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How did you know that they do so? :o: Are you sure you are not from Al-Ahwaz? :woot:
Yeah, They do some really crazy stuff, since those ones have established their identity based on hating Arabs and Islam.

Or you live my friend, on Mars ? Shi'ism was planned, created, organized (A protection against Arabs) with only goal, to preserve the Persian identity with the idea - crazy - one day to revive the Empire.

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@Full Moon

I know all this my brother.

Was is even more comical is that we as Arabs and Semites have a much older, significant and important pre-Islamic history as the cradle of civilization and being home to the oldest civilizations on the planet long before anyone had even heard about anything called "Iran" or anything called "Persians". We can cherish our pre-Islamic past but at the same time Islam is a very important part of our recent (last 1400 years) history and will probably continue to be so for a long time as it has given us a lot on all fronts be it religious, cultural, linguistic, military etc.

What is even more funny is that the Persians were civilized by us Semites and they adopted our customs, copied our pre-Islamic Gods (Assyrian Gods), national symbols, architecture, language (Aramaic) and even made Babylon their capital!

We don't need to talk about the religious, cultural, linguistic, military or even ethnical conquest by Arabs on the Persians. They realize it but they shun it away.

The most funny thing is that they would probably be just like their cousins in Tajikistan and Afghanistan had they not encountered us Semites in the ME and started meddling there.

Also it's funny that they thing that Arabs attacked Iran first. Last time I checked they were occupying parts of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Levant, Egypt despite them not being natives there etc. and Semites lived in those lands.

But let them continue to write historical nonsense and delude themselves and believe that they are "racially superior" despite genetically having few differences when it comes to other nearby ME peoples nor in terms of appearance by large.

But once again I have to state that not all Persians behave this way.

Anyway equaling Persians with Iranians is also nonsense as you have Iranian Arabs, Azerbaijani Turks, Baluch, Kurds, Lurs, Turkmen etc. peoples. Calling them Persians would be insulting to them.
@Full Moon

I know all this my brother.

Was is even more comical is that we as Arabs and Semites have a much older, significant and important pre-Islamic history as the cradle of civilization and being home to the oldest civilizations on the planet long before anyone had even heard about anything called "Iran" or anything called "Persians". We can cherish our pre-Islamic past but at the same time Islam is a very important part of our recent (last 1400 years) history and will probably continue to be so for a long time as it has given us a lot on all fronts be it religious, cultural, linguistic, military etc.

What is even more funny is that the Persians were civilized by us Semites and they adopted our customs, copied our pre-Islamic Gods (Assyrian Gods), national symbols, architecture, language (Aramaic) and even made Babylon their capital!

We don't need to talk about the religious, cultural, linguistic, military or even ethnical conquest by Arabs on the Persians. They realize it but they shun it away.

The most funny thing is that they would probably be just like their cousins in Tajikistan and Afghanistan had they not encountered us Semites in the ME and started meddling there.

Also it's funny that they thing that Arabs attacked Iran first. Last time I checked they were occupying parts of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Levant, Egypt despite them not being natives there etc. and Semites lived in those lands.

But let them continue to write historical nonsense and delude themselves and believe that they are "racially superior" despite genetically having few differences when it comes to other nearby ME peoples nor in terms of appearance by large.

But once again I have to state that not all Persians behave this way.

Anyway equaling Persians with Iranians is also nonsense as you have Iranian Arabs, Azerbaijani Turks, Baluch, Kurds, Lurs, Turkmen etc. peoples. Calling them Persians would be insulting to them.

Why these beoble like to start trouble?
Why these beoble like to start trouble?

They are idiots. I guess the Arab conquest on all levels still hurts. They could not even defeat an Iraq in a civil war (Kurds rebelling in the North and Shia's in the South) during the Iraq-Iran war and some of those fools think that they can invade the entire Arab world and conquer the 500 million or so Arabs. Delusion is a serious disease among SOME of them. It must be a pain in the *** being neighbors with them. Thankfully we have a Gulf that separates us. Iraqis are not that lucky though as the only Arabs.

