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Sorry, I am not supposed to tell you this.

Jokes aside here, honestly don't even know what I did tbh. Can't access any info about why I got banned.

Lol I should've figured it was you. :D

How's everything?
Lol I should've figured it was you. :D

How's everything?
It's good, been hanging with more Palestinians and they a pretty good bunch if I do say myself.
Got banned until August 22 for "rules violation" whatever the f that means.
It's good, been hanging with more Palestinians and they a pretty good bunch if I do say myself.
Got banned until August 22 for "rules violation" whatever the f that means.

Nice, if you mean Palestinians in Europe I've met a lot of them in Gaza from Sweden and Germany. They seem like educated and cool people. I have some cousins in Europe too. Although I never went to see them yet.

Btw hows life in Europe compared to the US? It seems like Europe is more expensive but everything else is similar. You guys pay too much for automobiles for example, lol.

I get a little preferential treatment on this forum tbh maybe because I'm the only Palestinian. Although in past forums I used I got some permabans by some pretty pissed off admins.
He was not BANNED! He was earned. Multiple warnings resulted in a ban. The main issue with the posts was the racial tone. Off topic and not required in the those threads, everything was being turned into a racial argument. Multiple earnings were issued and multiple posts were deleted.

The posts were discussing the origins of difference races, debating on Persians being arabs, arabs being superior or not!! I can assure you that if i have seen 10 posts from him 8 or 9 were racial in nature and NOT related to topic. If you want i can try and find some of those to share with you.

You gave me 1 warning for this post.

Thread name:
Militias are taking over the Iraqi state from the inside

"Too many traitors operating under that illegal 2003 constitution (one should wipe a certain body part with it) and a certain regional cancer's interference, are the main reasons for the sorry state of Iraq politically and on many other fronts.

There are many patriots among the youth and people (vast majority) who want to see massive changes occurring so I have high hopes of Iraq regaining its pride and footing in the region. The closer Iraq becomes with fellow Arab countries (as under Al-Abadi) the better for Iraq and Iraqis."
Where exactly are any forum rules being broken here?

(Same thread) that resulted in a ban and warning point number 2.

The troll Malik Alashter reply to my harmless post above.

"Another frustrated person but guess what our body in Iraq is ( staying and expanding ) the term your jahsh wahabies isis were using this term but they vanished under the boots of our mobilization forces I think your body is going to be wiped always Allah revenge for his creatures but it's indeed slowly"

My reply to that kind of absurd post:

"No point even countering this retarded Wilayat al-Faqih drivel from Iranian Mullah regime shills and open supporters of traitors and a rotten foreign-imposed system imposed through occupation."

If the words "retarded" and "cancer" leads to "2 warning points", 99% of the users on this forum would be banned regularly.

As for your two posts here, that is simply not true. It was a historical discussion between me and an Iranian user that occurred in a civil manner without any insults. Purely historical facts.

I am only taking this publicly here as I have nothing to hide nor am I even going to complain about your moderation as I don't bother, just answering your posts here since users mentioned my ban and name in this thread and I wanted to explain myself briefly and show what is up and was is down.

In fact you can ban me for this post as well as clearly you guys (moderation team - fair to say not all of the moderators though) CONTRARY to the Pakistani people AND government/military establishment that rules the country, seem adverse to the 500 million+ Arabs and 20+ Arab countries and the Arab users who once were active on PDF or the very few who are left, given the Arab exodus from PDF over the years.

Looks like Philip and Hijazi both got a month long ban, lol. We will see you both back soon. :D

This will interest Hijazi:

Successful birth of Arabian leopard cubs ‘new beacon of hope’ in Saudi bid to save species from extinction: Culture minister


ALULA: The birth of two Arabian leopard cubs has been hailed as a “new beacon of hope” in Saudia Arabia’s bid to reintroduce the critically endangered big cat back into the wild.

The Saudi Royal Commission for AlUla (RCU) revealed that the male and female cubs, born on April 26 at the Prince Saud Al-Faisal Wildlife Research Center in Taif, had now been vaccinated after passing a crucial 12-week developmental milestone.

The news marks a significant step in the RCU’s breeding program to help preserve and eventually reintroduce the subspecies into the north-west of the Kingdom as part of its portfolio of Arabian Leopard Initiatives (ALI).
The commission’s charter aims to deliver a sensitive and responsible transformation of the AlUla region and protect its nature and wildlife.

During the initial 12-week period of the newborn leopards’ lives, they successfully bonded with their 10-year-old mother Hamms (which means “whisper” in Arabic), learned important behaviors and grew stronger in the seclusion of their den. The cubs will remain with their mother for the next 18 months to two years in line with global best practice for captive breeding programs.

Saudi Minister of Culture and RCU Gov. Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al-Saud, said: “This is a historic moment in our efforts to reintroduce the Arabian leopard to the AlUla region.

“With fewer than an estimated 200 Arabian leopards remaining in the wild globally, this is one of the most critically endangered animals in the world, and these cubs represent a new beacon of hope for the renewal of a subspecies on the brink of extinction. It is our duty to protect, conserve and build population numbers to preserve the species from becoming a footnote of history.

“That is why the RCU is actively championing the revitalization of the Arabian leopard to support the future of this rare and majestic big cat that is native to AlUla,” the prince added.

“The birth of these two cubs will be the first of many as our specialized captive breeding program grows and develops – boosted by the support of local experts, as well as global partners like Panthera.”


Wonderful news indeed. The Arabian Leopard is truly a majestic animal.

