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I saw that you are so happy for attacking Saudi by Iran in many threads in pdf but why?
Bad behaviour in world
Do you think you win or earn many things?
Iran still is in economic black hole and massive unbelievable corruption even Russia and China are angry of Iran and you now are in a bad security situation
Can anyone in Iran that decision a good move for Iran people?
Your regime are playing in fire and this fire can burning itself man

It is difficult to compromise on core issues. Some of what you claim actually weaken our position.

There is another point.

I often say that Islam is the fastest growing religion. I doubt this often though, especially after I left India.

Among Arabs, Persians, Turks - I see numerous people turning away from Islam. Not just in name. That was common in the past too. I am not talking about drinking and flirting and all. That was always prevalent.

But a significant number of Muslims are claiming themselves to be openly atheist/humanist. That disgusts me. This is especially true for second generation Muslims in the West. Last week I met this group of Iranian students, one wearing the hijab even claiming she does not believe in Islam and practices Buddhism privately. As Kashmir conversations came up, she and her group was very vocal about Islamic 'excesses' to Kashmiri non Muslims and how it was a Hindu land and so on. I don't think is they had been Muslims, they would profess such an opinion.

Ideologies change and with such mindsets, the Islamic positions are seriously weakened. These educated people write opeds and support the spread of fitnah. India is a shining example of that. It was an Islamic country. And now?

The only Muslims who throng our Mosque here are a couple of local reverts and folks from the BD community.

The point is introspection is fine, but usually it ends up in self hate and then doubt. Only Non muslims benefit from this. In my opinion. Peace.

Hindus and Sikhs primarily. The ones most responsible for anti Muslim crimes.

I believe Muslim in Muslim majority countries are getting stronger in their Islam faith, like happening in Indonesia.
I believe Muslim in Muslim majority countries are getting stronger in their Islam faith, like happening in Indonesia.
True that is happening in Indonesia, Bangladesh etc. In traditional strongholds of Islam - namely Arabia...it is progressively getting weaker. We must do Dawaah actively.
True that is happening in Indonesia, Bangladesh etc. In traditional strongholds of Islam - namely Arabia...it is progressively getting weaker. We must do Dawaah actively.

How do you know Muslim in Arabia are getting weaker ? There is some liberal Muslim there but pious Muslim are in majority. You can see it through their election like in Egypt, their last fair election reveal that 70 percent of Egyptian choose Islamic party (MB and Salafist), last fair election of Algeria said that 90 percent voted for FIS (Islamist).
How do you know Muslim in Arabia are getting weaker ? There is some liberal Muslim there but pious Muslim are in majority. You can see it through their election like in Egypt, their last fair election reveal that 70 percent of Egyptian choose Islamic party (MB and Salafist), last fair election of Algeria said that 90 percent voted for FIS (Islamist).
In India it would be almost 100 pc among us.

Are you really Advance in Arabic and have Arabic dictionary in your home or PC?

There is Christian Arab who said that Ahad means Unification and one of instead of one. He said one in Arabic should be translated into Wahid. I want you to clarify this since I dont understand Arabic and cannot access Arabic dictionary.
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Are you really Advance in Arabic and have Arabic dictionary in your home or PC?

There is Christian Arab who said that Ahad means Unification and one of instead of one. He said one in Arabic should be translated into Wahid. I want you to clarify this since I dont understand Arabic and cannot access Arabic dictionary.

He's wrong, 'Wihdah' means unity. That's why you hear a lot in the Arab world the phrase 'Wihdah Wataniyah' which means national unity. Ahad means one. What he's talking about is 'Al-Itihaad' which is belief that God is inside all of his creation or the trinity belief they have.

Unity is not right word for what he is trying to explain.
He's wrong, 'Wihdah' means unity. That's why you hear a lot in the Arab world the phrase 'Wihdah Wataniyah' which means national unity. Ahad means one. What he's talking about is 'Al-Itihaad' which is belief that God is inside all of his creation or the trinity belief they have.

Unity is not right word for what he is trying to explain.

Thanks for the explanation bro and is Ahad only means one when you look up Arabic dictionary ? And why Allah said Allah is Ahad not Allah is wahid in Al-Ikhlas ?

Can you please watch this video, the video have been translated into Indonesian and many Christian channel have publish this with Indonesian translation. The video have become popular among the Christian in Indonesia since the beginning of this year. And he has many videos, not only one but this video specifically use Arabic as a basis of his argument so I ask for your help.

I hope you can counter his argument based on Arabic language and posted in here and I will try to translate it into Indonesia and post it to that channel. If you have time you can also post your comment on this channel since many Indonesian also understand English so you can debate them directly.

Thanks for the explanation bro and is Ahad only means one when you look up Arabic dictionary ? And why Allah said Allah is Ahad not Allah is wahid in Al-Ikhlas ?

