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Hamas miscalculation?

This is a suicidal way to "highlight Palestine" , It defiantly has highlighted the Palestine issue and the Hamas way of achieving it. It has ENSURED that any lingering sympathy Hamas had in the circle of non elected Sheikhdoms has evaporated as they realise how organisations like Hamas could VIOLENTLY overthrow their regimes and kill all and every member of their ilk. Hamas has changed the balance of terror permanently and all to its own detriment . Its horrendous inhumanity was there for the whole world to witness and they are united in seeing Hamas wiped out

It is a sad disgusting joke to inflict such pain and misery on the people of Gaza, To have its children sacrificed in their thousands and reduce Gaza population into a homeless internally displaced walking from one temporary shelter to another. Yeah its done things, it has ensured the Israelis have a reason to wipe them out . There will always be a Hamas but only as a pitiable shadow of its former self

For a conspiratorial mind EVERYTHING is explainable by concocted twiddling of a empty brain

I fully agree with you o this. Netanyahu is a curse on both the Palestinians and the Israelis.

You see , this is where the Islamic mind eventually drifts towards, plead and beg to get into the West because my country is so awful and once settled with a nice comfortable living want Islamification of the very country whose generosity allowed him the means to prosper to take control as you put it

Everything is a conspiracy We are actually living in a world created by a machine AI that is feeding us gaming scenarios to watch and enjoy as we try to dominate and kill each other

Just as Pakistan is connected via underground reservoir of oil and gas to the same middle eastern reserves. Pakistan in fact has more oil and gas then Iran but the oil companies are deliberately allowing the Arab sheikhs to take it out as they offer the biggest cut. One day when Imran is back in power after the revolution Pakistan will become a country where everyone will want to emigrate to and a Pakistani passport the most valuable passport in the world. Pakistan will be drowning in the oil and gas riches and the sheiks will be begging Pakistan for dollars

The struggle for REAL INDEPENDENCE should ideally involve NO VIOLANCE. That example was demonstrated by Nelson Mandela and the ANC which struggled and fought almost exclusively with the well understood desire to be treated equally and free from coercion. They struggled for MANY DECADES and gained a freedom we all admire.
Or the Congress party of India which too fought only with the weight of it moral argument That particular struggle took about 70-80 years to succeed . Its result is a society that is NOT trying to kill each other to climb the slippery ladder of power. It is endued with the right moral and ethical values that persist after freedom is achieved.

You will find that in half a decade the Israeli economy will be way stronger than it is today as many countries in the world will offer a helping hand to a country that had Hamas inflict such pain and damage. In the long game Hamas has already committed suicide. What will be left of Hamas is a shadow of what Hamas is today

There are minds where NOTHING is real and everything is not what it appears. These minds are well on the way to the loony bin
All you saw was movie clips. They told you it was real and you believed it.

Do you also believe Fast & Furious was real?

Why one movie is real for you but the other is not?
I disagree completely,, Hamas judged this quite well

Any moron can predict that the Jews would have a murderous response, they have the backing of the U.S and west

But their was no alternative, I don't see a path to freedom and independence being presented to the Palestinians, otherwise the west bank would be free and we would have a independent Palestine in the west bank with east Jerusalem as it's capital

Where we could then accuse Hamas,, BUT WE DONT both Gaza and the west bank are under attack

This attack by Hamas however brutal and however monstrous the response by Israel, SHOOK EVERYTHING UP

It pulled the rug from underneath the Israeli plans to continue the occupation indefinitely and make good relations with the regional Muslim and Arab states

It revealed so many many true faces of regional Arabs, the west etc THAT IS WORTH EVERYTHING

a response across the world from millions upon millions for a free Palestine
And the Jews under unprecedented pressure

This was not a miscalculation, I think that this was calculated quite well
According to the Turkish military analysts, Israil has already lost 100+ tanks, 600+ soldiers and 40b$s in this Gaza ops. How long can they continue?

As long as the US can supply them.

I disagree completely,, Hamas judged this quite well

Any moron can predict that the Jews would have a murderous response, they have the backing of the U.S and west

But their was no alternative, I don't see a path to freedom and independence being presented to the Palestinians, otherwise the west bank would be free and we would have a independent Palestine in the west bank with east Jerusalem as it's capital

Where we could then accuse Hamas,, BUT WE DONT both Gaza and the west bank are under attack

This attack by Hamas however brutal and however monstrous the response by Israel, SHOOK EVERYTHING UP

It pulled the rug from underneath the Israeli plans to continue the occupation indefinitely and make good relations with the regional Muslim and Arab states

It revealed so many many true faces of regional Arabs, the west etc THAT IS WORTH EVERYTHING

a response across the world from millions upon millions for a free Palestine
And the Jews under unprecedented pressure

This was not a miscalculation, I think that this was calculated quite well
Feels like this was just another Zionist move in order to change borders one more time.

