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Aleppo Clashes Threaten to Spill into Turkish Territory

I'm pretty sure specops have got a couple of units on standby in case of an attack. Wouldn't be difficult for those guys to do an exfil. SAT team maybe?

Not SAT i suppose the JÖH is very well experienced with such kind of raids they would be the best to do it imo..

Quote from a ISIS jihadi, from the previous time they tried to mess with Turkey

Allahu akbar the turkish army has dipped its hands in the war in Shaam! Yesterday whilst we were whacking some FSA in al ra’i next to the Borders they sent a small kind of remote controlled plane over our heads, minutes later we were bombarded with explosives from Allah knows what kind of weaponry. The explosions were bigger than jet fighters, similiar to that from the huge barrel bombs helicopters occasionally drop. We had to retreat from the so far successful attack and took place behind some rocks for like an hour, night had come and no one could See much but if anyone moved an inch, it would be greeted with some 10-15 bullets flying inches above our heads lol we were literally lying on our backs watching them fly in front of our faces, it was like a scene from star wars with all the ‘zing’ noises and red lights, then the thunderclap noise of the bombs would come again, they would send 2 at a time wallahi it was like a storm, the flash from the turkey side, then the whilsting noise through the air and all we could do is lie flat waiting to see if it lands on our heads or not.

What are your thoughts about those rumors of Irans connection to ISIS lately?

They say that Iran created and are backing them to destroy the opposition.
I forgot about that it would make it ofcourse impossible. but their air defences are they still working and fully operational you think?

The rebels destroyed many of them already.
Syrian air defenses suffered little damage. But all their defenses are concentrated along the coastal area, east to Damascus and Suweida. Most of the Syria-Turkey border is completely unprotected.
Syrian air defenses suffered little damage. But all their defenses are concentrated along the coastal area, east to Damascus and Suweida. Most of the Syria-Turkey border is completely unprotected.

I would've thought they would have an S200 battery covering the area at the very least.
What are your thoughts about those rumors of Irans connection to ISIS lately?
They say that Iran created and are backing them to destroy the opposition.
We have not created ISIS, it existed since the US occupation of Iraq and consists of former Baathists.

However, I suspect both Assad and Iran have helped ISIS grow stronger in Syria to prevent an American attack. If the Syrian government is toppled, the fear is now that Al Qaeda will soon take over. Also, it counters the Saudi and Turkish sponsored groups.

I have to say, this strategy has worked. The rebels are now infighting, and NATO has no interest to help the global jihadist cause.
I would've thought they would have an S200 battery covering the area at the very least.
There are two S-200 batteries in Tartus:


But they are old and ineffective and they cover only high-medium altitudes (because of the LOS limits).
We have not created ISIS, it existed since the US occupation of Iraq and consists of former Baathists.

However, I suspect both Assad and Iran have helped ISIS grow stronger in Syria to prevent an American attack. If the Syrian government is toppled, the fear is now that Al Qaeda will soon take over. Also, it counters the Saudi and Turkish sponsored groups.

I have to say, this strategy has worked. The rebels are now infighting, and NATO has no interest to help the global jihadist cause.

Nato/American strategy works on first destroying a country from within then at the end conquering it , Just like what they did with Iraq :

1) drove iraq into a 10 years war with iran and supported a kurdish insurgency from 1978-1992 .
2) drove iraq into another war in 1990 with kuwait " desert storm "
3) removed Iraq strategic weapon under immense pressure " chemical and biological "
3) imposed a 13 years siege on iraq including banning it from selling any oil " food for oil program "
5) at the end they invaded iraq and destroyed what was remaining of its 1980 army and divided the country based on sectarian and ethnic lines.

Syria is going through the same cycle and it also happened before in Yoguslavia where the country was dragged into a civil war for 8 years until at the end Nato intervened dividing up the country into 6 states.

Syria is now giving up its strategic chemical and biological weapons and at the same time depleted its ballistic stock-piles on targeting Sunni majority towns and villages.

The barrel bombing campaign currently used by Assad is a sign that he completed wasted his ballistic missile arsenal and guided missiles , also it is a sign of weakness he now resorts to such despart methods after he could no longer fight with his full conventional force on the ground .

As for the Jihadis they will never rule Syria , they are only a tool used to destroy the country along with Assad himself destroying the country with his own forces.

The final Syrian scenario will involve the partition of Syria into 4 states , Sunni , alawite , druze and kurdish entities.

I would've thought they would have an S200 battery covering the area at the very least.

Yeah but your forgot Air defences are within range of SOM missiles and also yildrem missiles , can be easily destroyed in the event the tomb is attacked and Turkey set up a small security zone in aleppo until the tomb area.
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1) drove iraq into a 10 years war with iran and supported a kurdish insurgency from 1978-1992 .
2) drove iraq into another war in 1990 with kuwait " desert storm "
3) removed Iraq strategic weapon under immense pressure " chemical and biological "
3) imposed a 13 years siege on iraq including banning it from selling any oil " food for oil program "
5) at the end they invaded iraq and destroyed what was remaining of its 1980 army and divided the country based on sectarian and ethnic lines.
Most of this can be attributed to Iraq's incompetent leaders itself. I don't really believe in conspiracy theories about the west.
Technically anything the military does to protect this tomb will require a lot of planning. Basically they have to either get permission from Assad to fly unmolested into Syrian territory or they have to literally wipe out his aa and all of his units near the tomb. This could become a very big situation if the tomb is attacked and the military responds.
Most of this can be attributed to Iraq's incompetent leaders itself. I don't really believe in conspiracy theories about the west.

not about conspiracy theories but more to do with controlling the region , mix of religion and politics is what makes most arab leaders incompetent such as iraq and syria
And keep 100-150 special forces soldiers on standby to enter there anytime with helicopters..
wouldnt that be going a bit overboard, give them sand bags and some Heavy Machine guns also a secure line to call the Air Force if needed
I worry tht the Turkish army will get involved actively. While the Turkish army is at it, why not create a buffer zone and protect the Turkmen? They also have it not easy sandwiched between those terrorists.
Does anybody know the strength of the enemy in the immediate area?
25 general infranty soldiers armed with assault rifles and a few boxes of ammo is piss poor protection especially if the area has no underground bunker. Being a mausoleum and not just some building or concert shelter any type of damage received will be considered a failure to protect regardless of how many of the enemy died or wiped out.
I have read about it's location regarding distance and outlay, I understand how the Air force is on stand by and the artillery, special forces etc but realistically speaking how fast can any of these defenses respond?
You will need solid intelligence on the exact strength and weaponry of the enemy and it's distance at any given time.
You only need to sneak in some mortar tubes and rounds close enough (1-2 guys) to cause significant damage and death.
For all you know the enemy could have tunnels.

IMO we need a underground bunker for weapon storage and proection in case of being over run.
We need batteries ready to fire on possible enemy attack locations.
Most importantly we need more manpower dropped in or taken across.
Regarding the air support Syrian batteries are a concern either need to be taken out (act of war) or be confident that the F-16s can fly in relatively secure. S-200s are rather old.
Just don't fly in anymore god damn F-4s regardless whether it's a RF Simsek or Terminator.
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