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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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I watched the hollywood movies "300" & " Prince of Persia" and noticed that in "300" the Persian cast was almost entirely black & ugly and in "Prince of Persia" the Persian cast magically turned white & handsome! In "300" the Persian army was called "an evil army of slaves" & Persian King Xerxes was half naked with chains & piercings all over his body making him look like a uncivilized barbarian. But in "Prince of Persia" the Persians are now white, handsome and all-powerfull. Persian prince Jake Gyllenhaal even speaks with a british accent when he's actually american. Funny how in the movies Persians are white when they are the good guys and black when they are the villains. Hollywood & western media distorts Persian culture and history:tdown:

Well in 300 the Greek who was blind is telling the story. He obviously portrays them as barbarians and mosters in his tale. Exaggeration was common back then in story telling, an I guess the producers wanted to include that.
.....Anyhow Was India not weaker than Persia for much of history? I mean it was ruled by outsiders for a long time.

Only a person who doesn't know Indian history would say that......but its not your fault...you'll say what you're taught....

I won't be able to teach whole Indian History here....but I'll try to give you a glimpse.....go through if you're interested to know anything apart from western propaganda.....

Apparently it might seem that India was 'weaker' than rest of the world......but if you delve deeper into Indian history you'll understand where this so called 'weakness' came from.....

Indian civilizations/Empires were culturally/spiritually inclined....remember, all the worlds Dharmic religions originated from India and most of them were non-violent like Buddhism, Jainism etc...
When rest of the world was killing each other....we were searching for the 'true meaning of life'......and this led to our destruction.....
Little did we know that the barbaric Huns,Arabs,Mongols won't appreciate out spiritualism.....which will later be adopted by the eastern countries....

Now let me show you how 'mighty' and 'brave' those western, Arab, Persian, Turk invaders were...
Throughout Indian History, the outside invaders could ONLY invade India when the Indian civilizations/Empires were in their declining stages or almost died.....
To start with, The Indus valley Civilization(IVC) after running for more than 2000 yrs declined by itself.....NOT due to any invasion....
Historians proved that the collapse of IVC was caused by drought,changes in the course of the Indus river, decline in trade with Egypt and Mesopotamia etc......as a result the civilization moved towards east of India and concentrated near the Ganges....
Indus Valley Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
At this time several branches of Philosophies originated from Hinduism(the vedic religion the IVC people followed along with rest of India) and UNFORTUNATELY their philosophies centered around NON-VIOLENCE....they were so obsessed with the IMPRACTICAL idea of non-violence that the Jains covered their mouths with pieces of clothes so as to prevent insects from accidentally entering the mouth and getting killed....

Now, these new philosophies(religions) spread like wildfire, they prospered under the direct patronage of Hindu kings....Buddhism prospered the most(as it is more practical than Jainism)....they created several centers of learning, the world's first universities(Nalanda and Takshila) were created by them.......when the rest of the barbaric world was cutting each other we were concentrating on academics and spirituality(UNFORTUNATELY).....we integrated both of them.....
Its only because of these non-violent Buddhists who flourished in the north and north-west that invaders could invade these areas.....and these 'mighty', 'fearless' invaders with all their might got stuck in the north-west when they faced resistance from 'weak' hindu kings from the heartland...

It is by killing these non-violent Buddhists, In 530 BCE the Persians(under king Cyrus) conquered the north-west of India(Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan)....they remained their for 200 yrs but could not enter into the mainland....during the same time Alexander the 'great' came, he too could not enter the mainland.....but they were mighty warriors....so the explanation is, they spared India, isn't it??

soon after, the Mauryas took back from the Persians whatever they conquered in the north-west..........AND then what happened, fortunately for the would be invaders and unfortunately for India, the great Mauryan king Ashoka(greatest Indian king) turned to spiritualism,shunned violence and began spreading Buddhism instead of running his empire....leading to complete destruction of the Mauryan Empire
Just have a look at the Mauryan dynasty and its tributaries(below pic)...when King Ashoka left it all....
File:Maurya Dynasty in 265 BCE.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the difference.....your 'greatest' kings Alexander, Cyrus etc. were always dedicated in expanding their empires and our greatest king dedicated himself in spreading non-violence.....

Anyway, after Ashoka, the Mauryan empire got divided into smaller kingdoms and this state continued for almost 1000 yrs....

Then the Arabs invaded(after conquering Persia)....they too were NOT able to enter into the mainland(the Arabs expansion was checked and contained to Sindh in Pakistan)........and you were saying that the Indians were weaker than the Persians......the Persians couldn't hold back the Arabs....we could....
Then the Turks invaded..... fierce battle continued in the north and north-western provinces...with the power shifting continuously from Hindu to Muslim hands and viceversa....
Then the Mughals invaded.....under so many invasions....and due to internal conflict....we finally faltered.....even then Hindu king Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya hold a significant portion of India under his rule and there were several small Hindu kingdoms also throughout Mughal rule...

