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A dream that the world conspired against: Manufacturing a warplane in Egypt and the position of the JF-17 Block 3

and our Block 3 can against IDF f-16s?
It can play a good defensive role with its BVR missiles.. while the Egyptian F-16s will be used for CAS mostly as they are very potent in that..and dogfight too..
Lol.....mighty Egypt doesn't need this poor lightweight fighter. Egypt should be content with F16, Mig35, Su35, Rafale.

Edit: Forgot EFT :p:
Hey.. you always need a sidekick..
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Are 220 F-16s with the Egyption Air Force not enough?
US will never release source code for advance avionic and BVRAAM.. Egypt F-16 is even worst than IAF Bison Mig-21.
Lol.....mighty Egypt doesn't need this poor lightweight fighter. Egypt should be content with F16, Mig35, Su35, Rafale.

Edit: Forgot EFT :p:
The problem is western will apply sanction whenever they deemed. Their products are full of condition. Russian products after sales service are poor and Su-35 are not cheap to maintain.
Are 220 F-16s with the Egyption Air Force not enough?

Without BVRs these 220 Falcons are indeed useless. The Americans never gave Egypt the AMRAAMs.
Considering the level of US and Israeli footprint and involvement in Egypt, I doubt the Egyptians will be successful in starting their own weapons manufacturing program, let’s alone a capable jet. It’s a shame though, since Egypt was the only country in the region capable of giving Israel a run for their money.

In the sixties, Egypt succeeded in the project of the Helwan 300 fighter, and the Soviets plotted against it.

In the eighties, Egypt asked France to manufacture Mirage 2000 fighters, so the Americans intervened to waste the opportunity onEgypt and made an offer to Egypt to manufacture the Falcon locally from aid funds, which Egypt preferred at the time to reduce the burden on the budget.

Unfortunately, the Americans never fulfilled this contract and paid the penalty clause in the mid-nineties after wasting the opportunity for Egypt.

The Egyptian dream is now renewed and the manufacture of this plane is on the table if China meets the Egyptian demands to produce a tactical plane that is cheap in price and has low costs in maintenance and operation, allowing the operation of a large number of them.


The americans have duped many countries with their lies and deception. They sold Egypt F-16s but no AMRAAMs, they sold Pakistan F-16s and withheld 28 of them, which Pakistan paid for, those were also without AMRAAMs. The americans even cut Turkey out of the JSF program.

All these instances are proof that the americans (as well as britain and france with the rest of the West) duplicitous and should not be engaged with.
We should work with them on next block of thunder.
i think there will be no further block next is project azm . if we stop mirage rebuild and f7 rebuild factories they will be converted to jf-17 rebuild factories and production lines will be taken over by azm . i dont think pakistan will run production of two fighter at a time sir . we have damn 11bn$ budget ,
i think there will be no further block next is project azm . if we stop mirage rebuild and f7 rebuild factories they will be converted to jf-17 rebuild factories and production lines will be taken over by azm . i dont think pakistan will run production of two fighter at a time sir . we have damn 11bn$ budget ,
I think we would still be needing to upgrade jeffs to keep up with evolving threats. It would be too expensive to replace everything with fgfa.
I think we would still be needing to upgrade jeffs to keep up with evolving threats. It would be too expensive to replace everything with fgfa.
upgrading is something sir creating new block is total another thing . yes sure will will upgrade them but we will hardly see any new block . new block is possible if azm late
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