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Arabic Coffee shop

Qahtanis aren't all dark, there are a lot of them in Saudi Arabia. Most people can tell I'm middle eastern because of some distinct Arab facial features.
Qahtanis are the Yemeni Arabs and are usually dark if they kept their lineage pure. I will discuss this more tomorrow, I'm tired af today. Are we the last two Arab members? Wilhelm, the SC, Khafee, and Saif are all inactive.
Qahtanis are the Yemeni Arabs and are usually dark if they kept their lineage pure. I will discuss this more tomorrow, I'm tired af today. Are we the last two Arab members? Wilhelm, the SC, Khafee, and Saif are all inactive.

Get some rest, yeah they are inactive. Wilhiem posts occasionally.

Just get out of here man. It's not up moderation team to change things here. They are going with the flow of the members. The ME section is dominated by radical Iranian/Pakistani/Iraqi Shia. And they are gonna push their line there unhinged and without consequences. Then you simply have it that Arabs are not popular anymore or well liked. Many Pakistani's here also want to get closer to Iran and Turkey which is fine but in the process they are abusing Arabs and making fun of Arabs all the time. We can't have an opinion on anything in the ME without people attacking us with their tropes.

I got banned for no reason again and I'm done, I quit. I just read the forum for certain news. We all moved here and the forum is picking up pace: google search world defense forum

My advice for you is to just come there and join us. This place is not tolerant or welcoming of Arabs unless they are Shia radical ones. So I just wanted to give you the link and I'm off now.

Just get out of here man. It's not up moderation team to change things here. They are going with the flow of the members. The ME section is dominated by radical Iranian/Pakistani/Iraqi Shia. And they are gonna push their line there unhinged and without consequences. Then you simply have it that Arabs are not popular anymore or well liked. Many Pakistani's here also want to get closer to Iran and Turkey which is fine but in the process they are abusing Arabs and making fun of Arabs all the time. We can't have an opinion on anything in the ME without people attacking us with their tropes.

I got banned for no reason again and I'm done, I quit. I just read the forum for certain news. We all moved here and the forum is picking up pace: google search world defense forum

My advice for you is to just come there and join us. This place is not tolerant or welcoming of Arabs unless they are Shia radical ones. So I just wanted to give you the link and I'm off now.


The topic is under investigating with moderations and forum administrator (have known him here for 6+ years when Mosab was still a moderator here and we had a sizable Arab community on PDF) and might also contact @WebMaster and give him the opinions of old Arab members who left and the few that remain.

Leaving is letting those trolls "win" (although at the end of the day social media is irrelevant in terms of ground realities) and we will have a bunch of Arab-obsessed foreigners speaking in the name of 500 million of us, 20 + Arab countries and what not.

We can easily attract 100's if not 1000's of Arab users to PDF just from the diaspora alone. All it takes is a few Twitter hashtags and exposure. The problem with the other forum is that it is nowhere near as active and when you have been an PDF member for this long, you tend to stick to the same forum.

Arab forums, while many and extensive, have their weaknesses as well as any other forum and naturally are not international outside of the odd foreigner here and there who is capable of writing in Arabic.

Leaving is the easy way and quite frankly, a tiny number (overall) of anti-Arab users and a few anti-Arab Pakistanis here will never change the ground realities.

The ancient civilizational ties that date back to the IVC, the geographical proximity, the fact that we share religion, Urdu has tons of Arab loanwords (the most of all foreign languages), Arab countries host the largest Pakistani diaspora in the world, many I consider like our own and should/will be given citizenship one day, tons of Arab-Pakistani marriages, cultural, ethnic etc. ties.

The reality is that Arabs are incredibly well-liked in Pakistan. All it takes is to visit social media for a simple confirmation if you are completely ignorant. Same with our African Muslim brothers, South East Asian and everyone else by large. So the trolling on PDF is just that. An echo chamber that has nothing to do with the ground reality.

