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Arabic Coffee shop

I'm digging this little hot hatch, been impressed with Hyundai lately:

No, you can ask, lol, does not bother me at all.:lol.
An Iranian troll says that. Another said I was an Afro-Arab years ago as some kind of "insult". I had a cosmopolitan upbringing due to family background, studies abroad and have relatives in many Arab countries and also in Europe where I am currently based and have been for quite a while. My father's side of the family (Hijazi Hashemites) are mixed with ties to more than just 1 Arab country. Mother's side of the family similarly. If Circassian is considered European and a European female convert of French-Spanish origins (in the immediate lineage) then yes, but Hijazi Hashemites (like any dynasty in the past) mixed with some non-Arabs occasionally. But other than that fully I am completely Arab.
In any way most Arabs in the region (especially from well-known families) will have some foreign blood in them. Even Bedouins (as proven by DNA). Consider the Hajj, Umrah, all the minorities/diversity, invasions, slavery, sea trade etc. Most might not be able to trace it via their known lineage, have not really dwelled into it or just don't consider it important. Have in mind that we are all mixed.

Yeah it's that Zijjugrpat troll :lol:
Funny thing is that I look more Arab than some Palestinians. My father is Southern European partially I think and my mother is German and from a very Southern island in Italy called Sardinia. Are the Palestinians with light hair and eyes more White or?
Sorry about asking this again if I have.
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Funny thing is that I look more Arab than some Palestinians. My father is Southern European partially I think and my mother is German and from a very Southern island in Italy called Sardinia. Are the Palestinians with light hair and eyes more White or?

Well some Palestinians are white with brown eyes. But lighter hair if you mean blonde or red head they're mostly white , yeah.
Never tried that before, you mean the oatmeal mix or something else?

Literally just plain rolled oats (quaker brand or u can try others too). I put a little cinnamon with it and add water to cover in bowl...microwave say 3 minutes or so (to your taste/consistency)...then add a little jam/PB/fruits/syrup or whatever u want to get a little sweet flavour with it....and add a little milk to taste as well etc.

You can experiment with savoury (to mix in, I normally substitute pepper for cinnamon in the pre-microwave stage) later to mix things up (I normally make my own vinegar based pickles or I buy indian-style pickles etc).

It's been my staple for years now for breakfast for the carbs energy side of things. Protein side, yes eggs are my best bet for breakfast if I feel like it....but normally I eat proteins (meats, lentils, fish, eggs etc) later in the day....breakfast ideally for me is to get the energy boost + slow burn for rest of the day.

As for oatmeal mix, I avoid the instant oatmeal stuff (if that's what you mean), though I suppose they are handy in a pinch. Mostly because they burn much more quickly (given the oatmeal is ground much more finer compared to rolled/quick oats) and they always add a large amount of sugar (for flavouring of maple, apple etc) ratio wise for the amount of oatmeal in it etc. But I have not really explored them that much as I just read health wise, they just arent doing much good compared to plain rolled oats (that you gotta cook little longer and take a little effort to add stuff to after etc). I mean I would suppose instant oatmeal is about equivalent to having toast with jam/honey etc. Burns quick and you might feel hungry before lunch.
Thats great man, one my regrets as a child was not eating healthy snacks. But, I did eat a bunch of Arabic food and got the proper meats for brain growth, lol. I'd say we eat too much meat as Arabs but I don't mind it at all.

Same here, like broccoli or those fresh french peas among others.

My weight doesn't change either. Except in Ramadan I lose a bit of weight. Otherwise to gain weight I need to lift and eat a crap ton of food.

My family love fish, I love only like two specific local kinds. It is very good for you and often overlooked . Shrimp is also an favorite. Cheese is a big deal with Palestinians, we pretty much eat it on a daily basis. With olive oil of course. :lol:

I can cut coffee but I don't really. Not the type to have any withdrawal symptoms. I feel I will cut it at one point soon especially if I go back to lifting again.

Nice, I don't need lots of food because I'm thin anyways. If I do intensive cardio exercises I quickly get hungry though. Mini fasts are healthy with a good diet and lots of water, I can imagine.

Yeah Ramadan is not good when it comes to how much sweets everyone makes. Ramadan is really tough depending where you live. If it was two hours earlier it would make a big difference in sleeping schedule, diet and so on.

Of course as a child (small) I ate unhealthy foods (sweets, sometimes fast food) also but it was always rare. Most of my siblings (both brothers and sisters) tended to and to this day have a more sweet tongue for example without being overweight at all though.

