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I wonder if this illiterate clown ever read a history book.

Every the nomadic Turks took was from Arabs,Greeks, Armenians and Iranians but this clown Always twist history 180 degrees lol :lol:

All of the so called famous ottomans were of non Turkic origin like mimar sinan, sokollu pasha, koprulu family and Bargali Ibrahim pasha

All of their mosques are of Armenian and Byzantine design and their woodwork and dress is from Levant yet this clueless clown from Pakistan say that Arabs took their culture and arts from the Turks who themselves were nothing but nomad dwelling in Siberia and northern China :lol:
Arab Empires and Caliphates? Ottomans: Hold my ayran!
Captures the whole Arab world.
I wonder if this illiterate clown ever read a history book.

Every the nomadic Turks took was from Arabs,Greeks, Armenians and Iranians but this clown Always twist history 180 degrees lol :lol:

All of the so called famous ottomans were of non Turkic origin like mimar sinan, sokollu pasha, koprulu family and Bargali Ibrahim pasha

All of their mosques are of Armenian and Byzantine design and their woodwork and dress is from Levant yet this clueless clown from Pakistan say that Arabs took their culture and arts from the Turks who themselves were nothing but nomad dwelling in Siberia and northern China :lol:


Arab Empires and Caliphates? Ottomans: Hold my ayran!
Captures the whole Arab world.

You mean the 100% Arabized Ottomans whose only "Turkic" thing about them was murdering brother to gain the "throne" and who lost every war against Arabs whenever the Arabs no longer accepted being allies (Yemen, Hijaz and elsewhere) with them and who now belong in the dustbin of history and have no legacy, unlike the Arab world which is a living legacy of the much larger, more influential, respected and important Arab Rashidun, Umayyad, Abassaid, Fatimid Caliphates and empires etc? Got it.:lol:

You never ruled anything and 20% of the Arab world (with local rulers ruling as allies, never conquered territory) is not the entire Arab world.:lol:

Today you are reduced to a tiny state with a population, economy, resources, landmass 100 times smaller than the Arab world and the difference will just increase in the future with the rapid population growth in the Arab world.

Turkey is already flooded by Arabs as well and you also got the wonderful Kurdish relatives to worry about. What a blessing indeed.

I am speaking about the culture and architecture which that Pakistani claimed the the Turks influenced the Arabs but in reality in 180 degree the the opposite

Turkish coffee, remember?:lol:

You mean the 100% Arabized Ottomans whose only "Turkic" thing about them was murdering brother to gain the "throne" and who lost every war against Arabs whenever the Arabs no longer accepted being allies (Yemen, Hijaz and elsewhere) with them and who now belong in the dustbin of history and have no legacy, unlike the Arab world which is a living legacy of the much larger, more influential, respected and important Arab Rashidun, Umayyad, Abassaid, Fatimid Caliphates and empires etc? Got it.:lol:

You never ruled anything and 20% of the Arab world (with local rulers ruling as allies, never conquered territory) is not the entire Arab world.:lol:

Today you are reduced to a tiny state with a population, economy, resources, landmass 100 times smaller than the Arab world and the difference will just increase in the future with the rapid population growth in the Arab world.

Turkey is already flooded by Arabs as well and you also got the wonderful Kurdish relatives to worry about. What a blessing indeed.

Turkish coffee, remember?:lol:
Most Arabic countries are proxies today. I was expecting you to bullshit such as "Hashemite ruler of Hejaz was only second to Sultan in Ottoman Empire", good that you guard yourself now lol
Most Arabic countries are proxies today. I was expecting you to bullshit such as "Hashemite ruler of Hejaz was only second to Sultan in Ottoman Empire", good that you guard yourself now lol

As opposed to the NATO member Turkey (which otherwise would have had the same fate as the Central Asian states - basically a Russian colony) whose entire ideological foundation (Kemalism) is based on a mismatch of forcibly adopted Western ideologies, a country that depends 100% on Europe/West economically, who never acts or will ever be allowed to act in genuinely hostile manner to the same West (Brunson, Syria etc.). Incirlik NATO Base etc. Got it.

BTW hosting millions of poor drunk Germans, Russians etc. having all kinds of "fun" in your country to earn a few billion USD each year, allowing public gay parades, allowing prostitution, large local alcoholic industry, is that part of being an mentally Western puppet or a messed up perception of trying to please the European/Westerner to think that you are "progressive"? The same European that never has and never will see you as a European or equal and who to date has never allowed you to enter the EU that you for so many decades in a row begged to enter?

Hard for Erdogan to champion Islamic causes and play "Caliph" with such a reality, I am afraid of.

What bullshit? That is a fact as well, if you doubt it do a bit of reading of your "own" supposed history. However I am not sure if you will be able to read Ottoman Turkish as it was more Arabic than anything else and written in the Arabic alphabet.

