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Khaleda was born to be anti-India, just like her master Pakistan : says Awami League

You can't even properly control several of your states and you expect to be some kind of force to be feared

We are a federal republic & we don't need to 'control' the states. They are with us & no one is talking about secession.

Yes, Bangladesh -a puny country with a weak military should fear us. We liberated you, and it wouldn't take us long to finish you off.

Naxalite–Maoist insurgency.

In South ? Yeah, right :omghaha:
Yes, Bangladesh -a puny country with a weak military should fear us. We liberated you, and it wouldn't take us long to finish you off.
Yet, you got your asses handed in 2001 by our paramilitary and farmers, not even our military.
Yet, you got your asses handed in 2001 by our paramilitary and farmers, not even our military.

Lol,you are talking about skirmish between two border police forces. In an actual war, your armed forces wouldn't even last 1 week.
They are no longer in the south and were never a significant presence to begin with.
Their region of activity is central south but can be considered part of the south if you shorten it up.

Lol,you are talking about skirmish between two border police forces. In an actual war, your armed forces wouldn't even last 1 week.
LOL, it was most like our farmers than border police. And besides if India were so high and mighty, why are there so many insurgency present in your country? At least, we have none of them present at ours.
Their region of activity is central south but can be considered part of the south if you shorten it up.

They are a spent force now...even in their "hub" (around chattisgarh and jharkhand).

There are around 10 districts (in total) now that they have a presence in...at their peak they were in around 70 - 80 districts.

Its drawing to a close (probably a year or two away once the final leaders surrender after being corraled even further) and they never exerted much pressure on the integrity of India at any point.

Its like saying BD was going to rip itself apart because of the Chakma insurgency.
And besides if India were so high and mighty, why are there so many insurgency present in your country? At least, we have none of them present at ours.

We don't use our armed forces to put down insurgencies. The fighting is carried out by Central/ state police forces.

You only have ISIS operating in your country.
We don't use our armed forces to put down insurgencies. The fighting is carried out by Central/ state police forces.

You only have ISIS operating in your country.
And you have countless others operating in your country and they have actual military bases and not sleeper cells. In fact, Bangladesh suffered less terror activities than USA and France.
Mr Gorilla
let me tell you something which a Patriot Bangladeshi told me

he said that his people beat Pakistan even when they didn't have a country . but now they have a country and army and airforce and Navy and they wont take any crap from any neighbouring country.

he said it is India's interest to have good relations with Bangladesh because it is already facing threats from China and Pakistan and it can end up loosing Bengal if it antagonises Bangladesh. the guy has a youtube channel and uploads Bangladesh army videos.
That's nice - I am sure having a YouTube channel means he is right. If he has a visiting card, he could be the next Donal Trump.
Mr Gorilla
let me tell you something which a Patriot Bangladeshi told me

he said that his people beat Pakistan even when they didn't have a country . but now they have a country and army and airforce and Navy and they wont take any crap from any neighbouring country.

he said it is India's interest to have good relations with Bangladesh because it is already facing threats from China and Pakistan and it can end up loosing Bengal if it antagonises Bangladesh. the guy has a youtube channel and uploads Bangladesh army videos.
sadly such great people were not deemed worthy enough to form a majority govt in United Pakistan !! :(
and propaganda brought you by "hukka hua" awami cheerleader team of Riyad, bongbong, dyalbaba ...

according to awami propaganda, Sultana kamal Chakraborty, Mujahedul Islam Selim, Anu Mohammad all are serving Pakistan. Pakistan has NOTING to do with rampal and when india is acting against Bangladesh, Bangladeshis will oppose to it that is natural. But it is indian action that put Bangladeshis in that position.

It is Pakistani forum and its moderators allow such fabricated propaganda against Pakistan, even after post reported. So you can complain but fact is, it Pakistani moderators who are acting against Pakistan more than anyone else.

Are you out of your mind?
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