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Yes I meant Sihr and had a brainfart. Don't Islamic scholars believe in black magic?
They don't, but they know its psychological effect on ignorant people..If you have deep belief in God, nothing can affect you, because that alone will protect your psyche against any psychological manipulation..
Falcon here, this forum has unfortunately become a laughing stock due to Iranian members trolling the ME section and posting so much misinformation that I'm not gonna participate in it anymore. So I'm out guys, enjoy your time here if you remain.

I don't like immature discussions and my focus is on current events which we obviously can't discuss rationally.
Yeah, I agree... This forum has became shit because of obvious bias towards banning Arabs because of Iranian asshats and the mods that side with them. I will miss talking to you, and hope you can come back whenever you think this forum becomes better than what it is now.
Falcon here, this forum has unfortunately become a laughing stock due to Iranian members trolling the ME section and posting so much misinformation that I'm not gonna participate in it anymore. So I'm out guys, enjoy your time here if you remain.

I don't like immature discussions and my focus is on current events which we obviously can't discuss rationally.

PDF has turned into a troll-infested forum ages ago, unfortunately. 95% of all Arab users left for a reason. Dubious moderation at times too. Anti-Arab cretins that can only bark in front of their tiny computer screens in their basements (will change nothing on the ground) and Farsi Mullah propaganda 24/7. We will stay in touch elsewhere, I suggest.

Yeah, I agree... This forum has became shit because of obvious bias towards banning Arabs because of Iranian asshats and the mods that side with them. I will miss talking to you, and hope you can come back whenever you think this forum becomes better than what it is now.

Can only echo that. If Falcon is leaving permanently, I will leave as well, this time not for 1 year but permanently. No point staying with the already tiny amount of Arab users, dwindling further.

I stopped taking anything seriously on PDF. Don't bother engaging in any serious debate whatsoever unless I know the user, as it is a waste of time otherwise due to the trolling. PDF as a whole is dying as well. Half as active as once. It will only get worse in the future as all forums are dying. Twitter is where to be at nowadays and thankfully there is a huge Arab presence there. Lots to talk about and much more international as well for obvious reasons.

Anyway some more positive news:

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Short answer I have a belief in God but believe monotheistic teachings are corrupted by man which includes Islam. Hadith is an abomination and I have gone through authentic and so called unauthentic. The message is pure. There is a longer answer for another thread maybe.

The bashing fundamentlist Islamic thought gets is justified and it will become more intense as time goes on. This is the natural course.

Don't let other Muslims push you away from God. Misguidance in the Muslim world is its peak, especially in Islamic/spiritual sense. However, this is not in my or your control and you shouldn't let it affect your relationship with God. Join regular Sunni Islam and focus on establishing prayer and always ask your Lord for guidance. I'm sure you are young, below 21/22 and your thoughts will level around 21/22. I went through a similar phase like yours and today I'm a much better Muslim than what I used to be. Sometimes experiences like these have a reason. But, you need to repent like I did, because that sin will not be forgiven after death.

My post had nothing to do with Kashmir or political causes. I figured you were trolling so I didn't respond, in case you aren't, it was very obvious I was referring to general mindset of average Muslim and how to deal with some matters. The online 'scene' I was talking about were the toxic channels or pages among those sites and not withdrawing from those sites completely. Such as those alt right figures or anti-Islam 'Imams' or anything else. Either address them on moderate basis with well thought out posts are better to leave them to drown in their own poison and not give them any attention.

And the rest of overall gist of my post was we need to improve our societies and overall character for the sake of ourselves and not because I'm ashamed of being Muslim or don't like Islam. Which is nonsense, like I told others, go pray istikharah ask God who is a better a Muslim Falcon29 or me.

So apparently self improvement is wrong to some of you guys and thank God we will not deal with such people when Allah sends the Mahdi. At that time you guys ideas are gonna go in the garbage and you will have to sit and down listen or dare take up the challenge of challenging God.


Who said anything about Nazi's and what are you talking about, alt-right? Btw, my post had nothing to do with politics and more with general character of average Muslim. Like Oscar said we need to work on being better humans. And also start tackling social issues we face. Without foregoing any political cause. I don't know who told you guys that self improvement means abandoning Kashmir and Palestine what not, those causes aren't going nowhere and neither is the activism for them. Unless you guys can't multitask and are pathetic failures.


