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A dream that the world conspired against: Manufacturing a warplane in Egypt and the position of the JF-17 Block 3

Please share the link if your able to find it and possible to tag me.

I looked up and down twitter because it was on there and spent a good 45 minutes trying to find it and I wish I could remember the account that posted it because it would have made it a lot easier to find but I couldn't and never found it. I might stumble on it and if I do I will tag you. The validity is always questionable but the Khibiny pods from what @The SC and myself and my participation in an all Russian forum has revealed its effectiveness in creating some of the best jamming and spoofing that it is very plausible. I'll keep looking so you don't think I pulled it out of my behind.
Please share the link if your able to find it and possible to tag me.
A Russian Su-35S fighter jet reportedly intercepted a U.S. F-22 Raptor combat aircraft over Syria


A Russian Su-35S fighter jet reportedly intercepted a U.S. F-22 Raptor combat aircraft over Syria


That was definitely one of them. The other one was a pair of F-35s approaching the Russian base and the Su-35S was right behind them feeling the jet wash and the F-35 pilots never knew it until it came up besides them and chased them off!
That was definitely one of them. The other one was a pair of F-35s approaching the Russian base and the Su-35S was right behind them feeling the jet wash and the F-35 pilots never knew it until it came up besides them and chased them off!
Yes I saw it twice too but couldn't find it yet..anyway the net is full of SU-35 intercepts of both US and Usreali stealth planes over Syria and other jets elsewhere..
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A Russian Su-35S fighter jet reportedly intercepted a U.S. F-22 Raptor combat aircraft over Syria


Thanks. I’ll read and look into this.
Thanks. I’ll read and look into this.
And this is the one @Gomig-21 was referring to:

Russian fighter intercepts two US F-35s near Hmeimim base


It basically says:
A Russian fighter intercepted two American F-35 stealth aircraft near the Hmeimim base. The strange thing is that the two stealth planes did not feel the Russian fighter infiltrating behind them.

According to the available information, a Russian fighter plane, hiding behind electronic countermeasures, managed to approach the two American F-35s completely unnoticed - a complete surprise to the pilots of the USAF. Despite the numerical superiority, the F-35 fighters had to immediately turn around and leave the border area.

So far, this is the second incident involving Russian Su-30SM fighters intercepting American F-35s.
Thanks. I’ll read and look into this.

Finally! Click the link and then translate it from Russian to English.

Андрей Иванович on Twitter: "Два американских истребителя F-35 попытались нарушить воздушное пространство Сирии и приблизиться к российским военным объектам. Су-35СМ, прикрываясь средствами радиоэлектронного подавления, смог приблизиться к двум американским F-35 совершенно незамеченным для пилотов ВВС США. https://t.co/tJUucdNhtv" / Twitter
And this is the one @Gomig-21 was referring to:

Russian fighter intercepts two US F-35s near Hmeimim base


It basically says:
A Russian fighter intercepted two American F-35 stealth aircraft near the Hmeimim base. The strange thing is that the two stealth planes did not feel the Russian fighter infiltrating behind them.

According to the available information, a Russian fighter plane, hiding behind electronic countermeasures, managed to approach the two American F-35s completely unnoticed - a complete surprise to the pilots of the USAF. Despite the numerical superiority, the F-35 fighters had to immediately turn around and leave the border area.

So far, this is the second incident involving Russian Su-30SM fighters intercepting American F-35s.

I just found it and posted it before seeing that you had already done it. lolzo F-35 hype, especially Israeli lying crap lol. And this one says it was a single Su-35 not Su-30.

There were other incidents were Su-57s chased Israeli F-35s at nighttime into Lebanon. Imagine once the Su-57 is fully operational what it will do to that crappy little booger of an F-35. No matter what they claim that thing can do, it will be jumped every time by Russian EW and AC. People are VASTLY underestimating Russian tech because they're just simply enamored by American bullshit they loose sight of reality.
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And here is more:

Russian Su-30SM flirting with the Italian Air Force's F-35A stealth fighter in the skies over the Baltic Sea

Russian Su-30SM Italian F-35A


One video and two shots, released today by the popular “Fighter Bomber” (@fighter_bomber_) Instagram account, show a Russian Su-30SM Flanker derivative flying alongside two F-35As over the Baltic Sea, somewhere off Estonia, where the Italian stealth jets are deployed to carry out QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) task in support of NATO Baltic Air Policing mission.

Egypt want its production systems and production experience and technologies
Gulf countries can buy better than jf17

But they don't come with full ToT or even half ToT.