The reality is that Arab-Pakistani people to people ties are much bigger than any Pakistani relations with Turks, Iranians or what not. That's a fact.

We should not allow for this forum to have no Arab voice. We need to tackle the propaganda and lies and argue our case and the moderation team should help ensure that as in the past.

If completely nothing changes, I will probably follow your example, but it is a shame that we lost so many good Arab users. We should attract some of them back (if they wish to return and have the time for it) and add new ones. I think that we could easily attract 100's of new Arab users just from the diaspora alone very quickly. WebMaster would be happy about the traffic and we might finally get an Arab moderator as well.

I will reconsider for the time being, bro. I too have received ridiculous bans and just in this thread you saw the absolutely ridiculous biased moderation abuse in action. Something that will hopefully be dealt with.

@Philip the Arab

Welcome back bro.

I like Turks and even some Iranian guys here. And you know me well and my views, and how critical I am of Arabs themselves. Yet that is not enough for some people and they will brandish you as ISIS supporter or Arab nationalist. The Middle East section is not a good section anymore. Because there are simply anti-Arab people who don't care what your views are, if they see an Arab poster they want to abuse him. Unless he is a pro-Iran one.

And I'm disappointed in these Iraqi guys in the forum. They call me an ISIS supporter and they do not cover the Iraqi demonstrations where 150 plus got killed within a few days. They posted nothing about it here. And blamed Saudi Arabia for the demonstrations and said they won't go against Iran.

I know those mods are good people but people here are not polite and not raised well. And they all push propaganda. It's just one place on the internet, and I respectfully think you should move on. I'm not posting again after I got banned for no reason and afterwards some Iraqi members trash me/insult me as ISIS supporter and what not just because I questioned reasons for existence of some Iraqi militias. And you have lots of people thank their posts.

So I have made my decision and I'm not posting here anymore. I like Turks and Turkish members, and even Iranian ones too. It's just there is too much propaganda here and Iranians allowed to behave like victims while abuse Sunnis.

Some of it is really due to the regimes too. They go out and condemn Turkish op which is beneficial for Syrian opposition. Makes no sense. We are just not well liked right now and bigotry is tolerated here against one group so I'm not gonna waste energy trying to have fruitful discussions. You are welcome to do what you want though.

This is my last post so if I don't respond I'm not ignoring you. I just have moved on.

I like Turks and even some Iranian guys here. And you know me well and my views, and how critical I am of Arabs themselves. Yet that is not enough for some people and they will brandish you as ISIS supporter or Arab nationalist. The Middle East section is not a good section anymore. Because there are simply anti-Arab people who don't care what your views are, if they see an Arab poster they want to abuse him. Unless he is a pro-Iran one.

And I'm disappointed in these Iraqi guys in the forum. They call me an ISIS supporter and they do not cover the Iraqi demonstrations where 150 plus got killed within a few days. They posted nothing about it here. And blamed Saudi Arabia for the demonstrations and said they won't go against Iran.

I know those mods are good people but people here are not polite and not raised well. And they all push propaganda. It's just one place on the internet, and I respectfully think you should move on. I'm not posting again after I got banned for no reason and afterwards some Iraqi members trash me/insult me as ISIS supporter and what not just because I questioned reasons for existence of some Iraqi militias. And you have lots of people thank their posts.

So I have made my decision and I'm not posting here anymore. I like Turks and Turkish members, and even Iranian ones too. It's just there is too much propaganda here and Iranians allowed to behave like victims while abuse Sunnis.

Some of it is really due to the regimes too. They go out and condemn Turkish op which is beneficial for Syrian opposition. Makes no sense. We are just not well liked right now and bigotry is tolerated here against one group so I'm not gonna waste energy trying to have fruitful discussions. You are welcome to do what you want though.

This is my last post so if I don't respond I'm not ignoring you. I just have moved on.

