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Arabic Coffee shop

Good.. but beyond nationalism, the sense of belonging is a basic need of humans.. it is just nature.. as made by God..

Agree but feel like a semitic empire in the ME rather than nation states would be a lot more fascinating. Nation states don't fascinate me, lol.
Agree but feel like a semitic empire in the ME rather than nation states would be a lot more fascinating. Nation states don't fascinate me, lol.

Would this conceptually stretch from morocco to iraq?

Turkey + Caucasus on the north.....Iran to the East, Arabian Sea to the south east..... and saharan expanse to the south....mediterranean to the north and west and atlantic to the west?
Would this conceptually stretch from morocco to iraq?

Turkey + Caucasus on the north.....Iran to the East, Arabian Sea to the south east..... and saharan expanse to the south....mediterranean to the north and west and atlantic to the west?

Probably not honestly, lol. Iranians don't fall in that category, it would be sort of like previous Levant regions with some of Iraq/Egypt/Ethopia in the mix. It would be cooler than having some artificial nation states. And it makes a lot more sense.
Probably not honestly, lol. Iranians don't fall in that category, it would be sort of like previous Levant regions with some of Iraq/Egypt/Ethopia in the mix. It would be cooler than having some artificial nation states. And it makes a lot more sense.

Yeah i mean iran, turkey etc as the immediately bordering countries to you....that define your borders.
Yeah i mean iran, turkey etc as the immediately bordering countries to you....that define your borders.

Turks and Iranians aren't semites, but I wonder how they would all get along in one empire or state. I don't think it will work well. And even the Jewish and Arab semites will compete over power. It's very unrealistic but in principle sounds cool. It would emphasize cultural richness of the region more.
Turks and Iranians aren't semites, but I wonder how they would all get along in one empire or state. I don't think it will work well. And even the Jewish and Arab semites will compete over power. It's very unrealistic but in principle sounds cool. It would emphasize cultural richness of the region more.

Well, the native Arabs and Assyrians are Semitic in those 2 countries.:-)

Genetically around half of all Iranians and Turks (Anatolians) are Semitic in origin as confirmed by DNA. Both of them have been Arabized to a large extend anyway.
In the case of Anatolians they have just been Turkified and in the case of Iranians (who are all mostly natives) they adopted an Indo-Iranian language due to small invasions of Central Asian nomads from Andronovo in modern-day Kazakhstan. For instance the oldest civilization found in Iran were the Elamites next door to Iraq and Eastern Arabia. They did not speak an Indo-Iranian language but a language more closely related to Semitic. Their culture too was closely related. In fact they are grouped alongside Mesopotamian civilizations and were mostly based in Al-Ahwaz which is geographically tied to Mesopotamia.

Only in the Arab world (in the region) do you find civilizations and peoples who have remained true to their origins throughout. That is why fellow Semitic peoples and Afro-Asiatic peoples were this quickly "Arabized" and prior to that "Aramaicized". It was a natural and internal process rather than outside invasions from foreigners.

@Arsalan have you seen my PM's to you? Send them a few minutes ago. Kindly take a look.
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Well, the native Arabs and Assyrians are Semitic in those 2 countries.:-)

Genetically around half of all Iranians and Turks (Anatolians) are Semitic in origin as confirmed by DNA. Both of them have been Arabized to a large extend anyway.
In the case of Anatolians they have just been Turkified and in the case of Iranians (who are all mostly natives) they adopted an Indo-Iranian language due to small invasions of Central Asian nomads from Andronovo in modern-day Kazakhstan. For instance the oldest civilization found in Iran were the Elamites next door to Iraq and Eastern Arabia. They did not speak an Indo-Iranian language but a language more closely related to Semitic. Their culture too was closely related. In fact they are grouped alongside Mesopotamian civilizations and were mostly based in Al-Ahwaz which is geographically tied to Mesopotamia.

Only in the Arab world (in the region) do you find civilizations and peoples who have remained true to their origins throughout. That is why fellow Semitic peoples and Afro-Asiatic peoples were this quickly "Arabized" and prior to that "Aramaicized". It was a natural and internal process rather than outside invasions from foreigners.

@Arsalan have you seen my PM's to you? Send them a few minutes ago. Kindly take a look.

Welcome back!


Watch from 8:40 minutes into the video until the end. Amazing.

Actually looking past a linguistic connection, the genetic connection makes sense as well since most Europeans are actually descendants of Afro-Asiatic speaking Neolithic peoples from the modern-day Arab world/Middle East as confirmed by every DNA test in existence.
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Why was he banned again?
He was not BANNED! He was earned. Multiple warnings resulted in a ban. The main issue with the posts was the racial tone. Off topic and not required in the those threads, everything was being turned into a racial argument. Multiple earnings were issued and multiple posts were deleted.
He was not BANNED! He was earned. Multiple warnings resulted in a ban. The main issue with the posts was the racial tone. Off topic and not required in the those threads, everything was being turned into a racial argument. Multiple earnings were issued and multiple posts were deleted.

It was off topic but I didn't see what you mean by racial tone. Him and that one other again are genuinely interested in that kind of history and it is mostly civilized between them. I would have just moved their posts elsewhere or banned them from posting in the thread.
It was off topic but I didn't see what you mean by racial tone. Him and that one other again are genuinely interested in that kind of history and it is mostly civilized between them. I would have just moved their posts elsewhere or banned them from posting in the thread.
The posts were discussing the origins of difference races, debating on Persians being arabs, arabs being superior or not!! I can assure you that if i have seen 10 posts from him 8 or 9 were racial in nature and NOT related to topic. If you want i can try and find some of those to share with you.

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