The USA is in a rather weaker position, therefore it is the best time for the Zionists to assert position and expand their territory in the Mid-East.
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People cheering for Hamas are stupid. No militant group has ever emerged victorious against a first-world country. They sure can do some attacks here and there. But so did Al-Qaeda and ISIS. They all did some attacks against infidels and were cheered by 'some' then they died. Another day, another group. The cycle repeats.
Again the completely false equivalencies, it’s easy, one narrative has ZERO proof while the other is literally flooding the world every day with hundreds of children being murdered. But according to you, they are both equivalent
Wait, you think the world was not flooded with news about your treatment of uygurs just a few years ago? 😆 Your view of who is right is about how many people are killed? 🤣 Moreover with your government being known for directly controlling all news media in China locking down all news and information when they want. how can we even know how many casualties there have been in your suppression of Uygur region? Lol
Your government Uygurs suppression news was trending all over the news around the world before. Seems you missed that part(or choose to ignore it for obvious reasons. Lol ). The thing is that news always moves on to the next hot conflict , we can't keep focusing on one news for years. We all tend to get bored after a while and move on to the next big thing. Lol Humans in general are quite forgetful, so when we move on we forget the past trending news or don't care as much. Before it was your oppression and caging(alias re-education camps .lol )of uygurs that was trending , later was the myanmar government(your ally) oppression and cleansing of Rohingya muslims, the Syrian civil war with Assad and his allies slaughtering their people to remain on power, the Arab spring, corona, Iran mullah regime crushing and killing those that dared to ride up against etc etc today its Israel-palestine conflict tomorrow we will move on to the next trending news. 😆. Just before this issue it was the Ukraine war with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Now we have all forgotten about it and moved on to this despite people still dying in the hundreds every single day. Lol
The world will always move on and forget about the past news or put it behind them. So no big deal there. 😁
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Wait, you think the world was not flooded with news about your treatment of uygurs just a few years ago? 😆 Your view of who is right is about how many people are killed? 🤣 Moreover with your government being known for directly controlling all news media in China locking down all news and information when they want. how can we even know how many casualties there have been in your suppression of Uygur region? Lol
Your government Uygurs suppression news was trending all over the news around the world before. Seems you missed that part(or choose to ignore it for obvious reasons. Lol ). The thing is that news always moves on to the next hot conflict , we can't keep focusing on one news for years. We all tend to get bored after a while and move on to the next big thing. Lol humans in general are quite forgetful, so when we move on we forget the past trending news or dont care as much. Before it was your oppression and caging(alias re-education camps .lol )of uygurs that was trending , later was the mynamar government(your allies) oppression and cleansing of Rohingya muslims, the Syrian civil war with Assad and his allies slaughtering their people to remain on power, the Arab spring, corona, Iran mullah regime crushing and killing those that dared to ride up against etc etc today its Israel-palestine conflict tomorrow we will move on to the next trending news. 😆. The world will always move on and forget about the past news or put it behind them. So no big deal there. 😁
Yes the world was flooded with NED funded Articles about the Uyghurs but never had actual proof except for weird grainy photos of supposed concentration camps and suggestions of a supposed genocide even though events of this nature inevitably create a flood of human displacement, turmoil and violence that would be impossible to ignore. Yet nothing. And quite coincidentally this all coincided with massive efforts to politically and economically sabotage China as well, what a coincidence isn’t it? But of course brainwashed people like you don’t need actual proof to believe China is bad, you just need the corporate owned media to tell you without concrete proof.

Btw you never answered my initial response to your absurd statements which again are just a regurgitation of the mass media’s propaganda. That just demonstrates your disingenuous nature.
Yes the world was flooded with NED funded Articles about the Uyghurs but never had actual proof except for weird grainy photos of supposed concentration camps and suggestions of a supposed genocide even though events of this nature inevitably create a flood of human displacement, turmoil and violence that would be impossible to ignore. Yet nothing. And quite coincidentally this all coincided with massive efforts to politically and economically sabotage China as well, what a coincidence isn’t it? But of course brainwashed people like you don’t need actual proof to believe China is bad, you just need the corporate owned media to tell you without concrete proof.

Btw you never answered my initial response to your absurd statements which again are just a regurgitation of the mass media’s propaganda. That just demonstrates your disingenuous nature.
Ahahaha....yes everything people accused your CCP of is propaganda 🤣 I've heard that before. Lol nothing new there. We are just going round in circles.

