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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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They came from Khorasan and never intermarried with local Indians.

They don't speak Persian and their culture is mainly Gujurati now. But if they want to be Persians thats fine, we aren't police to tell them no. Just don't say we are fake Persians, because that really is a joke.
exactly, also when they make their films about greece, it is always told in point if view of the greeks.
the main characters are always Greeks and Persian are always the bad guys lol

300 made me ROFL loud.... 300 spartans vs millions of evil persians from "dozens of regions of the empire"... :lol:
Are you suggesting No Indian converted to Zoroastrian in your country?

Yes, No Indian converted.
There are two groups of Zoroastrians in India Parsis(origin with word Farsi) another group is known as Irani.
300 made me ROFL loud.... 300 spartans vs millions of evil persians from "dozens of regions of the empire"... :lol:

Xerxes the Great did have a army numbering in million, but that army was used to keep security throughout his empire, his empire was about 8 million Km^2. the number he used for invasion of greece was probably 100-200 thousand. also have you realizes in the film 300 you see immortals getting killed so easily whilst in reality when immortals arrived they surrounded the greeks and slaughtered them. they also did not see who how the Persian burned athens to the ground :lol:

Yes, No Indian converted.
There are two groups of Zoroastrians in India Parsis(origin with word Farsi) another group is known as Irani.

Parsis and Irani? what the hell is the difference? dude come on I can send you a link to an Indian Zoroastrian right now.
he is the Iran forum version of this PDF. his user name is partha and he is an Indian and lived in India.
Xerxes the Great did have a army numbering in million, but that army was used to keep security throughout his empire, his empire was about 8 million Km^2. the number he used for invasion of greece was probably 100-200 thousand. also have you realizes in the film 300 you see immortals getting killed so easily whilst in reality when immortals arrived they surrounded the greeks and slaughtered them. they also did not see who how the Persian burned athens to the ground :lol:

I agree.... but we should also not forget how Leonidas"s sacrifice for greece.
Who cares?

We should look at the future instead of living in the past. :coffee:
I agree.... but we should also not forget how Leonidas"s sacrifice for greece.

He was a stupid person, he though 300 greeks with 30,000 other soldiers were enough lol
stupidity is the downfall of all man.
also if he was such a great warrior and so strong and mighty and kickass then why did he hide in some small mountain path like a little *****? lol, he should had took on the army head on and then we would has saw he great he would had done.

Who cares?

We should look at the future instead of living in the past. :coffee:
My friend, we cannot forget our ancestors and what they died for. people like me will fight for their memory.
you should do the same. China was first country to use calculas but now England say it was them.
He was a stupid person, he though 300 greeks with 30,000 other soldiers were enough lol
stupidity is the downfall of all man.
also if he was such a great warrior and so strong and mighty and kickass then why did he hide in some small mountain path like a little *****? lol, he should had took on the army head on and then we would has saw he great he would had done.

My friend, we cannot forget our ancestors and what they died for. people like me will fight for their memory.
you should do the same. China was first country to use calculas but now England say it was them.

That was a good tactic... he knew tht he couldnt take on xerxes head on.... but he could inflict heavy losses from such a strategic point...
Xerxes the Great did have a army numbering in million, but that army was used to keep security throughout his empire, his empire was about 8 million Km^2. the number he used for invasion of greece was probably 100-200 thousand. also have you realizes in the film 300 you see immortals getting killed so easily whilst in reality when immortals arrived they surrounded the greeks and slaughtered them. they also did not see who how the Persian burned athens to the ground :lol:

Parsis and Irani? what the hell is the difference? dude come on I can send you a link to an Indian Zoroastrian right now.
he is the Iran forum version of this PDF. his user name is partha and he is an Indian and lived in India.

Parsis came after arab conquest, Irani came during Qajar period, there is a migration gap of 1000 years.
That was a good tactic... he knew tht he couldnt take on xerxes head on.... but he could inflict heavy losses from such a strategic point...

Yes, so why they reffer to spartans as greatest warrior lol? head on immortals would had slaughtered them.
the immortals were the most elite fighter taken from all of asia apparently. I am not saying they were better than spartans because I did not see them fight. but for them to say spartans could so easily kill immortals was so ridiculous.
in the war there was 10,000 immortals apparently, they were alone enough to deal with the greek army.
Cyrus was killed by his enemies in battle.
Militarily he was nowhere near as good as Alexander or Ganghis Khan. Both of whom never were killed and did not lose.
This forum is full of a certain demographic. If you go and debate with people from other parts of the world, you would get more refutations to your assertion.

There you go. One is famous among Iranians, the other is globally renowned.

Cyrus is the only king that is respected by all nations and all religions -- even by Greeks and Alexander himself. What about Alexander?
In the Name of God

1. They say that, once upon a time, the pious Zartosht made the religion, which he had received, current in the world; (2) and till the completion of 300 years, the religion was in purity, and men were without doubts.

3. But afterward, the accursed evil spirit, the wicked one, in order to made men doubtful of this religion, (4) instigated the accursed Alexander, the Roman, who was dwelling in Egypt, so that he came to the country of Iran with severe cruelty and war and devastation; (5) he also slew the ruler of Iran, (6) and destroyed the metropolis and empire, and made them desolate.

7. And this religion, namely, all the Avesta and Zand, written upon prepared cow-skins, and with gold ink, was deposited in the archives, in Stakhar Papakan, (8) and the hostility of the evil-destined, wicked Ashemok, the evil-doer, brought onward Alexander, the Roman, who was dwelling in Egypt, and he burned them up. (9) And he killed several Dasturs and judges and Herbads and Mobads and upholders of the religion, and the competent and wise of the country of Iran. (10) And he cast hatred and strife, one with the other, amongst the nobles and householders of the country of Iran; (11) and self-destroyed, he fled to hell.


^ from Arda Viraf Namag
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