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Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

They didn't. I posted it before right after SSİK. Otokar gave the best BAFO.

Probably someone deleted your comment, when i use the searching feature of the forum in this topic the closes comment of yours has been posted in 8th april. But i would like to see the prices anyway.
BMC %51 Turkish .
Possible sub contractors: RBSS %51 Turkish (as a system integrator), Aselsan , Mtu German(engine-transmision) and 2nd batch's engine packs by BMC , Otokar, Fnss %51, MKE ( Rheinmetal's L55) , Roketsan .
BMC = 51% Turkish + 49% Qatar
RBSS = 51% BMC + 39% German + 10% Malesia

RBSS= 26% Turkish


They didn't. I posted it before right after SSİK. Otokar gave the best BAFO.
fvck their justice... Corruption everywhere...!
Yeah, fvck them..

While talking about prices, since you guys know the numbers, can one of you write those numbers here so we can learn as well :agree:
I really don't get it. Lets assume that Ethem secretly has a vagina and she is Erdoğan's girlfriend. Who cares?

As long as BMC is the one who gave the lovest price offer, they got the deal. The love or sexual affairs between Ethem and Erdoğan has no meaning if they are the ones with best offer.
Everyone knows the situation is not like that. There is clear corruption to fill his buddies pockets. The richer *** lickers he has around him the stronger his position is.
Everyone knows the situation is not like that. There is clear corruption to fill his buddies pockets. The richer *** lickers he has around him the stronger his position is.

I think you quoted the wrong person. My comment was simply a request to see prices, those companies offered, so we can learn it.
@kartal1 , Otokar has bid for Oman's 77 piece MBT tender. We compete with KMW.

Apart from that, there are 4-5 countries that are strongly interested in Altay. If Altay can overcome export barriers, This system has a significant export potential. As I said before, Otokar, Fnss and BMC have to share this cake.
BMC = 51% Turkish + 49% Qatar
RBSS = 51% BMC + 39% German + 10% Malesia

RBSS= 26% Turkish

Nope. It is a Turkish company (same goes for FNSS, etc). They do business and pay taxes in Turkey, they support and supplement Turkish industry and economy. The financiers behind the company is irrelevant.

But lets talk about the financiers anyway. Sure you can say the profit goes to foreign countries, but profit doesn't always go to stockholders. Most of the profit usually gets re-invested in other projects, usually healthy public companies (on the stock exchange) re-invest most of their profits back into the company (depending on their strategy).

BMC is a growth company (a company that wants to grow x% within x years), because they are planning to open new factories and have/are announcing new projects and products. Growth companies achieve growth by reinvesting their profits, giving dividend (profit) to stockholders is kept to a bare minimum (if any at all). So you don't have to worry about profit (dividend/temettu) going to foreigners in the short term. By the way, there is a 15% tax to dividend in Turkey.

The whole defence industry in TR is a growth industry. That means most companies are growth companies including TAI, Aselsan etc. Aselsan does give dividend, but it's really not worth buying Aselsan stock for it's dividend. You buy it because you know that Aselsan and the likes will grow substantially in the future. TAI has an ambition to grow 5 times in the next coming years for instance.

To give perspective, Aselsan will only gave 5.44% of it's net income to investors in dividend (pay-out ratio/kar payı ödeme oranı).
In comparison, Otokar has a payout ratio of 60% of it's net income to investors.

And neither of this payout ratio is wrong by the way (pay-out ratio over 100% is considered a risky investment). Both Otokar and Aselsan have different strategies and goals and they are acting according to that.

Pay-out ratio in this case suggests that Aselsan's strategy is that it wants to grow in the near future, and Otokar seems to be happy where it is, or maybe it is confident it can grow without withholding dividends from it's investors. Gotta watch their conference call or read their yearly report to get a straight answer about their short, medium and long term goals and strategy.

BMC is not a public company (not in any stock exchange), so their books is not public. But judging from the steps they are taking and planned investments suggests their strategy is growth and expanding it's brand. This means it is most likely that they are reinvesting most or all of their profit.

fvck their justice... Corruption everywhere...!
Yeah, because every SSM tender so far has been corrupt till this day /SARCASM. You are not claiming to be a fanboy of any company, but you are acting like a fanboy or at the very least acting like a hater.

I am sure, if you were at SSM, you wouldn't play favorites or act all corrupt right? You should give those people at SSM some credit and assume they aren't corrupt either. You are attacking people's integrity only because you feel a certain way about a certain political party.
BMC = 51% Turkish + 49% Qatar
RBSS = 51% BMC + 39% German + 10% Malesia

RBSS= 26% Turkish


fvck their justice... Corruption everywhere...!

The scandal has been detailed by some members, so i skip that part, keep short to the gist.

The Turk defence industry has many plans, some of them are achieved, planned, signed, pre-worked or about to produce; each of them brings experiences/know-how and pushes back the Turk industry for the next step(s) that are extremly dependent on the strategy and finance against the rivals in the world.

The circle broken, disreputed.
It's really interesting that i read pretty serious statements in this thread, but still didn't see any numbers to back those statements.

Can we, finally, see those numbers offered by companies? Or you don't know them but just make up your statement out of nothing?

Statement without data, is simply hot air.
ALTAY design is ready. CNC/CAM files, quality test procedures etc. everything is ready and done before by Otokar.

You are wrong.Only ready thing right now is design.Ali Koç said himself "They will deliver first Altay after 20-22 months".Firsly I'm not a fan of any company too.Important thing is we can use altay freely and sell whoever we want(excluding engine issue).

But you are right about corruption.Government have to clarify peoples minds.At least show something and say " See BMC gave best offer so we choosed them" or something.
Nope. It is a Turkish company

B= Turkish share of BMC
C= Qatar share of BMC
E= Swiss based German Rheinmetall share of RBSS
F= Malesia share of RBSS

A = B*0.51+C*0.49
D = A*0.51+E*0.39+F*0.1
D = (B*0.51+C*0.49)*0.51+E*0.39+F*0.1
D= 0.26B +0.249C + 0.39E +0.1F

How is it turkish?

Btw, Rheinmetall is famous with briberies it pays to the officials in the countries it makes business..

India police charge Rheinmetall official with bribery

Rheinmetall is currently under investigation for bribing the Greek Government with up to €9 million to attain submarine defence deals

Its a shame that it took 3(!) years to finally sign a deal.

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