If they hate Islam so much then let them convert to Zoroastrianism and let them worship their Semitic Assyrian Gods that they have stolen and the symbols they use too. Or they can join hands and convert to Hinduism with their "Aryan" cousins the Indians, LOL.
Summer Bishil




I did not know that Bandar joined the ranks of @Yzd Khalifa

Saudi American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Another life and bright future destroyed and another family in distress. This must stop.

الاختفاء "الغريب" في ماليزيا لمبتعث سعودي بأستراليا


مشعل السحيمي المختفي من سيدني​

آخر تحديث: الثلاثاء 13 ذو الحجة 1435هـ - 7 أكتوبر 2014م KSA 07:22 - GMT 04:22
الثلاثاء 13 ذو الحجة 1435هـ - 7 أكتوبر 2014م

لندن - كمال قبيسي

أين حطت الرحال بمبتعث سعودي ظهر في ماليزيا بعد اختفائه قبل أسبوعين من حيث كان يدرس ويقيم في مدينة سيدني الأسترالية، أو بجوارها؟ الجواب صعب، لأن المعلومات قليلة عما حدث لمشعل صالح السحيمي بعد 3 أسابيع من اختفاء مبتعث آخر في قارة مختلفة بالطرف الأقصى من العالم، هو عبدالله القاضي، الشاب الذي باع إحدى سيارتيه في مدينة لوس أنجلوس، ثم اختفى حتى عن شقيقه المقيم هناك.

كل المعروف عن المبتعث المفقود، أنه كان يقيم في سيدني منذ عام ويدرس الإنجليزية تمهيدا لمواصلة تعليمه الجامعي والتحضير لمرحلة البكالوريوس، وفيها اختفى بعد يومين من العيد الوطني السعودي، أي في 25 سبتمبر الماضي، ثم ظهر بالتواصل الأثيري مع عائلته في السعودية بعد 5 أيام، ولكن في ماليزيا التي عاد واختفى فيها مجددا، أو ربما غادرها، وهو ما حمل "العربية.نت" لأن تتصل بالسفارتين السعوديتين في أستراليا وماليزيا، لكنهما مقفلتان بسبب عطلة العيد إلى الخميس.

الوحيد الذي تمكنت "العربية.نت" من الاتصال به بشأن السحيمي هو المقدم السعودي عمر الحصان، المشرف على الطلبة المبتعثين فقط من الحرس الوطني السعودي في أستراليا، حيث يقيم في مدينة تبعد 900 كيلومتر عن سيدني، هي "بريزبن" عاصمة ولاية "كوينزلاند" الساحلية بأقصى الشرق الأسترالي، لذلك لا يملك معلومات تلبي الفضول عن المبتعث الذي أثار اختفاؤه استغراب آخرين تطرقوا إليه.

مع ذلك قال المقدم عمر من هاتفه النقال: "سمعت بقصته من مواقع التواصل فقط (..) لا أعرف ظروف وتفاصيل اختفائه، ولا حتى إذا سافر إلى ماليزيا أصلا، إلا عندما أخبرتني أنت الآن. كل ما لديّ من معلومات عنه أنه في سيدني واختفى فيها ولم يغادرها"، وفق تعبيره.

كتب لها "أنا بصحة جيدة" ثم اختفى

أربع صور أخرى وضعها ذووه في حساب لهم بموقع "تويتر" التواصلي، طالبين المساعدة بالعثور عليه

لكن سفر السحيمي إلى ماليزيا ورد أمس الاثنين في صحيفة موثوقة، هي "الرياض" السعودية، ومعززاً بصورتين للمبتعث الذي ذكرت أنها أجرت اتصالاً بوالدته، فأخبرت أن آخر اتصال لها معه كان في 23 سبتمبر الماضي، وبعد يومين بث رسالة نصية إليها يخبرها أنه بخير ويتمتع بصحة جيدة، ثم اختفى فجأة ذلك اليوم.

تابعت "الرياض" وقالت إن والدته اتصلت بالمعهد الذي يدرس فيه بسيدني، فأفادها "أنه كان متغيباً عن الحضور منذ 20 يوماً"، مما دفعها للاتصال بسفارة المملكة في أستراليا، فأخبروها أنه "غادر أستراليا في رحلة دولية إلى ماليزيا"، فتواصلت بدورها مع سفارة المملكة بعاصمتها كوالالمبور، "فوعدتها خيراً ببذل كافة الجهود في البحث عنه"، وفقاً للصحيفة.

