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Afghanistan: 'We have won the war, America has lost', say Taliban

And, tons of movies with emotional scenes and dialogues!!! And, the US folks would remain proud and happy....
Yes, the poor yankee soldier who no one understands fighting the bearded diaper headed barbarians bringing freedom and demagogy to their oppressed women. Problem is Sylvester Stallone is too old and Rambo has been killed off too.

With cancel culture and the leftist doing everything to kill 'toxic masculinity' I guess we will have a misunderstood gender neutral hero soldier from the land of the brave fighting the afghanis coming to our screens very soon!
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Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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Who won don't know but this has been a huge money pit it good that money can be put to use back home. After so much loss of life on all sides would have been better the Taliban gave bin laden up and be done.
US stayed for 20 years, did whatever they wanted with the place but other than physically exterminating the population who opposed it (this is the only way to win in a foreign place with a hostile population) ,there isn't much more they can do.
Pakistan should be very worried about this withdrawal because a taliban/al qaeda/isis infested Afghanistan will spillover into Pakistan. You can't keep the snakes tamed forever.

Good luck in not expelling the French ambassador next time.TLP will be the least of your worries with jihadi Inc. reigning freely next door.
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No one has won this war and no one will.
The one who cannot afford to continue has lost this war. The one who insists on negotiations has lost. Afghans have suffered and paid a price but Americans have crippled.
Not yet! All the RAW agents, NA thugs, TTP, BLA etc. need to be put under the swords! Not a single Indian is allowed in Afganistan!! It’s take no prisoners condition.....

Don't forget that parasite called ISIS, they too need to be destroyed, give them a painful end, they won't ever forget and ever dare to proclaim to be fighting for Islam. They are scum, the worst kind there is.
but but but...don't attack @rent4country 's husband amreeka when he is retreating, oh sorry, "withdrawing" or they'll show ya, yeah, yeah, they'll show ya what's up, yeah, there, they'll show you what's what! :lol:

Mullah Gumnam, what the Taliban says does not matter but to your Tourette. How's it going living off our welfare while you get to be an anti-American here daily? :woot:
what do you mean "here daily"? oye may mumbai ya kerala may nhi hoon bay chootarr! :lol:

Put those words into a google translator to help you translate into a language you will understand. It's free thus affordable for you. Btw, you are yet to tells us why you choose to migrate to my country when you despise it so much? That lack of self-respect to be among those you hate, living off their welfare, is it a gene pool trait? :meeting:
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