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5 lakh for Muslim, 2 lakh for Christian family to switch to Hinduism: Dharm Jagran Manch details cos

Don't get me wrong. Every one should be allowed to chose his/her religion. Problem arises when certain organisations with bad reputation and link to your PM starts doing this entertainment. Mind you the poor are always the first to convert to any religion. But I still doubt their lives would change much. A poor HIndu is likely to die a poor so is a poor Muslim and Christian and so on.

The issue is that mate, all these conversion spree is not started by Hindus.. You should learn more about evangelical societies functions here in India, exploiting people's hunger and other needs to convert them to Christianity.. As a Christian, I can say it was not what Bible teach us to do.. Hindu organisations just copying it but making big noises compared to silent functions of Evangelical societies.. Here in India there is a myth that criticizing the ill doings of minority organisations will make you a communal.. So most of the people choose to be silent about it..
That was my first thought as well. With a few conversions and reconversions, I could become very rich. I'm willing to convert as many times as they'll offer money.
So have you changed your mind??? if not, we should go together.... what say???
Don't get me wrong. Every one should be allowed to chose his/her religion. Problem arises when certain organisations with bad reputation and link to your PM starts doing this entertainment. Mind you the poor are always the first to convert to any religion. But I still doubt their lives would change much. A poor HIndu is likely to die a poor so is a poor Muslim and Christian and so on.

its for those who always felt the pain, when others did the tactics on their owns. So someday it had to happen. Its a good or bad thing is not out of scope of the topic but its also related to nationalism for those who are doing it. The only control what we have on them (and the best one probably) is that it stops where it reaches the threshold of crossing any limit.
The issue is that mate, all these conversion spree is not started by Hindus.. You should learn more about evangelical societies functions here in India, exploiting people's hunger and other needs to convert them to Christianity.. As a Christian, I can say it was not what Bible teach us to do.. Hindu organisations just copying it but making big noises compared to silent functions of Evangelical societies.. Here in India there is a myth that criticizing the ill doings of minority organisations will make you a communal.. So most of the people choose to be silent about it..

I'm familiar with how foreign Christian organisation work in poorer countries. Not only that after Iraq invasion Christian missionaries flooded Iraq with translated Arabic Bibles. These people thrive on misery, violence and poverty of others. Pretty similar to how a certain violent Sect coming out of Arabia is spreading in the world where ever there is conflict, poverty or lack of governments.

I don't think we should blame the poor for converting to any religion. Feeding your children and yourself is the first priority.
I don't think we should blame the poor for converting to any religion. Feeding your children and yourself is the first priority.

Offcource, thats why I kind of support these kind of conversions with incentives.. If a religion cannot feed their people, they should have the right to choose another religion which can feed them.. This way, every religion and their leaders will spend more time in the welfare of the people rather than collecting money from them..
Again, they are making divisions...

2 types of pay scales for Muslims and Christians...
Oh boy. India heading down to Pakistan's path. Good luck for the future ahead.:tup:

There wasn't a hell of a lot difference between India and Pakistan to beginwith; according to PEW's Religion Restriction Index on the Countries with Very High Social Hostilities involving religion Pakistan was 1st, India was 2nd in 2011 and Pakistan was 1st and India was 4th in 2012. I wonder what 2013's stats would have in store for us because both India and Pakistan either have one up, one down or the same with respect to each other since '07 (when the Stats started); for example in '07 and '10 Pakistan was just as socially hostile than India, in '08 Pakistan was much less socially hostile while in '09, '11 and '12 Pakistan has been more socially hostile than India. Just check their site; they've got a neat graph available.

And this is when India is a rising power and most of the insurgencies have died down while Pakistan is faced with an insurgency centered solely around religious fanaticism; naturally thats going to have an effect.

We are, however, much more restrictive in terms of Governments restrictions on religion than India with ours being Very High while theirs being High.

Bottom line is we both don't treat our minorities any good and its almost sad to see either Indians or Pakistanis claiming that they are better than each other on that front when we're both in possession of an extremely unfortunate record.

Its a little like two people who flunked their exams claiming that one is better than the other because he still scored 45 out of 100 while his opponent scored only 35.
Conversion by force or inducement is a crime. If there is a prima facie case of threat or inducement to these 200 muslims, the govt. of UP should take cognizance of it and file an FIR and the rest should be left to courts. I have been hearing about people converting to Buddhism, Islam and Christianity, we see in newspapers people changing names after converting to another religion but the fuss is always created for political reasons. A conversion is a conversion and there is nothing like "ghar vapsi". Instead of wasting time of parliament, the govt. should investigate and not leave it to the media who will paint the issue more colourful to increase their TRPs.
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