If you think JFT is misfit or not good enough then kindly go buy more western stuff, no one in Pakistan and China cares about it.
And here is more:

Russian Su-30SM flirting with the Italian Air Force's F-35A stealth fighter in the skies over the Baltic Sea

Russian Su-30SM Italian F-35A

Those Khibiny pods are real trouble makers. It would be quite the thing to see a Growler go up against one of these carrying K-pods and the two of them jamming and stuffing one another until they both burst into flames lol. The size of those things and the beaming and waves and shaking and baking they create is quite the thing. I wonder if Sukhoi is exporting those with the EAF's Su-35s package, or if they're holding on to them and not releasing them just yet. If Su-30s and of course the Su-35S are capable of creeping up from behind F-35s without being seen or noticed, imagine what the Su-57 will be able to do!
Those Khibiny pods are real trouble makers. It would be quite the thing to see a Growler go up against one of these carrying K-pods and the two of them jamming and stuffing one another until they both burst into flames lol. The size of those things and the beaming and waves and shaking and baking they create is quite the thing. I wonder if Sukhoi is exporting those with the EAF's Su-35s package, or if they're holding on to them and not releasing them just yet. If Su-30s and of course the Su-35S are capable of creeping up from behind F-35s without being seen or noticed, imagine what the Su-57 will be able to do!

Khibiny is an advanced aircraft-mounted electronic warfare (EW) system

https://www.deagel.com/Protection Systems/Khibiny/a002981

Bro if EAF Mig-35s have some very advanced EW systems on them.. the SU-35s will also have some for sure ..mainly Khibiny EW system pods..


With these measures Su 35 managed to reduce its RCS between 0.7 and 1 m2.


Su-35 (Khibiny-10V). The Khibiny-10V is a version installed internally instead of the wingtips.



The pod is basically a part of a Radio Frequency Surveillance system that relies primarily on DRFM technology ... The front and rear hemisphere antenna - receiving and emitting signals captures the hostile RF signals that DRFM uses as a basis for the hostile radio signals that It processes and analyzes and then transcribes it to the transmitted source and jams it in real-time signal processing or by means of its programmable features. The jamming complex is characterized by coherent digital signal processing, interference generator, noise and signals generation. False noise generation, false targets - and all this is done by the central system processor, which is at the same time responsible for managing the power of the pod and responsible for the tracking procedures for capturing hostile signals and processing them to the end of the process..

There is no information about the transmitter amplifiers inside the pod, but what is known is that they operate in the 5GHz and 18Ghz frequency bands in the GJ bands. The panoramic radar signal detection method for hostile radio frequencies in the GJ range....Experts expect that the maximum emission power of this heavyweight high power pod will be in the range of 20 kilowatts, which gives the fighter the ability to jam most of the current missile detectors and fighter radars and even conduct SEAD/DEAD operations against certain types of hostile air defense systems..

As for the active cancellation technique, found on the Rafale also.. it is one of the techniques of reducing the radar signature and its principle of operation is based on weakening the power of the radar waves reflected on the fuselage and sent by the hostile radar. This is done in real time, so the result is the reflection of the infectious radar waves and with them the jamming waves at the same time. ., and this graph shows the mechanism of action of this technique:

Graphical Representation of Active Vibration Cancellation 3.JPG
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Khibiny is an advanced aircraft-mounted electronic warfare (EW) system

https://www.deagel.com/Protection Systems/Khibiny/a002981

Bro if EAF Mig-35s have some very advanced EW systems on them.. the SU-35s will also have some for sure ..mainly Khibiny EW system pods..


With these measures Su 35 managed to reduce its RCS between 0.7 and 1 m2.


Su-35 (Khibiny-10V). The Khibiny-10V is a version installed internally instead of the wingtips.

This is the perfect example of how the Russians approach things in a different way than the US in particular, as well as everyone else copying the west, even China which is closer to Russia you would think would adapt more Russian techniques. The perfect example is the Su-57 and how they've taken shape to just a certain level, but then incorporated other aspects knowing quite well that stealth will be defeated at some point soon and they've even led in that field. That was one thing I agreed with that fellow Randomeradio from India who's now banned, but he was saying the Su-57 when it's finally in production which is now, will actually be closer to a 6th generation aircraft. People are just so enamored by how advanced the US is and rightfully so, that they use it as the only acceptable standard that they lose sight of what others are doing and particularly Russia especially when they do things differently to achieve the same results and in some cases, better ones!

That electronic coating probably replaced their original idea of plasma shielding they were touting long before the first PAK-FA was on the drawing board. Combined with composite frames and RAM and you have something equally or better than the enemy. Then you also have the ability to sneak up on them from behind using simply a pair of jamming pods. The epitome of brilliance!

EDIT: Love the info on that link!
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This is the perfect example of how the Russians approach things in a different way than the US in particular, as well as everyone else copying the west, even China which is closer to Russia you would think would adapt more Russian techniques. The perfect example is the Su-57 and how they've taken shape to just a certain level, but then incorporated other aspects knowing quite well that stealth will be defeated at some point soon and they've even led in that field. That was one thing I agreed with that fellow Randomeradio from India who's now banned, but he was saying the Su-57 when it's finally in production which is now, will actually be closer to a 6th generation aircraft. People are just so enamored by how advanced the US is and rightfully so, that they use it as the only acceptable standard that they lose sight of what others are doing and particularly Russia especially when they do things differently to achieve the same results and in some cases, better ones!

That electronic coating probably replaced their original idea of plasma shielding they were touting long before the first PAK-FA was on the drawing board. Combined with composite frames and RAM and you have something equally or better than the enemy. Then you also have the ability to sneak up on them from behind using simply a pair of jamming pods. The epitome of brilliance!

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