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I think the only way to kick Sisi out from power is through Muslim Brotherhood infiltration to the Army. Those MB supporters should have at least one of their son joining the Army.

They also should learn from AKP Turkey success.

-- Speaker: Let's say we are in September and we have elections in Egypt. And let's presume that the MB win the majority places in Parliament. What will be your position? Will you accept the idea that the military regime in Egypt have to prevent the MB of taking the power in Egypt like it happend in Algeria or we have to play the democratic game and let the MB win Egypt like Hamas taking Gaza?

-- Bernard Henri Levi: If MB arrive in Egypt, I will not say democracy wants it so let democracy process. Democracy again is not only election, it is values. I am not an expert on Egypt but my bet is that the new atmosphere prevailing in Egypt will not be a such a good wind for MB. I don't buy the theory which is expressed here that the MB is the only organized force, the only one able to take advantage of the sitaution.

-- Speaker: To understand that you are saying that if they were to win a legitimate election, you would urge the military to not to allow them to take the power?

-- H.B. Levi: I will urge, urge the prevention of them coming to power.

Hell with your French/Jewish accent, Bernard Henri Levi... I guess, you know that Israeli woman, who sits near Henri Levi. This is a footage that has been taken before the 2012 elections in Egypt.

Poor Egyptian people, I can't say more.
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-- Speaker: Let's say we are in September and we have elections in Egypt. And let's presume that the MB win the majority places in Parliament. What will be your position? Will you accept the idea that the military regime in Egypt have to prevent the MB of taking the power in Egypt like it happend in Algeria or we have to play the democratic game and let the MB win Egypt like Hamas taking Gaza?

-- Bernard Henri Levi: If MB arrive in Egypt, I will not say democracy wants it so let democracy process. Democracy again is not only election, it is values. I am not an expert on Egypt but my bet is that the new atmosphere prevailing in Egypt will not be a such a good wind for MB. I don't buy the theory which is expressed here that the MB is the only organized force, the only one able to take advantage of the sitaution.

-- Speaker: To understand that you are saying that if they were to win a legitimate election, you would urge the military to not to allow them to take the power?

-- H.B. Levi: I will urge, urge the prevention of them coming to power.

Hell with your French/Jewish accent, Bernard Henri Levi... I guess, you know that Israeli woman, who sits near Henri Levi. This is a footage that has been taken before the 2012 elections in Egypt.

Poor Egyptian people, I can't say more.

I thought that our Egyptian brothers and sisters removed the MB themselves with millions of Egyptians on the streets demanding their removal before the Egyptian army intervened? I also recall that the MB never once gained voting majority (in other words support from 50%+ of the eligible voters).

@Amun @Hell NO

Anyway why is a foreigner obsessed about the less than 120 year old Muslim Brotherhood sect/organization? It is a native Egyptian organization. It has literally nothing to do with Turkey other than Erdogan, along with his friend in Qatar, trying to use the MB as a political tool to gain influence in the Arab world but failing everywhere be it Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria etc.:(

I know that the Turkish branch of MB has a big say in AKP reaching power but it is what it is.

As I wrote, you better worry about the Uyghur's. Azeris. Crimean Tatars. The Russified Central Asian Turks whose culture has been altered forever and whose lands are ruled by pro-Russian dictators for 20-30 years in a row, the same Russia that has killed 10's of millions of Turks, until not long ago.

Or your own country and its future.

Al-Sisi is an angel in comparison.
**** this anti Arab forum

Fukin Asians

This forum has turned into a giant stinking shithole indeed. Full of Arabized yet Arab-obsessed cretins meddling/obsessing about Arab affairs 24/7 yet there are hardly any Arab users around.

The Arabized Anatoli above is a great example of one such obsessed individual.

Waste of time, should follow suit and leave like 99.9% of all Arab users did.
This forum has turned into a giant stinking shithole indeed. Full of Arabized yet Arab-obsessed cretins meddling/obsessing about Arab affairs 24/7 yet there are hardly any Arab users around.

Waste of time, should follow suit and leave like 99.9% of all Arab users did.

All forums are dying. Including that Arabian legend guy who made his own forum,.world defense

It's too addicting tkoufh I must admit, have been coming back since 2013 when I was a teenager. I remember getting angry at all gulf Arabs back then. The good old days of teen angry me
All forums are dying. Including that Arabian legend guy who made his own forum,.world defense

Arab Military forums still going relatively strong. Many well-informed Arab patriots on those forums, including many from Iraq that I had the pleasure to discuss a lot of interesting topics with. Many military updates that I don't even bother posting here for obvious reasons. Low IQ trolling 24/7 from a bunch of obsessed users is tiring on the long run.

In any case, PDF has turned into shit completely in recent months. It has become a joke and one is just wasting his time. No point to take it seriously.