Anyway, as I said, you are a tiny state on every front compared to Arabs and other than some Erdogan delusions from Neo-Ottomanists on online forums and wannabe European Kemalists/secularists, there are no problems between Arabs and Anatolians, many of whom are Arabs themselves (third largest ethnic group in Turkey are Arabs and growing).

Our regional enemy is another one that is why our focus is on that disruptive element.

As for leaderships, indeed many of them are trash, however if I was anti-Arab I would pray for them to rule as long as possible as what will replace them will be a nightmare for the anti-Arabs.:-)
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As opposed to the NATO member Turkey (which otherwise would have had the same fate as the Central Asian states - basically a Russian colony) whose entire ideological foundation (Kemalism) is based on a mismatch of forcibly adopted Western ideologies, a country that depends 100% on Europe/West economically, who never acts or will ever be allowed to act in genuinely hostile manner to the same West (Brunson, Syria etc.). Incirlik NATO Base etc. Got it.

BTW hosting millions of poor drunk Germans, Russians etc. having all kinds of "fun" in your country to earn a few billion USD each year, allowing public gay parades, allowing prostitution, large local alcoholic industry, is that part of being an mentally Western puppet or a messed up perception of trying to please the European/Westerner to think that you are "progressive"? The same European that never has and never will see you as a European or equal and who to date has never allowed you to enter the EU that you for so many decades in a row begged to enter?

Hard for Erdogan to champion Islamic causes and play "Caliph" with such a reality, I am afraid of.

What bullshit? That is a fact as well, if you doubt it do a bit of reading of your "own" supposed history. However I am not sure if you will be able to read Ottoman Turkish as it was more Arabic than anything else and written in the Arabic alphabet.

Anyway, as I said, you are a tiny state on every front compared to Arabs and other than some Erdogan delusions from Neo-Ottomanists on online forums and wannabe European Kemalists/secularists, there are no problems between Arabs and Anatolians, many of whom are Arabs themselves (third largest ethnic group in Turkey are Arabs and growing).

Our regional enemy is another one that is why our focus is on that disruptive element.

As for leaderships, indeed many of them are trash, however if I was anti-Arab I would pray for them to rule as long as possible as what will replace them will be a nightmare for the anti-Arabs.:-)
The only person, who was second to the Sultan, was Khan of Crimean Khanate. Second to the Ottoman Emperor, and superior to the Grand Vizier, in the Ottoman protocol. The tiny state, Turkey that deploys troops to Libya, have a large military presence in Iraq, in Somalia, Syria and in Qatar. Shame on you lol
I will play it your way, racist way so I am asking "In which Turkic country, an Arab military has a presence?".
The only person, who was second to the Sultan, was Khan of Crimean Khanate. Second to the Ottoman Emperor, and superior to the Grand Vizier, in the Ottoman protocol. The tiny state that deploys troops to Libya, have a large military presence in Iraq, in Somalia, Syria and in Qatar. Shame on you lol

That dynasty was the only other genuine Turkic dynasty within a radius of 5000 km from Istanbul so they were chosen to be a successor of the Ottomans in case they died out. The Ottoman dynasty were actually one of the few genuine Turkic tribes that invaded/colonized Anatolia and subjected their language on the locals. Although the Ottomans mostly married non-Turks all the time and to this day 10 of the 30 or so Ottoman males left, are results of Arab intermarriages.

The current head of the Ottoman Dynasty was born in Syria as well.

In terms of importance, prestige etc. it was the Grand Sharif of Makkah who had full autonomy and who received taxes etc. That is why the Sultan always took great interest and often educated sons and grandsons of the Sharif in Istanbul. You might check out the birth place of Sharif Hussein ibn Ali to get an idea about what I am talking about. I know this for a good reason, lol.

What Iraq? Some tiny base in far northern barren/mountainous Barzanistan/KRG that targets mountain Farsis? Acts with full blessing of Baghdad too. Great for me. Syria? You mean that tiny strip of land just across the border? Not serious and no problem for me either as it has helped locals but Turkey should have done much more but this is another discussion.

Qatar? Is that a joke? They are sitting ducks for KSA and Qatar is already turned into a US base (largest US base in the region is there) so it makes zero difference. Turkey does not have a suicide wish to attack KSA from Qatar. Not that such an attack will ever take place, I can assure you of that, lol.

Somalia, well, entire Horn of Africa is a foreign military base as well, KSA, UAE have presence in Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Yemen etc. but Somalia is not an Arab country, only a minority of Arabs live in Somaliland and many/most Somali clans and tribes trace their ancestry to Arabs but they have a separate identity. They are part of the Arab League due to having an Arab minority and large Arab influence historically, much like Eritrea next door.

