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A dream that the world conspired against: Manufacturing a warplane in Egypt and the position of the JF-17 Block 3

Without BVRs these 220 Falcons are indeed useless. The Americans never gave Egypt the AMRAAMs.
Considering the level of US and Israeli footprint and involvement in Egypt, I doubt the Egyptians will be successful in starting their own weapons manufacturing program, let’s alone a capable jet. It’s a shame though, since Egypt was the only country in the region capable of giving Israel a run for their money.
To the contrary.. can you imagine what 220 F-16s can do to an attacking army while covered by the Mig-35, the Rafale and the SU-35 doing the air superiority and supremacy..Egypt even makes its own laser guided bombs.. and they are still very potent in dog fights as well.. it always come to that.. not to forget the semi active radar homing BVR AIM-7P Sparrow with 70 km range.. it might be outdated but can be guided by E-2 Hawkeye airborne early warning and control system from distance.. it is not true that the F-16 have to stay there after launching the Sparrow.. and it is a very difficult missile to jam..
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In the sixties, Egypt succeeded in the project of the Helwan 300 fighter, and the Soviets plotted against it.

The H300 project was a failure, perhaps it was ahead of its time given the limited industrial and technical base in Egypt in those days? More than the Soviets it was the Israelis who partly contributed to the failure of the project by putting pressure on the German scientists and by creating international pressure to stop Egypt from acquiring the required technology and resources.

This was also the case with Egypt's missile program from the same era.

Things may be different now and perhaps Egypt might be a better position to undertake various sophisticated locally based defense projects.
Block 4? Stealth version of jf17 or you mean azm project?

Block 4 is dependent on Budget, but Project AZM is NGF and a completely separate project. We might see Block 3A with little upgraded technologies but I highly doubt that PAF is planning for another block, I think once the order of Block 3's is done they will divert all major finance towards AZM.

In the sixties, Egypt succeeded in the project of the Helwan 300 fighter, and the Soviets plotted against it.

In the eighties, Egypt asked France to manufacture Mirage 2000 fighters, so the Americans intervened to waste the opportunity for Egypt and made an offer to Egypt to manufacture the Falcon locally from aid funds, which Egypt preferred at the time to reduce the burden on the budget.

Unfortunately, the Americans never fulfilled this contract and paid the penalty clause in the mid-nineties after wasting the opportunity for Egypt.

The Egyptian dream is now renewed and the manufacture of this plane is on the table if China meets the Egyptian demands to produce a tactical plane that is cheap in price and has low costs in maintenance and operation, allowing the operation of a large number of them.

Egypt made the critical mistake declaring themselves as "the sons of pharoah" during the 67 war and paid for it through their behinds. if they don't get their qiblas pointed right and continue with this nonislamic narrative then I'm afraid they will continue to be lackies of the west where they will remain as an unwanted nuisance & an irrelevant side kick.

if they want China to help them with tactical fighter manufacturing then they need to choose a side.
Egypt made the critical mistake declaring themselves as "the sons of pharoah" during the 67 war and paid for it through their behinds. if they don't get their qiblas pointed right and continue with this nonislamic narrative then I'm afraid they will continue to be lackies of the west where they will remain as an unwanted nuisance & an irrelevant side kick.

if they want China to help them with tactical fighter manufacturing then they need to choose a side.
They are and were the sons of the Pharaohs you can not deny history of civilizations.. but they are Muslims for the last 14 centuries.. the 67 war is a long story and has nothing what you advance here on false premises.. If you want Islamism instead of moderate Islam that is your problem.. not Egypt's..
And you suggesting what Egypt should do and ally with whom is completely out of place .. and if you know better.. maybe an ego problem.. hope it is not insanity..lol
Egypt made the critical mistake declaring themselves as "the sons of pharoah" during the 67 war and paid for it through their behinds. if they don't get their qiblas pointed right and continue with this nonislamic narrative then I'm afraid they will continue to be lackies of the west where they will remain as an unwanted nuisance & an irrelevant side kick.

