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An election ban imposed on the Swedish Communist Party, which opposes NATO membership

That is your socialist India. U should get your isms right

Can you tell me how extremely Capitalist Pragati Purush Shri Narendra bhai Modi ji has brought a Capitalist paradise to India in his eight years of rule ?
U seem jealous of Hindus

I have nothing against Hindus but much against Hindutvadis who are 500 million in India and abroad by my guess. Now some of the females must be discounted because they were impressionable and were brainwashed by TV, family, office and internet. The rest of the females like from Durga Vahini and all may be about one million and are irrevokably fanatic. Add to these the right-wingers from other religious communities in India and in total may add up to 500 million. Send them all to Antarctica and the hottest parts of Australia. They can build temples, mosques and churches and feed and drink "piousness". India will then advance.

Not capitalist. INDIA is very socialist

I have reported you for trolling, in this context repeatedly "asking" what has been made clear to you in post# 17.

Not snarky, just calling fake a fake.

Yes, as against you, a "40 year experienced person in operating systems field including kernels" but who is unable to start a company or a project group to design a new OS for India and the computing world in general. Again, how many more times will I have to tell you this ? You are the fake.

Communists r just freeloaders and frauds anyway , not difficult to understand. They get exposed quite easily too, as happened in your case.

So when the entire society is Communist, like Cuba or USSR, who exactly are the "freeloaders" ? And from where do Indian nationalists learn these stupid words ? I have been told of this word by other Indian PDFers who are anti-Communist.
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I have nothing against Hindus but much against Hindutvadis who are 500 million in India and abroad by my guess. Now some of the females must be discounted because they were impressionable and were brainwashed by TV, family, office and internet. The rest of the females like from Durga Vahini and all may be about one million and are irrevokably fanatic. Add to these the right-wingers from other religious communities in India and in total may add up to 500 million. Send them all to Antarctica and the hottest parts of Australia. They can build temples, mosques and churches and feed and drink "piousness". India will then advance.

I have reported you for trolling, in this context repeatedly "asking" what has been made clear to you in post# 17.

Yes, as against you, a "40 year experienced person in operating systems field including kernels" but who is unable to start a company or a project group to design a new OS for India and the computing world in general. Again, how many more times will I have to tell you this ?

So when the entire society is Communist, like Cuba or USSR, who exactly are the "freeloaders" ? And from where do Indian nationalists learn these stupid words ? I have been told of this word by other Indian PDFers who are anti-Communist.
There's simple test you can do yourself and that will save you a lot of grief. Stand in front of a mirror with your right ear parallel to the mirror. Shine a flash light thru your left ear. If you get a beam reflected from the mirror all stands explained.

If there is no beam reflected, go for wax clean up.
There's simple test you can do yourself and that will save you a lot of grief. Stand in front of a mirror with your right ear parallel to the mirror. Shine a flash light thru your left ear. If you get a beam reflected from the mirror all stands explained.

If there is no beam reflected, go for wax clean up.

I did the test. I stood in front of a mirror with my right ear almost parallel to the mirror and caught sight of my dashing self.

But you making such posts in a progressive society will get you six months in re-education camp at least, but yay, you write from India which is run by useless, irrational idiots like you whose idea of forum dialogue is being snarky and arrogant despite not having one achievement to their name but declaring to the world "Oh I was in the OS business for 40 years" and not responding rationally to rational, logical, elaborate replies to you. If you are married I pity your wife who has to put up with such an idiot.

Keep doing this and you will be banned from the forum with or without my reporting.
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I did the test. I stood in front of a mirror with my right ear almost parallel to the mirror and caught sight of my dashing self.

But you saying such things in a progressive society will get you six months in re-education camp at least, but yay, you write from India which is run by useless, irrational idiots like you whose idea of forum dialogue is being snarky and arrogant despite not having one achievement to their name but declaring to the world "Oh I was in the OS business for 40 years" and not responding to rational, logical, elaborate replies to you. If you are married I pity your wife who has to put up with such an idiot.

Keep doing this and you will be banned from the forum with or without my reporting.

The effort you put in to sound like something, if instead you deploy on actually learning something, you might actually make something of yourself other than a fake and a fraud. Pity.

But you're getting too worked up and I don't want you to pop anything, so ignoring you going fwd. Ciao
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Nothing new, usual brainless Indian crap talk, you are wasting your time with this troll.

How the hell can you support reading all his bullshit????

Yes, sorry for that. :D I have reported him.
There are plenty of communist parties in Sweden.
One of them have a registered name which is very similar to the banned name.
Typically they get less votes than the part that wants Donald Duck as prime minister.
The smallest party in the last election got one vote.
You need at least 4% of all votes to have a member of parliament, or 12% in a single district,
Oh I see so Sweden is afflicted with what happened in Iran after revolution.
Each classroom in high school had its own party.

Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the same coin. Both ideologies tend to empower minority elites at the expense of majority working class people.



I know this fact will trigger you so much that you'll write 5000 word bs to prove me wrong but don't worry I'll never read that
The majority of -isms have the same problem. The rest are irrelevant. Why it's so is another discussion.
Regardless of your joke I will tell you that one of the desires of Communism is for the State to be abolished and the people to govern / rule themselves directly. The Libyan Jamahiriya was Communist in its political system and Socialist in its social and socio-economic system. You should read the linked post in the post you quoted to see what is democracy, what is not, the origin of Democracy and a quote from an article about true democracy in practice in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

See ? Not always 5000 word posts.
Whatever the intentions are the end result talk for itself. Just look at Libya wasn't there two different group? The ruling elites and then the race of downtrodden.

China is a single party Democracy like Sweden.
China is not a democracy but we can debate on if democracy is actually the best form of governing or not
Whatever the intentions are the end result talk for itself. Just look at Libya wasn't there two different group? The ruling elites and then the race of downtrodden.

China is not a democracy but we can debate on if democracy is actually the best form of governing or not

Downtrodden in the Libyan Jamahiriya ? Who are you talking about ? :) @PakAlp's uncle lived there and from his perspective the society was well regulated. This post of mine is a good place to talk about both your points - (a). What is democracy, what is not and the origin of Democracy, (b). A quoting from a thread from 2015 about Libyan direct democracy in practice.
Downtrodden in the Libyan Jamahiriya ? Who are you talking about ? :) @PakAlp's uncle lived there and from his perspective the society was well regulated. This post of mine is a good place to talk about both your points - (a). What is democracy, what is not and the origin of Democracy, (b). A quoting from a thread from 2015 about Libyan direct democracy in practice.

People see a country and start to find faults. Noone says Libya was perfect but you cannot deny it was a true welfare state.
China ranks #148 on the democracy index and Sweden ranks #4.
China is a single party authoritarian state in that listing.

Yet the very first lines about Sweden declare it to be an anti-democracy :lol: :
The Swedish Communist Party was banned from participating in the September 11 elections under its own name. The party, which could participate in the election with an abbreviated name as a result of the objection to the decision, was also reacted to the application for membership in NATO.
China ranks #148 on the democracy index and Sweden ranks #4.
China is a single party authoritarian state in that listing.

Communists and communisms should be stamped out of Sweden, a democratic society must not have space for regressive parties.
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