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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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what a retard, indus vally is still Pakistan you fool. it does not matter what it was called.
Persia had no need to take over full India cause Pakistan was all that was worth taking over, the rest was just jungle :lol:
it is like some guy in zimbabwe saying hey no one ever managed to take over us, well it because no one gives a **** about that place :rofl:

Ok I thought only iranian mullahs are crazy, or it the effect of Arab gene infused at the time of Arab slavery.
so what? you just proved my point lol... Pakistan was all the was worth taking over. why would they need to take over the rest?
was Pakistan not part of India then? and we took over it, so what the **** did you do about it lol?

Truth is making you guys frustrated....

tell me, Why did Persia want to take over a long dead civilization.....to revive it...:lol:
Ok I thought only iranian mullahs are crazy, or it the effect of Arab gene infused at the time of Arab slavery.

I am not sure, you tell me.
btw make sure you go to bed early, you have to get up early omorrow so you can do your cheap slave labour for your white masters :lol:
Indus Valley isn't Pakistan. Pakistani's are just Islamized Indians.
Truth is making you guys frustrated....

tell me, Why did Persia what to take over the long dead civilization.....to revive it...LOL

who cares what it was called, Pakistan IS indus vally you moron.
I heard your country's education level was low, but this is too much :rofl:
so what? you just proved my point lol... Pakistan was all the was worth taking over. why would they need to take over the rest?
was Pakistan not part of India then? and we took over it, so what the **** did you do about it lol?

Well congrats Atnz, Persians only took over you. I'm sure Pakistanis would prefer to be ruled by Persians, Afghans than to be related with Indians.

Evil that men do! :)
Well that would mean he would have to redo another Persian type campaign. And spend another decade in India. It's understandable his soldiers wanted to see their families and go home after a decade of conquest.
But that does not mean he could not have given Indians a run for their money. If he had forgotten about Persia and went straight for India then that could have been something to speculate on.

Again "how would he do that"...Did he have the resources ?

Please look at the previous post about the strength of the Gangaridai , an Indian empire based in Bengal who had amassed their armies on the banks of the Ganges in anticipation. 200,000 infantry, 80,000 cavalry, 8000 chariots and 6000 trained war elephants were waiting for a force that hardly crossed 20,000 infantry and few thousands cavalry. The war would have been over before it started.

Anyhow Was India not weaker than Persia for much of history? I mean it was ruled by outsiders for a long time.

I cant comment on that -- but during Alexander's period northern India [subcontinent] was under two of the powerful dynasties, Nandas and Gangaridai , not squabbling princely states, and the south was under it's own centralized government.

And since there was no Indian-Persian wars during that time we cant say who was weaker or stringer.

So it was not really Alexander who was afraid, it was his soldiers who refused to go on.

You can say Alexander was suicidal but his soldiers were pragmatic...:P

Hinterland? So you think that Punjab and Sindh [Pakistan] have been hinterland? Well might I ask where was the Indus Valley Civilization centred on?

Indus Valley civilization was pre historic civilization which didn't left it's mark on present day India or Pakistan. It seems Pakistanis stretch on Indus Valley way too much because they don't have anything else to boost on.
. It was Alexander's deteriorating health that made him not as convincing as before.

Also the prospect of marching to the other side of the world was not very compelling to his soldiers who had been fighting for years already.

Amlakas, Alexander was intent on marching on one last mission -- it was not in him to give up. But his soldiers would take it no more.

The fierce fight given by Porus whose army was 1/10th of the army that waiting in India proper and the inhospitable climate and swamps had sapped the will out of the Macedonians.
who cares what it was called, Pakistan IS indus vally you moron.
I heard your country's education level was low, but this is too much :rofl:

He He.....what I asked and what you replied....clearly you're trolling......

All your Persian myth got busted.....:lol:
Thanks for proving that you know nothing about Pakistan.

I know something about anthropology and you guys don't differ so much from Indians. With the exemption of the Dravidians.
Well congrats Atnz, Persians only took over you. I'm sure Pakistanis would prefer to be ruled by Persians, Afghans than to be related with Indians.

Evil that men do! :)

I don't recollect saying anything about having any preferances. I would prefer if we ruled ourselves [like say Porus who was Punjab native] but if it came to it and I had no choice I would much prefer Persia anytime to the rest and in particular Indian rule. A fine culture, a ancient civilization and a empire that knocked at Europe's front door, not bad.

Now let us look at whose rule in India you would prefer? Moghul? Pashtun? Turks? British? Care to pick ..?

And as far as our gift to world history, the Indus Valley Civilization well I am not surprised it did not leave any mark in India. Neither has it left any mark in Persia. That is because it was centred in Pakistan. I mean you don't expect to find much of Ancient Eygpt in Libya or Chad do you? You expect to find it in Eygpt.Ditto for IVC and Pakistan.

Now I know your in India so I can't blame you not about knowing about our Indus Valley civilization. Maybe if you ever get a visa to come to Pakistan you will find it has left plenty of marks in Pakistan. Square Miles are occupied by grand relics of the IVC in Mohenjo Daro or Harrapa.

For now you can see these marks of IVC if you go to Google Earth and fly over Pakistan.

Let me recap.

Mohenjo Daro ............. Sindh based, Pakistan.
Harrapa ......................Punjab based, Pakistan
Mehr Garh ..................Balochistan based, Pakistan.

Balochs and Pashtun tribes of Pakistan have nothing to do with India.

I don't want make this thread yet another thread about Indus Valley which was based on physical area of modern day Punjab, Sindh and Gujrat. Like I said Indus Valley was nowhere to be seen at the time line we are talking about, nor did the subsequent Vedic Civilization inherit much from Indus Valley cities.

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