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The deal to manufacture submarines on Egyptian soil is a giant step towards Greater Egypt, is in its final stages

We come to another important point. You always talk about the language of dreams, the future, and Turkey in the future, and this is unrealistic

Turkey is working on drone projects and I am talking on the ground what is now and not about dreams and the future

Arabs lives in dreams

Turkish UCAVs have destroyed most modern Russian SAMs in Syria , Libya and Armenia including PANTSIR , BUK and S300 also hundreds of enemy Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , IFVs and troops

as of 2021 , 4 Turkish UCAVs Bayraktar TB-2 , ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR and AKINCI

you keep dreaming with low quality Chiinese UCAVs CH-4 and Wing Loong-II
22 Arab Countries including Egypt can not develop even UCAV

even only 10 Turkish AKINCI UCAVs armed with 80 KUZGUN IIR guided Bombs ( range of 74 km ) can destroy Egyptian Navy GOWIND class Corvette or FREMM Frigate within hours

GOWIND class Corvette or FREMM Frigate armed with only 16x SAMs .... so pathetic

22 Arab Countries including Egypt can not match with superior Turkish military technology

And you talk stupidly that Turkey has more anti-aircraft missiles on ships than Egypt. I excuse you that you are ignorant of the information, so your analyzes are always wrong.

You learn about military , then come to discuss

Turkish Navy is the strongest in the region

as of 2021 , Turkish Navy has more SAMs than Egyptian+Hellenic Navies combined

Egyptian Navy .... ( 4 Corvettes and 5 Frigates )

-- 64 MICA SAMs
-- 16 ASTER-15 SAMs
-- 128 SM-1MR SAMs

Hellenic Navy .... ( 13 Frigates )

-- 64 ESSM SAMs

Turkish Navy ... ( 4 Corvettes and 16 Frigates )

-- 84 RIM-116 SAMs
-- 256 SM-1MR SAMs
-- 320 ESSM SAMs

8 Turkish Frigates armed with 320 ESSM SAMs to counter even supersonic anti-ship missiles like BRAHMOS

Range : 50+ km
Speed : Mach 4+
Guidance System : Mid-course update datalink -- Terminal semi-active radar homing
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You do not know anything about the Egyptian missile program that has been superior to Turkey by 20 years

only in your dreams

Turkish National and unique hybrid Rocket Engines

HISTORICAL TEST .... 08.04.2021

The world's most advanced hybrid rocket motor technology which comprises oxidizing liquid and solid fuels and transferred as an innovative technology

Liquid oxygen oxidized hybrid engine technology is a new technology for the first leg of our lunar mission
goal in 2023

also in 2018 Turkiye set to launch the first space trials of its liquid-propellant rocket engine technology

if Turkey want , then its so easy to hit all air bases , jet hangars in Egypt

Egyptian and Greek F-16s,Rafales,MIG-29s,SU-35s are in range of Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles also 1.000+ km KARGI kamikaze Drones
Turkish Armed Forces can destroy Egyptian and Greek Fighter Jets even on the ground ....

22 Arab Countries including Egypt can not develop even anti Tank missile

on the other hand , Turkey produce its own missiles

-- OMTAS , MIZRAK and KARAOK anti Tank Missiles
-- ATMACA and MRASHM anti ship Missiles
-- SOM air launched Cruise Missile
-- GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN air to air Missiles
-- HISAR-A , HISAR-O and SIPER air defence Missiles

also 40 km TRG-122 , 70km TRLG-230 and 120km TRG-300 guided MLRS
150 km J600T and 280-1.000+ km KHAN/BORA Ballistic Missiles
also 110 km KUZGUN and 150+ km KGK-LR guided Bombs with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships

even I am not talking about ongoing Turkish missiles such as 1.000+ km GEZGIN land and naval based Cruise Missile ,, GUMS anti balistic misille , AKBABA anti radiation missile , RAMJET powered supersonic anti ship missile and many more

22 Arab Countries including Egypt can not match with superior Turkish military technology

TOPIC IS OVER ......... have a nice day with your dreams

if you know what about Turkish military power then visit my thread .. and lets discuss
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France is also negotiating with Egypt an additional 30 RAFALE aircraft for the F3R / F4.1
??? not the news we have here in France. The negociation is for 12 to 24. More probably 12.
Egypt has 82 aircraft with Typhoon, Rafale and MiG-35 aircraft
No Typhoon in service nor on order. No Mig-25 but Mig-29M2.
RAMJET powered supersonic anti ship missile
Where? and mainly when ?
Where? and mainly when ?