The reality is that many of the users from those 2 countries are simply ignorant trolls who have severe inferiority complexes towards Arabs. Very easy to notice. Despite our current political problems, they are well aware of the fact that we outnumber them all put together (clearly) and this difference will only keep increasing, that our geography and the lands we inhabit are literally 10 times larger, much more strategically located connecting 3 main continents (Asia, Africa and Europe) throughout the millennia, that we are the cradle of civilization home to the oldest, most influential and impressive ancient civilizations and heritage sites, that our language is the most widespread and influential (influencing every regional language heavily, including even Hebrew), that we ruled and dominated the region for 1000's of years, that it were the Arabs that spread Islam to all corners of the world, that we founded the largest and most influential empires in the region by far, that it was us that ended the Farsi entity once and for all in its pre-Islamic form, that we dominate the geography, that we have the most money, the largest and most influential diaspora, that all the holy sites are located in our lands and you name it, Islamic Golden Age and much, much more. In many ways it is like an ant comparing himself to a hurt (for the time being) elephant.

This explains why Arabs don't have such complexes and why we never engage in such type of nonsense discussions unless someone mentions us or trolls us.

I too have been and am openly critical about the Arab regimes in power (which often brings me at odds on Arab forums although I know the limits for the moderators - newer generation is much more open for criticism and do not look at it as a weakness) and our political systems and internal political, religious and social disagreements. I am not even an Arab nationalist either in the sense of the word but rather an Arab patriot that is otherwise aligned with traditional Arab values and an important place for Islam in the society as a guiding light.

Don't tell me about some ridiculous bans while obvious trolls are escaping free. This is the reality of such forums.

Which Iraqi user? From what I am aware there is only @TheCamelGuy and @Malik Alashter and none of them are pro-Iran regime (in fact very few Iraqis are that, don't let yourself be fooled by some loud paid trolls in the diaspora) and by that lot you are automatically labelled as "ISIS" when you are an Sunni Arab voicing support for Sunni Arabs or criticizing some of the incompetent and corrupt Shia militias that are ruling Iraq in a pathetically bad and corrupt manner and now committing massacres against their own Shia Arab population. I would not take it seriously and just report it. I am used to hearing that all the time and the "Wahhabi nonsense".

Have respect for some Turkish users and a few Iranian users but that is about it. Individual foreigners are of no importance anyway. Much rather focus on Arab-Pakistani cooperation than discussing with Arab-obsessed people with inferiority complexes and extreme ignorance.

You know my age old support for the Syrian opposition and my dislike for any foreigners violating and working against Arab interests (Kurdish terrorists included) and yet we had foreign trolls (Turks) trying to speak in my name, that of 35 million Saudi Arabians and 500 million Arabs and making unfunded and pathetic claims of KSA supporting YPG when KSA has only been supporting local Arab clans, tribes and people in Northeastern Syria that have close ties to KSA, many having migrated from modern-day KSA not many generations ago too.

As I wrote, I will reconsider the options and might join the other forum, but I would prefer us to stay and counter the propaganda and nonsense while trying to attract Arab users from Arab forums, Reddit (mainly the diaspora there) and Twitter. We could attract 1000's of Palestinians alone in theory. This way we could get our own Arab moderators and we would have a strong and vibrant section and community (as in the old days) ready to counter nonsense and propaganda and give a diverse view point of what Arabs think and believe in.

I am also tired of a few Arab regime decisions = 500+ million Arabs think the same or that this particular decision was our own decision. You name it.
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Agree with lots of your points, I am personally not an Arab patriot. I am in favor of Islam dominating the Arab world more as you know. Although I will say, on this forum I've seen many Turkish, Iranian, Chinese, Pakistani patriots and so on. It seems they are allowed to be patriots but some Arab users like you aren't. Or its considered racist or evil if Arabs do it.

I personally don't like nationalism or patriotism but I don't have problem with people who see things that way as long as it doesn't cloud their judgement on other matters.

