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The Persian wars - opinion in Iran?

Bro yes,definitely. It's medieval Greece. But what he means,I think is that the ancient part is equally in our hearts as well.

Personally,I'm more of a romantic pro-monarchist. This weird democracy that we've had since 1975 onwards,has been the slow destruction of morality and a period full of corrupt politicians and globalist propaganda to the young people.

They've been doing that for decades! But then again,the Turks either with Kemalist or Islamist governments,often provoked and tried to cause tension. It's just that the last 10-12 years,Erdogan has turned up the volume way too much. Maybe it's also because he is allied with the MHP in the Turkish parliament,to stay in government.
What the Americans mostly want is balance in the region. They don't want crazy things going out of hand. And right now the Turks have been meddling in a lot of countries and they don't like that.

@Apollon don't reply to the retard with the fake flags,just report him for trolling. The guy's here to troll,forget he's initial speeches about how he "doesn't want to seem nasty to Greeks,but..." it's all bull. He's either ridiculously ignorant or just a lying troll.

I know, he is a freak ^^. I dont report, just laugh
Bro yes,definitely. It's medieval Greece. But what he means,I think is that the ancient part is equally in our hearts as well.

Personally,I'm more of a romantic pro-monarchist. This weird democracy that we've had since 1975 onwards,has been the slow destruction of morality and a period full of corrupt politicians and globalist propaganda to the young people.

They've been doing that for decades! But then again,the Turks either with Kemalist or Islamist governments,often provoked and tried to cause tension. It's just that the last 10-12 years,Erdogan has turned up the volume way too much. Maybe it's also because he is allied with the MHP in the Turkish parliament,to stay in government.

@Apollon don't reply to the retard with the fake flags,just report him for trolling. The guy's here to troll,forget he's initial speeches about how he "doesn't want to seem nasty to Greeks,but..." it's all bull. He's either ridiculously ignorant or just a lying troll.

LOL..... So let me get this right.... you make a thread in the Iranian section asking Iranians of today why Iranians of 2500 years ago invaded some Hellenic land and what were our ancestors thinking invaing the mighty Greeks..... and I am the retrded trole?!!!!

Then you make a buch of stupid statement like Dutch historians hate Greeks and British Newsapers hate Greeks, and the Roman Byzantines were really Greeks.... and I am the retarded trole?!!!

You know why I like Greeks.... cause nodody ever takes them seriouesly, and this doesn´t phase them at all.

I remember a few years ago, when mothers were selling their kids in the streets of Athens and Theseloniki, there was a demonstration in Athens against the country of Masedonia, cause the Greeks didn´t like the name of the country. LOL. I thought to myself, what a backward country....their people are starving and the EU is screwing them hard.... and the only thing they are upset about is the name of a neighbouring country!!!!!!

There is reason why the ancient Iranians would pay Hellenic nations to go to war with eachother, and why the Romans masacred all of the Hellenic people and enslaved them for 700 yeras, and the Ottomans screwed the Greeks for 500 years and today the EU has enslaved Greece....intelligence isn´t their strong point, but I still like them.
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@QWECXZ do you know what the court language was in Persia during this time? There was alot of diplomacy between the Greek states and Persia and i wonder if they used translators at the persian court?
@QWECXZ do you know what the court language was in Persia during this time? There was alot of diplomacy between the Greek states and Persia and i wonder if they used translators at the persian court?
That's a good question actually. I'm afraid I don't know the answer. But I won't be surprised if translators existed back then. After all, a lot of Greeks lived under the Persian controlled regions like Macedonians, for example. Maybe Macedonians were our translators? :D
That's a good question actually. I'm afraid I don't know the answer. But I won't be surprised if translators existed back then. After all, a lot of Greeks lived under the Persian controlled regions like Macedonians, for example. Maybe Macedonians were our translators? :D
I believe there were translators. Guys I think it's pointless for Greeks and Persians to argue,because we both have some of the most ancient and sophisticated civilisations and history. And we're not enemies since the 600s
I believe there were translators. Guys I think it's pointless for Greeks and Persians to argue,because we both have some of the most ancient and sophisticated civilisations and history. And we're not enemies since the 600s
Yeah, I agree. But I was serious. There were probably a lot of people who knew Greek in Persia, like Macedonians. And there were Greeks who lived in Persia as well. Like Artemisia of Caria, for example.
Yeah, I agree. But I was serious. There were probably a lot of people who knew Greek in Persia, like Macedonians. And there were Greeks who lived in Persia as well. Like Artemisia of Caria, for example.

@Foinikas we dont argue anymore. @QWECXZ and i made peace yesterday ^^

My own cities history during the persian wars is quite...strange. When the persian ambassadors came to Argos, our city denied "earth and water" but offered neutrality, which was good enough for Xerxes. Argos did not join the alliance between Sparta and Athens but kept watching how things developed. During the war Argos took the smaller states around us as long Sparta, Athens were busy to fight Persia. Only when it was clear that Persia loses, did Argos join the fight.

That behavior was seen as not very positive back then and Argos suffered to lose some renomee from the other Greeks.

That said, Artemisia was an amazing commander, even so she did stand on the other side i respect her decissions and knowledge of war. Its said she was one of Xerxes best advisors and i always wonder why he did not listen to her at Salamis, because it cost him his fleet.

What i find crazy about Artemisis is, how ruthless she was. When she realized that the battle was lost she ordered her men to change direction and attack a persian ship. Because her trick, the athenians believed her to be another greek vessel and she could escape. She threw her own allies under the bus to save her own crew.

On the other hand, she saved Xerxes life. It was Artemisia who adviced him to leave Greece as fast as possible. According to Herodotus, she evacuated also several of Xerxes illegtimate sons from Greece
well , If Darius didn't took his wives and mother in wars , probably , Alexander could be a side note in history ... just like countless invaders before and after him ....
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