Broccoli is good. I use to fry it in olive oil on a pan, sometimes I add ghee or natural butter from Almarai, cilantro, basil, some dried oregano and at times crushed dried chili flakes. It is a great combination actually. Broccoli on its own is a bit boring. I frequently combine fried broccoli with fried carrots (love fried carrots and carrots in rice etc.) as well.

Yes, during Ramadan I always lose weight. So many people talk about weight gain during that month but for me it is opposite. I actually lost weight 2 years ago due to not exercising/training much and eating too little food. However 1-2 months of regular training and regular eating solved that and I gained weight (muscle mass more than anything else). But I have been hitting 88-90 kg in the past many years. I am tall but I would have a relatively thin/medium built if not for hitting the gym for many years. So I would probably weigh some 10 kg less without training/exercising at all and if I kept eating healthy at the same time. On the other hand I could probably hit the 100 kg (lol) if I started eating very unhealthy at the asme time with my height.

Seafood and fish is actually very important for all coastal areas of the Arab world (Hijaz included obviously with such a long coastline) and places like Gaza are no different. Actually Arabia is quite famous for its seafood in the Arab world. But overall, despite every Arab country having access to a sea (interesting fact, actually when you think about it) we all consume meat first and foremost. Without meat there is no Arab cuisine, lol. Which is why vegetarians are so rare to find.

Yes, Palestinian Halloumi is famous and very tasty. You cannot melt that stuff.:lol:

Yes, I was never addicted to coffee either and it rarely had much of an effect for me unless the traditional Arabic coffee (without any modern twists) which is very strong. The Italian stuff like cappuccino, espresso etc. does not have any impact on me caffeine wise at all. Just incredibly weak compared to Arabic coffee (original and real deal along with Ethiopian, lol) and the beans are not even roasted in a traditional manner (over fire) but it tastes good of course.

Those mini fasts are actually great by large. Some say fasting is the only scientifically proven method of actually increasing your lifespan (no joke) but it is all about your habits. Some people cannot function properly without eating breakfast for instance.

Yes, Ramadan in KSA/Arab world (fasting time) is shorter if Ramadan is held in the summer months which it usually is, but weather wise it cannot be compared with say Western/Northern Europe where people do not know what air-condition is.:lol: In Southern Europe it is like at home. Every house, public space, public transportation has air condition otherwise people (especially elders, babies, small children) would be dying due to dehydration and heat more frequently. 40+ degrees celsius during the summer is normal in countries like Spain and Portugal. Those are KSA/Middle East kind of temperatures during the summer, lol.

Funny thing is that I look more Arab than some Palestinians. My father is Southern European partially I think and my mother is German and from a very Southern island in Italy called Sardinia. Are the Palestinians with light hair and eyes more White or?
Sorry about asking this again if I have.

Arabs, Palestinains included, come in all shapes and forms as you know. Pale, olive-skin (vast majority), brown (olive-skin is a type of brown), Black (Afro-Arabs which can be found in every Arab country) and everything in between.

It is funny because on PDF somehow such types of discussions (skin color) are frequent but I have honestly never really had such discussions in real life with family, Arab friends etc. Arabs are proud and confident people, also on this front and honestly (without any bias here) olive-skin is the most beautiful skin color and probably the most desired IMO.

When I think about a "Pan-Arab skin color" I think about something like this:

Saudi girl with the famous "big Arab eyes" representative for us as a people:

Which can fit in every single Arab country. Just like darker or more pale versions can.

Saudi Arabian/Arab women :lol:

I always laugh at anyone saying that Arabs do not look remarkably similar considering the many countries from Oman to Morocco (we do) if we exclude the Afro-Arab community.

BTW is your father (if you don't mind me asking) of Jordanian (most "native" Jordanians actually belong to Arab tribes of mostly Hijazi origins, not including the Bedouins here) or Palestinian origins? BTW Palestinians cluster most closely with Jordanians (native), Syrians, Saudi Arabians and Egyptians on every DNA test that I have seen which also correspondents with the Palestinian tribes, clans, geography and the history of the region. I always found the Jordanian/Palestinian divide in Jordan moronic. Same people. Or the other divides/regional also in every single Arab country. There is also this nonsense South/North divide in Iraq when there is no difference between an Shammari from Tal Afar or Mosul in the North and a Shammari from Basra in the South. Or a Jabouri. Or Tamimi etc.

I'm digging this little hot hatch, been impressed with Hyundai lately:

Yeah it's that Zijjugrpat troll :lol:

You should pick a Toyota, the national car of KSA.:lol:

BTW I always thought that the most famous Palestinian female youtuber (Maha) was very similar looking to this former Saudi princess (not House of Saud):

Very typical Arab look IMO and very beautiful.:enjoy: We have the most beautiful women.

