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83% attack on hindus are done by Awami League backed by India

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Dec 14, 2008
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United States
Awami League and india for that matter always used hindus in Bangladesh as political shield and tool. They attack hindu community just so they can label political movement and used as repressive tool. But India backed Awami League terrorists caught red handed attacking hindu community and secular media went quite.

Just after rejected election by people, India and Awami League again orchestrated attack against hindu communities and were caught by locals and media. Recently hindu community organization conducted their own investigation and found out 83% of these attacks are conducted by Awami League terrorists backed by India.

সাম্প্রদায়িক হামলায় ৮৩% জড়িত আওয়ামী লীগ : বামাপা


01 Feb, 2014 আওয়ামী লীগ সারা দেশের সংখ্যালঘু নির্যাতনের সুফল ভোগ করে বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন বাংলাদেশ মাইনরিটি পার্টির (বামাপা) সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক প্রবীর মিত্র।
তিনি বলেছেন, ‘সংখ্যালঘুদের ওপর হামলার সুফল ভোগ করে আওয়ামী লীগ। যেসব সহিংসতা ঘটেছে সেসব জায়গায় খোঁজ নিয়ে জানা গেছে সব জায়গায়তেই প্রায় শতকরা ৮৩ ভাগই সম্পৃক্ততা ছিল আওয়ামী লীগের।’

বিডিটুডে.নেট:সাম্প্রদায়িক হামলায় ৮৩% জড়িত আওয়ামী লীগ : বামাপা
Please no, we are better than these people. Let them kil their minorities, then they ll turn against each other like they have in other Islamic countries. Its a self purification process
I usually do not agree with anything you say but this seems so true. Muslim countries are on a path of self destruction and if they don't get their act together fast, they might not even exist in near future. Tolerance needs to be taught everywhere.
@Roybot , don't you think it's about time that India too start working on similar model to deal with it's minority ??

This is their real face of these nutjobs. Yes 95% of them consist of only this type of people.
These nutjobs don't belong to our country:devil::partay::azn:
These nutjobs don't belong to our country:devil::partay::azn:

You indians kill Muslims not only in india but also in Bangladesh and now trying to take moral high ground. What more lie and deception can be expected from illegal indian launder money out of Bangladesh.

I usually do not agree with anything you say but this seems so true. Muslim countries are on a path of self destruction and if they don't get their act together fast, they might not even exist in near future. Tolerance needs to be taught everywhere.

Before running your mouth know about what going on in Bangladesh. You sure have no freaking clue.
Before running your mouth know about what going on in Bangladesh. You sure have no freaking clue.
You guys are self declared secular state and what's wrong with teaching tolerance?
brother..............keep your class dont fall to others levels....

What is indian class? killing Muslim, Christians and even low caste hindus under guise of "secularism" and with loud propaganda? Haven't we seen all these in play. Do you think indian shouting here will mask the fact it was india backed Awami League that attacked hindus in Bangladesh to divert attention from farcical election? Bunch of indian killers with deceptive mind.

You guys are self declared secular state and what's wrong with teaching tolerance?

That statement alone shows you have no freaking clue about Bangladesh internals before making worthless statements.
That statement alone shows you have no freaking clue about Bangladesh internals before making worthless statements.
Indian backed party hunting opposition and framing Jamatis for killing other minorities? I do not give a single f**k about Bangladesh. I just made a general statement of where most of the Muslim countries are heading.
How do Bangladeshi Hindus become an Indian problem?, I thought that they were a 'secular' state.

Bangladesh needs to copy Pakistani model of dealing with Hindu population. Its long term but does work. ;)

Are you serious? You should be demotted, no offence. Especially hindu genocide in Pakistan is myth spread by hinduvatvas retards, the kind you see on pdf. Where they use 1947 figures which included Bangladesh hindus and then compare it with latest figures from Pakistan only.
Are you serious? You should be demotted, no offence. Especially hindu genocide in Pakistan is myth spread by hinduvatvas retards, the kind you see on pdf. Where they use 1947 figures which included Bangladesh hindus and then compare it with latest figures from Pakistan only.

Indias are hijacking this thread since this news exposed indian involvement in attack on hindus. MOD would you please remove these indian off topic rant. Thanks
Are you serious? You should be demotted, no offence. Especially hindu genocide in Pakistan is myth spread by hinduvatvas retards, the kind you see on pdf. Where they use 1947 figures which included Bangladesh hindus and then compare it with latest figures from Pakistan only.
because of the cross migration during Partition, Hindu population was bound to decrease in both Bangladesh and Pakistan since 1947. hindutvas present it like it is a surprising piece of data
How do Bangladeshi Hindus become an Indian problem?, I thought that they were a 'secular' state.

Bangladesh needs to copy Pakistani model of dealing with Hindu population. Its long term but does work. ;)

hahahahaha.................oh man u are funny
Awami League member attacks Hindu man in Sylhet

Summary of news:
A member of Awami League has attacked Hindu minority member, Monindra Ranjan Dey's, and slit
his vein. Monindra Ranjan Dey claimed that Jamal Chowdhury, using his power as an Awami League
member, tried and pressured him to occupy his land including his house and mandir by different
means for a long time. He says that Jamal and others harassed him using false cases and now
they have tried to kill him by cutting the vein on his leg and afterwards put the blame on
Jamaat Shibir. Monindra's family says case was reported in the court but no one was arrested
yet in relation to this incidence and they demand that the culprits are arrested and punished.

Its your country, your rules apply. Isn't this what we get told when Muslims are butchered like sheep by Hindu extremists?
Its Karma you know.

A free stare of BD needs to do what it needs to do to keep law and order. No questions asked... :coffee:

@Cherokee You are too kind.

Its your country, your rules apply. Isn't this what we get told when Muslims are butchered like sheep by Hindu extremists?
Its Karma you know.

A free stare of BD needs to do what it needs to do to keep law and order. No questions asked... :coffee:

@Cherokee You are too kind.

Very valid point. And indians who actually backing these attacks have no moral ground under any deception.
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