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Any guesses what Imran Khan will announce on Nov. 30

Lol seriously, this taliban khan a.k.a drama has no limit of making claims and thrn making U turn on it.

He tried dharna, give civilbdiobedience call. Ask people to stop.sending money to Pakistan. Ask everyone to do dharna around the country, did nation wide jalsa.. he attacked police, call for tecnocrate governmrnt, even called Army, attack SHC, attacked media, or even attack parlimrnt.. what else he can do other then some morr fart.. which will cause only problrm to country, rather then any problems to PML-N.
Remember on 4th of December 2014, Ideas 2014 will be held in Karachi.

So before 2 December every thing will be settled i hope~
I wonder many member are patriotic here and still they support nawaz .. How that can be possible .. Why they are soo blinded !
Being Patrotic and supporting one is 2 different thing every one helps their Country in a way the can But When you see Pakistan No Party , PML , PPP PTI MQM ..... Cant bring change in Pakistan cz of Few Reasons
1 Injustice.
2 illiteracy.
3 Religion.
4 Regional division
Until these 3 problems are sorted out Nothing will change in Pakistan in 100 years, i m muslim so dont start bashing me,
The Reason i put Religion and Region is People exploit these 2 points for their benefit and Pakistani people are so innocent they cant see whats wrong and right for them .
When a society cant provide justice then that it will bring choas.
To change all that People need knowledge so new leaders will rise from them and people will have enough sense to get over all the BS around them I.K is a step But major changes wont happen till 30 40 years or maybe 50
So what do you suggest? Just do nothing and wait for angels to be born in Pakistan? :D

slow change, he could have done it so constructively had he not stuck on himself as a PM. he could have proven himself first and he had a God given chance in KPK but he is screwing that up too, you cant just take only de-politicization of police into election. Trust me and I know you wont but most adults who were favoring IK (including myself) are turning off form him.

If I were in his position I would have used this opportunity to bring in police and judicial system reform along with independent election commission and NS was willing to give him anything except resignation.
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