Olive-skin Arab women>pale Arab women every single day of the year, lol.
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Of course as a child (small) I ate unhealthy foods (sweets, sometimes fast food) also but it was always rare. Most of my siblings (both brothers and sisters) tended to and to this day have a more sweet tongue for example without being overweight at all though.

Broccoli is good. I use to fry it in olive oil on a pan, sometimes I add ghee or natural butter from Almarai, cilantro, basil, some dried oregano and at times crushed dried chili flakes. It is a great combination actually. Broccoli on its own is a bit boring. I frequently combine fried broccoli with fried carrots (love fried carrots and carrots in rice etc.) as well.

Yes, during Ramadan I always lose weight. So many people talk about weight gain during that month but for me it is opposite. I actually lost weight 2 years ago due to not exercising/training much and eating too little food. However 1-2 months of regular training and regular eating solved that and I gained weight (muscle mass more than anything else). But I have been hitting 88-90 kg in the past many years. I am tall but I would have a relatively thin/medium built if not for hitting the gym for many years. So I would probably weigh some 10 kg less without training/exercising at all and if I kept eating healthy at the same time. On the other hand I could probably hit the 100 kg (lol) if I started eating very unhealthy at the asme time with my height.

Seafood and fish is actually very important for all coastal areas of the Arab world (Hijaz included obviously with such a long coastline) and places like Gaza are no different. Actually Arabia is quite famous for its seafood in the Arab world. But overall, despite every Arab country having access to a sea (interesting fact, actually when you think about it) we all consume meat first and foremost. Without meat there is no Arab cuisine, lol. Which is why vegetarians are so rare to find.

Yes, Palestinian Halloumi is famous and very tasty. You cannot melt that stuff.:lol:

Yes, I was never addicted to coffee either and it rarely had much of an effect for me unless the traditional Arabic coffee (without any modern twists) which is very strong. The Italian stuff like cappuccino, espresso etc. does not have any impact on me caffeine wise at all. Just incredibly weak compared to Arabic coffee (original and real deal along with Ethiopian, lol) and the beans are not even roasted in a traditional manner (over fire) but it tastes good of course.

Those mini fasts are actually great by large. Some say fasting is the only scientifically proven method of actually increasing your lifespan (no joke) but it is all about your habits. Some people cannot function properly without eating breakfast for instance.

Yes, Ramadan in KSA/Arab world (fasting time) is shorter if Ramadan is held in the summer months which it usually is, but weather wise it cannot be compared with say Western/Northern Europe where people do not know what air-condition is.:lol: In Southern Europe it is like at home. Every house, public space, public transportation has air condition otherwise people (especially elders, babies, small children) would be dying due to dehydration and heat more frequently. 40+ degrees celsius during the summer is normal in countries like Spain and Portugal. Those are KSA/Middle East kind of temperatures during the summer, lol.

Arabs, Palestinains included, come in all shapes and forms as you know. Pale, olive-skin (vast majority), brown (olive-skin is a type of brown), Black (Afro-Arabs which can be found in every Arab country) and everything in between.

It is funny because on PDF somehow such types of discussions (skin color) are frequent but I have honestly never really had such discussions in real life with family, Arab friends etc. Arabs are proud and confident people, also on this front and honestly (without any bias here) olive-skin is the most beautiful skin color and probably the most desired IMO.

When I think about a "Pan-Arab skin color" I think about something like this:

Saudi girl with the famous "big Arab eyes" representative for us as a people:

Which can fit in every single Arab country. Just like darker or more pale versions can.

Saudi Arabian/Arab women :lol:

I always laugh at anyone saying that Arabs do not look remarkably similar considering the many countries from Oman to Morocco (we do) if we exclude the Afro-Arab community.

BTW is your father (if you don't mind me asking) of Jordanian (most "native" Jordanians actually belong to Arab tribes of mostly Hijazi origins, not including the Bedouins here) or Palestinian origins? BTW Palestinians cluster most closely with Jordanians (native), Syrians, Saudi Arabians and Egyptians on every DNA test that I have seen which also correspondents with the Palestinian tribes, clans, geography and the history of the region. I always found the Jordanian/Palestinian divide in Jordan moronic. Same people. Or the other divides/regional also in every single Arab country. There is also this nonsense South/North divide in Iraq when there is no difference between an Shammari from Tal Afar or Mosul in the North and a Shammari from Basra in the South. Or a Jabouri. Or Tamimi etc.

