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An election ban imposed on the Swedish Communist Party, which opposes NATO membership

They only got 702 votes? That's like a village.
It would have changed this time due to the ongoing debate about the Swedish admission to NATO.

It's strange that the party suddenly is excluded from the election even though they've participated under the same name many times before.

It's definitely suspicious.
That is your socialist India. U should get your isms right

Eh ? What kind of "Socialist" India was it that participated in the NATO invasion of Socialist North Korea in 1950, two years after formation of NATO and three years after formation of India and partook in the genocide of more than a million North Koreans ? What kind of "Socialist" India was it that almost participated in the American / British / Australian / Polish etc invasion of Socialist Iraq in 2003, with the Indian army ready to send 17,000 soldiers to Iraq in support of these Western bloc anti-humans ? Other such involvements.

Socialist North Korea has free housing, free healthcare, free education etc. In India families go on a suicide pact because they are unable to pay installments on their house that they had to buy themselves and the government didn't provide for them. People died because the government didn't provide them free treatment for cancers, kidney ailments, SMA etc. Students sucided because of the same irrational and anti-human so-called education system that you were tom-tomming in the other thread. 350,000+ farmers suicided just in the 20 year period of 1995-2015 because of socio-economic reasons. But yes, the government spent resources of making India among the two largest importer of armaments in the world and is a top warmonger. The government built and is building religion-linked statues and other structures ( religion bole toh Hindutvadi of course ). We are told that now India has a Rashtra Mandir in form of the Ram temple in Ayodhya which was built after a great violent "andolan" by the supporters of Pragati Purush Narendra bhai. While Pragati Purush of course is jailing and killing Communists who want a governance system that is for the welfare of the citizens ( free this, free that ). Such things. Which actual Socialist society has insanities and inanities like India ? What are you talking about ?
Meanwhile,I saw this on Greek TV today,but I can only find it on Turkish media on google and youtube:

What kind of influence does PKK have on Sweden? Why are they projecting the PKK flag on buildings there?

Are they doing it just to mock Turkey?
wonder if there is another communist party in Sweden? anybody knew whats the other name that was registered before the Swedish communism Party
There are plenty of communist parties in Sweden.
One of them have a registered name which is very similar to the banned name.
Typically they get less votes than the party that wants Donald Duck as prime minister.
The smallest party in the last election got one vote.
You need at least 4% of all votes to have a member of parliament, or 12% in a single district,
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It would have changed this time due to the ongoing debate about the Swedish admission to NATO.

It's strange that the party suddenly is excluded from the election even though they've participated under the same name many times before.

It's definitely suspicious.
No, they are totally unimportant and they are not excluded from the election.
They are not allowed to participate under the name they want.
This is not suspicious, I suspect it is simply because the laws were changed after someone complained about infringement.

Anyone that is against NATO and is a communist would vote for Vänsterpartiet.
They got 518,000 votes in the last election.
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@Sharma Ji @Black Vigo, more Communists for you be jealous of. :enjoy: I didn't know that there were Communists in Sweden so this is happy news for me so Laal Salaam ! :D

I have told you that elections and votes are not a measure of democracy but in fact a fraud against democracy. You never replied to me on this post. If you believe elections and votes are the indicators then please take into Sweden the 500 million Hindutvadi criminals of India whose idol Modi came to power in 2014 through the satanic power of election. What do the Hindutvadis do ? They do the including :
Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the same coin. Both ideologies tend to empower minority elites at the expense of majority working class people.



I know this fact will trigger you so much that you'll write 5000 word bs to prove me wrong but don't worry I'll never read that
Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the same coin. Both ideologies tend to empower minority elites at the expense of majority working class people.



