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The Persian wars - opinion in Iran?

This article says Greeks were selling their kids:


I really don´t need to argure anymore...... the infrastructure pictures talk for themselves. I have been to Greece many times, and know exactly how poor and backwards it is. The infrastructure in Iran is light years ahead.... Greece´s GDP is NEGATIVE. It has more debt than GDP. Even their GDP is a fantacy, much like their history. LOL.

Yes you are in the EU... but here we go again with the Greeks trying to claim other people´s achievemnets. EU has power because of Germany, France and to lesser extent Italy. Greece is a poor liability that constantly needs to beg for money and debt relief! And in this EU country, I have several times been begged for money from little children!!!! What a great EU country.

There never was a Greece, untill the British formed a rebellion to create a country out of the Ottoman empire. Even in the ancient times, there was never a united country, but rival kingdoms that hated and murdered and enslaved each other. The Byzantines were Roman, and that is what they called themselves. After the Romans destroyed the Hellenic fifdoms, there was no Greek countries for 2400 years! These are historic facts.... but maybe it feels better to live in a fantacy world. Better yet, post more cartoon picures of wars from 2400 years ago, where the Greeks were total winners. LOL
I like Greeks ..Great people and there is a huge Greek population in Montreal where I went to school. I once was riding a taxi and the taxi driver who was Greeks was talking to me about engineering and told me that "we Greeks invented everything"..I did not say a word but it demonstrates that they have a very high patriotic view of their history and their place in this world and to a large extent they can claim that for the "western" civilization...I have no doubt they claims a lot of victories in their text book against Persians and that is fine it will not change the historical facts ..every nation exaggerates their victories and down plays their defeats...Old civilization such as Persians and Greeks have a lot of them....if you grow old you have a lot of scars..lol:cheers:

I too have heard many Greeks claim that they invented EVERYTHING! LOL
Then when you ask them to name one thing thay actually invented, they have nothing to say, or come up with a dumb answer like Democracy! LOL

In reality, there are no Greek inventors..... just Greek fantacies. I remember I was on a business trip in Athens, and this guy who had his own company told me " in Greece we make nothing.... jut tomatoes and olives". He wasn´t exagerating!!!!
I am delighted that you posted childish cartoons of wars, because it really goes to show how the average Greeks has childish fanacies in their head to get away from their current realities....
Were you or were you not beaten in Marathon and Plataies? If you are bothered by artwork depicting Persian-Greek battles, then you are the one who has a complex with your past,not us.

The Byzantines called themselves Roman, but they were Greek??
Exactly. Up to the end they called themselves Roman,because they were heirs of the Roman empire. They themselves, especially from the middle and later Byzantine period,identified as Greeks but Roman in nationality. I suggest you start reading Byzantine chronography. Anna Comnena,Choniates,Frantzis,Psellos and dozens of others. Or historians like Runciman and Ostrogorsky. Even the Latins called us Greeks in their manuscripts! Crusaders,western kings and nobles.

And really, it is utter stupidity on your part to talk about economic issues of Iran, when Greece is doing so much worse.
Imagine if Iran wasn't a big country full of oil. You would have become Afghanistan.

remember how people were forced to sell their kids in Greece a few years ago?
Dude whatever you're smoking,stop smoking it.
And you make fun of Iran´s currency? LOL, at least Iran has its own currency, and doesn´t depen on the Euro that is German controlled......and beg for free handouts and debt relief...
You are welcome to adopt the Euro if you want. Can you remind me how many rials is one euro?

Now that you brought out the pictures, let me show you how much more advanced Iran is compared to little old bankrupt Greece. I really didn´t want to humiliate Greeks, as I have been there many time and have several Greek friends, but to compare Greece to Iran in any way is redicloues, Greece should be compred to basket case countries in Africa, who have no industries at all, Iran is a highly indutrialised and advanced country, and is the formost power in West Asia, and aiming to be a global superpower once again.... Greece has nothing to comare to Iran.
Maybe in another thousand years you too can have infrastructure like Iran.....or maybe in a thousand years Greeks will still fantacise about their Great immaginery past. LOL
And where exactly did all that supposed progress bring you? To reverse engineering 80's weapons systems,cannibalizing '70s aircraft and vehicles for spare parts,producing the most ridiculous and laughable armored cars,APCs and "tanks" and paying a bundle of banknotes to buy a bottle of water.
Ya azizy,you never liked Greece nor Greeks.
We can see that easily. Not only that,you don't even know some basics of history.
The only reason Iran is still surviving right now is the immense oil reserves that you have been using since the Khomeini era to pay for everything,even if you had to pay triple the price to get it.
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You talk some rubbish.