By the way are you American or still consider yourself Chinese? Since as China and the US are so at odds and hostile politically with each other, will be interesting to see where Chinese immigrants to the US will stand with their new adopted country or with China. I'm even surprised so many Chinese are still migrating to the US , many even illegally. One will think that will not be the case since Chinese like you involved into politics a d geo politics are anti US and pro China, yet many still opt for the US/West instead of moving back to or staying in a rising developing power like China. Its a contradiction actually.
I would beg to to totally disagree with the heading. How can any fight for freedom and dignity be a miscalculation? I have been fortunate enough to be born a free person like billions of others and have luckily not endured the daily humiliation, racism and genocide by the most cruel and evil Zionist demons on the planet. During the fading days of South African Apartheid regime I traveled through most of South Africa and even their treatment of local Blacks, "colored" and Indians was nothing compared to the holocaust of Palestine. The Apartheid racist trash did commit some massacres like the ones in Sharpesville and others, but nothing compared to the thousands of Palestinian deaths and jailings, torture, strip searches of children, daily humiliation at checkpoints, and draconian restrictions on their own land. The Palestinians are some of the most educated and cultured people in the Islamic world and no one deserves such evil at the hands of the worst Zionist low life scum.

The Africans had the Cubans and others who came to fight for them, the noble people of Palestine have no one to defend them. The Muslims and Arabs are cowardly eunuchs and coconuts and will not lift a finger to defend the victims of Zionist savages. Hamas had no other option that to strike a blow at the Zionists as the Palestine issue was being totally suppressed by the puppet Arab regimes crawling to "recognize" the Zionist cancer. The Palestinian Authority itself is a quisling corrupt Zionist puppet and Gaza was being choked to death by Egyptian animals. So what else could the freedom fighters of Gaza do? just starve and be bombed to death? in the largest open air prison in the world? . Due to the immense courage of Hamas and other resistance groups in Gaza at least the Palestine issue is at the forefront and the world hates the Zionist savages even more. Therefore it is incumbent upon all decent people to keep the rage on. The Zionist cancer will not survive, just like its doomed Apartheid and Nazi mentors. PALESTINE WILL BE FREE FROM JORDAN RIVER TO THE MEDITERRANEAN!

It seems to me like people forget that hamas has never hide the fact that they are a radical militant group who public and stated aim is to destroy Israel and that they would NEVER RECOGNISE OR NEGOTIATE WITH ISRAEL and that their aim is to destroy them and claim back all the lost territory. It seems to me like people often forget this fact as well. So if some people think a negotiated settlement is the solution then Hamas is out of the picture and shouldn't even be considered in this regard .
Hamas stated aim is a military solution to the crisis. So if military solution is the goal then the current Israel Hamas war is the desired and reasonable aim. The only thing is that civilians have been collateral damage on both sides.
So people have to take their pick. Diplomatic solution which totally excludes militant groups like Hamas or military one who involves Hamas but favours Israel since they are by far the stronger side militarily.
To be fair there is no "Israel". It is a British created cancer and nos sustained by billions of western dollars. If the Zionist child killers were so "strong" militarily then how come 2 US navy carriers groups, 5,000 special forces and 200 weekly arms lift transports are protecting them? At least have the decency to post factual reality than Zionist propaganda. The Zionist animals are basically subhuman and have no regard for human being.
Ahahaha....yes everything people accused your CCP of is propaganda 🤣 I've heard that before. Lol nothing new there. We are just going round in circles.

By the way are you American or still consider yourself Chinese? Since as China and the US are so at odds and hostile politically with each other, will be interesting to see where Chinese immigrants to the US will stand with their new adopted country or with China. I'm even surprised so many Chinese are still migrating to the US , many even illegally. One will think that will not be the case since Chinese like you involved into politics a d geo politics are anti US and pro China, yet many still opt for the US/West instead of moving back to or staying in a rising developing power like China. It’s a contradiction actually.
stop changing the subject and respond to my original response.
. .
@Hakikat ve Hikmet
@PakAlp @Falcon29 @ziaulislam @HAIDER
@Silicon0000 @aziqbal
@tower9 @YoucefZighoud
and all i could not mention.

Irrespective, Palestine has no power and Israel has ruined it in its lavish high arrogance.
This, the Last Complete Book warned about.

Quran said, Israel, you shall commit exceedingly high corruption with lavish arrogance and you shall be destroyed.

1st was fullfilled when Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar attacked and ruined Jerusalem in 597 BC.

This was also warned in Jeremiah 5:15-18. Quoted at the end.

2nd corruption is ongoing from 1948 and crossed all bounds of arrogance in 2023. This promise yet to commence.