And my overall problem with this forum is people don't care about facts and push too much propaganda. In ME section case it is pro-Iran propaganda mostly. And also people resort to rhetorical slurs or bashing too much which to me is immature and prevents fruitful discussions.

You should join and discuss current events with us. It is diverse on that forum too and all views are usually tolerated and people discuss things in more civil way there.

Agree with lots of your points, I am personally not an Arab patriot. I am in favor of Islam dominating the Arab world more as you know. Although I will say, on this forum I've seen many Turkish, Iranian, Chinese, Pakistani patriots and so on. It seems they are allowed to be patriots but some Arab users like you aren't. Or its considered racist or evil if Arabs do it.

I personally don't like nationalism or patriotism but I don't have problem with people who see things that way as long as it doesn't cloud their judgement on other matters.

And my overall problem with this forum is people don't care about facts and push too much propaganda. In ME section case it is pro-Iran propaganda mostly. And also people resort to rhetorical slurs or bashing too much which to me is immature and prevents fruitful discussions.

You should join and discuss current events with us. It is diverse on that forum too and all views are usually tolerated and people discuss things in more civil way there.

I am currently using a pathetically slow internet connection so it takes me ages to see and write posts.:lol:

An Arab patriot for me is an Arab who wishes the best for the Arab nation and people and each individual Arab country. Things that all of us can agree on irrespective of religion and political ideology. Which are things such as security, prosperity, economic, educational and scientific progress, respect for the Arab civilization, culture, heriage, traditions, language, Islam (for us Arab Muslims), Christianity (Arab Christians) and even Judaism for the few remaining Arab Jews. A respect for our diversity as a people and civilization too. Support for our territorial integrity. Calling out failed dictatorships that are working against our people's interests.

It has little to do with some racial superiority nonsense or looking at non-Arabs in a bad light automatically. Rather the contrary. Every genuine Arab patriot should respect and always help long-time tested friends, brothers and sisters and allies who have proven track records.

That and obviously wanting to see mutual Arab cooperation on all fronts as we share practically everything together and inhabit the same geographical region. I and you can decide to walk on foot from Oman to Morocco and we could communicate in the same language (even our single Arabic dialect) and get around and everywhere where we would go we would see similarities and we will be able to relate on every front.

That is for me what it means to be an Arab patriot. To look at the bigger picture and not limit yourself to the current political disputes. That is why I never once insulted the Qatari people or our Qatari brothers and sisters nor are Northern Yemeni brothers and sisters. Or even the Iraqi Shia Arabs who were critical of KSA even once.

Problem is that many people from the region (Turks and Iranians), their nationalism often have clear relations to fascism and other primitive ideologies. Such as the fake Aryan nonsense, fake "we Anatolians" are Turkic people from Central Asia, Kurdish not being allowed to be spoken for decades in the modern era etc. In the case of Arabs that is only the case with the Ba'ath Party who only remains in power in Syria and that too only due to Russian support and failure of Arab regime action early on.

That is only due to numbers. There are many more active Iranian users than Arab users. That was not always the case. So naturally their view points will dominate. Similarly with the Turks. That problem could easily be dealt with. For starters, if we had just 5 representatives from each Arab country, it would be so much better in the sense of creating a vibrant Arab community.

As for numbers on PDF, they do not reflect the ground realities. After all we Arabs are the second largest diaspora in the world but on PDF we are only represented with around 5 active users or so nowadays.

Anyway got to go. Will reconsider what you wrote and I suggest to do the same with what I wrote. I hope that we can figure something out as a community, if not the only option is to leave PDF if the moderation does not improve and if so few active Arab users will remain.

