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Arabic Coffee shop

3 years ago, i do admit that I took things a bit to "seriously".... that also made me what I am on this Forum... where I can swim in each side, and say whatever I think to be right and still be seen without being a threat...

But now... it's just to "enjoy"... Since most interesting members are out of the picture.
I also saw a new wave of "Arabs" with a particular behavior that wasn't the case before... Same for the Turks and Chinese... Where each side find it hard to control themselves and just end up getting put aside...

I will also say that the Mods let too much slack in the past to too many members, who used the ME section as a no man's land... it's way better today, but still, the ME section is still used as some sort of a sandbox.

Arab members weren't that many in the first place, not that this Forum isn't good enough, but most of them prefered an Arabic speaking one. And to be honest... I find it boring when most of the people sing the same song... that's mostly why I am here and just lurk Arabic forums...

Whatever in-existent "Arab behavior" is a reaction to the Arabized yet Arab-obsessed and Arab-hating trolls who are doing nothing but obsessing about Arabs and Arab affairs 24/7 on this forum and blaming all their own self-created miseries on some 500 million Arab who by some imaginary coincidence are behind every failure of theirs, their people, their country etc. The same old song that has been song on PDF, at times frequently, others rarely and now constantly.

There was once a vibrant Arab community on PDF, before your time, we even had our own moderator and our section was the most peaceful one at that too (the Webmaster admitted to it himself) but then a huge influx of individuals that I am talking about, appeared, and 99% of all Arab users did not bother to waste their time on such individuals and left. Rightly so.

Those Arabic military forums, you can find every ideology, viewpoint among them. With countryman disagreeing with the other countryman on fundamentals. Often heated but mostly in a respectful manner. Much better than what PDF has turned into. You will be shocked to learn that there is even room for Iranian users. I saw 1-2 old faces from PDF recently. Even a few Turkish users. Pakistanis as well. Mind you, this is an Arabic speaking forum so not too many from the diaspora.

The Q is who's gonna fall for it...

Fall? You mean blow up, is that not it?:lol: According to PDF ArAAAAAAAAAAabs invented suicide bombing. It is a 3000 year old Arab tradition when greeting a foreigner. In particular if he is an invading/occupying cancer, he/she tends to get blown up from time to time. We should be exporting more terrorism to our enemies. Not enough is being done.
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A start to a sunny day with Falafel ma Baid Maslook and Batanger.
and to end the humid evening with a delicious dessert Kanafeh.

Sometimes I wonder from where those delicacies originated from.

but I am sure its not from Egypt and Palestine..
Whatever in-existent "Arab behavior" is a reaction to the Arabized yet Arab-obsessed and Arab-hating trolls who are doing nothing but obsessing about Arabs and Arab affairs 24/7 on this forum and blaming all their own self-created miseries on some 500 million Arab who by some imaginary coincidence are behind every failure of theirs, their people, their country etc. The same old song that has been song on PDF, at times frequently, others rarely and now constantly.

There was once a vibrant Arab community on PDF, before your time, we even had our own moderator and our section was the most peaceful one at that too (the Webmaster admitted to it himself) but then a huge influx of individuals that I am talking about, appeared, and 99% of all Arab users did not bother to waste their time on such individuals and left. Rightly so.

Those Arabic military forums, you can find every ideology, viewpoint among them. With countryman disagreeing with the other countryman on fundamentals. Often heated but mostly in a respectful manner. Much better than what PDF has turned into. You will be shocked to learn that there is even room for Iranian users. I saw 1-2 old faces from PDF recently. Even a few Turkish users. Pakistanis as well. Mind you, this is an Arabic speaking forum so not too many from the diaspora.

Fall? You mean blow up, is that not it?:lol:

I was lurking PDF in 2015-16, then decided to join in 2017 to answer some "points" that got on my nerve...
As for the some Turks vs Arabs, it's a problem of mods... they let it run for too long, not gonna say one side was right... but both were fueling each other, both side had a behavior that was beyond acceptable many times. Even to this day, even though it's way less... you still got members who just made it their job, by trolling in specific threads...
The problem is the answer of some arabs... who instead answering in a way that give you the upper hand without falling to their level, some just fall into the trap, head first...

