of the society is the only way to transform the society into a better one, morally and culturally.

Any thinking saying that democracy will solve all problem of course not true. But through democracy many problem can be solved and democracy of course still requires patience. Democracy also needs upgrade. This is why our parliament pass the law to allow direct Presidential election in 2004 after getting the first democratic election in 1999 (actually our first democratic election was in 1955). Before, President is elected by a parliament. We made a change because we know the important to have a strong government. We also pass a law to enable direct election for governor and major so opportunities for local leadership is widen, thus help creating new grass root leaders. Jokowi for instant is popular after he become a major in Solo which then make him get elected as Jakarta governor before he becomes a President.

We also set up independent Anti Corruption Body (KPK) to solve our acute corruption among our institution and society after we have democracy. The process is still going on but many said the body is quite successful in eradicating corruption culture among our birocrate and also society. In the past we used to pay some money for local birocrate for even a small thing like to extend our ID card period. Not any more now. So there is change happening that we can see but hard work is still needed to be done. Corruption culture has been weaken greatly but there is still some happening in private sector (B2B business), something that IMO weaken honest Muslim entrepreneur growth in our country, but I am optimistic that in the long run that practice will be gone inshaAllah, particularly after seeing Indonesian people get more conservative for time to time, Alhamdulillah. As you suggest the real change should be started from the within the society which relate to religious, education (formal and informal), and mind set thing.
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Salam akhis and akhwatis,
Any updates on Corona virus pandemic related to Arab counties will be highly appreciated. How is everyone over there? Please take good care of yourselves and do not loiter around here and there.
In addition to that, I hope that you all are chilling in your houses. Please once again, remember your neighborhood and daily wagers. Do not forget to give them charity as Allah subhawatala will multiply our wealth into 10 folds if we give charity during this outbreak when fear our own lives. :)
Salam akhis and akhwatis,
Any updates on Corona virus pandemic related to Arab counties will be highly appreciated. How is everyone over there? Please take good care of yourselves and do not loiter around here and there.
In addition to that, I hope that you all are chilling in your houses. Please once again, remember your neighborhood and daily wagers. Do not forget to give them charity as Allah subhawatala will multiply our wealth into 10 folds if we give charity during this outbreak when fear our own lives. :)

I shall quickly reply brother (as can be seen this thread is not very active nowadays).

The status is unfortunately unknown in war torn countries such as Syria, Yemen and Libya other than there being reports of this virus appearing in Syria and Libya. Besieged Gaza, I have not heard information about ( brother @Falcon29 if he sees this post might know better here) but I know that it has spread to the West Bank/rest of Palestine with 1 casualty so far and 86 infected unfortunately.

As for the rest of the Arab countries, almost all have had casualties and infected (the testing is not as frequent in many Arab countries so difficult to tell about the exact ground situation like anywhere else in the world really) but I can tell that most Arab countries have taken the same measures as elsewhere in the world. Bans on mass gatherings, curfews, most work places having closed (expect for vital institutions such as hospitals, shops, needed government work places etc.), restrictions on gatherings in mosques for prayers etc. Measures also taken in Europe/USA (most hit areas now alongside Iran) and China/East Asia.

It seems that Pakistan is doing similarly and so far the casualties/infected cases are low but we must all watch out as we don't fully know the nature of this virus and there is always the potential for mutations and more aggressive/more dangerous strains of the virus emerging.

See my posts on page 2 in this thread below:


Official casualties and infected can be seen here.


As of this moment, I can count 112 casualties in total across all Arab countries and around 5.000 people infected but the real numbers are probably much higher in the Arab world and the entire world as apparently 80% of all infected show no or very few symptoms. This coronavirus mostly targets older people that are already suffering from other health complications that often require intensive care.

The main worry is the economical one (modern day world and all) and the likely global recession that the world will face. It will likely lead to more human misery (directly or indirectly, deaths included) than the actual virus itself. I also believe that we are not too far away from finding a vaccine or existing drugs that will help most of the dangerous symptoms.

I have read specifically about the existing drug camostat mesylate (used in Japan to treat various illnesses thus an approved drug) that scientists might use for coronavirus infected patients. Tests will occur with coronavirus infected patients where 2/3 of them will be given the real drug and 1/3 of them a placebo. Clinical tests on mouse and other animals have shown promising results already.


Scientists from all across the world are working on finding a vaccine independently and in cooperation.
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