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Afghanistan: 'We have won the war, America has lost', say Taliban

It's you who came begging to live among us while being anti-American, rejoicing on Taliban terror acts against us. I got to crash, have an early day tomorrow. not all of us live off welfare ...I'm done having my fun with you. Here, a parting gift, we got your best look captured. :sarcastic:
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you have early day tomorrow doing this? :lol:
And, tons of movies with emotional scenes and dialogues!!! And, the US folks would remain proud and happy....
Sylvester Stallone and Art Malik are already lined up for a Rambo Reunion..

Edit: that wasn't Art Malik in Rambo 3....Art Malik was in James Bond: The Lives Daylights. But I maintain that he would be perfect for a new Rambo mission in Afghanistan.
Taliban is a reality of Afghanistan, USA has tried to abuse thsi reality in its own favor. Without Taliban they couldn't occupy and loot the minerals of this country which has piles of Uranium rich mines.

After looting the resources of this poor country, USA has no reason to stay and they will try their best to leave it in chaos.

All the regional countries should work with Talibs, consider their wishlist and allow them to be free with their lives. Most important Factor is eliminating extremism from Taliban and it is possible only throughout a prosper and stable Afghanistan. Something that USA has never allowed since itd end their so called excuse of fighting against terrorism.
A safe and a prosperous Afghanistan is in interest of all Afghanistan neighbours, they can use their fertile lands for harvesting agricultural products not opiums. Again something that USA never allowed to happen.
Prosperity and Safety will normalize Talibs in time pass, no need to fight them. Afghan government of American puppets must consider this very fact.
Dang this is so loaded!!

Yes, the death of 'masculinity' is happening. As is the death of The West. I think what you are saying is found in the lamentations of Patrick J Buchannan.

In the end, those who breed more are going to win.
Dont know about J Buchanan but I myself am a former leftist. sadly the left is no longer about the worker, the hammer and sickle. But its about homosexuality and gender neutrality!
Afghanistan should enter atleast 20-30 yaers of peace and development. I also believe it's development will happen at faster rate
pakistanis too happy about it dont be ! give it few years and these Talibs will bite us back " its in their nature , as soon as there Islamic emirate dream is over pashtun nationalism shall emerge and than they would want the pakistani pushtuns lands back its just a matter of time
oooh, looks like that picture I posted pricked a nerve in planet uranus! :lol:

Why would a disabled man earning a living versus mullah Gumnam, who constantly speaks favorably of terror acts by the Taliban against Americans, prick me? I have immense respect for that man, versus an anti-American, no self-respect, terror supporter like you. :cheesy:
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Why would a disabled man earning a living versus mullah Gumnam, who constantly speaks favorably of terror acts by the Taliban against Americans, prick me? I have immense respect for that man, versus an anti-American, no self-respect, terror supporter like you. :cheesy:
abay yaar apnay pichvaarr may burnol laga au4 aram say so ja! chal shabash, mumbai may raat ho gi aur teray ko sasti daru ka nsha charr rha hay! :lol:
abay yaar apnay pichvaarr may burnol laga au4 aram say so ja! chal shabash, mumbai may raat ho gi aur teray ko sasti daru ka nsha charr rha hay! :lol:

Oh-oh Mullah Gumnam got the English beat out of him again. :astagh:

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