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An election ban imposed on the Swedish Communist Party, which opposes NATO membership

Communists and communisms should be stamped out of Sweden, a democratic society must not have space for regressive parties.

Yes, Sweden must turn into Capitalist Paradise India. :enjoy:And "democratic" Sweden just banned a party just like "democratic" NATO-supported Zelensky banned all opposition groups. :lol:
Yes, Sweden must turn into Capitalist Paradise India. :enjoy:And "democratic" Sweden just banned a party just like "democratic" NATO-supported Zelensky banned all opposition groups. :lol:

Specially when these commie bastards are playing with the national security of its citizens.
Specially when these commie bastards are playing with the national security of its citizens.

Oh do stop using Hindutvadi / Irrational Indian Nationalist words like "National security". Can you explain what you mean ?
Nazi Swedes back to what they're most proficient at (much like how they collaborated with Germany during WW2).

Oh do stop using Hindutvadi / Irrational Indian Nationalist words like "National security". Can you explain what you mean ?

In simple words, military alliance in place to prevent Stockholm to turn into Grozny.
In simple words, military alliance in place to prevent Stockholm to turn into Grozny.

Grozny ? There are two Chechen factions now :

1. Which governs from Grozny and supports the Russian system in its assistance of Syria in Syria against NATO proxies Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood. And of course being a very important part of the Russian operation in Ukraine.

2. The other faction in Ukraine called the Dzhokar Dudayev Battalion which is collaborating with the NATO-supported UkroNazis.

So you should make clear again.
Ah with, here is a simple definition:

Capitalism - people who can do useful things
Socialism - people who want others to do useful things
Communists - lazy bums with no idea.
Am going to poach that... :enjoy:
Am going to poach that... :enjoy:

Of course you will, you were a member of one of the Capitalist imperialist, genocidal, war-criming NATO units.

Ask your new Indian friend how is it going in India with the 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist system.
Nazi Swedes back to what they're most proficient at (much like how they collaborated with Germany during WW2).

In their defence though,the vast majority of the Scandinavian volunteers,were excellent warriors who volunteered to fight communism. Many,such as the Finns,had a condition that they would not be sent to fight against other countries for German interests. That's why they fought in the Eastern Front.

Their divisions were also the ones with the least or no war crimes.
In their defence though,the vast majority of the Scandinavian volunteers,were excellent warriors who volunteered to fight communism. Many,such as the Finns,had a condition that they would not be sent to fight against other countries for German interests. That's why they fought in the Eastern Front.

Eastern front and 'fight against communism' where most war crimes were committed.

Germans were 'excellent warriors' too, including in Greece. Do you consider this as something worthy of mention in their defense?

Their divisions were also the ones with the least or no war crimes.

Some of the war crimes they committed, like burning alive 200 to 300 civilians in a church as per the admission of a Norwegian member, were only revealed in the current century. Many more will never be disclosed as those in the know gradually pass away.
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Not by Scandinavian Waffen SS divisions.
Mostly by certain German and Slavic or Volksdeutsche majority divisions and units.


Some of their crimes were kept undisclosed until the 2010's, as said. Chances are that many more will never be reported, especially those committed against Soviets, which matter less to western NATO regimes.
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Germans were 'excellent warriors' too. Do you consider this as something worthy of mention in their defense?
I mentioned it because there was a big number of Waffen SS divisions from the Balkans and Eastern Europe with little to no fighting skill,who only excelled at war crimes and looting.

View attachment 855082

Some were kept undisclosed until the 2010's, as said. Chances are many more remain so, especially those committed against Soviets, which matter less to western NATO regimes.
That's why I said:
Their divisions were also the ones with the least or no war crimes.
Compare them to other ones and you'll see they had the lowest rate of such incidents
Grozny ? There are two Chechen factions now :

1. Which governs from Grozny and supports the Russian system in its assistance of Syria in Syria against NATO proxies Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood. And of course being a very important part of the Russian operation in Ukraine.

2. The other faction in Ukraine called the Dzhokar Dudayev Battalion which is collaborating with the NATO-supported UkroNazis.

So you should make clear again.

Russia is intervening in Ukraine to prevent russophobic states like Germany from repeating their World War II "feat" of causing 25 million deaths among Soviet citizens (in which many local eastern European including Ukranian collaborators participated enthusiastically).
Of course you will, you were a member of one of the Capitalist imperialist, genocidal, war-criming NATO units.

Ask your new Indian friend how is it going in India with the 3000-year-old extremely Capitalist system.
There is a new attraction in Washington DC: Victims of Communism Museum. Am making time to visit.

What you can do is create a counter: Victims of Capitalism Museum.
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