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An election ban imposed on the Swedish Communist Party, which opposes NATO membership


Mar 2, 2018
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The Swedish Communist Party was banned from participating in the September 11 elections under its own name. The party, which could participate in the election with an abbreviated name as a result of the objection to the decision, was also reacted to the application for membership in NATO.


According to the statement on the In Defense of Communism news site, the election board in the country cited the ban on participating in the elections under the name of the Swedish Communist Party as "it bears a similar name with another party". Reminding that they participated in the last four elections under the name of the Swedish Communist Party, SKP drew attention to the timing of the ban, although the current situation has not changed.

Stating that as a result of the legal objection to the ban decision, they only got the right to participate in the elections with an abbreviated name, SKP said, "Our party's right to participate in the elections under its own name has been denied. We cannot see this as anything other than sabotage and attack on our right to participate in the elections."

Last month, the SKP issued a statement reacting to the Social Democratic Party government regarding its decision to join NATO. In the statement, which stated that Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and her party violated their own congress decisions regarding "military neutrality", it was stated that "Swedish politicians cannot defend their own investments on their own. So, it is quite simple: Congress decisions mean nothing when the capital calls."

The statement said, "The striking policy change that ended almost 200 years of neutrality is connected with the goals of securing the sphere of influence of Swedish capital and defending its investments abroad. Due to the contradictions in the nature of the capitalist-imperialist system, it is inevitable for capital to seek the most profitable investment and conditions for its growth."
Sweden is a dictatorship, not a democracy.
Sweden is one of the freest and richest countries on the planet. Their living standards put Putin to shame. Russia is an open prison. For most of Russians it’s embarrassing they can’t go anywhere. There is no comparison.
With 702 votes out of 6,476,725 votes in the last election they are totally unimportant. You are not allowed to have a name that can be confused with a registered name. If they managed to participate under this name it is simply an oversight, now corrected.

It appears that you are out to waste everybodys time with an uninteresting thread.
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Stating that as a result of the legal objection to the ban decision, they only got the right to participate in the elections with an abbreviated name, SKP said, "Our party's right to participate in the elections under its own name has been denied. We cannot see this as anything other than sabotage and attack on our right to participate in the elections."

@Sharma Ji @Black Vigo, more Communists for you be jealous of. :enjoy: I didn't know that there were Communists in Sweden so this is happy news for me so Laal Salaam ! :D

With 702 votes out of 6,476,725 votes in the last election they are totally unimportant.

I have told you that elections and votes are not a measure of democracy but in fact a fraud against democracy. You never replied to me on this post. If you believe elections and votes are the indicators then please take into Sweden the 500 million Hindutvadi criminals of India whose idol Modi came to power in 2014 through the satanic power of election. What do the Hindutvadis do ? They do the including :
By reading the article, I feel like the majority of Swedish people will elect for Communist Party.

So much fear...

Yes, there is a public election, but the choice is just one.

And it's a democracy because there's a public election?

I don't know why, I feel like democracy in Western countries is an illusion.

From how Trump lost over Biden.

And now this.

And the others that we don't know yet.
Sweden is one of the freest and richest countries on the planet. Their living standards put Putin to shame. Russia is an open prison. For most of Russians it’s embarrassing they can’t go anywhere. There is no comparison.
Are we talking about democracy and freedom or living standard? Stop divert the point when Sweden bragging to be a democracy and with their rights, bluntly ignore the stance they promised.

The so called right and freedom is selective and fake after all. That is the same with all EU and American.
man one day goes out to buy some bread, and stands in line for two hours. After waiting for two hours, the store declares they are all out of bread. The man is furious and begins shouting about how terrible life under communism.

Some men approach him and say "comrade, you have spoken out of turn." The man curses at them and continues shouting. The men then tell the shouting man "we will be watching you."

An hour later the man returns home and his wife says to him "you've been gone three hours to get a loaf of bread, how come you didn't get it!?"

The man replies "Not only are they out of bread, fortunately they're out of bullets too."
Are we talking about democracy and freedom or living standard? Stop divert the point when Sweden bragging to be a democracy and with their rights, bluntly ignore the stance they promised.

The so called right and freedom is selective and fake after all. That is the same with all EU and American.
Liberty has limits. you can’t do what you want. There are rules. Why don’t you import those individuals to China?
US has rendered the europeans states nothing more than vassals.
The colony of 21st century is Europe under America.
wonder if there is another communist party in Sweden? anybody knew whats the other name that was registered before the Swedish communism Party
Liberty has limits. you can’t do what you want. There are rules. Why don’t you import those individuals to China?
I can say China restriction on citizen is also becos liberry has limits. China is correct.
China never claim they are champion of human right. EU always brag they are champion and they have great value... So your point is invalid. EU values are just flip flop, nothing righteous or nothing human right better than China. Pure selective and full of hyprocisy.
man one day goes out to buy some bread, and stands in line for two hours. After waiting for two hours, the store declares they are all out of bread. The man is furious and begins shouting about how terrible life under communism.

Some men approach him and say "comrade, you have spoken out of turn." The man curses at them and continues shouting. The men then tell the shouting man "we will be watching you."

An hour later the man returns home and his wife says to him "you've been gone three hours to get a loaf of bread, how come you didn't get it!?"

The man replies "Not only are they out of bread, fortunately they're out of bullets too."

And then man, missus and kids emigrated to the ultimate expression of Capitalism - India - where they hoped to find a land of milk and honey, other than the bread which man didn't find in the Communist land and tried living in this 3000-year-old Capitalist Paradise for two years and saw the reality - the ultimate dystopia in human history :

And having seen the above and many other things they retreated back to Communism land. :)

With 702 votes out of 6,476,725 votes in the last election they are totally unimportant. You are not allowed to have a name that can be confused with a registered name. If they managed to participate under this name it is simply an oversight, now corrected.
They only got 702 votes? That's like a village.
And then man, missus and kids emigrated to the ultimate expression of Capitalism - India - where they hoped to find a land of milk and honey, other than the bread which man didn't find in the Communist land and tried living in this 3000-year-old Capitalist Paradise for two years and saw the reality - the ultimate dystopia in human history :

And having seen the above and many other things they retreated back to Communism land. :)

That is your socialist India. U should get your isms right
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