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Turkey develops indigenous Altay powerpack

Thanks for great post which has proved me

Foinikas and LegionnairE knows nothing about worldwide military

they search wikipedia .. nothing else

we are talkin about hard kill APS

wikipedia says Syria has soft kill APS and they says even Syria has APS
.... what a loser troll team with zero military knowledge
you never said hardkill :cheesy: I guess swedish system is also softkill huh?

Turkey is the 3rd country if you design the criteria perfectly to make Turkey the 3rd country

Let me do this even better. Turkey is the First country in the world to design and field an APS in Turkey! **** yeah :turkey:
you never said hardkill :cheesy: I guess swedish system is also softkill huh?

Turkey is the 3rd country if you design the criteria perfectly to make Turkey the 3rd country

Let me do this even better. Turkey is the First country in the world to design and field an APS in Turkey! **** yeah :turkey:
That's what he did! Yesterday he said "no hardkill systems",I proved him wrong,he edited the post and called me a liar and said "no hardkill systems in service". Then I confronted him and he said his post is about turkey being 3rd country in the world to make and have APS in active service.

Now you called out his bull,he said "I didn't say only APS,I said hardkill".

And then he comes and calls me and you and everyone else who corrects him,a "liar". Then he comes and says "Liars! You are all liars!".

You know,I've been very frustrated about this situation here. This guy basically has the freedom to badmouth,insult and mock everyone on the forum and get away with it. I'm tired of having him call everyone here a "liar" and a "troll" and I'm tired of the constant "Tiny Greece,poor Iran,pathetic Egypt,weak Russia,copycat China" etc. The constant insulting and demeaning and mocking of our countries.

He won't stop.
That's what he did! Yesterday he said "no hardkill systems",I proved him wrong,he edited the post and called me a liar and said "no hardkill systems in service". Then I confronted him and he said his post is about turkey being 3rd country in the world to make and have APS in active service.

Now you called out his bull,he said "I didn't say only APS,I said hardkill".

And then he comes and calls me and you and everyone else who corrects him,a "liar". Then he comes and says "Liars! You are all liars!".

You know,I've been very frustrated about this situation here. This guy basically has the freedom to badmouth,insult and mock everyone on the forum and get away with it. I'm tired of having him call everyone here a "liar" and a "troll" and I'm tired of the constant "Tiny Greece,poor Iran,pathetic Egypt,weak Russia,copycat China" etc. The constant insulting and demeaning and mocking of our countries.

He won't stop.
hopefully @LeGenD will take care of this

relax and enjoy a peaceful song.

I dont know exactly why i was tagged, but for me ground tanks are obsolete. But it is good to see that Turkey can produce heavy motors.
Tanks are no longer important as an offensive element, this part is true. What was the heavy tank concept? A tank was to be a mobile field gun + mobile machine gun nest, resistant to machine gun fire and artillery shell shrapnel, right? Today, what hits a tank is not machine gun bullets or artillery shrapnel. All types of smart ammunition with consecutive V-Shabe warheads hit the tank. So tank armor no longer has a protective function. Other elements also took over tanks attack tasks. Therefore, their effectiveness has largely disappeared on front line.

But the power packs used for tanks will be required elsewhere in the very near future. Since the drone threat has increased greatly for infantry, infantry will need mobile armor protection not only during deployments but also on the front line. Power packages that move the tanks will be required for heavily armored "mobile trenches" that will serve this function.

Even though BMC company has messed up the Altay project, BATU and UTKU power packages will be put into service within 2-3 years. In this way, in my opinion, BMC will have forgiven itself.
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dont let Foinikas to provoke you against Turkiye .. he also terrorized thread about UCAV technology between Iran and Turkiye

He provoke Iranians,Chinese,Arabs,etc against the Turks and Turkiye
I'm not against turkey. Im not against Greece too.

I love history of muslim turkish empires like seljuks and ottomans. Also i respect history of Byzantine empire and greek inventions and philosophy too.

You love turkey and i can understand you but your comments are not polite.
Mlk I'm up to here,enough is enough. He keeps people away from threads,it's not about ignoring him,I've seen so many people who argued just once with him and never tried it again,but also stopped posting on certain threads or sections.

I can't,I've had it. I'm up to here with this. If the mods want to ban me,ok. But I can't,this guy shouldn't be on the forum,not with this attitude and....it's just ridiculous,he DOESN'T WANT to debate! He never ever admits he is wrong! Yesterday and the day before I had to show him 3 times what he said was wrong and he still wouldn't admit it.

And it's not just about ignoring him,he spreads lies and misinformation! About members,about countries,about history etc.

