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An election ban imposed on the Swedish Communist Party, which opposes NATO membership

Compare them to other ones and you'll see they had the lowest rate of such incidents

Not easy to properly compare when their crimes aren't so well documented.

Historiography shows that the long held assumption according to which they were hardly involved in any war crimes, made way for the view that in fact they did very much engage in such mischief. Now with this in mind, I wonder what the verdict of historians would have come to be if more evidence had emerged. Like I said there's less incentive in the west for disclosure of WW2 war crimes against Soviets, compared to crimes committed against European Jews.

When it comes to comparisons though, the Slovak Mobile Division (composed of Slavs) is noted to have complained about the indiscipline and looting by soldiers from the Wiking division.


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Like I said there's less incentive in the west for disclosure of WW2 war crimes against Soviets, compared to crimes committed against European Jews.
From what we know at least.

If we start assuming things without information,then wtf.
There is a new attraction in Washington DC: Victims of Communism Museum. Am making time to visit.

What you can do is create a counter: Victims of Capitalism Museum.

I will, I will certainly include this picture from Iraq, the aftermath of Capitalist American crimes there :

To mods : Sorry for the graphic picture but it was necessary. Please don't delete the post.
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The Soviet Union tried and failed. China tried and failed. And YOU will succeed in creating such a display? :lol:

Seems you don't regret and repent for what happened to that child. :)

Some years ago I was meeting the in-my-city leaders of some progressive groups in India ( including two public Communist ones ) so that I can help in establishing an umbrella movement of progressive groups in India and I almost because the member of one of those public Communist groups but couldn't because the state secretary for my state for that group with whom I had three discussions and he was to then introduce me in a protest gathering to the group's city secretary, I missed meeting the latter and then I didn't pursue the matter. But I have the intellect and ambition to establish such an umbrella movement within India and in the region ( Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal ) and establish links beyond the region. You will see me displaying the crimes of Capitalists whether of india or beyond. :)

@SalarHaqq @_Nabil_
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Seems you don't regret and repent for what happened to that child.

Some years ago I was meeting the in-my-city leaders of some progressive groups in India ( including two public Communist ones ) so that I can help in establishing an umbrella movement of progressive groups in India and I almost because the member of one of those public Communist groups but couldn't because the state secretary for my state for that group with whom I had three discussions and he was to then introduce me in a protest gathering to the group's city secretary, I missed meeting the latter and then I didn't pursue the matter. But I have the intellect and ambition to establish such an umbrella movement within India and in the region ( Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal ) and establish links beyond the region. I have my means so you will see me counting the crimes of Capitalists whether of india or beyond.

@SalarHaqq @_Nabil_

There are some good museums focusing on specific crimes committed by the US and/or zionist regimes as well as their local minions.

Such as the Sinchon Museum of American War Crimes in Korea, where various practices of the war criminals are put on display.









Whilst in Iran, we have the Reversion and Admonition Museum (Ebrat Museum), housed in an actual former prison in central Tehran, which used to be operated by the Anti-Sabotage Joint Committee (Komiteye Moshtarake Zedde Kharābkāri) of the ousted monarchy's infamous, CIA-, MI6- and Mossad-founded SAVAK intelligence service. In these premises opponents of the Pahlavi regime, essentially anti-imperialists of different political persuasions (Islamic and left wing mostly), were held and subjected to various forms of torture, which SAVAK agents had been trained in by the mentioned western and zionist agencies.










Officials of the regimes responsible for these massive atrocities will be held to account. Countless millions across the planet are eagerly awaiting the cherished day on which a Nuremberg-style trial shall be held for NATO and zionist ringleaders. This is inevitable, and only a matter of time.

Of course by displaying continued unrepentance and arrogance, these regimes are merely reducing already slim chances that the downtrodden masses of the world would forgive them once the chains of servitude are shattered and the usurpative ruling oligarchy mauled from their blood-stained thrones.

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Officials of the regimes responsible for these mind-boggling atrocities will be held to account. Countless millions across the planet are eagerly waiting for the cherished day, on which a Nuremberg Trial shall be held for NATO and zionist criminal ringleaders. This is inevitable, and only a matter of time.

Of course by displaying continued unrepentance and arrogance, these regimes are merely reducing already slim chances that the downtrodden masses of the world would forgive them once the chains of servitude are shattered and the ruling oligarchy mauled from the blood-stained thrones they usurped.

They will be held to account, bhai, they will. Yours is a well-constructed report. :tup: And thanks for the pictures, I have bookmarked the post and will use them.
Am going to poach that... :enjoy:
Aha, so u r a socialist ...make me do the hard work and u poach it.

Now if you're a communist you wouldn't call it poaching, you'd just put a gun to my head and ask 'where is my next meal/quote'.
Seems you don't regret and repent for what happened to that child. :)

Some years ago I was meeting the in-my-city leaders of some progressive groups in India ( including two public Communist ones ) so that I can help in establishing an umbrella movement of progressive groups in India and I almost because the member of one of those public Communist groups but couldn't because the state secretary for my state for that group with whom I had three discussions and he was to then introduce me in a protest gathering to the group's city secretary, I missed meeting the latter and then I didn't pursue the matter. But I have the intellect and ambition to establish such an umbrella movement within India and in the region ( Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal ) and establish links beyond the region. You will see me displaying the crimes of Capitalists whether of india or beyond. :)

@SalarHaqq @_Nabil_
Here is why you are wrong.

I asked for a Victims Of Capitalism Museum, not a Victims Of America Museum. Get it? Of course, in war, terrible things happens. But if we are talking about contestant ideologies, it is on the higher plane than individual countries.

You will not create any such 'Victims Of Capitalism' Museum. You ain't that motivated. You can froth and foam at the virtual mouth on some anonymous internet forums, but that will be the extent of your so called 'dedication' to Marxism. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the abandonment of communism by China proved that communism does not work when compares to capitalism. People overwhelmingly want capitalism, not communism. Viet Nam have a 'Victims of America' museum and no one really care for it. In the end, the Viets want capitalism and many things America, not anything Soviet Union or Russia or China or Cuba or Venezuela.

So you and your ilk can post all those horrific pictures all you want but it will naught but a waste of blood sugar on your part.
Aha, so u r a socialist ...make me do the hard work and u poach it.

Now if you're a communist you wouldn't call it poaching, you'd just put a gun to my head and ask 'where is my next meal/quote'.

Before you make a snarky post again about Communism vs Capitalism do look at posts# 63 and 66.

Here is why you are wrong.

I asked for a Victims Of Capitalism Museum, not a Victims Of America Museum. Get it?

You missed seeing "India" in my post.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the abandonment of communism by China proved that communism does not work when compares to capitalism.

Ah, the ultimate defense of the Capitalist - "Collapse" of the USSR and abandonment of Communism by China.

Why do you hide that the Russian Communist party is the second-largest party in Russia and is supporting Putin government wrt Ukraine operation and there were two USSR flags seen on two separate Russian tanks in Ukraine and there is of course Babushka Z ? These are clues to you.

And this very thread is about the SKP ( Swedish Communist party ).

So you and your ilk can post all those horrific pictures all you want but it will naught but a waste of blood sugar on your part.

Still not repentant I see.
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