Al-isra 17:4-8, And 104
وَقَضَيْنَا إِلَىٰ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ فِي الْكِتَابِ لَتُفْسِدُنَّ فِي
الْأَرْضِ مَرَّتَيْنِ وَلَتَعْلُنَّ عُلُوًّا كَبِيرًا

And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Book: 'You shall do corruption in the earth twice, and you shall ascend exceeding high.
فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ أُولَاهُمَا بَعَثْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ عِبَادًا لَّنَا أُولِي بَأْسٍ شَدِيدٍ فَجَاسُوا خِلَالَ الدِّيَارِ ۚ وَكَانَ وَعْدًا مَّفْعُولًا

So, when the promise of the first of these came to pass, We sent against you servants of Ours, men of great might, and they went through the habitations, and it was a promise performed.

This was also warned in Jeremiah 5:15-18.

People of Israel,” declares the LORD, “I am bringing a distant nation against you— an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand.

Their quivers are like an open grave; all of them are mighty warriors.

They will devour your harvests and food, devour your sons and daughters; they will devour your flocks and herds, devour your vines and fig trees. With the sword they will destroy the fortified cities in which you trust.

Yet, even in those days,” declares the LORD, “I will not destroy you completely. --->> points that isralite will persist for the commencement of the 2nd promise. Al-isra 17:104

واذا جَاءَ وَعْدُ الْآخِرَةِ لِيَسُوءُوا وُجُوهَكُمْ وَلِيَدْخُلُوا الْمَسْجِدَ كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ وَلِيُتَبِّرُوا مَا عَلَوْا تَتْبِيرًا

When the prophecy of your second transgression will come to pass, sadness will cover your faces. They (your enemies) will enter the the mosque as they did the first time to bring about utter destruction.

وَقُلْنَا مِن بَعْدِهِ لِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ اسْكُنُوا الْأَرْضَ فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ الْآخِرَةِ جِئْنَا بِكُمْ لَفِيفً
Dwell in the land, then, when the final and the last promiPalestine.
ear, We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd.

That shall be the END.
A Mix of isralite have been gathered in palestine.
Stop trying to interpret prophecies.
I don't think there are any extremist Muslims out there.
ISIS created by agent provocateur wiped out. A must result of the voids created in the Levant by USA and NATO. There are some pockets of ultra religious but most are either compromised or ignorant.
I think hamas gets funding anyway...
From Iran, qatar, and expat Palestinian but I doubt anyone else was giving them any money.
Dude...don't tell me the Taliban are moderate Muslims. "No extremist Muslims out there"? Come on...
Dude...don't tell me the Taliban are moderate Muslims. "No extremist Muslims out there"? Come on...
I am not sure how much you know about the contemporary Muslim world, but the Taliban were a CIA and ISI (Pakistani Military Intelligence) creation and an extension of the CIA "Jihad" against the USSR in 80's. This whole radicalization is a by-product of the Zionist cancer in Palestine circa 1948 and subsequent Neo-colonization of the Arab word. US and Zionists even supported Hamas in the early days as a counter to Arafat's "Fatah". The name "alCIAda" has a true ring. Ever wonder why so-called ISIS never attacked the Zionist scum or US targets? I can post hundreds of photos of these extremist groups being treated in Zionist hospitals, hopefully you are smart and objective enough to get the drift. Reagan and Bill Casey (CIA chief) feted the Taliban forerunners in the White House as equal to the US "founding fathers".
People cheering for Hamas are stupid. No militant group has ever emerged victorious against a first-world country. They sure can do some attacks here and there. But so did Al-Qaeda and ISIS. They all did some attacks against infidels and were cheered by 'some' then they died. Another day, another group. The cycle repeats.

It's never about militant group OR country,, it's about narrative and resistance

Multiple civilizations have collapsed incans, Mayans, etc where are they?
What about the Maori and aborigines etc under constant occupation, forced to.love with their occupier

So resistance for the Palestinians isn't about outright victory in one military campaign or action

It's about ensuring peace without victory doesn't occur
It's about ensuring hatred doesn't end, this is very important

What the enemy wants us PEACE whilst continuing a occupation

Most people would give up

But Muslims can't not just because if the strength of faith

It's because the population numbers and demographics FAVOUR THE PALESTINIANS, so one way or the other across Gaza, Israel and the west bank the Jews will be the minority and increasingly so over the coming years

The average age of the Palestinians is 19 they are heading towards a population dividend whilst the Jews at 43 are waaay past it

So if you know you will have the population majority, then accepting peace whilst occupation goes on is defeat

Instead you need to take the peace from the Jews, in Israel and the world, ensure life in Israel isnt life

YES the Palestinians will suffer, but they suffer anyway

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