Greece is a high income nation and even during ecenomic crisis had 8 times higher salary than Iran.

Nobody in Greece sold their kids. Thats laughable. We are a EU nation.

The pictures you show look like any poor eastern european city. Looks like Ukraine.

Irans GDP is only 191.7 billion $.

Greece GDP is 189.4 billion €... and Iran has 8 times more people than Greece.

Greece is classified as an advanced,[49] high-income economy,[50]

P.s. at its current growth rate, Iran would need 68 years to catch up to the average income in Greece.

lets look at some real facts from the world bank data:

Iran GDP: $ 1,101,657 billionGreece GDP: $ 305,005. billon
Iran external debt: $ 1.3 billionGreece external debt: $ 526,462 billon

Greece has a real GDP of MINUS $221 BILLION!!!!

Now go and fantecise about being a high income, developped EU nation! LOL
We should help the honorable Greek people get rid of zionist / globalist freemason overlordship. The same EU globalists which sucked their country dry and are treating it like a second rate entity. We will not do so. In my opinion, the solution for Greece resides in a popular revolution grounded in Orthodox Christianity, anti-imperialism and support for the disinherited.
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. In my opinion, the solution for Greece resides in a popular revolution grounded in Orthodox Christianity
My friend,unfortunately the Left has influenced society and controls the media and opinions so much,that young people lean towards leftist liberal lifestyles more and more.
This article says Greeks were selling their kids:


I really don´t need to argure anymore...... the infrastructure pictures talk for themselves. I have been to Greece many times, and know exactly how poor and backwards it is. The infrastructure in Iran is light years ahead.... Greece´s GDP is NEGATIVE. It has more debt than GDP. Even their GDP is a fantacy, much like their history. LOL.

Yes you are in the EU... but here we go again with the Greeks trying to claim other people´s achievemnets. EU has power because of Germany, France and to lesser extent Italy. Greece is a poor liability that constantly needs to beg for money and debt relief! And in this EU country, I have several times been begged for money from little children!!!! What a great EU country.

There never was a Greece, untill the British formed a rebellion to create a country out of the Ottoman empire. Even in the ancient times, there was never a united country, but rival kingdoms that hated and murdered and enslaved each other. The Byzantines were Roman, and that is what they called themselves. After the Romans destroyed the Hellenic fifdoms, there was no Greek countries for 2400 years! These are historic facts.... but maybe it feels better to live in a fantacy world. Better yet, post more cartoon picures of wars from 2400 years ago, where the Greeks were total winners. LOL

You never were in Greece. Your rubbish shows that you tell lies. There are no begging children.

Its always easy to tell who imposters are when you call out their lies.

And quoting the dailymail :D a british tabloid that claimed Merkel is daughter of hitler. :D
lets look at some real facts from the world bank data:

Iran GDP: $ 1,101,657 billionGreece GDP: $ 305,005. billon
Iran external debt: $ 1.3 billionGreece external debt: $ 526,462 billon

Greece has a real GDP of MINUS $221 BILLION!!!!

Now go and fantecise about being a high income, developped EU nation! LOL

Yet its iranians who demonstrate for bread, water and gas.

In Greece we have an average monthly income of 2430€

In Iran its 8 times lower


Its plain simple, a greek cleaning person earns roughly as much as an iranian medical doctor in a hospital.
Yes yes..... Iran just got lucky with a big resource rich land mass in a vitally imortant Geographic area... it´s not like Iranians worked hard and fought hard to keep their country independent.......maybe we too should have just rolled over and surrendered to the Ottomans!!!

Lets have a look at the global ranking in scientific output by country:

Iran ranked 16th Globally in scientific output..... Greece ranked 39th!!!!!
In Nano technology, Iran is ranked 4th in the world. Greece isnt even on the list!!!!
In Maths Olympids, Iran is ranked 12th......Greece is ranked 50th!!!