You should pick a Toyota, the national car of KSA.:lol:

BTW I always thought that the most famous Palestinian female youtuber (Maha) was very similar looking to this former Saudi princess (not House of Saud):

Very typical Arab look IMO and very beautiful.:enjoy:

Olive-skin Arab women>pale Arab women every single day of the year, lol.
My father is Jordanian native but has very light skin hence why I assumed he has some mixture of European. I am rather pale for an Arab but I usually get a tan to become a reddish olivish color. My great grandmother was almost as dark as the darker Arabs (because of Sardinia being so isolated from the rest of Europe) and thats why I look less White than my relatives who are mixed with White people. I easily pass for Hispanic, Arab, Indian(ignorance) buy rarely White because of my dark features which happens to my mixed relatives a lot. I agree, darker woman are generally more attractuve that paler woman.
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Longer version:

My father is Jordanian native but has very light skin hence why I assumed he has some mixture of European. I am rather pale for an Arab but I usually get a tan to become a reddish olivish color. My great grandmother was almost as dark as the darker Arabs (because of Sardinia being so isolated from the rest of Europe) and thats why I look less White than my relatives who are mixed with White people. I easily pass for Hispanic, Arab, Indian(ignorance) buy rarely White because of my dark features which happens to my mixed relatives a lot. I agree, darker woman are generally more attractuve that paler woman.

I don't care about skin color at all but since it is a topic of discussion on PDF I want to quickly state that "pale/light skin color" does not necessarily have anything to do with Europe. White skin color originates in the Arab world actually (look it up) and you have 10's of millions of Arabs with a pale skin color. It is NATIVE to the region just like all the other types. The only "foreign" element is the Afro-Arab (Black) but since we were all apparently Black once not so foreign again either.

Most Hispanic/Latin people resemble Arabs for a reason. Not talking about the "Indian natives" with obvious Mongoloid features like natives of Bolivia, Peru, nor the people of African origin etc. but the rest. One of the largest ethnic minorities in Latin America are actually Arabs. Spaniards and Portuguese (who were under 800 years of Arab/Berber rule) who migrated in large numbers to Latin America also carried Arab genes with them. So the resemblance is not strange. "Indian" is everything from a Northern Indian (that might resemble an Arab) to a Dravidian Tamil from the South where that resemblance is less obvious to a Mongoloid Burmese looking Indian in the Northeast. India is also one of the most diverse countries (ethnically and racially) in the world.

From which area/region/ of Jordan is your father from if you don't mind me asking and you are probably aware of his lineage as well, I guess? If you know which clan or tribe he belongs to you can usually be able to trace your lineage way back as most Arabs. In fact I don't think that there is a people in this world (on average) that can trace their ancestry as far back as the average Arab can especially in our region. Clan/tribal affiliation is basically our type/version of an aristocracy/nobility (today) hence the focus (much less so nowadays) on ancestry in the old days.

EDIT: Most native Jordanians are of Hijazi origins (including the royal family) and Jordan belongs to Northern Arabia geographically and historically as does Southern Syria. In the future we would be better off to join the same country. We need regional Arab blocs, not more Arab countries when we already have 20+. People need to be more educated about the historical realities and understand that all those small Arab nations can do little on their own. Look at the many small GCC states. Anyway that is another discussion altogether.
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I hate the mods on this forum. There should at least be a voting session for mods where they decide whether to ban a member.

I have nothing against the mods, but yeah they should be easier on him. It's okay to have some fun posts with other members once in awhile. Don't think he should be banned for that. Another issue though is people often misunderstand each other or have bad reading comprehension so some accuse Saif of saying things he doesn't intend to get across because they misunderstand. And then they start tagging mods and what not.
I have nothing against the mods, but yeah they should be easier on him. It's okay to have some fun posts with other members once in awhile. Don't think he should be banned for that. Another issue though is people often misunderstand each other or have bad reading comprehension so some accuse Saif of saying things he doesn't intend to get across because they misunderstand. And then they start tagging mods and what not.
The Pakistani mods also have a clear bias towards Pakistani members. There really should be an Arab mod, as well as a mod for each countries forum on here.
The Pakistani mods also have a clear bias towards Pakistani members. There really should be an Arab mod, as well as a mod for each countries forum on here.

They said they were considering it but idk happened. I don't think they are biased, I just think he got banned in a flame war with one of the Iranian guys. The Iraqi guys got banned too. I haven't been banned in awhile, they cut me a break sometimes. In the past I would get banned all the time, though. :lol:
Than why create other sub-forums? No need for Indian, BD, Arab, Russian...
You didn't have to join if your going to cry about bias. Is anyone forcing them to join it? No, soo.....why complain?

And there is no bias, you say BS and you face the consequences. No matter who you are or what flag you hold.
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