ROKETSAN and TUBITAK develops RAMJET for supersonic cruise missiles
according to chief of TUBITAK , in 2 years will be ready

as of 2021 , even 70 km Turkish TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missiles from F-16 Fighter Jets will be enough to turn Egyptian Navy GOWIND class Corvette or FREMM Frigate armed with only 16x SAMs into crap of metal

Your French technology can not protect Egypt and Greece from Turkish military technology

TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile

Weight : 210 kg
Warhead : 50 kg
Range : 70 km

Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with only 30-50 km SAMs

even 10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 80 KUZGUN joint strike munitions for swarm attack on Frigates

80 KUZGUN joint strike munitions = $8 million
FREMM Frigate : $500 million

KUZGUN joint strike munitions with IR seeker ,Data Link ( Low operation cost )

  • Weight : 100 kg
  • Warhead : 25-60 kg
  • Range : 74-110 km
to hit even moving Warships

good luck to Greek and Egyptian Frigates ... They will need it
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ROKETSAN and TUBITAK develops RAMJET for supersonic cruise missiles
according to chief of TUBITAK , in 2 years will be ready

as of 2021 , even 70 km Turkish TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missiles from F-16 Fighter Jets will be enough to turn Egyptian Navy GOWIND class Corvette or FREMM Frigate armed with only 16x SAMs into crap of metal

Your French technology can not protect Egypt and Greece from Turkish military technology

TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile

Weight : 210 kg
Warhead : 50 kg
Range : 70 km
View attachment 737872

Greek and Egyptian Frigates armed with only 30-50 km SAMs

even 10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 80 KUZGUN joint strike munitions for swarm attack on Frigates

80 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions = $8 million
FREMM Frigate : $500 million

KUZGUN joint strike munitions with IR seeker ,Data Link ( Low operation cost )

  • Weight : 100 kg
  • Warhead : 25-60 kg
  • Range : 74-110 km
to hit even moving Warships
View attachment 737873

good luck to Greek and Egyptian Frigates ... They will need it
70km range.... impressive.

But the main asset will be to be within the 70km range of a FREMM frigate (for your information, FREMM can embark ASTER 30 missile, with a 100km range).

What do you think of the 100+ km range of Meteor on Greek and Egyptian Rafale ?
70km range.... impressive.

But the main asset will be to be within the 70km range of a FREMM frigate (for your information, FREMM can embark ASTER 30 missile, with a 100km range).

French GOWIND class Corvette armed with MICA SAMs
and Egypt bought 1 FREMM Frigate from France .. ( armed with 16x ASTER-15 .... range of 30 km )

so 70 km TRLG-230 and KUZGUN will be enough to wipe out Egyptian Navy Warships
Greek Navy Warships have no any chance

Egypt also buys 2 FREMM Frigates from İtaly
even ASTER-30 can not stop Turkish UCAVs armed with 150+ km KGK-LR glide bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships

also AKINCI UCAV can carry 2x MRASHM anti-ship missiles with range of up to 150 km
... even I am not talking about 280 km SOM-C air launched anti-ship missile

also 250 km ATMACA land based anti-ship missile will block enemy Warships to enter Turkish EEZ

even I am not talking about 550 of HARPOON , SLAM-ER and HARM Missiles

nobody can enter Turkish EEZ

What do you think of the 100+ km range of Meteor on Greek and Egyptian Rafale ?

therefore Turkey bought S400 Air Defense Systems to block Greek F-16V and Rafale Fighter Jets in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean

btw Turkey has developed 25km BOZDOGAN and 65km GOKDOGAN air to air missiles

RAMJET powered long range air to air missile AKDOGAN will be ready in 3-5 years .... similar to METEOR
and in 2 years Aselsan AESA Radar will be ready for Turkish F-16 modernization
even 600+ km EIRS early warning AESA Radar will guide AKDOGAN long range air to air missiles to hit enemy Fighter Jets
( F-16s and AKINCI-MIUS UCAVs will carry AKDOGAN long range air to air missiles )

thanks to Turkish defense industry for network centric warfare and cooperative engagement capabilities in near future
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French GOWIND class Corvette armed with MICA SAMs
and Egypt bought 1 FREMM Frigate from France .. ( armed with 16x ASTER-15 .... range of 30 km )

so 70 km TRLG-230 and KUZGUN will be enough to wipe out Egyptian Navy Warships
Greek Navy Warships have no any chance

Egypt also buys 2 FREMM Frigates from İtaly
even ASTER-30 can not stop Turkish UCAVs armed with 150+ km KGK-LR glide bomb with IIR seeker to hit even moving Warships
View attachment 737883

also AKINCI UCAV can carry 2x MRASHM anti-ship missiles with range of up to 150 km
... even I am not talking about 280 km SOM-C air launched anti-ship missile

also 250 km ATMACA land based anti-ship missile will block enemy Warships to enter Turkish EEZ

even I am not talking about 550 of HARPOON , SLAM-ER and HARM Missiles

nobody can enter Turkish EEZ

therefore Turkey bought S400 Air Defense Systems to block Greek F-16V and Rafale Fighter Jets in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean

btw Turkey has developed 25km BOZDOGAN and 65km GOKDOGAN air to air missiles

RAMJET powered long range air to air missile AKDOGAN will be ready in 3-5 years .... similar to METEOR
and in 2 years Aselsan AESA Radar will be ready for Turkish F-16 modernization
even 600+ km EIRS early warning AESA Radar will guide AKDOGAN long range air to air missiles to hit enemy Fighter Jets
( F-16s and AKINCI-MIUS UCAVs will carry AKDOGAN long range air to air missiles )

thanks to Turkish defense industry for network centric warfare and cooperative engagement capabilities in near future
You are still posting Turkish informations in Egyptian threads

Woooooow massive deal
I love you great el Sisi
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