The funny thing, in the real world, if Arabs pulled the stick, calamity would occur. Sad thing with so many useless regimes in our region, should otherwise stick to our own but as we know, fellow Arabs are not as docile as others in case shit hits the fan. Stopped caring about anything outside the Arab world in the Muslim world. No need to live a lie or some kind of illusion. Luckily I see more and more Arabs waking up. In the future, I will show every deluded Arab this forum and hopefully they will wake up and have the transformation that I did. Already had success with 2 guys on Reddit who were caught up in the "ignorant bubble/phase".

Yes, that is the bad thing about it, if just the standards were as they once were, you could somehow give yourself some excuses. Makes no sense nowadays.
What the **** was I doing
Arab Military forums still going relatively strong. Many well-informed Arab patriots on those forums, including many from Iraq that I had the pleasure to discuss a lot of interesting topics with.

In any case, PDF has turned into shit completely in recent months. It has become a joke and one is just wasting his time. No point to take it seriously.

The funny thing, in the real world, if Arabs pulled the stick, calamity would occur. Useless regimes, should stick to our own. Stocked caring about anything outside the Arab world in the Muslim world. No need to live a lie or some kind of illusion. Luckily I see more and more Arabs waking up. In the future, I will show every deluded Arab this forum and hopefully they will wake up and have the transformation that I did.

My presence here and on ssc which is dead has arabized me, which is great for my future and that of my future kids. All these efforts have been worthy
Who cares about Def news... when you can enjoy such exchanges.
I mostly come here to have fun...

What fun is it being here when 1) this forum is by no means representative of Pakistan or Pakistanis, 2) 100's (literally) of Arabized yet Arab-obsessed and Arab-hating (24/7) individuals are running riot in every single thread remotely related to Arabs (500 million people yet the cretins who live in shithole countries ruled by shithole regimes (compared to most Arab countries by every objective measurement) themselves cannot differentiate between regimes and people) polluting it with their inferiority ridden nonsense while no Arab user is engaging in such behavior nor obsessed about ethnicity x or y, nationality x or y.

All while there are what, less than two handful active Arab users left? How many are we? 6-7 guys?

No wonder that this forum has the reputation it does and has had for years and no wonder that 99% of all Arab users left be they Moroccan, Saudi Arabian, Iraqi, Omani, Syrian, Palestinian etc. Even a guy like @Falcon29 left. No need to mention more. Your own behavior turns into a messed up one at times due to this forum as well. Never experienced anything like this before. I get it, it should not be taken "seriously" but if I want to engage in trolling, there is social media/twitter for that or real life where you can do that stuff if you need attention/have a youthful mind.
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All forums are dying. Including that Arabian legend guy who made his own forum,.world defense

It's too addicting tkoufh I must admit, have been coming back since 2013 when I was a teenager. I remember getting angry at all gulf Arabs back then. The good old days of teen angry me
There is a good defense forum for Arabs called https://defense-arab.com/vb/
Hurry up and click that shiat before it gets deleted.
What fun is it being here when 1) this forum is by no means representative of Pakistan or Pakistan, 2) 100's (literals) of Arabized yet Arab-obsessed and Arab-hating (24/7) individuals are running riot in every single thread polluting it with their inferiority ridden nonsense while no Arab user is engaging in such behavior nor obsessed about ethnicity x or y, nationality x or y.

All while there are what, less than two handful active Arab users left? How many are we? 6-7 guys?

No wonder that this forum has the reputation is does and has had for years. Your own behavior turns into a messed up one at times due to this forum as well. Never experienced anything like this before.

3 years ago, i do admit that I took things a bit to "seriously".... that also made me what I am on this Forum... where I can swim in each side, and say whatever I think to be right and still be seen without being a threat...

But now... it's just to "enjoy"... Since most interesting members are out of the picture.
I also saw a new wave of "Arabs" with a particular behavior that wasn't the case before... Same for the Turks and Chinese... Where each side find it hard to control themselves and just end up getting put aside...

I will also say that the Mods let too much slack in the past to too many members, who used the ME section as a no man's land... it's way better today, but still, the ME section is still used as some sort of a sandbox.

Arab members weren't that many in the first place, not that this Forum isn't good enough, but most of them prefered an Arabic speaking one. And to be honest... I find it boring when most of the people sing the same song... that's mostly why I am here and just lurk Arabic forums...
Arabic Coffee Sux..
Turkish Coffee is the real thing..

Turkish coffee is a cheap remake of Arabic coffee. There is no such thing as "Turkish" coffee as coffee was invented in Arabia. Coffee grows in KSA, Yemen etc. Never heard about coffee growing in Turkey for it to be "Turkish".

It is like saying "Turkish" Kabsa, Shawarma, Falafel, Kebab (yes, kebab, even the word is Semitic and native to the Arab world not Turkey, Iran or whatever as some claim) etc. Makes little to no sense. There are literally 100's of Arabic coffee variants as well depending on the country and region.

Sorry, I just took this forum seriously, that was indeed moronic by me.
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