Just get out of here man. It's not up moderation team to change things here. They are going with the flow of the members. The ME section is dominated by radical Iranian/Pakistani/Iraqi Shia. And they are gonna push their line there unhinged and without consequences. Then you simply have it that Arabs are not popular anymore or well liked. Many Pakistani's here also want to get closer to Iran and Turkey which is fine but in the process they are abusing Arabs and making fun of Arabs all the time. We can't have an opinion on anything in the ME without people attacking us with their tropes.

I got banned for no reason again and I'm done, I quit. I just read the forum for certain news. We all moved here and the forum is picking up pace: google search world defense forum

My advice for you is to just come there and join us. This place is not tolerant or welcoming of Arabs unless they are Shia radical ones. So I just wanted to give you the link and I'm off now.

There's no radical Iraqi Shia controlling anything here, it just happens to be that you are so focused on sects and you're hating on Shias. You see, your type of input/ideology would cause a rift in Iraq, would cause us major problems and a civil war therefore we do not need your input. Some advise, anyone that asks us our sect loses our friendship as this question isn't welcomed, unless you happen to meet some radical sect identifying monkey.
radical Iranian/Pakistani/Iraqi Shia.

Do you always think on sectarian line? Those whom you are calling Shia are 90% Sunnis and they hate those fiefdoms and tribal leaders bcoz of their policies toward Pakistan and Pakistani interests not bcoz they are Sunni, Ismaeli, Hindus Pagans, Majosi fire worshipers or Christian.

What ignited the recent wave of hatred was act of rewarding Modi the renowned Islam hater with Highest national awards just days after he passed the orders to besiege 8 million Kashmiri Muslims after annexing UN recognized disputed territory of Kashmir(dispute in which Pakistan is also party). i think these awards were organized on dates specially chosen to irk and play with sentiment of Pakistani Nation of which Kashmiris are integral part. No Arab nation announced its support for Kashmiri rights and freedom. instead Syrian and Palestinians supported the eastern swines as usual.

We Pakistani don't ask for Arab armies or weapons or manpower, we don't want your resources either. all we want is simple show of diplomatic support but it seems Arab think Pakistan don't even worth it. India is too much important for them.

Now Pakistani wont give a flying fk, Not bcoz Arabs are pagan and we are fire worshipers, Purely bcoz of their hostile actions. If Arab change their attitude towards Pakistan's core issue, Pakistanis will also change.

Turks, Malaysia and China supported Kashmiri rights, You will find most Pakistanis to be pro China, Malaysia, Turks nowadays. That's how it works in Pakistan.

Support Kashmir, Pakistanis will support you. Don't support our enemies.
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Quite frankly I am not interested in ignorant troll posts from trolls, that particular troll's "second mother land, Kuwait" as he claims in his signature, was partially liberated by KSA once upon a time and is de facto (outside of US presence) protected by GCC (KSA). That same country would not have existed if not for the British protecting the ruling Hosue of Sabah family (originally from modern-day KSA as practically every Kuwaiti is) from another Saudi Arabian conquest. Kuwait used to be part of empires, caliphates, kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, sheikdoms ruled by people from modern-day KSA and from modern-day KSA for millennia. Even the House of Saud used to rule modern-day Kuwait for decades 2-3 centuries ago.

Nor interested in the Bangladeshi section of PDF (never posted there and never visit) but I have nothing against Bangladesh at all and wish them all the best. No interest in ignorant Arab-obsessed and partially Arabized Bangladeshi trolls though.

Hope you understand.
Do Arabs here agree that Arab League supporting Assad and Kurds is a stupid idea? If the Arab league had the Arab peoples interest in mind they would have supported Turkey and FSA in establishing a land where Syrian Arabs can live in safety free from PKK/YPG oppression.
Are there any Emiratis here? I wanted to create a thread to ask about this random question but perhaps best to post it directly here.

Why are so many internet/social media communication apps/methods banned in Dubai? Things like calling on iMessage is banned, Skype is banned, and apparently now as of recently internet calls don't work in Dubai at all!

Am I wrong about these things or, if not, what is the reason for these bans?

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