So the bottomline is neither king Cyrus nor Alexander could conquer India.....

History of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Go ahead genius and tell us when Cyrus the great tried to take over India and he failed. go ahead please.
we had some parts of India under our control, that part is modern day Pakistan, so before trying to create some sort of BS make sure you actually use your brain. do you think if Cyrus the great wanted to take over full India he could not? are you high? what was India compared to babylon? also don't forget how nader shah took over India :lol:

@ offbeat

Please, please in the name of the holy Shiva and Bhagavan stop leaching us. Will Indian's stop being parasites. The Indus fcuking Valley fcuking Civilization is based in the fcuking Indus Valley which is fcuking predominantly Punjab and Sindh. Both these ancient peoples are the backbone of Pakistan today.

Ask most the Pakistani members here who they fcuking are, most will reply Punjabi or Sindhi. Almost 50% of Pakistan is Punjab. That why the name Pakistan has a P in it. Pakistan is a acronym. P-Punjab, A-Afghania [erstwhile NWFP], K-Kashmir, S-Sindh and Balochis-tan.

Google Mohenjo Daro and Harrapa and I swear to fcuking god they are both in Pakistan. Both Sindhi's and Pakistan Punjabi's don't want anything to do with India that is why they federated into Pakistan so leave these people alone. They are the fcuking custodians and inherritors of the Indus Valley Civilization.

A culture/realm does not make a empire. Europe, the Mediterranean, all of far east are cultural realms but that does not proximate to a empire or a country. The India you are talking about is a name of a geographic region like Iberia, Scandinavia, Balkans etc. Only since British rule has the geograhic reguional term India meant a single political entity, even than it included even Burma in British India.

India was a generic name for a geographic region like I said before, Iberia, Scandinavia,Balkans etc until in 1947 a political republic adopted it as a name that is known as Indian Republic.

India as in the modern state came into existance only since 1947. When Alexander invaded the region he fought a Punjabi, Porus near Jhelum which is a typical Punjabi town in Pakistan today. At times as Persian God King said this Indus Valley Region has been under Persian rule or the easternmost satrapy of Persia.

When will you Indians leave us fcuking alone ... we are sick of you parasites !!!

Pakistan is a gift of the Indus River like Eygpt is a gift of the Nile. Have fcuking look at a map if you don't believe me.

Sorry for my strong reaction. We have wasted thread after thread on this subject but the Indian's will not leave our land and our forefathers alone. What business does a Indian sat in 1,000 miles away in Chennai have on claiming our heritage and our forefathers?

Go ahead genius and tell us when Cyrus the great tried to take over India and he failed. go ahead please.
we had some parts of India under our control, that part is modern day Pakistan, so before trying to create some sort of BS make sure you actually use your brain. do you think if Cyrus the great wanted to take over full India he could not? are you high? what was India compared to babylon? also don't forget how nader shah took over India :lol:

That's what I'm saying......Cyrus could have taken over India, Alexander could have taken over India.......everyone could have taken over India.......but they couldn't.....oops, they didn't right!!
They had intentions to conquer the whole world but by some miracle they, after coming to India's borders spared India.....I guess they loved India too much....

and Nader Shah took over India from the Mughals.......
That's what I'm saying......Cyrus could have taken over India, Alexander could have taken over India.......everyone could have taken over India.......but they couldn't.....oops, they didn't right!!.......they had intentions to conquer the whole world but by some miracle they, after coming to India's borders spared India.....I guess they loved India too much....

and Nader Shah took over India from the Mughals.......

He had the part of India which was important and that was called Indus vally (Modern day Pakistan), the rest was just jungle.
India has been literally raped by so many countries, were you not a colony for the British?:lol:

Go ahead genius and tell us when Cyrus the great tried to take over India and he failed. go ahead please.
we had some parts of India under our control, that part is modern day Pakistan, so before trying to create some sort of BS make sure you actually use your brain. do you think if Cyrus the great wanted to take over full India he could not? are you high? what was India compared to babylon? also don't forget how nader shah took over India :lol:

Nader didn't took over India, he ransacked the town of Delhi and peshwar at the pretext of mughals sheltering some pushtuns fugitive when mughal empire was in shambles. For us he is no different than mongol barbaric nomads who sacked the whole city of baghdad.

Chandragupta mourya defeated Greeks and had large swathe of persian territory in khorasan in his control for a long time.