Can you please watch this video, the video have been translated into Indonesian and many Christian channel have publish this with Indonesian translation. The video have become popular among the Christian in Indonesia since the beginning of this year. And he has many videos, not only one but this video specifically use Arabic as a basis of his argument so I ask for your help.

I hope you can counter his argument based on Arabic language and posted in here and I will try to translate it into Indonesia and post it to that channel. If you have time you can also post your comment on this channel since many Indonesian also understand English so you can debate them directly.

I'm not the best in Arabic but 'Ahad' means one and not unity. It's improper grammar to use 'Wahid' in this context as opposed to 'Ahad'. Because 'Ahad' in this case is at end of sentence. In other verses of Quran 'Wahid' is used in beginning of sentence. It's just proper sentence etiquette. Here is example of 'Wahid' used in Quran to describe Allah(SWT):

وَإِلَـٰهُكُمْ إِلَـٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ ۖ لَّا إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الرَّحْمَـٰنُ الرَّحِيمُ

'Tawheed' is the concept, in which we believe Allah is one and all the divine attributes belong to him and him only, no one else. So it is grouping his attributes with his Oneness. Because polytheists at the time believed in One God but also believed that others or idols can have certain attributes of God which we reject.

This is what you would tell them but don't worry about too much. That guy makes a living off this stuff and he likes to debate with other religions a lot. You can't stop it, just offer counter argument when you feel like it.

We do not believe Jesus is God. What he was able to do and what he will do is because of the will of God. And Allah granted him ability to perform miracles. The Dajjal is also gonna perform 'miracles' or what appear to people as miracles but no Christians or Muslims believe he is God. Some Prophets were able to communicate with animals, etc.... This is all granted to them by God. No one can take his place or do what he can do.
I'm not the best in Arabic but 'Ahad' means one and not unity. It's improper grammar to use 'Wahid' in this context as opposed to 'Ahad'. Because 'Ahad' in this case is at end of sentence. In other verses of Quran 'Wahid' is used in beginning of sentence. It's just proper sentence etiquette. Here is example of 'Wahid' used in Quran to describe Allah(SWT):

وَإِلَـٰهُكُمْ إِلَـٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ ۖ لَّا إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الرَّحْمَـٰنُ الرَّحِيمُ

'Tawheed' is the concept, in which we believe Allah is one and all the divine attributes belong to him and him only, no one else. So it is grouping his attributes with his Oneness. Because polytheists at the time believed in One God but also believed that others or idols can have certain attributes of God which we reject.

This is what you would tell them but don't worry about too much. That guy makes a living off this stuff and he likes to debate with other religions a lot. You can't stop it, just offer counter argument when you feel like it.

We do not believe Jesus is God. What he was able to do and what he will do is because of the will of God. And Allah granted him ability to perform miracles. The Dajjal is also gonna perform 'miracles' or what appear to people as miracles but no Christians or Muslims believe he is God. Some Prophets were able to communicate with animals, etc.... This is all granted to them by God. No one can take his place or do what he can do.

Thanks for the explanation bro
I found out my grandfather was working with British and stealing weapons to give to Palestinians in 48. Apparently my tribe includes Palestinians and Jordanians and is Adnanite. His family is very dark though compared to Palestinians. I don't live with my dad so info is hard to come by hence why I just found out about this.

There is this Palestinian kid on my HS bus who looks Whiter than me even though I am half. His skin is darker than mine, but hair is brown, and lips are smaller and look more European.
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I found out my grandfather was working with British and stealing weapons to give to Palestinians in 48. Apparently my tribe includes Palestinians and Jordanians and is Adnanite. His family is very dark though compared to Palestinians. I don't live with my dad so info is hard to come by hence why I just found out about this.

That's crazy bro, aren't Adnaanites the tribe of Quraysh or something like that? You are now one of us, at least partially lol. If you want to be. :D

Most of us are wheatish in complexion. My family are either white or wheatish.
That's crazy bro, aren't Adnaanites the tribe of Quraysh or something like that? You are now one of us, at least partially lol. If you want to be. :D

Most of us are wheatish in complexion. My family are either white or wheatish.
Adnanites are Arabized Arabs like Ismaels family and descendants. Qahtanites are the dark ones from Yemen. Bedouins are more pure Arab like Qahtanites.
I don't mind being related to Palestinians. In America do you pass as white or do people think you are Hispanic/Middle Eastern?
Adnanites are Arabized Arabs like Ismaels family and descendants. Qahtanites are the dark ones from Yemen. Bedouins are more pure Arab like Qahtanites.
I don't mind being related to Palestinians. In America do you pass as white or do people think you are Hispanic/Middle Eastern?

Qahtanis aren't all dark, there are a lot of them in Saudi Arabia. Most people can tell I'm middle eastern because of some distinct Arab facial features.
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