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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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I know something about anthropology and you guys don't differ so much from Indians. With the exemption of the Dravidians.

And Einstien I know nothing of anthropology but out of curiosity how do the Dutch differ from Germans? Or for that matter how do Germans differ from British? Or for that matter the British from Irish? Or which planet are Russians from and which planet are Polish from?

You might be a expert on anthropology but please do understand that Indus Valley is almost proximate to Pakistan, go consult a good map or refer to Google Earth. Like Iraq is proximate to Tigris-Euphrates Valley [Mesopotamia] although Syria does occupy a peripheral part of the valley.

Although I would compare nile to Eygpt and Indus to Pakistan. Even today if the Indus stopped flowing Pakistan would be finished as almost 80% of irrigated farmland feeds from the Indus water system. It would become a barren semi arid wasteland without the mighty Indus.

You need to learn geography before you make comments on the subject.
Ok What Indus Valley civilization which was a neolithic time civilization is related to Alexander, Daraus et al.

BTW German, Polish, English speak different languages, but Pakistanis speak Urdu, a North Indian language.
Balochs and Pashtun tribes of Pakistan have nothing to do with India.

I don't want make this thread yet another thread about Indus Valley which was based on physical area of modern day Punjab, Sindh and Gujrat. Like I said Indus Valley was nowhere to be seen at the time line we are talking about, nor did the subsequent Vedic Civilization inherit much from Indus Valley cities.


Has the physical geography changed since then? Have a good look at the map you uploaded. Do you see the green zone going up from the Arabian Sea to as it follows the Indus River from Amri, Kot Diji, Mohenjo Daro upto Harrapa - That is the bloody Indus Valley in todays Pakistan.!!!

@ Surenas

And which human group do Americans in USA belong? Just across the 45th parallel north is Canada,. out of curiousity care to mention which human group do they belong to. I do assume that we must have two entirely differant peoples on the two sides of the 45th parallel north? Sort of chalk and cheese.
yes Sindh and part of Punjab belong to modern day Pakistan after British partition the sub continent while Gujrat and part of Punjab belong to India.

You seem to have forgotten Lothal when you were giving wiki link of IVC cities.

Anyway how is IVC related when discussing Alex, why do you Pakistanis go gung ho on IVC at every historical discussion as if IVC spanned from Neolithic age right till to creation of Pakistan!
Ok What Indus Valley civilization which was a neolithic time civilization is related to Alexander, Daraus et al.

BTW German, Polish, English speak different languages, but Pakistanis speak Urdu, a North Indian language.

Really wiseguy? Dutch is a Germanic language, Flemish is related to French. English is a Anglo Saxon language related to German. saxons were a Germanic tribe. Polish, Russian, Slovakian, Byelorussian, Ukrainien are all Slavic languages and their speakers can even talk to each other.

British and Irish speak English. How about USA and Canada with a ruler drawn line for a border.

LaBong what do they speak in USA? Swahilli?
What do they speak in Canada? Burushaski?

Do excuse me but I have to bust myself to tell differance between Johnny boy the American from Johnny Boy the Canadian eitheir from their appearance, culture, religion or language .............. but thats just me I guess !!!

Before I go I would like to profer my sincere apology to the Iranian's here for having deviated from the thread title. The leeches in India will not leave us alone. Let us be please. Go back to your holy Ganges, Ganga-Brahmaputra Valley civilizations etc
You need to understand the difference between modern nation states which are political entities and civilizations. Both Americans and Canadians of British origin belong to Anglo saxon civilization.

Also comparing finish with English is like comparing bengali with persian as both have common indo iranic root.

Oops they call it indo iranian not iranian Pakistani, bad bad people out there to steal Pakistani history.
Anyway I'm done here, I came to this thread because a Persian chauvinist was hurling abuses at Indians, I needn't waste my time at reasoning with Pakistani identity crisis.
.....but if it came to it and I had no choice I would much prefer Persia anytime to the rest and in particular Indian rule. A fine culture, a ancient civilization and a empire that knocked at Europe's front door, not bad.....

