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Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

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what did he achieve that someone before him did not lol? Cyrus the great was the only great king of that time, he was the first king who gained the title the "the great" alexander was rapist and destroyer of cities that is all.
the **** of Cyrus was worth more than this pathetic thing who you call "the great".
he is only remembered because hollywood and west make a film or documentary about him every day.
people like Cyrus the great are truly remembered, he is someone who is refereed to as father even today.

Not just today, for next million years. As long as there are Iranians walking this Earth, he will be our father.

He was a truly amazing man, just imagine. he created the first superpower on earth, no one before created anything even close to him, but yet he remained a just and kind leader. he allowed people to have their own religion, he even freed jews from babylon.
he even created first chapter of humans right. and now we have some kids saying this rapist called alexander was "great" lol
this is how pathetic these westerns are. so many of them steal eastern culture and achievements, like how they steal Indian,Chinese and Persian maths achievements and say they created it.

How do you know Alexander did not die in battle? was you there? unless you know what happened then don't create random theories.
Cyrus the great is very knowed here in UK, especially amongst the academics, I learn alot of what I know about Cyrus from discussion from people in Oxford, and ultimately I compared what they said to what professional in Iran said and then I came to a conclusion for myself. of course what happened 2600 years ago could be very doctored today. now days the young population I seen they don't even know anything about their own country nevermind the like of cyrus. what they learn they do so from films. and most famous films come from hollywood. so only reason alexander is even knows today is mostly because if the film and the documentaries about him. I seen people even actually wonder and ask question like " Did persian really have monsters like in 300?" after them watching 300.

The west is very biased towards eastern culture, because they are very afraid of east. they know eastern culture were light years more advanced than theirs. I mean compare mesepotamia,Elam,Egypt and indus vally to anything west had lol.
I never see west making any films about Elam, summer,indus even though sooo much great things is there for films. their films is always about Rome or some stupid films about ancient greece...
so of course I am not surprised that some Canadian guy likes Alexander more than Cyrus...

You are way off and you are blinded by nationalistic pride.

Facts for you. Greeks were and are obsessed with history. There are numerous accounts from very different sources that indicate that Alexander died out of illness.

Alexander you like it or not was the one of the two or three men that changed history by themselves and their determination to succeed.

Cyrus, Darious, Xerxes , they were all defeated. Actually without Herrodotus, another Greek, you wouldn't know much about Cyuus.

Personal grudges have nothing to do with real history. You can find real history in the earth. you just have to dig for it.

and people have been digging for years. They have found nothing that takes away anything from the glory of Alexander. If nothing it adds to it.

I have seen an authentic Macedonian shield and a spear. I have seen them. Even today it takes a very strong man to lift one.

The spear head is now 2300 years old. You can still use it. You sharpen it and you fix it on a pole and it will kill someone today just as it did 23 centuries ago. That is a know how no other culture had. That is something we cannot do today!!!

it was a combination of leadership and culture than brought those victories.

And if your favorite ancient persians were so awesome, they could have defeated Alexander. after all they outnumbered him every single step of the way.
Sorry to hear that... BTW Zoroaster is Latin, if you want to be truly Iranic you should name yourself Zartosht :D

Bro it is still a Persian name with Persian meaning. I will eat Persian food even if it is made in UK because it is still Persian food.

You are way off and you are blinded by nationalistic pride.

Facts for you. Greeks were and are obsessed with history. There are numerous accounts from very different sources that indicate that Alexander died out of illness.

Alexander you like it or not was the one of the two or three men that changed history by themselves and their determination to succeed.

Cyrus, Darious, Xerxes , they were all defeated. Actually without Herrodotus, another Greek, you wouldn't know much about Cyuus.

Personal grudges have nothing to do with real history. You can find real history in the earth. you just have to dig for it.

and people have been digging for years. They have found nothing that takes away anything from the glory of Alexander. If nothing it adds to it.

I have seen an authentic Macedonian shield and a spear. I have seen them. Even today it takes a very strong man to lift one.

