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Arabic Coffee shop

I am glad that your Islam is getting stronger brother, yeah I still remember the moment you become fragile and start accusing Islam. :)

Btw @saif al Arab seems to get permanent banned :(

Thanks brother, also he is not permanently banned but wanted to quit himself. Or at least a long term break. Did talk to him and wished him the best though, and he wishes same for us.

Islam in the Arab hands become like Harry Potter trilogy...There is no Mehdi no Sisi Zekri that will come to save the Muslims and the the Arab in general from the moquera they made of a religion that suppose to advocate peace and love the other...Allah has cursed the Arabs and the Moelems since the Prophet Med death, saws..Happy Milan Ennabawi to all of you..

I still like you even though you say ridiculous stuff ... :D
I still like you even though you say ridiculous stuff ... :D
There is nothing ridicule about what I have said..That’s reality bro!
You are a marginal Palestinian, but I manage to like you...My Arabic teacher was a Palestinian...a great one!
All Arab users left this forum, nothing left now but foreigners
When those users you mentioned , are all of them propagandists and published fakes to shore up their countries, they bound to run out of stories to publish..the only one who is barely breathing is SC aka the eternal Saudi student and we have our magnificent Palestinian diehard Muslim brother..so there is two Arabs that are still here...
All Arab users left this forum, nothing left now but foreigners

We still have Arab members here but they don't involve themselves much in the ME and Africa section. Mostly just update photo threads of their respective militaries. Arabs in general aren't really active on political forums.
@Ceylal @SALMAN F @CamelGuy @fachfouch


Any of you understand this? Do Moroccan, Tunisian and Algerian all speak with similar dialect? It's pretty cool, I understand some of it but the rest I can't, lol.

We understand each others. But Dialect differ. ALG/TN is said to me more intelligible than TN/MOR per exemple.
Last, 1/10th of the song is in Arabic, so what you understood is all of it. What you couldn't is in French and few English ones with a blending accent from him...

For an Arab speaker, MOR is closest to original Arabic, Then comes Algerian and Last Tunisian.
Tunisian is "among" the least understandable national dialect in all of the Arabic speaking world.
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We understand each others. But Dialect differ. ALG/TN is said to me more intelligible than TN/MOR per exemple.
Last, 1/10th of the song is in Arabic, so what you understood is all of it. What you couldn't is in French and few English ones with a blending accent from him...

For an Arab speaker, MOR is closest to original Arabic, Then comes Algerian and Last Tunisian.
Tunisian is "among" the least understandable national dialect in all of the Arabic speaking world.

Does everyone know French in those three countries? Because they seem to, lol. I notice a lot of songs from there they sing a blend of french/arabic. I will say you guys definitely have better rap/hip hop songs in Arab world. Love songs probably go to Lebanese/Syrian. :lol:
Does everyone know French in those three countries? Because they seem to, lol. I notice a lot of songs from there they sing a blend of french/arabic. I will say you guys definitely have better rap/hip hop songs in Arab world. Love songs probably go to Lebanese/Syrian. :lol:

French is widely known and used across the 3 countries.
As for Rap related musics, the Maghreb region is indeed more into it, Good or not, it depends on the listener.
@Ceylal @SALMAN F @CamelGuy @fachfouch


Any of you understand this? Do Moroccan, Tunisian and Algerian all speak with similar dialect? It's pretty cool, I understand some of it but the rest I can't, lol.
I think the dialect depends on the geographic area like the mounters and nomads have their own dilect and each reagon have a different dilect
Thanks brother, also he is not permanently banned but wanted to quit himself. Or at least a long term break. Did talk to him and wished him the best though, and he wishes same for us.

I still like you even though you say ridiculous stuff ... :D
How did you contact him?!
How did you contact him?!
He is on his payroll

@Ceylal @SALMAN F @CamelGuy @fachfouch


Any of you understand this? Do Moroccan, Tunisian and Algerian all speak with similar dialect? It's pretty cool, I understand some of it but the rest I can't, lol.
Most of it but with some variations..Moroccan have a lot more Arabized Spanish world , Algeria, Spanish, French, Turkish , Latin world are prédominent , same for Tunisia..Among the language spoken in the Arab world, Lebanese is a lot more understanble to us than the rest...Arabic is widely used in Algeria, but very few command the language...You all have just to see Bouteflika ministers giving a news conference in Arabic...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
He is on his payroll

Most of it but with some variations..Moroccan have a lot more Arabized Spanish world , Algeria, Spanish, French, Turkish , Latin world are prédominent , same for Tunisia..Among the language spoken in the Arab world, Lebanese is a lot more understanble to us than the rest...Arabic is widely used in Algeria, but very few command the language...You all have just to see Bouteflika ministers giving a news conference in Arabic...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ceylal shut up you obsessed barbarian
Ceylal shut up you obsessed barbarian
this is your footnote:
Ceylal the barbarian is an obsessed and hateful delusional creature
Who is really , obsessed me, who lives among the free and in the land of the braves or you, the lappadoodle who's his lips and tongue addicted to a sses licking..:cheers::hang2::hang2:
Does everyone know French in those three countries? Because they seem to, lol. I notice a lot of songs from there they sing a blend of french/arabic. I will say you guys definitely have better rap/hip hop songs in Arab world. Love songs probably go to Lebanese/Syrian. :lol:

They all like to break dance too. It's weird.
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