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Any guesses what Imran Khan will announce on Nov. 30

This is what I keep telling my beloved PTIers, only a devil can run Pakistan
no one, not a single Pakistani will let a honest person do anything, there will be obstacles everywhere.

I respectfully disagree.

pakistanis will be run by Pakistanis.

Leaders are from among us.

I just have issue when youthians try to make philanderer IK as somehow a prphet. nauzbillah.
And you as an anti-PTI troll making the true assumptions? :D

let's not get personal.

you don't have to attack your fellow-PDF poster.

Just make an argument to blindly support your cult leader.


I'll make a counter argument.

That's all.

Oh and this thread is now a $Hit fest so I am out of here.
you are making a false aka childish argument bibi ji.

please do not disrepsect your graduate degree.

you are the one bringing this false honesty about IK. not us.

Now shown the reality you jump on NS and Zardari. This is childish logic at its worst.

Really sorry to say. nothing personal.

We are debating politics here and you are making false assumptions about IK.
Hey grandpa...i only showed you the other choices lined up!

Everything many talk about is relative to the other DEMOCRATIC choices!
A honest man cant accomplish much when surrounded by dishonest (people around him), stopped by the dishonest (govt and its elite class rulers) and unwillingly having to turn to dishonest (courts)

This contradicts exactly with what the Prophet did.. where this example of Honestly came up.
I'll make a counter argument.
Make one...arent we all waiting for it...

you just keep swinging fists from far without an argument...

I told you this:

Is it present in Zardari or NS coz honestly speaking thats your other 2 choices!
And you reply by aiming at my degrees? Seriously anyone with a degree would see that the honestly level is in comparison to his field....and if you call IK dishonest what level do you give the other 2 choices...coz that is literally all that is waiting in line to rape Pakistan as they have since forever!
Sh. Mujib had a history. 6 point agenda. Agartala conspiracy stuck on his back.

it is not that simple, that he would have quieted down and ruled the whole Pakistan with fairness.

A huge issue with him from democracy's ideals? He only won in one province. with no pre-poll alliances or even understanding.

Based on my analysis, He was much bigger version of our own ethno-fascist Altaf Hussain and nothing else.

I hate PPP but at least it was able to reach out to more than one province.

So Sh. Mujeeb was not going to rule the wholle Pakistan in a fair manner.

Heck he could not rule even the province he won. And his Own people utterly destroyed his entirely family.

only one daughter survived because she was out of the place called sonar bangla.

He was a king incarnate in the hands of Pakistani army. some times incarcerated but still king.

the same king was a heap of minced meat in the hands of Bengali army. Not just him,

but bengali army made minced meat out of all the kids in his family, his uncles, aunts, granpa, granny, young and old

All turned in to a big heap of minced meat.

So please let's not repeat superficial statements about sh. Mujeeb.

I respect you greatly as a poster.


Yet at the same time, when he had the elected mandate of the people.. who are you and I to stop him or Altaf Hussain. The same ethno-facism has been seen in any other Pakistani leader.
This contradicts exactly with what the Prophet did.. where this example of Honestly came up.
Pray do tell what the prophet did and how it contradicts?!

2ndly, keep in mind Prophet had people like his own chacha protecting him, loyal friends as support and lets not forget others believing in him without question...

And of course his own honesty...Now minus all this and then compare :pop:
We need more dharnas all over Pakistan and stop those people looting Pakistan like drug smuggler hanif abbasi and his team. Somebody should stand against those mafias & raise voice against corrupt people. Dharnas will not destabilize Pakistan as PMLN & mafias already looting Pakistan, doing much damage.
Dharnas will not destabilize Pakistan as PMLN & mafias already looting Pakistan, creating much damage.
Pakistan was going to be destabilized on its own thanks to PMLN's own gross negligence. Dharnas only proved this point and put PTI on the national scene.
Pakistan was going to be destabilized on its own thanks to PMLN's own gross negligence. Dharnas only proved this point and put PTI on the national scene.
Atleast, somebody is stand against drug smugglers, gullu butts , risking his own life daily against corrupt mafias, badmash people.
Atleast, somebody is stand against drug smugglers, gullu butts , risking his own life daily against corrupt mafias, badmash people.
That's exactly why I love IK, SR and others who stand behind him! They took a stand against this badmashi of Noora-Kushti.
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