If you prefer the Persian civilization/culture then how can you claim the heritage of IVC, the Persians don't/can't claim IVC.....

No matter how hard you cry you won't be able to relate yourself to IVC withour ralating yourself to the Indians....

Since IVC falls within ancient India, we, the people of modern India can only relate to IVC.....meanwhile go and claim your persian root....and if you have Mughal root then it is more embarrassing since the Persians fcuked them real hard....
Persian Empire was truly the great One . I don't See the Point of Bringing Indus Valley Civilization here . It's about Persian History and so Be it . Europeans and later on Americans have distorted History of Every Great Ancient Empires apart from theirs . They Turn Blind eye towards persian empires , ottoman empires , Indian Empires , Chinese Empires etc .
Iranians have it easy where Alexander is concerned.

They can hate with a pure abandon undiluted by the baggage of a legacy.

Something they are denied when it comes to the Arabs.

We Indians mistakenly believe that it is the Pakistanis who have the biggest identity crisis on earth.

That is because we do not share a border or much of a historical past with Islamic Iran.

The only thing still Persian about them are the ruins that still stand on their land.

And history text books. Grudgingly allowed them by their mullahs.

It is funny how Islamic conquests affect two groups of people so diamterically differently.

One refuse to accept being the people they are.

While the other profess to be the people they are not.
also don't forget how nader shah took over India :lol:
You are loving too much bashing India,right? having too much pride about Nadir Shah's invasion of India? Well, looking at ur abusing remarks, i must say how ignorant you are about ur own civilization. An Iranian, having pride of looting other's assets is shocking to me. Who was this nadir shah? A goon, thief and a man with little softness within himself? And you call india, a jungle? Excuse me mr.Einstein, have you ever heard of kashi and varanasi atleast? Do you know a small word from our vedic culture?Go and learn about your own heritage and history properly and learn how to respect other's civilization, then do some useful comments here.Dumb Troll.
Persian god king, pakistan was not the 'civilized' India worth conquering and rest were jungles, that might be the perception of the kings on western border, but all travellers (greek/chinese/persian) who came to visit had different story to tell.
The region known as pakistan today was ruled by kings of region known as India today, not the other way around.
As to Indians claiming history of pakistanis, there is hardly any dissimilarity in the culture between north India and pakistan then( or dare I say even now), it will be stupid to say Indian civilizational root stops at International border.

BTW nobody stopped pakistan from claiming the same civilizational root, unless they are too ashamed to admit.
You are loving too much bashing India,right? having too much pride about Nadir Shah's invasion of India? Well, looking at ur abusing remarks, i must say how ignorant you are about ur own civilization. An Iranian, having pride of looting other's assets is shocking to me. Who was this nadir shah? A goon, thief and a man with little softness within himself? And you call india, a jungle? Excuse me mr.Einstein, have you ever heard of kashi and varanasi atleast? Do you know a small word from our vedic culture?Go and learn about your own heritage and history properly and learn how to respect other's civilization, then do some useful comments here.Dumb Troll.

Don't get them wrong bro. Jawani ka garam khoon hai.

Most of the Iranians here and elsewhere on the net are brainwashed kids spouting gibberish about their Persian past while still mouthing on and on about how Islam was actually their savior from the evils that plagued Zoroastrianism at the time.

How Allah came to their rescue. And how Zarathushtra was driven underground, and Ahura Mazda banished from the land. With the holy Atash. Along with Ahreman of course.

The Avesta burnt to ash. For the holy Quran to rise as the proverbial Phoenix.

Do not pay them much heed.

Its the flavor of the season.

Where being Persian is glamorous and sexy.

And being a Muslim is not.

Internet Persians! Real life Muslim Iranians. :)
Can we keep pakistani identity crisis off this thread pls. Thanks.

at topic - natural for invaders to be looked at differently by invaded people and by other people who were with the invader. Happens with all past conquerors. Trick is not try to look for heroes and villains in the distant past.
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