كما في "العربية.نت" معلومات منذ أمس مصدرها "السفارة السعودية في سيدني" من أنها تكثف من عمليات بحثها وإعلاناتها بين الطلبة السعوديين، وأن هاتفه طبقاً لمعلومات السفارة "مغلق منذ 20 سبتمبر الماضي، وهو الذي لم يعتد إغلاق هاتفه" بحسب زملائه.

"كلنا محتاجينك، أبغي صوتي يصل لمشعل"
وهناك حساب زارته "العربية.نت" في "تويتر" باسم meshal20127865 @ ودشنه أمس "أهل المفقود مشعل" ووضعوا فيه 5 صور مختلفة للسحيمي، لكنه خال تماماً من معلومات ضرورية عنه، كعمره ومن أين هو في المملكة، كما في أي معهد يدرس بسيدني، خصوصاً أن هناك بعض الالتباس الواضح، لأن عائلته تذكر أنه يدرس في "ولاية سيدني"، علماً أنها ليست ولاية، بل مدينة بولاية "نيو ثاوث ويلز" الواقعة عند الساحل الجنوبي لأستراليا.

وقد جعل "أهل المفقود مشعل" في حسابهم "هاشتاغ" سموه "#اختفاء_الطالب_مشعل_السحيمي" فانتشر سريعاً في "تويتر"، وأصبح مكتظاً بأدعية كررها كثيرون تضرعوا إلى الله بأن يعيده سالماً إلى ذويه. كما فيه كلام كثير عن اختفاء السحيمي، من أنه "غريب" وكذلك "مشبوه"، وبعضهم نقل عن والدته قولها: "أقول لمشعل إذا كنت تسمعني فأخبرني أنت وين؟ كلنا محتاجينك، أبغي صوتي يصل لمشعل، ما أبغي يسمعني أي أحد ثاني"، لكن مطلق هذه التغريدة التويترية لم يذكر مصدر ما نقل.

وكانت "العربية.نت" كتبت رسالة موحدة بالبريد الإلكتروني إلى ناديين للطلبة السعوديين في سيدني وكوالالمبور، لمعرفة إذا كان لدى القيّمين عليهما معلومات عن المبتعث المفقود، لكن أياً منهما لم يرد على الرسالة، لذلك فالمعلومات مازالت تراوح مكانها عن الاختفاء "الغريب" للسحيمي، ومازال سؤال مهم بلا جواب: لماذا تغيب المبتعث عن معهده 20 يوماً، ثم ترك دروسه وسافر إلى بلد لا ناقة له فيه ولا جمل على ما يبدو؟



Guys, please watch this video below. Many great points and more should be done to stop it. It is such a waste of talented youth and I feel sorry for the mothers whose children do not come back, especially.:( The recruiters should be dealt with very harshly if they are inside the country which some are indeed! AlShirian is an excellent host and funny as hell. I can't be the only one that watches his show?

My brother, you scare me... :fie:



Yes, I am super Aryan!

Or you live my friend, on Mars ? Shi'ism was planned, created, organized (A protection against Arabs) with only goal, to preserve the Persian identity with the idea - crazy - one day to revive the Empire.


Not right. Traditional Shia Islam has nothing to do with Iran. Millions of Arabs were Shia before Shia even became the dominant sect of Iran. The Iranian ولاية الفقيه system is a Persian invention though. Persian as Persian after all the Mullah's that invented it claim paternal Arab ancestry (Sadah families). At least it is a new invention unique to the Iranian establishment. This is right. Some Arabs should stop thinking that Shias are the problem. No, it's the Persian regime and their supporters that are a problem. Whether in Iran, the Arab world or elsewhere! A clear distinction should be made!!!!!!! I cannot state this clearly enough! I am sure that even @Full Moon will agree with me on this.

Do we have a problem with our Shia community? The answer is no outside of a tiny, tiny, tiny number of troublemakers in you know what city led by you know which Mullah.

Anyway see here my brother.

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On the other hand, Persian nationalists hold "sever" views on Islam that they spread openly. It is not uncommon for them to even indoctrinate their children from birth into such overly expressed hostility. Some of them would even insist on the use of "Dorood" instead of "Salam", to pay back something to the Tazis (Arabs). Or even funnier, making sure that the kids loose resistance towards eating pork by having it regularly on the dinner table.