As for Libya, this is just a local Libyan civil war, it plays no role, Egypt and Algeria will remain the biggest players in Libya. KSA is not involved in Libya and both sides are on loan anyway and Libyans will not accept foreigners to dominate them as history has shown.
That dynasty was the only other genuine Turkic dynasty within a radius of 5000 km from Istanbul so they were chosen to be a successor of the Ottomans in case they died out. The Ottoman dynasty were actually one of the few genuine Turkic tribes that invaded/colonized Anatolia and subjected their language on the locals. Although the Ottomans mostly married non-Turks all the time and to this day 10 of the 30 or so Ottoman males left, are results of Arab intermarriages.

In terms of importance, prestige etc. it was the Grand Sharif of Makkah who had full autonomy and who received taxes etc. That is why the Sultan always took great interest and often educated sons and grandsons of the Sharif in Istanbul. You might check out the birth place of Sharif Hussein ibn Ali to get an idea about what I am talking about. I know this for a good reason, lol.

What Iraq? Some tiny base in far northern barren/mountainous Barzanistan/KRG that targets mountain Farsis? Acts with full blessing of Baghdad too. Great for me. Syria? You mean that tiny strip of land just across the border? Not serious and no problem for me either as it has helped locals but Turkey should have done much more but this is another discussion.

Qatar? Is that a joke? They are sitting ducks for KSA and Qatar is already turned into a US base (largest US base in the region is there) so it makes zero difference. Turkey does not have a suicide wish to attack KSA from Qatar. Not that such an attack will ever take place, I can assure you of that, lol.

Somalia, well, entire Horn of Africa is a foreign military base as well, KSA, UAE have presence in Somaliland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Yemen etc. but Somalia is not an Arab country, only a minority of Arabs live in Somaliland and many/most Somali clans and tribes trace their ancestry to Arabs but they have a separate identity. They are part of the Arab League due to having an Arab minority and large Arab influence historically, much like Eritrea next door.

As for Libya, this is just a local Libyan civil war, it plays no role, Egypt and Algeria will remain the biggest players in Libya. KSA is not involved in Libya and both sides are on loan anyway and Libyans will not accept foreigners to dominate them as history has shown.
He was never second to the sultan but was a well treated subject of his empire.

People like you are your own enemies, collapse is on the horizon lol
He was never second to the sultan but was a well treated subject of his empire.

People like you are your own enemies, collapse is on the horizon lol

Let me tell you a few facts about the Ottomans that you love so much that the Kemalist education system might not have told you about. Without Arabs there would never have been any Ottomans in history. No other people other than Arabs influenced the Ottoman entity more. If not for Arabs welcoming the Ottomans and putting religious Islamic unity first, against the likes of Portuguese, Safavids and others, there would be no Ottoman other than in tiny Anatolia and small parts of tiny Balkans. Everything that you glorify about the Ottomans was mostly Arab in origin. The language, the alphabet, the titles, the caliphate, the bureaucracy, the system, influence on cuisine, music, architecture etc.

Even the spiritual father of the Ottomans was an Arab sheikh of Najdi origins (Banu Tamim).

In short Arabs were revered. Your sole legitimacy to rule was found in Hijaz (Makkah and Madinah). Anatolian subjects were paying taxes to Hijaz and the Sharif as well. Many Sharifs were directly tutored by the Sultan, many times Sultans who killed their own brothers to gain power, yet they never killed a single Sharif of Makkah.

The irony is that it was Western ideological influences (Young Turks) and useless, mostly non-Turkish (as throughout Ottoman history where people of the Balkans dominated the bureaucracy) Ottoman bureaucracy, that signed their own death, the second they started to misbehave towards Arabs. Later that proved to be their downfall forever.

Collapse, lol. On the contrary. We Arabs are growing in numbers by each day, our economies as well. Our influence is already the by far biggest in the region (we control by far the most land, have the by far most resources, population, economies, potential), what holds us back is largely the regimes and outside meddling in war torn countries.

That is why I wrote that anti-Arabs like you should be praying that the current regimes in power will stay as long as possible because once they are gone, it will be a nightmare for the anti-Arabs of the region.:)

In any case, I already told you that we don't view you (Anatolians and Turks) as enemies. Never did. Only the anti-Arab lot among you. However I want to remind you of the fact that Arabs are the third largest ethnic group in Turkey. But if you insist to make enemies of us, that is your own big problem long-term, however your leadership is not this stupid nor people.
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Let me tell you a few facts about the Ottomans that you love so much that the Kemalist education system might not have told you about. Without Arabs there would never have been any Ottomans in history. No other people other than Arabs influenced the Ottoman entity more. If not for Arabs welcoming the Ottomans and putting religious Islamic unity first, against the likes of Portuguese, Safavids and others, there would be no Ottoman other than in tiny Anatolia and small parts of tiny Balkans. Everything that you glorify about the Ottomans was mostly Arab in origin. The language, the alphabet, the titles, the caliphate, the bureaucracy, the system, influence on cuisine, music, architecture etc.