Now I will acknowledge that by numerical basis... Arabs were the lesser problem in that issue.

The Arabic forums are very limited in their "pop target" as it's Arabic only. I'm sure if they made an Eng only version... things could be more interesting.
I was lurking PDF in 2015-16, then decided to join in 2017 to answer some "points" that got on my nerve...
As for the some Turks vs Arabs, it's a problem of mods... they let it run for too long, not gonna say one side was right... but both were fueling each other, both side had a behavior that was beyond acceptable many times. Even to this day, even though it's way less... you still got members who just made it their job, by trolling in specific threads...
The problem is the answer of some arabs... who instead answering in a way that give you the upper hand without falling to their level, some just fall into the trap, head first...

Now I will acknowledge that by numerical basis... Arabs were the lesser problem in that issue.

The Arabic forums are very limited in their "pop target" as it's Arabic only. I'm sure if they made an Eng only version... things could be more interesting.

It is not about any particular ethnicity or nationality. The type of user/person that I described has been growing in numbers on PDF across ethnicity, nationality, sect etc. for quite a while. Last few years in fact.

When there are no Arab users to pick their nonsense apart and put them in their place intellectually, this tends to occur on a forum of PDF's nature and diminishing level compared to old times.

The problem is that foreigners are obsessed about internal Arab affairs and Arabs. That is the only reason. I understand that we influenced them much more than they ever influenced us but there must be limits to the insanity.

In the real world Arabs do not hate/obsess about any nationality/ethnicity. Not even Israelis/Jews. It is almost always about Zionism. When it is about Iran it is about the Mullah's. When it is about Turkey it is about Turkish meddling in the Arab world. Similarly with the US or whatever else that has been meddling/is meddling and brings nothing good but mostly trouble.

Depends which Arabic forum. I can honestly say that the large Arab military forums are much better than PDF, with the only exception being that they are not as international as this one but that is due to language only but yet you have more foreigners, than you would ever expect on say a Urdu speaking, Turkish speaking or Farsi speaking military forum. With those foreigners being given room.

I mean, it is not without reason that Arabs have always been famous for our world famous traditional hospitality. It is deeply ingrained in us. The entire ancient honor code (even among Arabs) of HAVING to help even a struggling long-term enemy to feed/host him if he/she is in trouble. Unfortunately in today's world, foreign influence, Arabs picking up bad habits/being ignorant about their own past etc., are prone to imitating what should not be imitated but luckily that is a very small minority.

It is no different on PDF. I don't see any Arab users trolling out of nowhere other ethnicities, nationalities, countries etc. We simply don't care enough to engage in such a thing unless provoked beforehand. We have enough to look at on our own plate.

Even international forums like Reddit, pages relevant to Arabs/Arab affairs, are flooded by obsessed foreigners. This phenomenon should be studied by the world's leading psychiatrists, psychobiologists, anthropologists, and cognitive scientists. Basically the entire behavioral science community should look at this phenomenon, starting with PDF. Unfortunately I cannot be of any help, as this is not my field, but would have loved to take part.:lol:
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Whatever in-existent "Arab behavior" is a reaction to the Arabized yet Arab-obsessed and Arab-hating trolls who are doing nothing but obsessing about Arabs and Arab affairs 24/7 on this forum and blaming all their own self-created miseries on some 500 million Arab who by some imaginary coincidence are behind every failure of theirs, their people, their country etc. The same old song that has been song on PDF, at times frequently, others rarely and now constantly.

There was once a vibrant Arab community on PDF, before your time, we even had our own moderator and our section was the most peaceful one at that too (the Webmaster admitted to it himself) but then a huge influx of individuals that I am talking about, appeared, and 99% of all Arab users did not bother to waste their time on such individuals and left. Rightly so.

Those Arabic military forums, you can find every ideology, viewpoint among them. With countryman disagreeing with the other countryman on fundamentals. Often heated but mostly in a respectful manner. Much better than what PDF has turned into. You will be shocked to learn that there is even room for Iranian users. I saw 1-2 old faces from PDF recently. Even a few Turkish users. Pakistanis as well. Mind you, this is an Arabic speaking forum so not too many from the diaspora.

