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500 Wahabis Attack German Police, Injure 29 Officers

Hello...! I'm a Wahabi...its nearly 5:00 in the morning right now ! Do you think I should take out my to-do-list and mark which place to bomb, whose hands to chop off, who to give a lashing, which sect to declare Kafir and the other usual things that us extremists usually do ? Or do you think its a bit early ?
Oh, you have given me a brilliant idea!!!:woot:
Since I am a Wahabi, I am going to lash my students tomorrow!:victory: especially the one with the awful sock smell:devil:
In their blind rage and hatred the muslim radicals even molested their 'allies':

Germany: Muslims beat up Leftists… No, Really

by Ben Barrack on MAY 4, 2012 in BLOG, GENERAL
Perhaps the perfect microcosm to demonstrate the left-right-Islam dynamic. A right-wing / anti-Islamist movement in Germany gathered for a protest at which Muhammad cartoons would be displayed. Apparently, some Salafists became so enraged that they began beating the leftists.

Via Islam vs. Europe, h/t BNI:

Hundreds of assorted Muslims and far-left extremists turned up to harass and intimidate them. Two of these “antifascists” found themselves in the midst of a horde of Salafist Muslims, who promptly started beating them up with bits of wood. Even after they were lying helpless and passive on the ground, the Muslims kept laying into them. One was bad;y hurt in the head; the other in the arm. Both required hospital treatment.

Apparently it wasn’t a failure of recognition either. The Muslims knew that these were leftist anti-fascists who had come to protest against the “islamophobes”. They beat them up anyway.

Germany: Muslims beat up Leftists… No, Really | Walid Shoebat

Also confirmed by the leftists themselves:


this could be a false flag, you never know.
Me, longbrained, Aryan_B and some others were declared Kafirs/non muslims by blackeagle and some other Saudis.. What do you have to say about that? :rolleyes:

Aryan_B is my good friend so I'd fight others for him ! But if I had been called 'Wahabi....Wahabi' from day one, my country and ethnicity ridiculed incessantly, my believes made a mockery out of and me and my country having been tied to every ill in the Muslim World - I'd snap too ! And yeah...other sects haven't engaged in Takfir ? I've known enough Shi'ites and Ahmedis too know that we've got Takfiris in the truckloads in every sect ! But...no its as if we Wahabis have a monopoly over it !
Aryan_B is my good friend so I'd fight others for him ! But if I had been called 'Wahabi....Wahabi' from day one, my country and ethnicity ridiculed incessantly, my believes made a mockery out of and me and my country having been tied to every ill in the Muslim World - I'd snap too ! And yeah...other sects haven't engaged in Takfir ? I've known enough Shi'ites and Ahmedis too know that we've got Takfiris in the truckloads in every sect ! But...no its as if we Wahabis have a monopoly over it !

I'm sure there are "takfiris" in every sect. But you cannot deny it seems to be extremely prominent in the Arabian culture. They seem to assume others are "deviant Kafirs" if they are in slightest disagreement.

For one thing, I have never witnessed any Iranian in the forum calling Arabs Kafirs or using any "takfiri" term. But I have witnessed Arabians calling Iranians Kafirs, Shia dogs, fire worshippers and whatnot. You have to admit the hatred stems unilaterally from the Arabians.
Me, longbrained, Aryan_B and some others were declared Kafirs/non muslims by blackeagle and some other Saudis.. What do you have to say about that? :rolleyes:

Just quote the post where I called u Kafir! your sick lies and hypocracy always amazes me...
My grandfather told me not to even identify myself as a Wahabi. Just as a Muslim. Wahabism is just a concept to keep the religion pure. Anything beyond that has some sort of political agenda.

Did he go on and blow himself up in some bazar somewhere ? Do you have some serious scars from the lashings you received ? And yeah...you must have a right hand missing for that candy you stole from that girl you used to play with ?
this whole thing has to stop, where does it end? people who are instigating are laughing behind scenes

while the christian west & muslims suffer
Did he go on and blow himself up in some bazar somewhere ? Do you have some serious scars from the lashings you received ? And yeah...you must have a right hand missing for that candy you stole from that girl you used to play with ?

Funny story. My grandfather disliked Saudis very much for his own reasons. He was like "I'm glad I've done my hajj, and never have to go back there again".
I'm sure there are "takfiris" in every sect. But you cannot deny it seems to be extremely prominent in the Arabian culture. They seem to assume others are "deviant Kafirs" if they are in slightest disagreement.

For one thing, I have never witnessed any Iranian in the forum calling Arabs Kafirs or using any "takfiri" term. But I have witnessed Arabians calling Iranians Kafirs, Shia dogs, fire worshippers and whatnot.

Of course, claiming that alllll hadiths are false, and interpreting Quraan verses in a way that fits your twisted personal views as well as supporting Israeli occupation of Alaqsa, calling Muslims who defend themselves terrorists, calling the west, Israel and Russia to annihilate Arabs and Muslims are only and merely "slightest disagreement"
Well........................no wonder...:disagree:
Funny story. My grandfather disliked Saudis very much for his own reasons. He was like "I'm glad I've done my hajj, and never have to go back there again".

there is nothing wrong with saudis, or chinese or blacks or even japenese for that matter, what matters the most is can we trust them anymore?
...suicide doesn't bring anyone to heaven; and it isn't allowed under any conditions, even if one is paralysed for life and wants to commit assisted suicide. And it's certainly not Salafi (Sunni) ideology :lol:

You always hear that, yet plenty of suicide bombers in muslim countries....obviously something in their mindset encourages it.
Of course, claiming that alllll hadiths are false, and interpreting Quraan verses in a way that fits your twisted personal views as well as supporting Israeli occupation of Alaqsa, calling Muslims who defend themselves terrorists, calling the west, Israel and Russia to annihilate Arabs and Muslims are only and merely "slightest disagreement"
Well........................no wonder...:disagree:

you speak like a shill

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