The spear head is now 2300 years old. You can still use it. You sharpen it and you fix it on a pole and it will kill someone today just as it did 23 centuries ago. That is a know how no other culture had. That is something we cannot do today!!!

it was a combination of leadership and culture than brought those victories.

And if your favorite ancient persians were so awesome, they could have defeated Alexander. after all they outnumbered him every single step of the way.

You pathetic liar, so what we know about Cyrus comes from greece? .
I am happy now you shown you real knowledge in the matter LOL
there are thousand of facts in Iran about Cyrus, you are so brainwashed by the western BS.
also I answered you stupid point yesterday, Persian were not defeated by your beloved Alexander, the king left the battlefield so and the army would not continue. that army become part of Alexander army. lol let me guess we had an army of 10 million and he was 1000 men LOL?
You are way off and you are blinded by nationalistic pride.

Facts for you. Greeks were and are obsessed with history. There are numerous accounts from very different sources that indicate that Alexander died out of illness.

Alexander you like it or not was the one of the two or three men that changed history by themselves and their determination to succeed.

Cyrus, Darious, Xerxes , they were all defeated. Actually without Herrodotus, another Greek, you wouldn't know much about Cyuus.

Personal grudges have nothing to do with real history. You can find real history in the earth. you just have to dig for it.

and people have been digging for years. They have found nothing that takes away anything from the glory of Alexander. If nothing it adds to it.

I have seen an authentic Macedonian shield and a spear. I have seen them. Even today it takes a very strong man to lift one.

The spear head is now 2300 years old. You can still use it. You sharpen it and you fix it on a pole and it will kill someone today just as it did 23 centuries ago. That is a know how no other culture had. That is something we cannot do today!!!

it was a combination of leadership and culture than brought those victories.

And if your favorite ancient persians were so awesome, they could have defeated Alexander. after all they outnumbered him every single step of the way.

Look I got no problem with Greeks, in fact I always support them against Turks. But your continuous trolling here is going to change that good feeling. You should know that Greek historians wrote history in a biased way in favour of other Greeks. Thats how the 300 BS got spread. Also so what that Alexander had to hold a big spear? So did all the Iranian kings had to carry them as well.

Also Alexander captured already conquered land. Cyrus and Darius where the first people to capture them. First bill of human rights. Freed Jews. Allowed freedom of religion and language.

In fact Alexander was in so much awe and inspiration of Iranian kings that he followed in their customs, totally abandoning Greek customs in favour of Persian ones. That should tell you all you need to know.
Bro it is still a Persian name with Persian meaning. I will eat Persian food even if it is made in UK because it is still Persian food.

Two members here, vsdoc and angeldust are Indian Zoroastrians. Few weeks ago they had heated debate with Iranian members and the thread was closed by mod.
Lol they said that they are the real Persians and us living in Iran are fake Persians... Some deluded clowns....

Argument started when someone call them you don't look Iranian anymore. I didn't know that you had issues with Parsis.
Argument started when someone call them you don't look Iranian anymore. I didn't know that you had issues with Parsis.

I don't have issue with them, but they seem to hate us... To be honest I never really thought about them too much, wether I like them or not.
We have no problem with parsis people. but problem is just because you're a Zoroastrian that does not make you a Persian. lol
I don't have issue with them, but they seem to hate us... To be honest I never really thought about them too much, wether I like them or not.

I really don't know if they hate Iranians but they feel proud of preserving Zoroastrianism and Avestan language.
According to persian poet n philosopher Firdousi.... King Porus actually defeated Alexander ... no wonder after war although he lost his son... and alexander almost died ... his kingdom still belonged to him...

Portrait by ancient greek historians:
According to persian poet n philosopher Firdousi.... King Porus actually defeated Alexander ... no wonder after war although he lost his son... and alexander almost died ... his kingdom still belonged to him...

Portrait by ancient greek historians:

Question is, why should we believe what these greeks and westerns say? they are full of **** and they twist history to make themselves look better.
We have no problem with parsis people. but problem is just because you're a Zoroastrian that does not make you a Persian. lol

They came from Khorasan and never intermarried with local Indians.
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