Really,right now I'm so frustrated with this.
You’re taking him way too seriously, just troll his posts and move on. And he will be seething alone in his room throughout the day.
This thread is locked for review.
Thread is opened after review.

On topic:

Excellent news, if true.

I expect Turkish products to be high quality.

If Turkey is able to develop Altay tank, Pakistan should take a look at this product.
Yes,Germany will cry for sure.
Fact is Turkey is making progress. The west's ability to sanction any nation that doesn't toe the line is well recognised. Today Greece is a darling as it obeys but tomorrow if you decide on independence then your ability to make decision foe Greek defence rely upon those that sold you war toys. But you ofcourse you know this but are upset that Turkey is making progress and you can't pay the interest on the debt to the Germans looool
Your LECLERC Tank using Finnish Engine
It become Finnish, but when produce it was a 100% french technology. And some quite original. Not as some that tried to copy and paste....

everybody will see it in 2028
The main vocabulary of our friend @MMM-E
The main vocabulary of our friend @MMM-E

in 2020 Your team also made fun of my post
when I said everybody will see TS-1400 turboshaft Engine on T-625 Helicopter in 2023-2024

Turkiye entered elite club in 2023 for turboshaft Engine technology
( USA , Russia-Ukraine , UK , Turkiye , France , China )

T-625 Helicopter made the first flight with indigenous turboshaft Engine in 2023
and mass production start in 2024

Wait and see what will happen in 2028
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even worse than crying .. hahaha


Their MTU powerpacks are too overpriced anyway. Countries need to start making their own stuff and over time reliability will go up and MTBF/MTBO will increase as well.

My uncle had an Audi 4000 back in the day and another older family friend had an Opel and we all know how reliable those were. Once we Muslims start making things ourselves then these hegemons stop playing their dirty manipulating games.
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View attachment 959668

Their MTU powerpacks are too overpriced anyway. Countries need to start making their own stuff and over time reliability will go up and MTBF/MTBO will increase as well.

My uncle had an Audi 4000 back in the day and another older family friend had an Opel and we all know how reliable those were. Once we Muslims start making things ourselves then these hegemons stop playing their dirty manipulating games.
We are waiting the next muslim vacine, the next muslim iphone like, the next worldwide car and so one.... I think we have time.
Once we Muslims start making things ourselves then these hegemons stop playing their dirty manipulating games.

Turkiye develops everything for 1,8 billion Islamic World ...
( over 850 military projects including Fighter Jets , Attack Helicopters , stealth UCAVs , Air Defense Systems , Satellites , Frigate , Destroyer , Submarine , Aircraft Carrier )

-- 1.000 hp UTKU Engine to power Howitzers in 2025
-- 1.500 hp BATU Engine to power Tanks in 2026

all Land platforms will be powered by 400-600-1.000 and 1.500 hp Turkish Engines

-- PD-170 / PD-222 Engines to power UCAVs
-- TS-1400 and TS-3.000 turboshaft Engines to power Attack and Utility Helicopters
-- TF-6.000 and TF-10.000 turbofan Engines to power unmanned stealth Fighter Jets
-- TF-35.000 turbofan Engine to power Fighter Jets

all Air platforms will be powered by Turkish Engines

Just need a little more time ( 10 years ) for engine technologies
then Turkiye joins to elite club 5+1 ( USA , Russia , China , UK , France and Turkiye )
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@Foinklas is an idiout. I wonder why MMME even replies to him

Debate does not mean verbal war. in debate we want to increase our knowledge.
I don't waste my time in verbal war. You can do this too.
Just ignore him.
The kind of news he brings about Turkiye's defence achievement isn't something the paranoid west and jews can ignore.

Mlk I'm up to here,enough is enough. He keeps people away from threads,it's not about ignoring him,I've seen so many people who argued just once with him and never tried it again,but also stopped posting on certain threads or sections.

I can't,I've had it. I'm up to here with this. If the mods want to ban me,ok. But I can't,this guy shouldn't be on the forum,not with this attitude and....it's just ridiculous,he DOESN'T WANT to debate! He never ever admits he is wrong! Yesterday and the day before I had to show him 3 times what he said was wrong and he still wouldn't admit it.

And it's not just about ignoring him,he spreads lies and misinformation! About members,about countries,about history etc.

Really,right now I'm so frustrated with this.
I love your frustration. It's actually amusing and entertaining. MMM-E must be a pro in psychological cyberwar. I never thought trolls could be pissed off to this extent. you are doing a great job MMM-E. Keep it up! You've got lots of fans here I'm sure.

Edit: I'd love to exchange emails with you MMM-E. I think you can provide some information about Turkiye's defense successes for my new blog on geopolitics. I need to create a new section dedicated to progress in the Turkish defense industry. Just drop your email and I'll be in touch.
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