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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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He was a truly amazing man, just imagine. he created the first superpower on earth, no one before created anything even close to him, but yet he remained a just and kind leader. he allowed people to have their own religion, he even freed jews from babylon.
he even created first chapter of humans right. and now we have some kids saying this rapist called alexander was "great" lol
this is how pathetic these westerns are. so many of them steal eastern culture and achievements, like how they steal Indian,Chinese and Persian maths achievements and say they created it.

He is also in Jewish bible as Messiah because he saved them from extinction. He was truly one of the greatest, kindest men to ever roam the earth.
what did he achieve that someone before him did not lol? Cyrus the great was the only great king of that time, he was the first king who gained the title the "the great" alexander was rapist and destroyer of cities that is all.
the **** of Cyrus was worth more than this pathetic thing who you call "the great".
he is only remembered because hollywood and west make a film or documentary about him every day.
people like Cyrus the great are truly remembered, he is someone who is refereed to as father even today.

Cyrus was killed by his enemies in battle.
Militarily he was nowhere near as good as Alexander or Ganghis Khan. Both of whom never were killed and did not lose.
This forum is full of a certain demographic. If you go and debate with people from other parts of the world, you would get more refutations to your assertion.

Not just today, for next million years. As long as there are Iranians walking this Earth, he will be our father.

There you go. One is famous among Iranians, the other is globally renowned.
There you go. One is famous among Iranians, the other is globally renowned.

If he is only famous amongst Iranians, why do so many westerners have the name Cyrus? Or Darius, or Casper and all the other many Iranian names? Face it, its just because of hollywood that Alexander is so famous, otherwise Cyrus is in another league.
Cyrus was killed by his enemies in battle.
Militarily he was nowhere near as good as Alexander or Ganghis Khan. Both of whom never were killed and did not lose.
This forum is full of a certain demographic. If you go and debate with people from other parts of the world, you would get more refutations to your assertion.

There you go. One is famous among Iranians, the other is globally renowned.

How do you know Alexander did not die in battle? was you there? unless you know what happened then don't create random theories.
Cyrus the great is very knowed here in UK, especially amongst the academics, I learn alot of what I know about Cyrus from discussion from people in Oxford, and ultimately I compared what they said to what professional in Iran said and then I came to a conclusion for myself. of course what happened 2600 years ago could be very doctored today. now days the young population I seen they don't even know anything about their own country nevermind the like of cyrus. what they learn they do so from films. and most famous films come from hollywood. so only reason alexander is even knows today is mostly because if the film and the documentaries about him. I seen people even actually wonder and ask question like " Did persian really have monsters like in 300?" after them watching 300.

The west is very biased towards eastern culture, because they are very afraid of east. they know eastern culture were light years more advanced than theirs. I mean compare mesepotamia,Elam,Egypt and indus vally to anything west had lol.
I never see west making any films about Elam, summer,indus even though sooo much great things is there for films. their films is always about Rome or some stupid films about ancient greece...
so of course I am not surprised that some Canadian guy likes Alexander more than Cyrus...
300 was the most stupid movie I have ever seen.

They are even making another one, It is very good people see the amount of disrespect they have for our culture.
in the film Alexander they referred to Indians as "Low evil people".

If he is only famous amongst Iranians, why do so many westerners have the name Cyrus? Or Darius, or Casper and all the other many Iranian names? Face it, its just because of hollywood that Alexander is so famous, otherwise Cyrus is in another league.

I did not know casper was Persian word lol. but the best Persian name is Zoroaster. I am changing my name to that.
it is currently Farbod, which is also a ancient Persian name.
They are even making another one, It is very good people see the amount of disrespect they have for our culture.
in the film Alexander they referred to Indians as "Low evil people".

I did not know casper was Persian word lol. but the best Persian name is Zoroaster. I am changing my name to that.
it is currently Farbod, which is also a ancient Persian name.

Keep Farbod, its a great name... Casper was the name of one of the three wise men of Christianity who visited Jesus on his birth. They where all Iranian Zoroastrians ;)

BTW is that your pic on your profile page Farbod?
If he is only famous amongst Iranians, why do so many westerners have the name Cyrus? Or Darius, or Casper and all the other many Iranian names? Face it, its just because of hollywood that Alexander is so famous, otherwise Cyrus is in another league.

Any how many Alexander's do you see? I've lived in the US, UK, and Canada, and never met anyone named Cyrus. And all the Iranian's I've met have names like "Ramin Mometidi, Nima". And is hollywood the reason Julias ceasar and Napoloen looked up to Alexander and all of Rome suffered from Alexander envy?