Maybe you should look at these realities, rather than fantacies from 2400 years ago.....

Yes......it´s just all that lucky oil that makes Iran so much richer and significantly more developed than the Greeks......


Iran of course is not more developed than Greece.

While Greece is labelled a industrialized, high income economy. Iran is still in transition from agricultural land to basic industrial level.

Greece's HDI (human development index) value for 2019 is 0.888— which put the country in the very high human development category—positioning it at 32 out of 189 countries and territories. Between 1990 and 2019, Greece's HDI value increased from 0.761 to 0.888, an increase of 16.7 percent.

Iran (Islamic Republic of)'s HDI value for 2019 is 0.783— which put the country in the high human development category—positioning it at 70 out of 189 countries and territories.
We should help the honorable Greek people get rid of zionist / globalist freemason overlordship. The same EU globalists which sucked their country dry and are treating it like a second rate entity. We will not do so. In my opinion, the solution for Greece resides in a popular revolution grounded in Orthodox Christianity, anti-imperialism and support for the disinherited.

With all due respect but i would not want to live in a country grounded in orthodox christianity. Christianity is only a small aspect of our culture, soul and history.

Greece must be based on greek virtues of democracy, logic. It must also be imbedded with the other european countries in trade and defense. The EU is important as well.
With all due respect but i would not want to live in a country grounded in orthodox christianity. Christianity is only a small aspect of our culture, soul and history.

Greece must be based on greek virtues of democracy, logic. It must also be imbedded with the other european countries in trade and defense. The EU is important as well.

To me liberal so-called "democracy" is a hoax, which the Spartans understood quite well I believe. Hence I plead for religious democracy instead - something akin to the Iranian model of governance. You can base it on Greek values, these aren't limited to proto-liberal Athenean democracy as you know better than me.

As for the EU: I'd never acquiesce to any transfer of sovereignty to a supra-national entity, especially one which erects Tower of Babel-style Promethean edifices to house one of its main institutions... because at the end of the day, this is a recipe for dissolution into the masonic one-world regime, where nothing will be left of Greek specificity. The EU is a globalist organization led by freemasons, not a "Euro nationalist" one. It's because I want Greece to continue to exist as a nation and civilization that I oppose the globalist agenda, of which the EU is but a conduit.
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To me liberal so-called "democracy" is a hoax, which the Spartans understood quite well I believe. Hence I plead for religious democracy instead - something akin to the Iranian model of governance. You can base it on Greek values, these aren't limited to proto-liberal Athenean democracy as you know better than me.

As for the EU: I'd never acquiesce to any transfer of sovereignty to a supra-national entity, especially one which erects Tower of Babel-style Promethean edifices to house one of its main institutions... because at the end of the day, this is a recipe for dissolution into the masonic one-world regime, where nothing will be left of Greek specificity. The EU is a globalist organization led by freemasons, not a "Euro nationalist" one. It's because I want Greece to continue to exist as a nation and civilization that I oppose the globalist agenda, of which the EU is but a conduit.

I dont see the iranian model as something that would fit for Greece. We have totally different culture and way of thinking.

Basicly what you suggest is a Byzantine Empire style for Greece. But that would not incorporate our 5000 years history. I'm orthodox of course but for me and most of my people, Athena, Hera and Zeus are as close to my heart as well.

I dont see how Greece would be lost in the EU. Greeks are very patriotic people, same counts for Italy, France ect. The EU is important to secure our interests in the world. Why you think Turkey doesnt dare to attack us? The EU has its flaws but it is important for european countries to speak with one voice.
I dont see the iranian model as something that would fit for Greece. We have totally different culture and way of thinking.

Basicly what you suggest is a Byzantine Empire style for Greece. But that would not incorporate our 5000 years history. I'm orthodox of course but for me and most of my people, Athena, Hera and Zeus are as close to my heart as well.

I dont see how Greece would be lost in the EU. Greeks are very patriotic people, same counts for Italy, France ect. The EU is important to secure our interests in the world. Why you think Turkey doesnt dare to attack us? The EU has its flaws but it is important for european countries to speak with one voice.