You may already know this website www.Iranian.com . In it, you will see a Nazi view on Islam and Arabs (without much distinction between the two). The funny thing is that most of the participants in this website are Persian immigrants to the EU and
North America (where racial tolerance was the key for their immigration).

What would happen if they are treated in their "new home" with 1/10th of the bigotry they hold in their hearts?
I think you should not open your mouth about things you don't know
If they use dorood and Salam that's their languege like Berbers use uzul instead of Salam
Tazi mean taiyy tribe the named the arabs after that tribe
I think you should not open your mouth about things you don't know
If they use dorood and Salam that's their languege like Berbers use uzul instead of Salam
Tazi mean taiyy tribe the named the arabs after that tribe

Don't act stupid. @Full Moon is right about everything that he wrote and everyone knows this.

Last time I checked half of their language is almost Arabic, their entire alphabet is Arabic aside from 3 new letters.

Yeah, right. Nonsense. We know what "tazi" means. This is the stupidest excuse in a long time.


Are you an Arab or Persian or where are you allegiances?

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE @Hazzy997 @Mosamania @Ahmed Jo @Dino R. @Bubblegum Crisis @Awadd @Full Moon @Tihamah @Mootaz-khelifi @MooshMoosh @Mahmoud_EGY @Halimi @Frosty @Haitham @FARSOLDIER @farag @Altamimi @Arabi @agentny17 @Chai @Tunisian Marine Corps @1000 @Algeria @Dino @fahd tamimi @Frogman @Hechmi Seif @Andalusi Knight @thefreesyrian etc.
Don't act stupid. @Full Moon is right about everything that he wrote and everyone knows this.

Last time I checked half of their language is almost Arabic, their entire alphabet is Arabic aside from 3 new letters.

Yeah, right. Nonsense. We know what "tazi" means. This is the stupidest excuse in a long time.


Are you an Arab or Persian or where are you allegiances?

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE @Hazzy997 @Mosamania @Ahmed Jo @Dino R. @Bubblegum Crisis @Awadd @Full Moon @Tihamah @Mootaz-khelifi @MooshMoosh @Mahmoud_EGY @Halimi @Frosty @Haitham @FARSOLDIER @farag @Altamimi @Arabi @agentny17 @Chai @Tunisian Marine Corps @1000 @Algeria @Dino @fahd tamimi @Frogman @Hechmi Seif @Andalusi Knight @thefreesyrian etc.
طی (قبیله) - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
تازی - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
This from farsi wiki
The iranian named the arabs tazi mistakenly after tayy tribe
Like the European named the Native American as Indians
The arabs named the Europeans as rums(Romans​
طی (قبیله) - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
تازی - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
This from farsi wiki
The iranian named the arabs tazi mistakenly after tayy tribe
Like the European named the Native American as Indians
The arabs named the Europeans as rums(Romans​

Tazi = Dog. Tayy the name of an ancient Arab tribe based in Najd but thought originally to be from Yemen. How do those two have any connection?


Is this correct?
Tazi = Dog. Tayy the name of an ancient Arab tribe based in Najd but thought originally to be from Yemen. How do those two have any connection?


Is this correct?
Did you read the wiki source I cant farsi but I can understand some of it
Sag means dog in farsi
Did you read the wiki source I cant farsi but I can understand some of it
Sag means dog in farsi

No, I did not but Persian users when discussing with Arabs and angry call us "Tazi" which I think is dog. What is Tazi in Persian then? A dog breed? Tazi = Arab Saluki dog or what?

I thought that you knew Farsi.

Anyway we Arabs do not care. Read post 3977.
No, I did not but Persian users when discussing with Arabs and angry call us "Tazi" which I think is dog. What is Tazi in Persian then? A dog breed? Tazi = Arab Saluki dog or what?

I thought that you knew Farsi.

Anyway we Arabs do not care. Read post 3977.
The iranians call arabs as tazi after one arab tribe which is tayy tribe
Arabs call Europeans as rom or Romans after one European civilization
Not all Europeans are Romans and not all arabs are from tayy tribe
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