I know this fact will trigger you so much that you'll write 5000 word bs to prove me wrong but don't worry I'll never read that

Regardless of your joke I will tell you that one of the desires of Communism is for the State to be abolished and the people to govern / rule themselves directly. The Libyan Jamahiriya was Communist in its political system and Socialist in its social and socio-economic system. You should read the linked post in the post you quoted to see what is democracy, what is not, the origin of Democracy and a quote from an article about true democracy in practice in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

See ? Not always 5000 word posts.
How about saying you are wasting my internet download limit and wasting PDF server space with such useless one-liners ?
You are wasting your own bandwidth (well I already knew you are just a farigh person with so much farigh time). I am not forcing you to reply me with your nonsense. I won't be compelled with your commie bs even if you do a nagin belly dance in front of me.
You are wasting your own bandwidth (well I already knew you are just a farigh person with so much farigh time). I am not forcing you to reply me with your nonsense. I won't be compelled with your commie bs even if you do a nagin belly dance in front of me.

I am a designer in at least two fields of intellect and to be a designer is to be "farigh". You keep being busy and not being a contributing person. :) Good night.
By reading the article, I feel like the majority of Swedish people will elect for Communist Party.

So much fear...

Yes, there is a public election, but the choice is just one.

And it's a democracy because there's a public election?

I don't know why, I feel like democracy in Western countries is an illusion.

From how Trump lost over Biden.

And now this.

And the others that we don't know yet.

China is a single party Democracy like Sweden.
Eh ? What kind of "Socialist" India was it that participated in the NATO invasion of Socialist North Korea in 1950, two years after formation of NATO and three years after formation of India and partook in the genocide of more than a million North Koreans ? What kind of "Socialist" India was it that almost participated in the American / British / Australian / Polish etc invasion of Socialist Iraq in 2003, with the Indian army ready to send 17,000 soldiers to Iraq in support of these Western bloc anti-humans ? Other such involvements.

Socialist North Korea has free housing, free healthcare, free education etc. In India families go on a suicide pact because they are unable to pay installments on their house that they had to buy themselves and the government didn't provide for them. People died because the government didn't provide them free treatment for cancers, kidney ailments, SMA etc. Students sucided because of the same irrational and anti-human so-called education system that you were tom-tomming in the other thread. 350,000+ farmers suicided just in the 20 year period of 1995-2015 because of socio-economic reasons. But yes, the government spent resources of making India among the two largest importer of armaments in the world and is a top warmonger. The government built and is building religion-linked statues and other structures ( religion bole toh Hindutvadi of course ). We are told that now India has a Rashtra Mandir in form of the Ram temple in Ayodhya which was built after a great violent "andolan" by the supporters of Pragati Purush Narendra bhai. While Pragati Purush of course is jailing and killing Communists who want a governance system that is for the welfare of the citizens ( free this, free that ). Such things. Which actual Socialist society has insanities and inanities like India ? What are you talking about ?
Get a hold of yourself or you'll pop a vein.

Before you can be taken seriously you should get a better understanding of socialism and capitalism.
Ah with, here is a simple definition:

Capitalism - people who can do useful things
Socialism - people who want others to do useful things
Communists - lazy bums with no idea.
Get a hold of yourself or you'll pop a vein.

Before you can be taken seriously you should get a better understanding of socialism and capitalism.

You come up with snarky statements whenever you are unable to acknowledge the correctness and rationality of my replies to you. What was wrong in what I said in response to what you said ?

Can you tell me exactly what is your position among the progressives of the world, or what was ? Did you ever establish a workers union to start with ? Which progressive movements in India you work with ? You a pathetic Indian ultranationalist will teach me about Socialism and Communism and about human affairs ?

You don't have the capability to start a company or a group to design a new operating system for India and in general for the computing world despite "having a 40 year experience in the operating system field including kernels" yet you speak with arrogance and patronizingly ?

@_Nabil_, see the irrational fraudias that abound in India ?

Ah with, here is a simple definition:

Capitalism - people who can do useful things
Socialism - people who want others to do useful things
Communists - lazy bums with no idea.

Yes, the 500 million "highly intellectual" Hindutvadis from India who propagate the 3000-year-old most extreme Capitalist system in human history are the toast of every other society in the world. There has been a Hindutvadi research station on Mars for the last 30 years and you regularly go there and back on your Vedic vimana spacecraft.
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