if they want China to help them with tactical fighter manufacturing then they need to choose a side.
religion have nothing to do with history . only Israel and pakistan two states on earth based on religion . lets see what qibla N.korea china venzuvela russia follow ?

an egyption will remain egyption without islam
an Iranian will remain Iranian without islam
an arab will remain an arab no matter which religion he follow
an African will be remain African with proud history of Africa without religion

only Pakistanis and israilis see world throw glasses of religion .
To the contrary.. can you imagine what 220 F-16s can do to an attacking army while covered by the Mig-35, the Rafale and the SU-35 doing the air superiority and supremacy..Egypt even makes its own laser guided bombs.. and they are still very potent in dog fights as well.. it always come to that.. not to forget the semi active radar homing BVR AIM-7P Sparrow with 70 km range.. it might be outdated but can be guided by E-2 Hawkeye airborne early warning and control system from distance.. it is not true that the F-16 have to stay there after launching the Sparrow.. and it is a very difficult missile to jam..
why will us give edge to egypt air force the 80%usa and its population is with Israel
The H300 project was a failure, perhaps it was ahead of its time given the limited industrial and technical base in Egypt in those days? More than the Soviets it was the Israelis who partly contributed to the failure of the project by putting pressure on the German scientists and by creating international pressure to stop Egypt from acquiring the required technology and resources.

This was also the case with Egypt's missile program from the same era.

Things may be different now and perhaps Egypt might be a better position to undertake various sophisticated locally based defense projects.
Actually it was a successful project..Egypt even made the engine too .. but many factors contributed to its demise, mainly the preparations for imminent war with Usrael, the Soviets presenting the Mig-21 as a cheaper alternative for that war with mass production..Egypt was not at that stage yet.. and the Usraelis of course .. as far as the ballistic missiles go Egypt has manufactured at least 7 types.. and it is still kept secret in that regard..

And yes Egypt is in a much better position today to undertake various sophisticated locally based defense projects..:cheers:
Actually it was a successful project..Egypt even made the engine too .. but many factors contributed to its demise, mainly the preparations for imminent war with Usrael, the Soviets presenting the Mig-21 as a cheaper alternative for that war with mass production..Egypt was not at that stage yet.. and the Usraelis of course .. as far as the ballistic missiles go Egypt has manufactured at least 7 types.. and it is still kept secret in that regard..

And yes Egypt is in a much better position today to undertake various sophisticated locally based defense projects..:cheers:
what is the definition of success in you dictionary sir ? :rolleyes1:
why will us give edge to egypt air force the 80%usa and its population is with Israel
You're giving nothing..lol
This is bigger than you..maybe you don't even know the extent of defence cooperation between Egypt, China and Pakistan..and who told you Egyptians are pro-Usreal.. that is completely false.. as they have a peace treaty but cold relations.. just like the US and Russia..
what is the definition of success in you dictionary sir ? :rolleyes1:
When all the objectives of a huge project like making one's own fighter jets are achieved and tests are successful.. that is a successful endeavor..

What is yours in your dictionary??
You're giving nothing..lol
This is bigger than you..maybe you don't even know the extent of defence cooperation between Egypt, China and Pakistan..and who told you Egyptians are pro-Usreal.. that is completely false.. as the have a peace treaty but cold relations.. just like the US and Russia..

When all the objectives of a huge project like making one's own fighter jets are achieved and tests are successful.. that is a successful endeavor..
well world think otherwise . when a defense product made /test / evaluate /induct /serve further may exported too that is successful project sir
popular Egyptian public demand these days " we need to bust the Ethiopian renaissance dam"
If only we had Muslims
I don't see what this has to do with religion? If everyone was looking at it from this perspective , then you guys will never have even the JF17 fighter or any other major weapons for that matter, since the atheist Chinese (even worse than the Abrahams religious Jews at least) will never have allowed you guys to participate in this their program, sane with the US/West who would have abstain from ever selling you guys any weapons etc etc . So people should stop using religion for everything .
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