Fall? You mean blow up, is that not it?:lol: According to PDF ArAAAAAAAAAAabs invented suicide bombing. It is a 3000 year old Arab tradition when greeting a foreigner. In particular if he is an invading/occupying cancer, he/she tends to get blown up from time to time. We should be exporting more terrorism to our enemies. Not enough is being done.
Ever tried making toum?
Give me some real authentic recipe

It is not about any particular ethnicity or nationality. The type of user/person that I described has been growing in numbers on PDF across ethnicity, nationality, sect etc. for quite a while. Last few years in fact.

When there are no Arab users to pick their nonsense apart and put them in their place intellectually, this tends to occur on a forum of PDF's nature and diminishing level compared to old times.

The problem is that foreigners are obsessed about internal Arab affairs and Arabs. That is the only reason. I understand that we influenced them much more than they ever influenced us but there must be limits to the insanity.

In the real world Arabs do not hate/obsess about any nationality/ethnicity. Not even Israelis/Jews. It is almost always about Zionism. When it is about Iran it is about the Mullah's. When it is about Turkey it is about Turkish meddling in the Arab world. Similarly with the US or whatever else that has been meddling/is meddling and brings nothing good but mostly trouble.

Depends which Arabic forum. I can honestly say that the large Arab military forums are much better than PDF, with the only exception being that they are not as international as this one but that is due to language only but yet you have more foreigners, than you would ever expect on say a Urdu speaking, Turkish speaking or Farsi speaking military forum. With those foreigners being given room.

I mean, it is not without reason that Arabs have always been famous for our world famous traditional hospitality. It is deeply ingrained in us. The entire ancient honor code (even among Arabs) of HAVING to help even a struggling long-term enemy to feed/host him if he/she is in trouble. Unfortunately in today's world, foreign influence, Arabs picking up bad habits/being ignorant about their own past etc., are prone to imitating what should not be imitated but luckily that is a very small minority.

It is no different on PDF. I don't see any Arab users trolling out of nowhere other ethnicities, nationalities, countries etc. We simply don't care enough to engage in such a thing unless provoked beforehand. We have enough to look at on our own plate.

Even international forums like Reddit, pages relevant to Arabs/Arab affairs, are flooded by obsessed foreigners. This phenomenon should be studied by the world's leading psychiatrists, psychobiologists, anthropologists, and cognitive scientists. Basically the entire behavioral science community should look at this phenomenon, starting with PDF. Unfortunately I cannot be of any help, as this is not my field, but would have loved to take part.:lol:
What large Arab forums ?
It is not about any particular ethnicity or nationality. The type of user/person that I described has been growing in numbers on PDF across ethnicity, nationality, sect etc. for quite a while. Last few years in fact.

When there are no Arab users to pick their nonsense apart and put them in their place intellectually, this tends to occur on a forum of PDF's nature and diminishing level compared to old times.

The problem is that foreigners are obsessed about internal Arab affairs and Arabs. That is the only reason. I understand that we influenced them much more than they ever influenced us but there must be limits to the insanity.

In the real world Arabs do not hate/obsess about any nationality/ethnicity. Not even Israelis/Jews. It is almost always about Zionism. When it is about Iran it is about the Mullah's. When it is about Turkey it is about Turkish meddling in the Arab world. Similarly with the US or whatever else that has been meddling/is meddling and brings nothing good but mostly trouble.

Depends which Arabic forum. I can honestly say that the large Arab military forums are much better than PDF, with the only exception being that they are not as international as this one but that is due to language only but yet you have more foreigners, than you would ever expect on say a Urdu speaking, Turkish speaking or Farsi speaking military forum. With those foreigners being given room.

I mean, it is not without reason that Arabs have always been famous for our world famous traditional hospitality. It is deeply ingrained in us. The entire ancient honor code (even among Arabs) of HAVING to help even a struggling long-term enemy to feed/host him if he/she is in trouble. Unfortunately in today's world, foreign influence, Arabs picking up bad habits/being ignorant about their own past etc., are prone to imitating what should not be imitated but luckily that is a very small minority.