That's bad if you got banned for that. Also that 'Iraqi' guy I'm pretty sure is Iranian that got Iraqi citizenship. If he really is Iraqi then that is even more pathetic. He's an Irani firster and puts their interests before interests of his people, sad.
@Falcon29 @ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

Very touching song from Indonesian singer, Hadad Alwi (He is an Arab Indonesian)

@jamahir bro you should hear also :-)

Another good singer from Indonesia who used to cover Arabic Nashid

This is the song for Prophet Muhammad

Nice bro, indeed we only get granted Paradise by the mercy of our Lord even if we only have good deeds. He looks Egyptian btw, he probably is half.

Eid Mubarak to you too and everyone else here. We enter new year in Islamic calendar hopefully the year ahead is a good one.
Nice bro, indeed we only get granted Paradise by the mercy of our Lord even if we only have good deeds. He looks Egyptian btw, he probably is half.

Eid Mubarak to you too and everyone else here. We enter new year in Islamic calendar hopefully the year ahead is a good one.

Many Arab in Indonesia are indeed already half blood.

Thank you bro, Eid Mubarak to you as well. I think we face tough time in the Muslim world with so many ongoing wars happening and political Islam are getting many hurdles in many Muslim world, particularly in Egypt. Even in Indonesia, PKS (Justice and Well fare Party) got very huge fine for just making a minor mistake. But I hope in personal level we are all getting much better spiritually and have better relation with Allah SWT.

From what I learn our ibadah should be filled with love to Allah. There is Islamic preacher I know who always cry every time he preach at Jumah prayer and also during prayer. This kind of persons are rare nowadays and is an example of how strong a bond between Allah and His creation can be. My mother who always do long Tahajjud prayer every night also always cry every time she sees Ka'bah on Youtube. He watch Youtube on big TV screen so it is big enough for any one having strong bond with Allah to start crying.
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كل عام وانتم بخير


Mekkah by CamelKW, on Flickr

البائكة الجنوبية الشرقية: 412هـ - 1021م by aboumyriam2000, on Flickr

by birklund, on Flickr
The Palace - ( An Najaf - Iraq) by Hussain Isa, on Flickr

Shrine of Husayn ibn ‘Alī, Karbala, Iraq by james_gordon_losangeles, on Flickr


May Allah (swt) bestow his blessings upon us, our dear ones, lessen the suffering of those that suffer the most, give our leaders foresight and guide us to become better Muslims and humans. The Muslim world and the whole world in fact is badly in need of it all and much more than that.
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@jamahir bro you should hear also :-)

Thanks for the tag. Eid Mubarak.

There are a few songs whose religious content I like :

1. I was introduced by @Zibago ( Eid Mubarak, Z ) to "Main Abdul Kadir hoon" ( I am Abdul Kadir - in the religious sense ) from the Pakistani TV serial of the same name. The plot is interesting and the song is melodious and emotional.

2. "Aye Khuda" from the Hindi film Murder 2. I especially like the line "Main hi hoon woh jo rehmat se gira" which literally means "I am the one who has fallen from the grace of God" which I take to mean a fallen angel.
Thanks for the tag. Eid Mubarak.

There are a few songs whose religious content I like :

1. I was introduced by @Zibago ( Eid Mubarak, Z ) to "Main Abdul Kadir hoon" ( I am Abdul Kadir - in the religious sense ) from the Pakistani TV serial of the same name. The plot is interesting and the song is melodious and emotional.

2. "Aye Khuda" from the Hindi film Murder 2. I especially like the line "Main hi hoon woh jo rehmat se gira" which literally means "I am the one who has fallen from the grace of God" which I take to mean a fallen angel.

Your welcome bro,

The first song seems to me is more on romantic between man and woman, and the second song looks like a guy who believe in Christianity :undecided:

A very good reminder from Quran

The first song seems to me is more on romantic between man and woman

As the serial's plot will tell you, it is the journey of an innocent young man who becomes spoiled, then regrets that, then turns into a mullah, then comes back to "normal". :)

@Zibago , am I right ??

and the second song looks like a guy who believe in Christianity :undecided:

Well, the sentiment ( the lyrics ) can easily be of a Muslim background.

Please read this page which has the translation to that song.
Thanks for the tag. Eid Mubarak.

There are a few songs whose religious content I like :

1. I was introduced by @Zibago ( Eid Mubarak, Z ) to "Main Abdul Kadir hoon" ( I am Abdul Kadir - in the religious sense ) from the Pakistani TV serial of the same name. The plot is interesting and the song is melodious and emotional.

2. "Aye Khuda" from the Hindi film Murder 2. I especially like the line "Main hi hoon woh jo rehmat se gira" which literally means "I am the one who has fallen from the grace of God" which I take to mean a fallen angel.
Red Eid Mubarak my commie friend :D

As the serial's plot will tell you, it is the journey of an innocent young man who becomes spoiled, then regrets that, then turns into a mullah, then comes back to "normal". :)

@Zibago , am I right ??
Eh more or less the more I get older the better I understand it how its basically a drama on self discovery
As the serial's plot will tell you, it is the journey of an innocent young man who becomes spoiled, then regrets that, then turns into a mullah, then comes back to "normal". :)

@Zibago , am I right ??

Well, the sentiment ( the lyrics ) can easily be of a Muslim background.

Please read this page which has the translation to that song.

Ya, I have read the translation, it is true particularly if you put Islamic context on it. Hearing spiritual song is good for our heart and it is also part of Dhikir in my opinion.
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