Here are the lyrics to the British Grenadiers song from the British Empire:

Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these. But of all the world's great heroes, there's none that can compare. With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the British Grenadiers. Those heroes of antiquity ne'er saw a cannon ball, Or knew the force of powder to slay their foes withal. But our brave boys do know it, and banish all their fears, Sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers. Whene'er we are commanded to storm the palisades, Our leaders march with fusees, and we with hand grenades. We throw them from the glacis*, about the enemies' ears. Sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers. And when the siege is over, we to the town repair. The townsmen cry, "Hurrah, boys, here comes a Grenadier! Here come the Grenadiers, my boys, who know no doubts or fears! Then sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers. Then let us fill a bumper, and drink a health to those Who carry caps and pouches, and wear the loupèd clothes. May they and their commanders live happy all their years. With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers
The largest empire ever looked up to him as a hero.

Look at it this way, Mozart was a prodigy, like Alexander. Both were young, and both were the best in their time. That simply magnifies their appeal. We are drawn to prodigies.
Keep Farbod, its a great name... Casper was the name of one of the three wise men of Christianity who visited Jesus on his birth. They where all Iranian Zoroastrians ;)

BTW is that your pic on your profile page Farbod?

Well I am getting rid of me last name. do you think Zoroaster is good for a last name?
the 3 wise men were magi Persians.

Yes it is my picture, it is 2 years old. I have changed now.
Anyway. I hope this thread dues not turn into another pissing contest. lol.
Any how many Alexander's do you see? I've lived in the US, UK, and Canada, and never met anyone named Cyrus. And all the Iranian's I've met have names like "Ramin Mometidi, Nima". And is hollywood the reason Julias ceasar and Napoloen looked up to Alexander and all of Rome suffered from Alexander envy?

Here are the lyrics to the British Grenadiers song from the British Empire:

Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these. But of all the world's great heroes, there's none that can compare. With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the British Grenadiers. Those heroes of antiquity ne'er saw a cannon ball, Or knew the force of powder to slay their foes withal. But our brave boys do know it, and banish all their fears, Sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers. Whene'er we are commanded to storm the palisades, Our leaders march with fusees, and we with hand grenades. We throw them from the glacis*, about the enemies' ears. Sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers. And when the siege is over, we to the town repair. The townsmen cry, "Hurrah, boys, here comes a Grenadier! Here come the Grenadiers, my boys, who know no doubts or fears! Then sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers. Then let us fill a bumper, and drink a health to those Who carry caps and pouches, and wear the loupèd clothes. May they and their commanders live happy all their years. With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers
The largest empire ever looked up to him as a hero.

Look at it this way, Mozart was a prodigy, like Alexander. Both were young, and both were the best in their time. That simply magnifies their appeal. We are drawn to prodigies.

Ramin and Nima are Persian names as well. The reason you don't see Iranian Cyrus's is because in Persian it is Kourosh, or Sirous. Trust me you see plenty of Kourosh amongst Iranians.

Well I am getting rid of me last name. do you think Zoroaster is good for a last name?
the 3 wise men were magi Persians.

Yes it is my picture, it is 2 years old. I have changed now.

Why don't you like your last name? Is it Arab? :P
Anyway. I hope this thread dues not turn into another pissing contest. lol.

You did not even reply to comment I said to you earlier. we do not expect some Canadian guy to say Cyrus the better than Alexander.

Why don't you like your last name? Is it Arab? :P

LOL no, I just don't like it.
what sort of name is Bigdeli.
They are even making another one, It is very good people see the amount of disrespect they have for our culture.
in the film Alexander they referred to Indians as "Low evil people".

I did not know casper was Persian word lol. but the best Persian name is Zoroaster. I am changing my name to that.
it is currently Farbod, which is also a ancient Persian name.

Whatever it will be 30 or 3000, I am not going to watch.
Alexander's general Selucus who got Eastern Empire was badly defeated by Chandragupta so such racist comment doesn't matter.
You did not even reply to comment I said to you earlier. we do not expect some Canadian guy to say Cyrus the better than Alexander.

LOL no, I just don't like it.
what sort of name is Bigdeli.

Lol up to you bro. In my opinion Bigdeli is fine... You should also try and respect your parents and grandparents who had that name, keep it and pass it on down the generations. But if you are adamant in changing it then give yourself whatever name you are most happy with.
Whatever it will be 30 or 3000, I am not going to watch.
Alexander's general Selucus who got Eastern Empire was badly defeated by Chandragupta so such racist comment doesn't matter.

dude who knows how many times this Alexander got his *** kicked lol, the west lies so much about history.
asia needs to create their own combined great films industry, Iran,India have great film industry. if we combines we could make films about our eastern culture and counter the American retards who try and make us look like ****.

Lol up to you bro. In my opinion Bigdeli is fine... You should also try and respect your parents and grandparents who had that name, keep it and pass it on down the generations. But if you are adamant in changing it then give yourself whatever name you are most happy with.

I have no father, he was not a good person so I don't give crap about that name.
Cyrus is my true father.
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