It is no different on PDF. I don't see any Arab users trolling out of nowhere other ethnicities, nationalities, countries etc. We simply don't care enough to engage in such a thing unless provoked beforehand. We have enough to look at on our own plate.

Even international forums like Reddit, pages relevant to Arabs/Arab affairs, are flooded by obsessed foreigners. This phenomenon should be studied by the world's leading psychiatrists, psychobiologists, anthropologists, and cognitive scientists. Basically the entire behavioral science community should look at this phenomenon, starting with PDF.

Well... Each ppl their own reason for that... could be jealousy... frustration as Seeing Arabs having everything and yet doing little with it... others simple Hate toward the Arab=Muslims... Curiosity and so on...
Ever tried making toum?
Give me some real authentic recipe

What large Arab forums ?

Each Arab country (at least from what I am aware of and I am not a chef specializing in Arab cuisine) has its own version. It is a relatively simple garlic dip/sauce. When I make variations of it at home I always use fresh garlic, some good extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and some use ice water and 1 egg before mixing it all up in a food processor (much easier) or by hand.

There are versions with local yoghurt and some chili/spices (to spice it up other than the garlic) but this is mostly used in KSA/Yemen, the Lebanese version is more blend, but the secret with all cooking is not to mix too many species up and tastes. The key in the dish should be the garlic and the fusion of extra virgin olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and yoghurt if you use that which I like to do to make the sauce/dip thicker and add a more milky taste, we Arabians love our milk products.

There are several but I cannot mention them as it is not allowed. One user already mentioned 1 such forum but there are several although most Arabs are now using social media such as Twitter but that is often flooded by boots yet 1 billion times more active. There are quite a few military guys on Twitter as well but Twitter is limited for longer/more complicated discussions.

Well... Each ppl their own reason for that... could be jealousy... frustration as Seeing Arabs having everything and yet doing little with it... others simple Hate toward the Arab=Muslims... Curiosity and so on...

Whatever it is, it is very enjoying (on the long run) and needs to be studied closely. I bet that the crying will be 1 billion times bigger once our regimes in power will reflect the will of the people. Many of those people crying now, will like it even less, I am afraid. But what can I do about it? Not much other than laughing if I am lucky to witness it first hand.:lol:
Each Arab country (at least from what I am aware of and I am not a chef specializing in Arab cuisine) has its own version. It is a relatively simple garlic dip/sauce. When I make variations of it at home I always use fresh garlic, some good extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice and some use ice water and 1 egg before mixing it all up in a food processor (much easier) or by hand.

There are versions with local yoghurt and some chili/spices (to spice it up other than the garlic) but this is mostly used in KSA/Yemen, the Lebanese version is more blend, but the secret with all cooking is not to mix too many species up and tastes. The key in the dish should be the garlic and the fusion of extra virgin olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and yoghurt if you use that which I like to do to make the sauce/dip thicker and add a more milky taste, we Arabians love our milk products.

There are several but I cannot mention them as it is not allowed. One user already mentioned 1 such forum but there are several although most Arabs are now using social media such as Twitter but that is often flooded by boots yet 1 billion times more active. There are quite a few military guys on Twitter as well but Twitter is limited for longer/more complicated discussions.

Whatever it is, it is very enjoying (on the long run) and needs to be studied closely. I bet that the crying will be 1 billion times bigger once our regimes in power will reflect the will of the people. Many of those people crying now, will like it even less, I am afraid. But what can I do about it? Not much other than laughing if I am lucky to witness it first hand.:lol:

What I'm afraid... is the region will fall into another salve of wars without getting to where they hoped to be...
What I'm afraid... is the region will fall into another salve of wars without getting to where they hoped to be...

Due to foreign meddling

What I'm afraid... is the region will fall into another salve of wars without getting to where they hoped to be...

I am worried about foreign non Arab or presence in the GCC. Its too high. Especially Indian. It's not good to me a minority in your own native land
Due to foreign meddling

I am worried about foreign non Arab or presence in the GCC. Its too high. Especially Indian. It's not good to me a minority in your own native land

Both are unfortunately being enable by Arabs themselves...
So... our First enemies are "us"...

But well... The History of my Profile pic... is a witness of such things... some may say it's in our blood...
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