'Those Muslims aren't loud but a mess' , okay Dubious, I am referring to those 'mess' of Muslims in my own way. So we agree on that but just described them two different words.

As for Kashmir and Palestine, read above to see I was not talking about these matters but addressed nevertheless. Politics is a whole other thing and if you asked me how I would approach Kashmir if I was in Pakistan's position, I think your leadership is doing well with their approach. Our leadership in Arab world need change, though.

And yes we stop evil, and we need to stop evil in Muslim world before anything else. Once you stop evil in Muslim world and do good, then God will be with you and support you and bring good to your society and bring you victory for oppressed Muslims. The key point is we need to start with ourselves , between ourselves. We are still gonna operate as we are now, not abandoning any Kashmir or Palestine or anything else. But, improving ourselves along the way.

I agree with other stuff you said and wanted to hear everyones inputs but the Azad troll put me off and the topic died after that(until today).

My post had nothing to do with Kashmir or political causes. I figured you were trolling so I didn't respond, in case you aren't, it was very obvious I was referring to general mindset of average Muslim and how to deal with some matters. The online 'scene' I was talking about were the toxic channels or pages among those sites and not withdrawing from those sites completely. Such as those alt right figures or anti-Islam 'Imams' or anything else. Either address them on moderate basis with well thought out posts are better to leave them to drown in their own poison and not give them any attention.

And the rest of overall gist of my post was we need to improve our societies and overall character for the sake of ourselves and not because I'm ashamed of being Muslim or don't like Islam. Which is nonsense, like I told others, go pray istikharah ask God who is a better a Muslim Falcon29 or me.

So apparently self improvement is wrong to some of you guys and thank God we will not deal with such people when Allah sends the Mahdi. At that time you guys ideas are gonna go in the garbage and you will have to sit and down listen or dare take up the challenge of challenging God.


Who said anything about Nazi's and what are you talking about, alt-right? Btw, my post had nothing to do with politics and more with general character of average Muslim. Like Oscar said we need to work on being better humans. And also start tackling social issues we face. Without foregoing any political cause. I don't know who told you guys that self improvement means abandoning Kashmir and Palestine what not, those causes aren't going nowhere and neither is the activism for them. Unless you guys can't multitask and are pathetic failures.


'Those Muslims aren't loud but a mess' , okay Dubious, I am referring to those 'mess' of Muslims in my own way. So we agree on that but just described them two different words.

As for Kashmir and Palestine, read above to see I was not talking about these matters but addressed nevertheless. Politics is a whole other thing and if you asked me how I would approach Kashmir if I was in Pakistan's position, I think your leadership is doing well with their approach. Our leadership in Arab world need change, though.

And yes we stop evil, and we need to stop evil in Muslim world before anything else. Once you stop evil in Muslim world and do good, then God will be with you and support you and bring good to your society and bring you victory for oppressed Muslims. The key point is we need to start with ourselves , between ourselves. We are still gonna operate as we are now, not abandoning any Kashmir or Palestine or anything else. But, improving ourselves along the way.

I agree with other stuff you said and wanted to hear everyones inputs but the Azad troll put me off and the topic died after that(until today).
Assalam. :)
It is difficult to compromise on core issues. Some of what you claim actually weaken our position.

There is another point.

I often say that Islam is the fastest growing religion. I doubt this often though, especially after I left India.

Among Arabs, Persians, Turks - I see numerous people turning away from Islam. Not just in name. That was common in the past too. I am not talking about drinking and flirting and all. That was always prevalent.

But a significant number of Muslims are claiming themselves to be openly atheist/humanist. That disgusts me. This is especially true for second generation Muslims in the West. Last week I met this group of Iranian students, one wearing the hijab even claiming she does not believe in Islam and practices Buddhism privately. As Kashmir conversations came up, she and her group was very vocal about Islamic 'excesses' to Kashmiri non Muslims and how it was a Hindu land and so on. I don't think is they had been Muslims, they would profess such an opinion.

Ideologies change and with such mindsets, the Islamic positions are seriously weakened. These educated people write opeds and support the spread of fitnah. India is a shining example of that. It was an Islamic country. And now?