Even the spiritual father of the Ottomans was an Arab sheikh of Najdi origins (Banu Tamim).

In short Arabs were revered. Your sole legitimacy to rule was found in Hijaz (Makkah and Madinah). Anatolian subjects were paying taxes to Hijaz and the Sharif as well. Many Sharifs were directly tutored by the Sultan, many times Sultans who killed their own brothers to gain power, yet they never killed a single Sharif of Makkah.

The irony is that it was Western ideological influences (Young Turks) and useless, mostly non-Turkish (as throughout Ottoman history where people of the Balkans dominated the bureaucracy) Ottoman bureaucracy, that signed their own death, the second they started to misbehave towards Arabs. Later that proved to be their downfall forever.

Collapse, lol. On the contrary. We Arabs are growing in numbers by each day, our economies as well. Our influence is already the by far biggest in the region (we control by far the most land, have the by far most resources, population, economies, potential), what holds us back is largely the regimes and outside meddling in war torn countries.

That is why I wrote that anti-Arabs like you should be praying that the current regimes in power will stay as long as possible because once they are gone, it will be a nightmare for the anti-Arabs of the region.:)

Let me tell you a few facts about the Ottomans that you love so much that the Kemalist education system might not have told you about. Without Arabs there would never have been any Ottomans in history. No other people other than Arabs influenced the Ottoman entity more. If not for Arabs welcoming the Ottomans and putting religious Islamic unity first, against the likes of Portuguese, Safavids and others, there would be no Ottoman other than in tiny Anatolia and small parts of tiny Balkans. Everything that you glorify about the Ottomans was mostly Arab in origin. The language, the alphabet, the titles, the caliphate, the bureaucracy, the system, influence on cuisine, music, architecture etc.

Even the spiritual father of the Ottomans was an Arab sheikh of Najdi origins (Banu Tamim).

In short Arabs were revered. Your sole legitimacy to rule was found in Hijaz (Makkah and Madinah). Anatolian subjects were paying taxes to Hijaz and the Sharif as well. Many Sharifs were directly tutored by the Sultan, many times Sultans who killed their own brothers to gain power, yet they never killed a single Sharif of Makkah.

The irony is that it was Western ideological influences (Young Turks) and useless, mostly non-Turkish (as throughout Ottoman history where people of the Balkans dominated the bureaucracy) Ottoman bureaucracy, that signed their own death, the second they started to misbehave towards Arabs. Later that proved to be their downfall forever.

Collapse, lol. On the contrary. We Arabs are growing in numbers by each day, our economies as well. Our influence is already the by far biggest in the region (we control by far the most land, have the by far most resources, population, economies, potential), what holds us back is largely the regimes and outside meddling in war torn countries.

That is why I wrote that anti-Arabs like you should be praying that the current regimes in power will stay as long as possible because once they are gone, it will be a nightmare for the anti-Arabs of the region.:)

Let me tell you a few facts about the Ottomans that you love so much that the Kemalist education system might not have told you about. Without Arabs there would never have been any Ottomans in history. No other people other than Arabs influenced the Ottoman entity more. If not for Arabs welcoming the Ottomans and putting religious Islamic unity first, against the likes of Portuguese, Safavids and others, there would be no Ottoman other than in tiny Anatolia and small parts of tiny Balkans. Everything that you glorify about the Ottomans was mostly Arab in origin. The language, the alphabet, the titles, the caliphate, the bureaucracy, the system, influence on cuisine, music, architecture etc.

Even the spiritual father of the Ottomans was an Arab sheikh of Najdi origins (Banu Tamim).

In short Arabs were revered. Your sole legitimacy to rule was found in Hijaz (Makkah and Madinah). Anatolian subjects were paying taxes to Hijaz and the Sharif as well. Many Sharifs were directly tutored by the Sultan, many times Sultans who killed their own brothers to gain power, yet they never killed a single Sharif of Makkah.

The irony is that it was Western ideological influences (Young Turks) and useless, mostly non-Turkish (as throughout Ottoman history where people of the Balkans dominated the bureaucracy) Ottoman bureaucracy, that signed their own death, the second they started to misbehave towards Arabs. Later that proved to be their downfall forever.

Collapse, lol. On the contrary. We Arabs are growing in numbers by each day, our economies as well. Our influence is already the by far biggest in the region (we control by far the most land, have the by far most resources, population, economies, potential), what holds us back is largely the regimes and outside meddling in war torn countries.

That is why I wrote that anti-Arabs like you should be praying that the current regimes in power will stay as long as possible because once they are gone, it will be a nightmare for the anti-Arabs of the region.:)
You should calm down :D
Is there any of you, who likes Wadi al Diab? In 2011, every Syrian shop owner was watching it in Arabic.
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