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Any guesses what Imran Khan will announce on Nov. 30

I have an advise for you form the bottom of my heart since you sound sane as compared to other kids here, stop defending IK none of his action make any sense.

Its not the issue of defending IK or not. It is the issue of defending when it really is worth it and acknowledging when it is not.
IK has good ideas, and has scathing faults. We look at all and weigh them in to decide if they should be given the responsibility that demand to have.
The same goes for the PML(N), PPPP, MQM, ANP.. and so on.
Zardari like Nawaz is not a politician but a businessman. A businessman is someone who achieve his personal desires by hook or crook not a decent leader or politician like Imran Khan.

no one is denying both NS and Zardari are corrupt and in this for money, here is the problem the 3rd choice we have is stupid!
If Imran was as smart as Zardari he would have been my ist choice
no one says if you dont meet our demands by Nov 30th we will continue dharna.
I have an advise for you form the bottom of my heart since you sound sane as compared to other kids here, stop defending IK none of his action make any sense.
IK doesn't make sense for people like because his is not just an ordinary politician like Zardari or Nawaz who are actually businessmen disguised as political leaders. A real politician or leader never compromises on his principles. Tell me truth: Do Nawaz or Zardari have any principles at all but dirty politics for their own personal gains?

Electoral process is : Elections-> Votes->Count->Winner-> Government. Any disturbance in the process is essentially derailing those elections.
So you suggest army was solely responsible for the establishment of Bangladesh?
Zardari like Nawaz is not a politician but a businessman. A businessman is someone who achieve his personal desires by hook or crook not a decent leader or politician like Imran Khan.

That statement has no merit other than personality worship. A honest man is useless for himself and others if he is unable to accomplish anything. The Urdu idiom that "Khud tu dooba, ham ko bhi le doobey ga" should not be the legacy of Imran Khan.
So you suggest army was solely responsible for the establishment of Bangladesh?

The Brown Sahib mentality that prevailed in the Army, the Bureaucracy and west Pakistan politicians was responsible.. but it was the Army that played the key role as it was in power.
That statement has no merit other than personality worship. A honest man is useless for himself and others if he is unable to accomplish anything. The Urdu idiom that "Khud tu dooba, ham ko bhi le doobey ga" should not be the legacy of Imran Khan.
Honesty of a man himself is the biggest achievement. Our prophet Muhammad (SAW) biggest achievement was that he was honest and that's why people believed him in the first place.
thought DHARNAS went nakam

Their failure or not has nothing to do with the negative impact they caused on the economy via the disruption of normal life and political uncertainty in the country.

Our government and nation is generally full of ignorant(if not stupid) people. We do not calculate costs to our daily lives by everything. Do you know why the chewing gum was banned in Singapore?
Honesty of a man himself is the biggest achievement. Our prophet Muhammad (SAW) biggest achievement was that he was honest and that's why people believed him in the first place.

Not really. First, Lets not compare anyone to the level of the prophet as perfection is impossible for anyone except him.

Second, to take that example.. if the Prophet was honest yet did not say have the intelligence(not possible) to do the treaty of Hudaybia and instead lead all his followers to massacre.. his honesty would be naught.
Honesty of a man himself is the biggest achievement. Our prophet Muhammad (SAW) biggest achievement was that he was honest and that's why people believed him in the first place.

This is why I say PTI is a cult, they bring Prophet in every discussion regarding Imran. Show me one instance where prophet changed his stance. Even his Enemies couldnt say a bad thing about him.
The Brown Sahib mentality that prevailed in the Army, the Bureaucracy and west Pakistan politicians was responsible.. but it was the Army that played the key role as it was in power.

Sh. Mujib had a history. 6 point agenda. Agartala conspiracy stuck on his back.

it is not that simple, that he would have quieted down and ruled the whole Pakistan with fairness.

A huge issue with him from democracy's ideals? He only won in one province. with no pre-poll alliances or even understanding.

Based on my analysis, He was much bigger version of our own ethno-fascist Altaf Hussain and nothing else.

I hate PPP but at least it was able to reach out to more than one province.

So Sh. Mujeeb was not going to rule the wholle Pakistan in a fair manner.

Heck he could not rule even the province he won. And his Own people utterly destroyed his entirely family.

only one daughter survived because she was out of the place called sonar bangla.

He was a king incarnate in the hands of Pakistani army. some times incarcerated but still king.

the same king was a heap of minced meat in the hands of Bengali army. Not just him,

but bengali army made minced meat out of all the kids in his family, his uncles, aunts, granpa, granny, young and old

All turned in to a big heap of minced meat.

So please let's not repeat superficial statements about sh. Mujeeb.

I respect you greatly as a poster.

A honest man is useless for himself and others if he is unable to accomplish anything.
A honest man cant accomplish much when surrounded by dishonest (people around him), stopped by the dishonest (govt and its elite class rulers) and unwillingly having to turn to dishonest (courts)
Honesty of a man himself is the biggest achievement. Our prophet Muhammad (SAW) biggest achievement was that he was honest and that's why people believed him in the first place.

Chalo ji

This comes out again.

------------------ IK elaihe salam = prophet pbuh. Astaghfirulla, Nausbilla.

you are among many posters on this forum who commit this HUGE travesty when you compare a 2-bit philanderer IK with a prophet.

Astaghfirulla, Nausbilla.
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