Don't you consider the Byzantine empire as part of Greek civilization? Mind you, some analysts postulate that the current Iranian model is a continuation of pre-Islamic governance as much as it is Islamic, because the Supreme Leader, a high-ranking cleric, is attributed more or less the powers of an Iranian king or emperor...

So what I propose Greece should adopt, is not a negation of its ancient heritage. Fusions or combinations are possible. But what I don't believe in is liberal secular democracy. Nor did the Spartans.

The EU is conceived by its founders and leaders as a stepping stone towards a world government in which all nations will be dissolved. You mention France, well, what is left of it? It is a decaying nation threatened by extinction. Since the 1789 revolution, it has been ruled by freemason elites who don't believe in any form of Tradition (whether religious or national). The patriotism you see today in France is superficial and uprooted, it serves to control the masses and channel them towards the globalist goals.

The US and the zionists will play Greece and Turkey against each other. Nothing beats standing on one's own feet to protect oneself from foreign aggression.
LOL.... I think this is why I like the Greeks..... they make me laugh with their dilusions....

So lets sum up a few things we have learnt so far:

. Don´t listen to Dutch historians who say the Greeks lost their wars to Persians, they just hate the Greeks
. Don´t listen to historians who say that there never was a united Greek country in the ancient times, and these Hellenic states hated eachother and were at war with each other all the time. Don´t look at history that shows the diffent Hellenic fifdoms would ask for and get Persian help to kill each other. History is all lies, unless it is pro Greek.

. Don´t listen to the Byzanines who called themselves Roman. They were really Greeks... they just didn´t know it.

. The Greeks really did invent everything, and here is a list from wikipedia to show how everything was invented 2500 years ago!!!! Other sources lie and hate Greeks.

. Don´t liten to British newspapers showing that Greeks are so poor they were selling their children...the British Tabloids hate the Greeks.

. Don´t believe your lying eyes. Pictures showing Iran is light years ahead in development than Greece are lies. Pictures hate Greeks.

. You can´t powssibley have been to Greece.....cause we don´t have begger children.....and don´t show me pictures of begger children in Greece, cause pictures hate Greeks.

. Don´t look at official statistics showing Greece has a negative 200 bilion dollar economy. Statistics hate Greeks. We are 8 times richer than you..... especially after selling our kids....

. Anyone saying that the average Greek makes 800 to 900 Euros a month and has to pay 60% of that in taxes is a lier. Don´t listen to people on the ground, listen to kids on the internet.

. Don´t look at the fact that the only industries Greece has is to make olives and tomatoes, Greece is an Industrialised country.

. Don´t look at Iran´s industries, they are 80s technology. Greece could make all those things too, but they love their high tech olive and tomato industries too much to diversify.

. Don´t look at Iran´s high ranking in science and technology.....science technology hate Greeks......belive cartoons of batters from 2500 year ago.

Please carry on informing us about the amazing Greeks.... it is very entertaining.
Don't you consider the Byzantine empire as part of Greek civilization?
Bro yes,definitely. It's medieval Greece. But what he means,I think is that the ancient part is equally in our hearts as well.

So what I propose Greece should adopt, is not a negation of its ancient heritage. Fusions or combinations are possible. But what I don't believe in is liberal secular democracy. Nor did the Spartans.
Personally,I'm more of a romantic pro-monarchist. This weird democracy that we've had since 1975 onwards,has been the slow destruction of morality and a period full of corrupt politicians and globalist propaganda to the young people.

The US and the zionists will play Greece and Turkey against each other. Nothing beats standing on one's own feet to protect oneself from foreign aggression.
They've been doing that for decades! But then again,the Turks either with Kemalist or Islamist governments,often provoked and tried to cause tension. It's just that the last 10-12 years,Erdogan has turned up the volume way too much. Maybe it's also because he is allied with the MHP in the Turkish parliament,to stay in government.
What the Americans mostly want is balance in the region. They don't want crazy things going out of hand. And right now the Turks have been meddling in a lot of countries and they don't like that.

@Apollon don't reply to the retard with the fake flags,just report him for trolling. The guy's here to troll,forget he's initial speeches about how he "doesn't want to seem nasty to Greeks,but..." it's all bull. He's either ridiculously ignorant or just a lying troll.
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