The only Muslims who throng our Mosque here are a couple of local reverts and folks from the BD community.

The point is introspection is fine, but usually it ends up in self hate and then doubt. Only Non muslims benefit from this. In my opinion. Peace.

Nazi's and what are you talking about
Hindus and Sikhs primarily. The ones most responsible for anti Muslim crimes.
It is difficult to compromise on core issues. Some of what you claim actually weaken our position.

There is another point.

I often say that Islam is the fastest growing religion. I doubt this often though, especially after I left India.

Among Arabs, Persians, Turks - I see numerous people turning away from Islam. Not just in name. That was common in the past too. I am not talking about drinking and flirting and all. That was always prevalent.

But a significant number of Muslims are claiming themselves to be openly atheist/humanist. That disgusts me. This is especially true for second generation Muslims in the West. Last week I met this group of Iranian students, one wearing the hijab even claiming she does not believe in Islam and practices Buddhism privately. As Kashmir conversations came up, she and her group was very vocal about Islamic 'excesses' to Kashmiri non Muslims and how it was a Hindu land and so on. I don't think is they had been Muslims, they would profess such an opinion.

Ideologies change and with such mindsets, the Islamic positions are seriously weakened. These educated people write opeds and support the spread of fitnah. India is a shining example of that. It was an Islamic country. And now?

The only Muslims who throng our Mosque here are a couple of local reverts and folks from the BD community.

The point is introspection is fine, but usually it ends up in self hate and then doubt. Only Non muslims benefit from this. In my opinion. Peace.

Hindus and Sikhs primarily. The ones most responsible for anti Muslim crimes.

Where are you from, brother?

Yes, it is natural to see this as we are end times, lots of people are developing doubts and influenced by foreign ideas. Some Allah will guide right back to Islam some who knows.

I don't have a problem Islam, God forbid, on contrary I am huge proponent for Islam and huge proponent for establishing Caliphate in Arab world. And establishing Islamic rule. But, I also have critique for our people like in that thread and want us to focus on improving selves. Because we(the majority) are not observing the 'Salihaat' and very misguided at the time being. So when I say 'look inward' I mean we need to go back to God and start from scratch once again. To improve our character.

And we need to be strong but smart. And use more professional ways of raising attention to our causes like Al Jazeera op-eds are one example of what I see as professional.

But remember I was talking about more our internal state and not the issues we are facing due to external entities or forces. Which requires a different thread for it. Hope you understand and I totally understand you with what kind of bigotry you faced in India. We faced bigotry here too, albeit a more professional/organized kind and thus I wish Muslim world becomes place of refuge for Muslims and place where Islam is observed properly and place where Muslims can have security and prosperity so we can go back there one day.
Where are you from, brother?

Yes, it is natural to see this as we are end times, lots of people are developing doubts and influenced by foreign ideas. Some Allah will guide right back to Islam some who knows.

I don't have a problem Islam, God forbid, on contrary I am huge proponent for Islam and huge proponent for establishing Caliphate in Arab world. And establishing Islamic rule. But, I also have critique for our people like in that thread and want us to focus on improving selves. Because we(the majority) are not observing the 'Salihaat' and very misguided at the time being. So when I say 'look inward' I mean we need to go back to God and start from scratch once again. To improve our character.

And we need to be strong but smart. And use more professional ways of raising attention to our causes like Al Jazeera op-eds are one example of what I see as professional.

But remember I was talking about more our internal state and not the issues we are facing due to external entities or forces. Which requires a different thread for it. Hope you understand and I totally understand you with what kind of bigotry you faced in India. We faced bigotry here too, albeit a more professional/organized kind and thus I wish Muslim world becomes place of refuge for Muslims and place where Islam is observed properly and place where Muslims can have security and prosperity so we can go back there one day.
I am originally from India (West Bengal), residing in Australia.
I saw that you are so happy for attacking Saudi by Iran in many threads in pdf but why?
Bad behaviour in world
Do you think you win or earn many things?
Iran still is in economic black hole and massive unbelievable corruption even Russia and China are angry of Iran and you now are in a bad security situation
Can anyone in Iran that decision a good move for Iran people?
Your regime are playing in fire and this fire can burning itself man
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