Persian have had a centralized govt for most part of their history while we couldn't afford that because of our extreme diversity, however whenever there was a centralized govt in india, she was one of the main powers in world.
India was never really unified like Persia was. Porus was not a governer. He had his own kingdom, and did not answer to a supreme king the way the Persian staraps did. There were numerous kingdoms within India. Thus there was no "india" to conquer in the nationalisitc sense, but kingdoms within a geographic location.
He had the part of India which was important and that was called Indus vally (Modern day Pakistan), the rest was just jungle.
India has been literally raped by so many countries, were you not a colony for the British?:lol:
Yeah right Einstein, the area that is modern day Pakistan has been hinterland for most part of history idiot. Most of the civilizations were based on north India with Delhi as capital.

Talking about rape, you guys were raped by turks, mongol, arabs, Greeks and what not. You want me to give you a chronicle of how persian speaking central Asia has become turco mongol.

India was never really unified like Persia was. Porus was not a governer. He had his own kingdom, and did not answer to a supreme king the way the Persian staraps did. There were numerous kingdoms within India. Thus there was no "india" to conquer in the nationalisitc sense, but kingdoms within a geographic location.
There were unified empires, mourya, gupta, pala, mughal. Also south India had their own set of civilizations, cholas, chalukyas etc.
He had the part of India which was important and that was called Indus vally (Modern day Pakistan), the rest was just jungle.
India has been literally raped by so many countries, were you not a colony for the British?:lol:

You're telling other people not to follow propaganda and now you yourself are showing your lack of knowledge....
By the time the Persians invaded, the Indus valley Civilization was long dead(abandoned)........If you don't know History, at least go through the links I've provided......

Again, the British took over India from the Mughals....

No 'greatest' ruler of the earth could ever take over India from the Hindus during their heyday.......whereas Alexander and the Arabs conquered Persia during your 'greatest' ruler's heyday.......:lol:
Yeah right Einstein, the area that is modern day Pakistan has been hinterland for most part of history idiot. Most of the civilizations were based on north India with Delhi as capital.

Talking about rape, you guys were raped by turks, mongol, arabs, Greeks and what not. You want me to give you a chronicle of how persian speaking central Asia has become turco mongol.


You're telling other people not to follow propaganda and now you yourself are showing your lack of knowledge....
By the time the Persians invaded, the Indus valley Civilization was long dead(abandoned)........If you don't know History, at least go through the links I've provided......

Again, the British took over India from the Mughals....

No 'greatest' ruler of earth could ever take over India from the Hindus during their heyday.......whereas Alexander and the Arabs conquered Persia during your 'greatest' ruler's heyday.......

what a retard, indus vally is still Pakistan you fool. it does not matter what it was called.
Persia had no need to take over full India cause Pakistan was all that was worth taking over, the rest was just jungle :lol:
it is like some guy in zimbabwe saying hey no one ever managed to take over us, well it because no one gives a **** about that place :rofl:
Indus valley was in modern day india and Pakistan with Pakistan having larger share, go look up the map. Babylon also was in modern day Iraq, what's your point.
India was never really unified like Persia was. Porus was not a governer. He had his own kingdom, and did not answer to a supreme king the way the Persian staraps did. There were numerous kingdoms within India. Thus there was no "india" to conquer in the nationalisitc sense, but kingdoms within a geographic location.

At least look at the Maurya Empire before commenting.....
I'm posting the pic once again....

People are so desperate that they won't even face reality....


Until very recently the name 'India' carried the same geographic flavour as Scandinavia, Balkans or even Europe. It was a name of a geographic region.Period. Like any other region of the world it had many political entities. Only recently has this huge geographic region been united politically.

When the ottomans entered Europe, they crossed into a cultural realm but they did not run into a political entity called Europe. A European Army etc. They ran into lots of differant counties/kingdoms. Greece, Romania, Hungary, Austria etc.

Ditto for the ancient geograhic India. When a invader entered this region he would run into Punjab, Sindh [todays Pakistan] and then dozens of other kingdoms/countries etc What has happened to cause this mix up is that a geograhic term has been adopted by a modern political entity as in the post 1947 Indian Republic. Like say a Romania decided to call itself Europe and then claim eveything within the geographic Europe unto itself.


Hinterland? So you think that Punjab and Sindh [Pakistan] have been hinterland? Well might I ask where was the Indus Valley Civilization centred on?
Indus valley was in modern day india and Pakistan with Pakistan having larger share, go look up the map. Babylon also was in modern day Iraq, what's your point.

so what? you just proved my point lol... Pakistan was all the was worth taking over. why would they need to take over the rest?
was Pakistan not part of India then? and we took over it, so what the **** did you do about it lol?
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